// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // vim:set sts=4 ts=8: // Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/policy/common/elem_set.hh,v 1.7 2005/10/02 22:21:54 abittau Exp $ #ifndef __POLICY_COMMON_ELEM_SET_HH__ #define __POLICY_COMMON_ELEM_SET_HH__ #include "element_base.hh" #include "element.hh" #include <string> #include <set> /** * @short A set of elements. * * All sets hold a string representation of the elements. All type information * will be lost, as elements will all be promoted to strings. */ template <class T> class ElemSetAny : public Element { public: typedef set<T> Set; typedef typename Set::iterator iterator; typedef typename Set::const_iterator const_iterator; static const char* id; static Hash _hash; void set_hash(const Hash& x); Hash hash() const; ElemSetAny(const Set& val); /** * @param c_str initialize from string in the form element1,element2,... */ ElemSetAny(const char* c_str); ElemSetAny(); /** * @return string representation of set. */ string str() const; /** * @param s element to insert. */ void insert(const T& s); /** * Insert all elements of other set. * * @param s set to insert. */ void insert(const ElemSetAny<T>& s); /** * Left and right sets are identical [same elements and size]. * * @param rhs set to compare with */ bool operator==(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs) const; /** * Left and right are not identical * * @param rhs set to compare with */ bool operator!=(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs) const; /** * All elements on left match, but right has more elments. * * @param rhs set to compare with */ bool operator<(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs) const; /** * All elements on right match, but left has more elements. * * @param rhs set to compare with */ bool operator>(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs) const; /** * Left is a subset of right. * * @param rhs set to compare with */ bool operator<=(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs) const; /** * Right is a subset of left. * * @param rhs set to compare with */ bool operator>=(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs) const; /** * All elements on left match, but right has more. * * May only be true if left is an empty set. * * @param rhs element to compare with. */ bool operator<(const T& rhs) const; /** * All elements on on right match, but left has more. * * Will be true if the element is present in the set, and the set contains * at least one more element. * * @param rhs element to compare with. */ bool operator>(const T& rhs) const; /** * Left and right are identical. * * Will be true in a single element set which contains the rhs element. * * @param rhs element to compare with. */ bool operator==(const T& rhs) const; /** * Disjoint sets. * * Will be true if element is not contained in set. * * @param rhs element to compare with. */ bool operator!=(const T& rhs) const; /** * Left is a subset of right. * * Will be true if set is empty or contains rhs. * * @param rhs element to compare with. */ bool operator<=(const T& rhs) const; /** * Right is a subset of left. * * Will be true if element is contained in set. * * @param rhs element to compare with. */ bool operator>=(const T& rhs) const; /** * @return true if intersection is not empty */ bool nonempty_intersection(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs) const; /** * Removes elements in set. * * @param s elements to remove. */ void erase(const ElemSetAny<T>& rhs); /** * Obtain iterator for set. * * @return iterator for the set. */ iterator begin(); /** * Obtain an iterator for the end. * * @return iterator for the end of the set. */ iterator end(); /** * Obtain const iterator for set. * * @return const iterator for the set. */ const_iterator begin() const; /** * Obtain an const iterator for the end. * * @return const iterator for the end of the set. */ const_iterator end() const; const char* type() const; private: Set _val; }; // define set types typedef ElemSetAny<ElemU32> ElemSetU32; typedef ElemSetAny<ElemCom32> ElemSetCom32; typedef ElemSetAny<ElemIPv4Net> ElemSetIPv4Net; typedef ElemSetAny<ElemIPv6Net> ElemSetIPv6Net; typedef ElemSetAny<ElemStr> ElemSetStr; #endif // __POLICY_COMMON_ELEM_SET_HH__