People, Mailinglists And Mailinglist Archives

generated on Tue Feb 15 04:57:01 2000 GMT by [email protected]
ASHER     Aaron Sherman <[email protected]>
ABIGAIL   Abigail <[email protected]>
ABYPAUL   Aby Paul <[email protected]>
ACH       Achim Bohnet <[email protected]>
ASTEAM    ActiveState development team <[email protected]>
ASPIERS   Adam Spiers <[email protected]>
AMUGNOLO  Adrian Mugnolo <[email protected]>
AKIRA     Akira Hangai <[email protected]>
AQUMSIEH  Ala Qumsieh <[email protected]>
ABARCLAY  Alan Barclay <[email protected]>
ABURLISON Alan Burlison <[email protected]>
ALANC     Alan Champion <[email protected]>
ALANCITT  Alan Citterman <[email protected]>
AJACKSON  Alan K. Jackson <[email protected]>
AKSTE     Alan K. Stebbens <[email protected]>
ALSCH     Alan Scheinine <[email protected]>
ALANSZ    Alan Schwartz <[email protected]>
ACALPINI  Aldo Calpini <[email protected]>
AMEDINA   Alejandro Escalante Medina <[email protected]>
AZUL      Alejandro Forero Cuervo <[email protected]>
ALEXIOB   Alessandro Iob <[email protected]>
ADAVIES   Alex Davies <[email protected]>
FARBER    Alex Farber <[email protected]>
FOOCHRE   Alex McLean <[email protected]>
ALTITUDE  Alex Tang <[email protected]>
AOCINAR   Ali Onur Cinar <[email protected]>
ALISTAIRC Alistair Cunningham <[email protected]>
ALLENS    Allen Smith <[email protected]>
ADESC     Alligator Descartes <[email protected]>
AMAR      Amarendran R. Subramanian <[email protected]>
AKARGER   Amir Karger <[email protected]>
AMOSS     Amos Shapira <[email protected]>
ANATRA    Anand Natrajan <[email protected]>
AMERZKY   Andre Merzky <[email protected]>
ARVIEGAS  Andre Rodrigues Viegas <[email protected]>
ANDK      Andreas J. K�nig <[email protected]>
ARENSB    Andrew Arensburger <[email protected]>
ALLEN     Andrew D. Allen <[email protected]>
AEPAGE    Andrew E Page <[email protected]>
ANDREWF   Andrew Ford <[email protected]>
ANDYGROM  Andrew Gromozdin <[email protected]>
BROMAGE   Andrew J. Bromage <[email protected]>
AJOHNSON  Andrew L Johnson <[email protected]>
AGIERTH   Andrew P. J. Gierth <[email protected]>
ASHERROD  Andrew Sherrod <[email protected]>
AMW       Andrew Wilcox <[email protected]>
ANDYD     Andy Dougherty <[email protected]>
ANDYDUNC  Andy Duncan <[email protected]>
KAHUNA    Andy Finkenstadt <[email protected]>
ANDYGLEW  Andy Glew <[email protected]>
ABW       Andy Wardley <[email protected]>
ANH       Anh Nguyen-Tuong <[email protected]>
BARBACHAN Anthony Barbachan <[email protected]>
AFRYER    Anthony Fryer <[email protected]>
ARIF      Anthony Iano-Fletcher <[email protected]>
ANTRO     Antonio Rosella <[email protected]>
ADDI      Arnar Mar Hrafnkelsson <[email protected]>
ARNDT     Arndt Sch�newald <[email protected]>
ACHOUNG   Arthur Choung <[email protected]>
CORLISS   Arthur Corliss <[email protected]>
ASANDSTRM Arved H Sandstrom <[email protected]>
RANA      Arvind Ransaria <[email protected]>
ARYEH     Aryeh Goldsmith <[email protected]>
AGUL      Ashish Gulhati <[email protected]>
AWIN      Ashley Winters <[email protected]>
ABH       Ask Bj�rn Hansen <[email protected]>
AUSCHUTZ  Austin Schutz <[email protected]>
AWRIGLEY  Ave Wrigley <[email protected]>
AVIF      Avi Finkel <[email protected]>
BINKLEY   B. K. Oxley (binkley) <[email protected]>
RBS       Barrie Slaymaker <[email protected]>
BARTS     Bart Schuller <[email protected]>
BASKAR    Baskar S <[email protected]>
BRTEAM    Batchrun Team <[email protected]>
FIJI      Ben Bennett <[email protected]>
OLORYN    Ben Coleman <[email protected]>
BENLI     Ben Lindstrom <[email protected]>
BENPAVON  Ben Pavon <[email protected]>
ELIJAH    Benjamin Elijah Griffin <[email protected]>
SNOWHARE  Benjamin Franz <[email protected]>
BHOLZMAN  Benjamin Holzman <[email protected]>
BENL      Benjamin Low <[email protected]>
BPANNIER  Benjamin Pannier <[email protected]>
BRG       Benjamin R. Ginter <[email protected]>
BSUGARS   Benjamin Sugars <[email protected]>
BWEILER   Bernard Weiler <[email protected]>
BCOSELL   Bernie Cosell <[email protected]>
BERRY     Berry Batist <[email protected]>
BEWEGEN   Bertram Wegener <[email protected]>
BIJUA     Biju A <[email protected]>
BBIRTH    Bill Birthisel <[email protected]>
BBUM      Bill Bumgarner <[email protected]>
SNEEX     Bill Jones <[email protected]>
BPETH     Bill Petheram <[email protected]>
BZAJAC    Blair Zajac <[email protected]>
BOADLER   Bo Adler <[email protected]>
DALGL     Bob Dalgleish <[email protected]>
BOBN      Bob Niederman <[email protected]>
BOBSIDE   Bob Sidebotham <[email protected]>
BLANTREWI Boris Lantrewitz <[email protected]>
BRADAPP   Brad Appleton <[email protected]>
BHUGHES   Brad Hughes <[email protected]>
BSTURNER  Brad Turner <[email protected]>
BKUHN     Bradley M. Kuhn <[email protected]>
BPOWERS   Brent B. Powers <[email protected]>
BDFOY     brian d foy <[email protected]>
ASPIDER   Brian Dellert <[email protected]>
BRIAN     Brian H. Dunford-Shore <[email protected]>
BJEPS     Brian Jepson <[email protected]>
BRIANL    Brian Lalonde <[email protected]>
BMEEKINGS Brian Meekings <[email protected]>
IX        Brian Moseley <[email protected]>
BRIANNG   Brian Ng <[email protected]>
BRIANSP   Brian W. Spolarich <[email protected]>
BROCSEIB  Broc Seib <[email protected]>
BGINGERY  Bruce Gingery <[email protected]>
BRUCEK    Bruce Keeler <[email protected]>
BMORGAN   Bruce Morgan <[email protected]>
BRUNO     Bruno Connelly <[email protected]>
BBACKER   Bryan Backer <[email protected]>
BURL      Burl Nyswonger <[email protected]>
ZENIN     Byron Brummer <[email protected]>
CALEB     Caleb Crome <[email protected]>
CDYBED    Calle Dybedahl <[email protected]>
CKAISER   Cameron Kaiser <[email protected]>
CEVANS    Carey Evans <[email protected]>
CARLADLER Carl Adler <[email protected]>
CARL      Carl Declerck <[email protected]>
CWEVERITT Cass W. Everitt <[email protected]>
CHOGAN    Chad Hogan <[email protected]>
CHANG-LIU Chang Liu <[email protected]>
CBAIL     Charles Bailey <[email protected]>
CCWF      Charles C. Fu <[email protected]>
CHSTROSS  Charlie Stross <[email protected]>
CHIPS     Chip Salzenberg <[email protected]>
CHIPT     Chip Turner <[email protected]>
CHDAG     Chris Dagdigian <[email protected]>
CDAWSON   Chris Dawson <[email protected]>
CTDEAN    Chris Dean <[email protected]>
CXL       Chris Leach <[email protected]>
CMASON    Chris Mason <[email protected]>
CNANDOR   Chris Nandor <[email protected]>
CPHIL     Chris Phillips <[email protected]>
CHTHORMAN Chris Thorman <[email protected]>
CHGOETZE  Christian Goetze <[email protected]>
CHGEUER   Christian H. Geuer-Pollmann <[email protected]>
DELTA     Christian Lackas <[email protected]>
CLEMBURG  Christian Lemburg <[email protected]>
PEARCEC   Christian Pearce <[email protected]>
CHRISCHU  Christian Schultze <[email protected]>
CHTTRAX   Christoph T. Traxler <[email protected]>
CHRWOLF   Christophe Wolfhugel <[email protected]>
CJM       Christopher J. Madsen <[email protected]>
CHRMASTO  Christopher Masto <[email protected]>
CHOUPT    Chuck Houpt <[email protected]>
KENSHAN   Chung-chieh Shan <[email protected]>
COOPERCL  Clark Cooper <[email protected]>
CDONLEY   Clayton Donley <[email protected]>
CAADAMS   Clifford A. Adams <[email protected]>
CLWOLFE   Clinton Wolfe <[email protected]>
CLINTDW   Clinton Wong <[email protected]>
CHOWARTH  Colin Howarth <[email protected]>
COLINK    Colin Kuskie <[email protected]>
CFRETER   Craig Freter <[email protected]>
BELCHAM   Craig R. Belcham <[email protected]>
SPANNRING Craig Spannring <[email protected]>
DALEAMON  Dale Amon <[email protected]>
DCONWAY   Damian Conway <[email protected]>
DKWILSON  Damion K. Wilson <[email protected]>
DANB      Dan B <[email protected]>
DBRIAN    Dan Brian <[email protected]>
BLCKSMTH  Dan Campbell <[email protected]>
DANKOGAI  Dan Kogai <[email protected]>
DLINCOLN  Dan Lincoln <[email protected]>
DFAN      Dan Schmidt <[email protected]>
DSUGAL    Dan Sugalski <[email protected]>
DURIST    Dan Urist <[email protected]>
DHUDES    Dana Hudes <[email protected]>
DGRIS     Daniel Grisinger <[email protected]>
HAG       Daniel Hagerty <[email protected]>
DKOCH     Daniel Koch <[email protected]>
DKUEBLER  Daniel Kuebler <[email protected]>
PHOTO     Daniel M. Lipton <[email protected]>
DANMQ     Daniel M. Quinlan <[email protected]>
DMACKS    Daniel Macks <[email protected]>
PFEIFFER  Daniel Pfeiffer <[email protected]>
DANIEL    Daniel Sully <[email protected]>
DVKLEIN   Daniel V. Klein <[email protected]>
DYACOB    Daniel Yacob <[email protected]>
DSADINOFF Danny Sadinoff <[email protected]>
DSTALDER  Darren Stalder <[email protected]>
DMO       Darryl Okahata <[email protected]>
DBEAZLEY  Dave Beazley <[email protected]>
DJBECKETT Dave Beckett <[email protected]>
DCARRIGAN Dave Carrigan <[email protected]>
DNAD      Dave Nadler <[email protected]>
DPARIS    Dave Paris <[email protected]>
DROBERTS  Dave Roberts <[email protected]>
PGRIMES   Dave Rolsky <[email protected]>
DROLSKY   Dave Rolsky <[email protected]>
DAVEROTH  Dave Roth <[email protected]>
DBONNER   David Bonner <[email protected]>
DSB       David Boyce <[email protected]>
WORENKD   David C. Worenklein <[email protected]>
DCOPPIT   David Coppit <[email protected]>
DHARRIS   David Harris <[email protected]>
DJKERNEN  David J. Kernen <[email protected]>
SPLICE    David James <[email protected]>
DTOWN     David M. Town <[email protected]>
MEDINED   David Medinets <[email protected]>
DMEGG     David Megginson <[email protected]>
MUIR      David Muir Sharnoff <[email protected]>
DAVIDNICO David Nicol <[email protected]>
DAVIDRA   David Ranvig <[email protected]>
DWINTERS  David Winters <[email protected]>
SHARI     Davide Migliavacca <[email protected]>
DBMAKER   dbmaker <[email protected]>
DEANH     Dean Hudson <[email protected]>
DMR       Dean Roehrich <[email protected]>
DEP       Demetrios E. Paneras <[email protected]>
FIMM      Dennis Taylor <[email protected]>
DENWA     Dennis Watson <[email protected]>
DLANE     Derek Lane <[email protected]>
DMUSGR    Dermot Musgrove <[email protected]>
DEVEN     Deven T. Corzine <[email protected]>
DCARRAWAY Devin Carraway <[email protected]>
DEVONJ    Devon Jones <[email protected]>
DCLINTON  DeWitt Clinton <[email protected]>
DSOUFLIS  Dimitrios Souflis <[email protected]>
DIONALM   Dion Almaer <[email protected]>
TOSTI     Dirk Tostmann <[email protected]>
DJPADZ    Dj Padzensky <[email protected]>
DMOW      Dmitry Ovsyanko <[email protected]>
DIMRUB    Dmitry Rubinstein <[email protected]>
DOMO      Dominic Dunlop <[email protected]>
DDUMONT   Dominique Dumont <[email protected]>
DONS      Don Schwarz <[email protected]>
DSHEPP    Doug "Sirilyan" Sheppard <[email protected]>
DOUGB     Doug Bagley <[email protected]>
BLABES    Doug Bloebaum <[email protected]>
DBRESH    Doug Breshears <[email protected]>
DOUGM     Doug MacEachern <[email protected]>
MUNSINGER Doug Munsinger <[email protected]>
DEWEG     Douglas E. Wegscheid <[email protected]>
DHUNT     Douglas Hunt <[email protected]>
REITMEIE  Douglas J. Reitmeier <[email protected]>
DOUGL     Douglas Lankshear <[email protected]>
DOUGW     Douglas Wilson <[email protected]>
EHOOD     Earl Hood <[email protected]>
EBARLOW   ED BARLOW <[email protected]>
CALLAHAN  Ed Callahan <[email protected]>
ESUMMERS  Ed Summers <[email protected]>
MERGL     Edmund Mergl <[email protected]>
EDLIU     Edward Liu <[email protected]>
EWALKER   Edward Walker <[email protected]>
EDPRATOMO Edwin Pratomo <[email protected]>
HFB       Elaine M. Ashton <[email protected]>
ELMAR     Elmar Schalueck <[email protected]>
ENNO      Enno Derksen <[email protected]>
ERICA     Eric Arnold <[email protected]>
BARTLEY   Eric Bartley <[email protected]>
BOESCH    Eric Boesch <[email protected]>
EBOHLMAN  Eric Bohlman <[email protected]>
EBUSBOOM  Eric Busboom <[email protected]>
CHOLET    Eric Cholet <[email protected]>
EESTABROO Eric Estabrooks <[email protected]>
FIXLER    Eric Fixler <[email protected]>
ENEGAARD  Eric Negaard <[email protected]>
ESR       Eric S. Raymond <[email protected]>
EAYNG     Eric Young <[email protected]>
RANT      Erik E. Rantapaa <[email protected]>
SOMMAR    Erland Sommarskog <[email protected]>
ERNGUI    Ernesto Guisado <[email protected]>
ERYQ      Eryq <[email protected]>
EGROSS    Etienne Grossmann <[email protected]>
EVANPRO   Evangelo Prodromou <[email protected]>
BIRNEY    Ewan Birney <[email protected]>
FTASSIN   Fabien Tassin <[email protected]>
FPIVARI   Fabrizio Pivari <[email protected]>
FAISAL    Faisal Nasim <[email protected]>
FSG       Felix Sebastian Gallo <[email protected]>
FLEITNER  Felix von Leitner <[email protected]>
TRIAS     Fernando Trias <[email protected]>
FKOLODNY  Fila Kolodny <[email protected]>
FIRASZ    Firas Zureiqat <[email protected]>
FRANKIE   Francesc Guasch <[email protected]>
FPAS      Francesco Pasqualini <[email protected]>
FRAJULAC  Francis J. Lacoste <[email protected]>
FRANCOC   Franco Callari <[email protected]>
FDESAR    Francois Desarmenien <[email protected]>
FHOLTRY   Frank Holtry <[email protected]>
FIS       Frank Ian Smith <[email protected]>
FTOBIN    Frank J. Tobin <[email protected]>
FMC       Frederic Chauveau <[email protected]>
FJH       Frederick Hirsch <[email protected]>
FRAMM     Frederik Ramm <[email protected]>
GABOR     G�bor Egressy <[email protected]>
GDR       Gareth D. Rees <[email protected]>
GDAMORE   Garrett D'Amore <[email protected]>
GARY      Gary Howland <[email protected]>
GSPIVEY   Gary Spivey <[email protected]>
AZEMGI    Gawdi Azem <[email protected]>
JOSTEN    Geert Josten <[email protected]>
GSPAF     Gene Spafford <[email protected]>
GENJISCH  Genji Schmeder <[email protected]>
VIZDOM    Gennis Emerson <[email protected]>
GJB       Geoffrey Broadwell <[email protected]>
GHUTCHIS  Geoffrey Hutchison <[email protected]>
GROMMEL   Geoffrey Rommel <[email protected]>
GBAUER    Georg Bauer <[email protected]>
GWELCH    Gerad Welch <[email protected]>
GRICHTER  Gerald Richter <[email protected]>
GEHIC     Gerard Hickey <[email protected]>
GKNOPS    Gerd Knops <[email protected]>
GGONTER   Gerhard Gonter <[email protected]>
GAAS      Gisle Aas <[email protected]>
GMLEWIS   Glenn M. Lewis <[email protected]>
GLENNWOOD Glenn Wood <[email protected]>
GOSSAMER  Gossamer <[email protected]>
GBARR     Graham Barr <[email protected]>
GRANTM    Grant McLean <[email protected]>
GHOARE    Graydon Hoare <[email protected]>
GAND      Greg Anderson <[email protected]>
GBACON    Greg Bacon <[email protected]>
GBOSS     Greg Bossert <[email protected]>
GCOULOMB  Greg Coulombe <[email protected]>
GREGFAST  Greg Fast <[email protected]>
GSLONDON  Greg London <[email protected]>
GMCCAR    Greg McCarroll <[email protected]>
GWARD     Greg Ward <[email protected]>
GWILLIAMS Greg Williams <[email protected]>
GREGG     Gregg Helt <[email protected]>
STIGMATA  Gregor Mosheh <[email protected]>
GREGOR    Gregor N. Purdy <[email protected]>
GFLOHR    Guido Flohr <[email protected]>
GSAR      Gurusamy Sarathy <[email protected]>
GKE       Gustav Kristoffer Ek <[email protected]>
SCHAFFTER Gustav Schaffter <[email protected]>
GHALSE    Guy Antony Halse <[email protected]>
GUYDX     Guy Decoux <[email protected]>
GTHYNI    G�ran Thyni <[email protected]>
HMBRAND   H. Merijn Brand <[email protected]>
HTCHAPMAN H. Todd Chapman <[email protected]>
MACGYVER  Habeeb J. Dihu <[email protected]>
HAKANARDO Hakan Ardo <[email protected]>
HALPOM    Hal Pomeranz <[email protected]>
HMUELLER  Hanno Mueller <[email protected]>
HAKESTLER Hans A. Kestler <[email protected]>
JJDG      Hans de Graaff <[email protected]>
HJHELGE   Hans Jorgen Helgesen <[email protected]>
HLHAMILT  Harlin L. Hamilton Jr. <[email protected]>
HPALM     Hartmut Palm <[email protected]>
HASANT    Hasanuddin Tamir <[email protected]>
HMNIELSEN Henning Michael M�ller-Nielsen <[email protected]>
HENRIK    Henrik Strom <[email protected]>
HTOUG     Henrik Tougaard <[email protected]>
LAXEN     Henry Laxen <[email protected]>
HAYASHI   Hiroo HAYASHI <[email protected]>
HOWEN     Howard Owen <[email protected]>
HVDS      Hugo van der Sanden <[email protected]>
TERDOEST  Hugo WL ter Doest <[email protected]>
IANC      Ian Clatworthy <[email protected]>
IFLAN     Ian Flanigan <[email protected]>
IGUTHRIE  Ian Guthrie <[email protected]>
IKLUFT    Ian Kluft <[email protected]>
IANPX     Ian Phillipps <[email protected]>
IROBERTS  Ian Robertson <[email protected]>
ILIAL     Ilia Lobsanov <[email protected]>
IKETRIS   Ilya Ketris <[email protected]>
XFIRE     Ilya Obshadko <[email protected]>
ILYAZ     Ilya Zakharevich <[email protected]>
INGOMACH  Ingo Macherius <[email protected]>
IWOODHEAD Ira Joseph Woodhead <[email protected]>
IVAN      Ivan Kohler <[email protected]>
DLOWE     J. David Lowe <[email protected]>
JMAHAN    J. Michael Mahan <[email protected]>
JACKS     Jack Shirazi <[email protected]>
JAKE      Jake Donham <[email protected]>
JMUSSE    Jama Musse Jama <[email protected]>
JDUNCAN   James A Duncan <[email protected]>
JBRIGGS   James Briggs <[email protected]>
JFITZ     James FitzGibbon <[email protected]>
JFURNESS  James Furness <[email protected]>
JSMITH    James G Smith <[email protected]>
JWOODYATT james h. woodyatt <[email protected]>
HARLEY    James Harley Gorrell <[email protected]>
CARPENTER James Lee Carpenter <[email protected]>
JTILLMAN  James Tillman <[email protected]>
JAMES     James Tolley <[email protected]>
TRUESDALE James Truesdale <[email protected]>
JTURNER   James Turner <[email protected]>
JAMCC     Jamie McCarthy <[email protected]>
YENYA     Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <[email protected]>
JDB       Jan Dubois <[email protected]>
JAIV      Jan Iven <[email protected]>
JENDA     Jan Krynicky <[email protected]>
JANPAZ    Jan Pazdziora <[email protected]>
JPC       Jan-Pieter Cornet <[email protected]>
JARIAALTO Jari Aalto <[email protected]>
JHI       Jarkko Hietaniemi <[email protected]>
JBODNAR   Jason Bodnar <[email protected]>
JCOSTOM   Jason Costomiris <[email protected]>
JASONS    Jason E. Stewart <[email protected]>
JKAST     Jason Kastner <[email protected]>
JASONK    Jason Kohles <[email protected]>
JMOORE    Jason Moore <[email protected]>
JRENNIE   Jason Rennie <[email protected]>
TIBBS     Jason Tibbitts <[email protected]>
JROGERS   Jay Rogers <[email protected]>
JCTEBBAL  Jean-Claude Tebbal <[email protected]>
JLLEROY   Jean-Louis Leroy <[email protected]>
JGOFF     Jeff Goff <[email protected]>
JHORWITZ  Jeff Horwitz <[email protected]>
JLATHAN   Jeff Lathan <[email protected]>
JCMURPHY  Jeff Murphy <[email protected]>
JNORUSIS  Jeff Norusis <[email protected]>
OKAMOTO   Jeff Okamoto <[email protected]>
PINYAN    Jeff Pinyan <[email protected]>
JROWE     Jeff Rowe <[email protected]>
JURL      Jeff Urlwin <[email protected]>
JBAKER    Jeffrey Baker <[email protected]>
JFRIEDL   Jeffrey Friedl <[email protected]>
JEFFH     Jeffrey Hulten <[email protected]>
JKEGL     Jeffrey Kegler <[email protected]>
JEREMIE   Jeremie Miller <[email protected]>
JZAWODNY  Jeremy D. Zawodny <[email protected]>
JGBISHOP  Jeremy G. Bishop <[email protected]>
JGILB     Jeremy Gilbert <[email protected]>
WADG      Jeremy Wadsack <[email protected]>
JVB       Jerome V. Braun <[email protected]>
JLEVAN    Jerry LeVan <[email protected]>
JGLICK    Jesse N. Glick <[email protected]>
JESSICAQ  Jessica Quaintance <[email protected]>
JEDWARDS  Jim Edwards <[email protected]>
JGARRISON Jim Garrison <[email protected]>
JPRAVETZ  Jim Pravetz <[email protected]>
JSMYSER   Jim Smyser <[email protected]>
JIMT      Jim Thomason <[email protected]>
TROCKIJ   Jim Trocki <[email protected]>
WOODY     Jim Woodgate <[email protected]>
JPAF      Joao Fonseca <[email protected]>
JSTENZEL  Jochen Stenzel <[email protected]>
JWIED     Jochen Wiedmann <[email protected]>
JOCASA    Joe Casadonte <[email protected]>
JOEHIL    Joe Hildebrand <[email protected]>
ROOTLEVEL Joe Lauer <[email protected]>
GSM       Joe Marzot <[email protected]>
JSLAGEL   Joe Slagel <[email protected]>
JLBEC     Joel Becker <[email protected]>
JMURPHY   Joel Murphy <[email protected]>
JNOBLE    Joel Noble <[email protected]>
JRED      Joern Reder <[email protected]>
SCHOEN    Johan Sch�n <[email protected]>
JV        Johan Vromans <[email protected]>
JARW      John A.R. Williams <[email protected]>
JADAMS    John Adams <[email protected]>
JHA       John Aughey <[email protected]>
JCRISTY   John Cristy <[email protected]>
JGROENVEL John D Groenveld <[email protected]>
JDPORTER  John D. Porter <[email protected]>
JDALLMAN  John Dallman <[email protected]>
JEV       John Erjavec V <[email protected]>
JGAMBLE   John Gamble <[email protected]>
JHKIM     John Hanju Kim <[email protected]>
JOHNH     John Heidemann <[email protected]>
JKODIS    John Kodis <[email protected]>
JLAPEYRE  John Lapeyre <[email protected]>
JMV       John M Vinopal <[email protected]>
KRISTIAN  John M. Kristian <[email protected]>
GARROW    John M. Redford <[email protected]>
JMM       John Macdonald <[email protected]>
JMCNAMARA John McNamara <[email protected]>
JNEYSTADT John Neystadt <[email protected]>
JNOLAN    John Nolan <[email protected]>
JPEACOCK  John Peacock <[email protected]>
JSIRACUSA John Siracusa <[email protected]>
SMIRNIOS  John Smirnios <[email protected]>
JSTOF     John Stoffel <[email protected]>
JTOBEY    John Tobey <[email protected]>
JVENIER   John Venier <[email protected]>
JWAT      John Watson <[email protected]>
JWIEGLEY  John Wiegley <[email protected]>
TYPO      Johnny Lee <[email protected]>
JONJAY    Jon Brandon <[email protected]>
JHOWELL   Jon Howell <[email protected]>
JONO      Jon Orwant <[email protected]>
JPETERSON Jon Peterson <[email protected]>
JONAS     Jonas Liljegren <[email protected]>
EISEN     Jonathan Eisenzopf <[email protected]>
JOHNL     Jonathan Leffler <[email protected]>
JSWARTZ   Jonathan Swartz <[email protected]>
JONG      Jong Park <[email protected]>
COLEMAN   Jordan Coleman <[email protected]>
JOSERODR  Jose A. Rodriguez <[email protected]>
JJOAO     Jose Joao Dias de Almeida <[email protected]>
JHPB      Joseph H. Buehler <[email protected]>
JEGAN     Joseph J. Egan <[email protected]>
JNH       Joseph N. Hall <[email protected]>
JOSH      Josh Wilmes <[email protected]>
CHAMAS    Joshua Chamas <[email protected]>
JCO       Joshua Colvin <[email protected]>
JPRIT     Joshua N. Pritikin <[email protected]>
JCHRIS    Juergen Christoffel <[email protected]>
AYRNIEU   julian fondren <[email protected]>
JMASON    Justin Mason <[email protected]>
KAELIN    Kaelin Colclasure <[email protected]>
KAIH      Kai Henningsen <[email protected]>
KFOGEL    Karl Fogel <[email protected]>
KGB       Karl Glazebrook <[email protected]>
KARLON    Karlon West <[email protected]>
KBROWN    Keith Brown <[email protected]>
KBARBER   Ken Barber <[email protected]>
KENFOX    Ken Fox <[email protected]>
HAGANK    Ken Hagan <[email protected]>
KENMACF   Ken MacFarlane <[email protected]>
KMACLEOD  Ken MacLeod <[email protected]>
KWILLIAMS Ken Williams <[email protected]>
KJALB     Kenneth Albanowski <[email protected]>
KENHOLM   Kenneth Alexander Holm III <[email protected]>
KTHOMAS   Kenny Thomas <[email protected]>
KEVINA    Kevin Atkinson <[email protected]>
KJOHNSON  Kevin Johnson <[email protected]>
LENZO     Kevin Lenzo <[email protected]>
CLUNIS    Kevin McGowan <[email protected]>
KMELTZ    Kevin Meltzer <[email protected]>
KIMRYAN   Kim Ryan <[email protected]>
SKUD      Kirrily 'Skud' Robert <[email protected]>
KRISHPL   Krishna Shamu Sethuraman <[email protected]>
KTORP     Kristian Torp <[email protected]>
KSTAR     Kurt D. Starsinic <[email protected]>
KDOWNEY   Kyle Downey <[email protected]>
KRBURTON  Kyle R. Burton <[email protected]>
LWALL     Larry Wall. Author of Perl. Busy man. <[email protected]>
LTHEGLER  Lars Thegler <[email protected]>
LMOLNAR   Laszlo Molnar <[email protected]>
LEAKIN    Lee Eakin <[email protected]>
LMJM      Lee McLoughlin <[email protected]>
LEIFHED   Leif Hedstrom <[email protected]>
LBORGMAN  Lennart Borgman <[email protected]>
LSTAF     Lennart Staflin <[email protected]>
LEON      Leon Avery <[email protected]>
LBROCARD  Leon Brocard <[email protected]>
LHOWARD   Les Howard <[email protected]>
HIGHTOWE  Lester Hightower <[email protected]>
LDS       Lincoln D. Stein <[email protected]>
LIRAZ     Liraz Siri <[email protected]>
LDACHARY  Loic Dachary <[email protected]>
LFINI     Luca Fini <[email protected]>
LUISMUNOZ Luis Munoz <[email protected]>
YLU       Luke Y. Lu <[email protected]>
LUPE      Lupe Christoph <[email protected]>
LUTHERH   Luther Huffman <[email protected]>
MICB      Malcolm Beattie <[email protected]>
MDEWJONES Malcolm Dew-Jones <[email protected]>
MGH       Marc Hedlund <[email protected]>
MARCLANG  Marc Langheinrich <[email protected]>
MLEHMANN  Marc Lehmann <[email protected]>
MARCP     Marc Paquette <[email protected]>
MENGEL    Marc W. Mengel <[email protected]>
MARCIN    Marcin Kolbuszewski <[email protected]>
MMORENO   Marco Moreno <[email protected]>
MHARNISCH Marcus Harnisch <[email protected]>
MAHEX     Mark "Hex" Hershberger <[email protected]>
MDOWNING  Mark A. Downing <[email protected]>
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MARKC     Mark Constable <[email protected]>
MJHEWITT  Mark J Hewitt <[email protected]>
MARKM     Mark Mielke <[email protected]>
MARKOV    Mark Overmeer <[email protected]>
PEASE     Mark Pease <[email protected]>
MARKPRIOR Mark Prior <[email protected]>
MRKAE     Mark R. Kaehny <[email protected]>
MROGASKI  Mark Rogaski <[email protected]>
MSOLOMON  Mark Solomon <[email protected]>
MSTEELE   Mark Steele <[email protected]>
SUMMER    Mark Summerfield <[email protected]>
MTIRAMANI Mark Tiramani <[email protected]>
MJD       Mark-Jason Dominus <[email protected]>
ASPA      Marko Asplund <[email protected]>
MFX       Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer <[email protected]>
MVERB     Martien Verbruggen <[email protected]>
MAK       Martijn Koster <[email protected]>
MARTINB   Martin Bartlett <[email protected]>
MBRECH    Martin Brech <[email protected]>
MHAMILTON Martin Hamilton <[email protected]>
MHOSKEN   Martin Hosken <[email protected]>
MRJC      Martin R.J. Cleaver <[email protected]>
MSCHWARTZ Martin Schwartz <[email protected]>
MTHURN    Martin Thurn <[email protected]>
MVORL     Martin Vorlaender <[email protected]>
FLUFFY    Martyn J. Pearce <[email protected]>
MPECK     Martyn Peck <[email protected]>
MADWOLF   Massimiliano Pala <[email protected]>
MGRABNAR  Matija Grabnar <[email protected]>
MDIMEO    Matt DiMeo <[email protected]>
MHEMPEL   Matt Hempel <[email protected]>
MKRUSE    Matt Kruse <[email protected]>
MSERGEANT Matt Sergeant <[email protected]>
MSISK     Matt Sisk <[email protected]>
MATTBM    Matthew Byng-Maddick <[email protected]>
MDARWIN   Matthew Darwin <[email protected]>
MRG       Matthew Green <[email protected]>
MLEWINSK  Matthew Lewinski <[email protected]>
MATTW     Matthew M. Wright <[email protected]>
MATTMK    Matthew MacKenzie <[email protected]>
MPOCOCK   Matthew Pocock <[email protected]>
EVO       Matthew Simon Ryan Cavalletto <[email protected]>
NEERI     Matthias Ulrich Neeracher <[email protected]>
MATKIN    Matz Kindahl <[email protected]>
MAURICE   Maurice Aubrey <[email protected]>
MKOSSATZ  Max Kossatz <[email protected]>
MAXM      Max Muzi <[email protected]>
MENGWONG  meng weng wong <[email protected]>
MERLIN    Merlin Hughes <[email protected]>
MICHAELD  Michael D. Dowling <[email protected]>
MIKEDLR   Michael De La Rue <[email protected]>
EDMONSON  Michael Edmonson <[email protected]>
MFUHR     Michael Fuhr <[email protected]>
MSCHWERN  Michael G Schwern <[email protected]>
MHALLGREN Michael Hallgren <[email protected]>
MIJIT     michael j. talarczyk <[email protected]>
MIKEKING  Michael King <[email protected]>
KRAEHE    Michael Koehne <[email protected]>
MKUL      Michael Kulakov <[email protected]>
MSULLIVAN Michael P. Sullivan <[email protected]>
PARKER    Michael Parker <[email protected]>
MEWP      Michael Peppler <[email protected]>
MPIOTR    Michael Piotrowski <[email protected]>
MSCHILLI  Michael Schilli <[email protected]>
MSHLD     Michael Shields <[email protected]>
MJS       Michael Smith <[email protected]>
WITTHAUT  Michael Witthaut <michael@[email protected]>
MHYOUNG   Michael Young <[email protected]>
MJAEG     Michal Jaegermann <[email protected]>
SABREN    Michal Wallace <[email protected]>
MIROD     Michel Rodriguez <[email protected]>
MARMS     Mike Arms <[email protected]>
MIKEC     Mike Carpenter <[email protected]>
FLETCH    Mike Fletcher <[email protected]>
MGAMMON   Mike Gammon <[email protected]>
GLOVER    Mike Glover <[email protected]>
MIKEH     Mike Heins <[email protected]>
MHM       Mike Moran <[email protected]>
MSHOYHER  Mike Shoyher <[email protected]>
MIKESTOK  Mike Stok <[email protected]>
MILSO     Milan Sorm <[email protected]>
MIVKOVIC  Milivoj Ivkovic <[email protected]>
RMITZ     Monte Mitzelfelt <[email protected]>
MSCROGGIN Monty Scroggins <[email protected]>
MORTY     Mordechai Abzug <[email protected]>
SPIDERBOY N. Hao Ching <[email protected]>
NANDU     Nandu Shah <[email protected]>
NNEUL     Nathan Neulinger <[email protected]>
GNAT      Nathan Torkington <[email protected]>
NVPAT     Nathan V. Patwardhan <[email protected]>
NEILB     Neil Bowers <[email protected]>
NJENSEN   Neil Jensen <[email protected]>
NWINT     Neil Winton <[email protected]>
NEMWS     Nem W Schlecht <[email protected]>
NWCLARK   Nicholas Clark <[email protected]>
NJLEON    Nicholas J. Leon <[email protected]>
NICO      Nick Gianniotis <[email protected]>
NI-S      Nick Ing-Simmons <[email protected]>
NPESKETT  Nick Peskett <[email protected]>
JANL      Nicolai Langfeldt <[email protected]>
NMONNET   Nicolas Monnet <[email protected]>
NTHIERY   Nicolas Thi�ry <[email protected]>
NIGELM    Nigel Metheringham <[email protected]>
NWRIGHT   Nigel Wright <[email protected]>
NIKIP     Nikolay Pelov <[email protected]>
NREICHEN  Nils Reichen <[email protected]>
NISHANT   Nishant Kakani <[email protected]>
KNOK      NOKUBI Takatsugu <[email protected]>
NOG       Norbert Gruener <[email protected]>
NWALSH    Norman Walsh <[email protected]>
OEVANS    O'Shaughnessy Evans <[email protected]>
OMKELLOGG Oliver M. Kellogg <[email protected]>
OLIBOU    Olivier Bouteille <[email protected]>
ORENBK    Oren Ben-Kiki <[email protected]>
OTISG     Otis Gospodnetic <[email protected]>
OCROW     Owen Crow <[email protected]>
OTAYLOR   Owen Taylor <[email protected]>
OZAWA     OZAWA Sakuro <[email protected]>
PMAGNUS   P.D. Magnus <[email protected]>
PATM      Pat Martin <[email protected]>
PMKANE    Patrick Michael Kane <[email protected]>
PRYAN     Patrick Ryan <[email protected]>
PBRYANT   Patrick W. Bryant <[email protected]>
PHENSON   Paul B. Henson <[email protected]>
PFRANCEUS Paul Franceus <[email protected]>
PAULG     Paul Gampe <[email protected]>
PJCJ      Paul Johnson <[email protected]>
ICKHABOD  Paul Johnston <[email protected]>
LINDNER   Paul Lindner <[email protected]>
PMQS      Paul Marquess <[email protected]>
PMOORE    Paul Moore <[email protected]>
SCHINDER  Paul Schinder <[email protected]>
PSHARPE   Paul Sharpe <[email protected]>
PEDERST   Peder Stray <[email protected]>
LEITE     Pedro Leite <[email protected]>
PJORDAN   Pete Jordan <[email protected]>
PETEK     Pete Krawczyk <[email protected]>
PRATZLAFF Pete Ratzlaff <[email protected]>
NINJAZ    Peter Clark <[email protected]>
PGMART    Peter G. Martin <[email protected]>
PETERGAL  Peter Gallasch <[email protected]>
CASTLE    Peter Goode/Castle Links Ltd <[email protected]>
PMH       Peter Haworth <[email protected]>
PJONES    Peter J Jones <[email protected]>
PKUTS     Peter Kutschera <[email protected]>
PLISTER   Peter Lister <[email protected]>
MARAL     Peter Marelas <[email protected]>
PETERM    Peter Marshall <[email protected]>
PEM       Peter Murray <[email protected]>
PVHP      Peter Prymmer <[email protected]>
PROWELL   Peter Rowell <[email protected]>
PSANTORO  Peter Santoro <[email protected]>
PSEIBEL   Peter Seibel <[email protected]>
SARGIE    Peter Sergeant <[email protected]>
PTILL     Peter Tillemans <[email protected]>
PWO       Peter W. Osel <[email protected]>
PHILIPA   Philip Aston <[email protected]>
PGUEN     Philip Guenther <[email protected]>
PHILIPM   Philip Mikal <[email protected]>
PNE       Philip Newton <[email protected]>
GOZER     Philippe M. Chiasson <[email protected]>
PVERD     Philippe Verdret <[email protected]>
PVANDRY   Phillip Vandry <[email protected]>
MAKLER    Piotr Klaban <[email protected]>
PRATP     Pratap Pereira <[email protected]>
RRAWLINGS Rachel McGregor Rawlings <[email protected]>
KAUFMANN  Rafael Kaufmann <[email protected]>
RPIKKARA  Raino Pikkarainen <[email protected]>
RSI       Rajappa Iyer <[email protected]>
BETUL     Rajiv Pant <[email protected]>
RSE       Ralf S. Engelschall <[email protected]>
RAMKI     Ramki Balasubramanian <[email protected]>
RCASHA    Ramon Casha <rcasha!>
MERLYN    Randal L. Schwartz <[email protected]>
RJRAY     Randy J Ray <[email protected]>
RANDY     Randy Jay Yarger <[email protected]>
RKOBES    Randy Kobes <[email protected]>
RANDYM    Randy Maas <[email protected]>
RAM       Raphael Manfredi <[email protected]>
RURBAN    Reini Urban <[email protected]>
RNAIMA    Reza Naima <[email protected]>
RVAZ      Ricardo Vazquez Armenta <[email protected]>
RBOW      Rich Bowen <[email protected]>
RLBJR     Richard Burkholder Jr. <[email protected]>
RCALEY    Richard Caley <[email protected]>
DESIMINER Richard DeSimine <[email protected]>
RFOLEY    Richard Foley <[email protected]>
RADER     Richard Rader <[email protected]>
RIK       Rik Harris <[email protected]>
ROBF      Rob Fugina <[email protected]>
ROBVANSON Rob van Son <[email protected]>
ODDFELLOW Robert Bedell <[email protected]>
REDEN     Robert Eden <[email protected]>
RHOFER    Robert Hofer <[email protected]>
IBMTORDB2 Robert Indrigo <[email protected]>
RJS       Robert J Seymour <[email protected]>
RDO       Robert Olson <[email protected]>
RRWO      Robert Rothenberg <[email protected]>
RSPIER    Robert Spier <[email protected]>
RBERJON   Robin Berjon <[email protected]>
RCAPUTO   Rocco Caputo <[email protected]>
ROSCH     Roderick Schertler <[email protected]>
RVA       Rodger V. Anderson <[email protected]>
ORTALO    Rodolphe Ortalo <[email protected]>
RGIERSIG  Roland Giersig <[email protected]>
ROLAND    Roland Hu� <[email protected]>
RWALKER   Roland Walker <[email protected]>
RHNELSON  Rolf Harold Nelson <[email protected]>
RA        Roman Kosenko <[email protected]>
RSAVAGE   Ron Savage <[email protected]>
RFLENS    Ronald F. Lens <[email protected]>
RRA       Russ Allbery <[email protected]>
RMOSE     Russell Mosemann <[email protected]>
QUONG     Russell W Quong <[email protected]>
RAP       Ryan Alyn Porter <[email protected]>
REATMON   Ryan Eatmon <[email protected]>
RYAN      Ryan Fischer <[email protected]>
XOMINA    ryan mcleish <[email protected]>
SBALA     S Balamurugan <[email protected]>
SALVA     Salvador Fandi�o Garc�a <[email protected]>
HORROCKS  Sam Horrocks <[email protected]>
SKINGTON  Sam Kington <[email protected]>
SAMTREGAR Sam Tregar <[email protected]>
SAIT      Sami Itkonen <[email protected]>
SAPAPO    Sami Poikonen <[email protected]>
SAMPO     Sampo Kellomaki <[email protected]>
SVANZOEST Sander van Zoest <[email protected]>
SANFACE   SANFACE Sofware <[email protected]>
SMORTON   Sanford Morton <[email protected]>
PHOENIXL  Scott <[email protected]>
SBERKHOLZ Scott Berkholz <[email protected]>
SBOSS     Scott Boss <scott at sboss dot net>
SIC       Scott Cruzen <[email protected]>
GUELICH   Scott Guelich <[email protected]>
SHUTTON   Scott Hutton <[email protected]>
SCOTTVR   Scott VanRavenswaay <[email protected]>
SDOWD     Sean Dowd <[email protected]>
SHULL     Sean Hull <[email protected]>
SBURKE    Sean M. Burke <[email protected]>
MCAFEE    Sean McAfee <[email protected]>
SKOLYCHEV Sergey V. Kolychev <[email protected]>
SGEL      Sergio Gelato <[email protected]>
SETHJ     Seth David Johnson <[email protected]>
SETHG     Seth Gordon <[email protected]>
SHAWNPW   Shawn P. Wallace <[email protected]>
SCR       Sheridan C. Rawlins <[email protected]>
SHIGIO    Shigio Yamaguchi <[email protected]>
SHIKONO   Shinji KONO <[email protected]>
SHGUN     Shishir Gundavaram <[email protected]>
SILVER    silver Harloe <[email protected]>
KSB       Simon Berg <[email protected]>
SCOOPER   Simon Cooper <[email protected]>
SIMON     Simon Cozens <[email protected]>
SIMONJ    Simon Johnston <[email protected]>
SAM       Simon Matthews <[email protected]>
STWIGGER  Simon Twigger <[email protected]>
SIMRAN    Simran <[email protected]>
SREZIC    Slaven Rezic <[email protected]>
SMARTWORK SmartWorker folks at HBE <[email protected]>
SOENKE    Soenke J. Peters <[email protected]>
SOLO      Solomon White <[email protected]>
SMAXIME   Soul� Maxime <[email protected]>
SPIDB     Spider Boardman <[email protected]>
SRIRAM    Sriram Srinivasan <[email protected]>
STLACY    Stacy Lacy <[email protected]>
STANM     Stan Melax <[email protected]>
SMALYSHEV Stanislav Malyshev <[email protected]>
STAS      Stas Bekman <[email protected]>
HORNBURG  Stefan Hornburg <[email protected]>
STBEY     Steffen Beyer <[email protected]>
SPADKINS  Stephen Adkins <[email protected]>
SFARRELL  Stephen Farrell <[email protected]>
SGMIANO   Stephen G. Miano <[email protected]>
SMCCAM    Stephen McCamant <[email protected]>
STEPHEN   Stephen Nelson <[email protected]>
LUSOL     Stephen O. Lidie <[email protected]>
SPP       Stephen P Potter <[email protected]>
PANDICH   Stephen Pandich <[email protected]>
SRIEHM    Stephen Riehm <[email protected]>
SRZ       Stephen Zander <[email protected]>
SFINK     Steve A Fink <[email protected]>
STCHER    Steve Chervitz <[email protected]>
SEMM      Steve Emmerson <[email protected]>
SGRANTZ   Steve Grantz <[email protected]>
SHARRIS   Steve Harris <[email protected]>
SKANE     Steve Kane <[email protected]>
MCKAY     Steve McKay <[email protected]>
SMPILL    Steve Pillinger <[email protected]>
SPURKIS   Steve Purkis <[email protected]>
SHERWOOD  Steve Sherwood <[email protected]>
SSNODGRA  Steve Snodgrass <[email protected]>
STEVEGT   Steve Traugott <[email protected]>
SBONDS    Steve W Bonds <[email protected]>
SWARTIK   Steve Wartik <[email protected]>
SWILLIAM  Steve Williams <[email protected]>
SZECK     Steve Zeck <[email protected]>
SEB       Steven Brenner <[email protected]>
SHARYANTO Steven Haryanto <[email protected]>
KNIGHT    Steven Knight <[email protected]>
SKUNZ     Steven L. Kunz <[email protected]>
SWMCD     Steven McDougall <[email protected]>
STEVE     Steven Pritchard <[email protected]>
STEVENSL  Steven Slegel <[email protected]>
STOLKIN   Steven Tolkin <[email protected]>
LORY      Stuart Lory <[email protected]>
SBECK     Sullivan Beck <[email protected]>
SOOZ      Susan Lee Wilson <[email protected]>
SVINTO    Svante S�rmark <[email protected]>
SVENH     Sven Heinicke <[email protected]>
SKIMO     Sven Verdoolaege <[email protected]>
SWETH     Sweth Chandramouli <[email protected]>
TAIY      Taisuke Yamada <[email protected]>
ASHTED    Ted Ashton <[email protected]>
TERJE     Terje Br�ten <[email protected]>
TBONE     Terrence Brannon <[email protected]>
TBOUTELL  Thomas Boutell <[email protected]>
FISCH     Thomas Fischbacher <[email protected]>
TRIEMER   Thomas Riemer <[email protected]>
TWENRICH  Thomas Wenrich <[email protected]>
RAVN      Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen <[email protected]>
TIMB      Tim Bunce <[email protected]>
TIMPX     Tim Goodwin <[email protected]>
TJENNESS  Tim Jenness <[email protected]>
TIMPOTTER Tim Potter <[email protected]>
TOBIX     Tobias Brox <[email protected]>
TEVERETT  Toby Everett <[email protected]>
TBRADFUTE Todd Bradfute <[email protected]>
TOMC      Tom Christiansen <[email protected]>
CUNNINGT  Tom Cunningham <[email protected]>
TOMFA     Tom Fawcett <[email protected]>
TOMH      Tom Horsley <[email protected]>
TOMHUGHES Tom Hughes <[email protected]>
ERGOWOLF  Tom Monte <[email protected]>
PHOENIX   Tom Phoenix <[email protected]>
TSPIN     Tom Spindler <[email protected]>
TOMZO     Tom Zoerner <[email protected]>
TGROSE    Tony G. Rose <[email protected]>
TSANDERS  Tony Sanders <[email protected]>
TEKE      Torsten Ekedahl <[email protected]>
TGUMMELS  Travis Gummels <[email protected]>
TLP       Travis L Priest <[email protected]>
TROYP     Troy R. Pesola <[email protected]>
LUKKA     Tuomas J. Lukka <[email protected]>
TYEMQ     Tye McQueen <[email protected]>
UGEN      Ugen Antsilevitch <[email protected]>
ULPFR     Ulrich Pfeifer <[email protected]>
URI       Uri Guttman <[email protected]>
UGANSERT  Uwe Gansert <[email protected]>
UWEH      Uwe Hollerbach <[email protected]>
VALERIE   Valerie Delane <[email protected]>
FABRVEC   Vecchio Fabrizio <[email protected]>
VIPUL     Vipul Ved Prakash <[email protected]>
VKHERA    Vivek Khera <[email protected]>
SOVA      Vladimir Sovetov <[email protected]>
WPMOORE   W. Phillip Moore <[email protected]>
WARRENM   Warren Matthews <[email protected]>
WATANABE  WATANABE Hirofumi <[email protected]>
WAYNEDAV  Wayne Davison <[email protected]>
WMARQ     Wayne Marquette <[email protected]>
WAYNEM    Wayne Myers <[email protected]>
WSCOT     Wayne Scott <[email protected]>
WTOMPSON  Wayne Tompson <[email protected]>
WYTAN     Wei-Yuen Tan <[email protected]>
BILLH     William Herrera <[email protected]>
BMIDD     William J. Middleton <[email protected]>
WRW       William R Ward <[email protected]>
WSANNIS   William S. Annis <[email protected]>
WPS       William Setzer <[email protected]>
WSNYDER   Wilson Snyder <[email protected]>
WINKO     Winfried Koenig <[email protected]>
XWOLF     Wolfgang Wiese <[email protected]>
XCALBET   Xavier Calbet <[email protected]>
SEYN      Yasushi Nakajima <[email protected]>
YASU      Yasushi Saito <[email protected]>
YSTH      Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <[email protected]>
KONDO     Yoshiyuki KONDO <[email protected]>
YVESP     Yves Paindaveine <[email protected]>
ZTURK     Ziga TURK <[email protected]>

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