Source: ../../libxorp/service.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
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// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/service.hh,v 1.7 2005/03/25 02:53:45 pavlin Exp $


 * Enumeration of states objects derived from ServiceBase may be in.
enum ServiceStatus {
    SERVICE_READY	= 0x001,	// Ready for startup
    SERVICE_STARTING	= 0x002,	// Starting up
    SERVICE_RUNNING	= 0x004,	// Running, service operational
    SERVICE_PAUSING	= 0x008,	// Transitioning to paused state
    SERVICE_PAUSED	= 0x010,	// Paused, non-operational
    SERVICE_RESUMING	= 0x020,	// Resuming from pause
    SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWN = 0x040,	// Transitioning to shutdown
    SERVICE_SHUTDOWN	= 0x080,	// Shutdown, non-operational
    SERVICE_FAILED	= 0x100,	// Failed, non-operational

 * Get text description of enumerated service status.
 * @param s service status to recover name for.
const char* service_status_name(ServiceStatus s);

class ServiceChangeObserverBase;

 * @short Base class for Services.
 * This class provides a base for services within Xorp processes.  A
 * service instance is an entity that can logically started and
 * stopped and typically needs some asynchronous processing in order
 * to start and stop.  An example service within a routing process
 * would be a RIB communicator service, which needs to co-ordinate
 * with the RIB which is within a different process and may be on a
 * different machine.
 * A service may be started and shutdown by calling @ref startup() and
 * @ref shutdown().  The status of a service may be determined by
 * calling @ref status().  Additional notes on the current status may be
 * obtained by calling @ref status_note().
 * Synchronous service status changes may be received through the @ref
 * ServiceChangeObserverBase class.  Instances of objects derived from
 * this class can register for status change notifications in a
 * Service instance by calling @ref set_observer().
class ServiceBase {
    ServiceBase(const string& name = "Unknown");

    virtual ~ServiceBase() = 0;

     * Start service.  Service should transition from SERVICE_READY to
     * SERVICE_STARTING immediately and onto SERVICE_RUNNING or
     * SERVICE_FAILED in the near future.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    virtual bool startup() = 0;

     * Shutdown service.  Service should transition from SERVICE_RUNNING to
     * SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWN immediately and onto SERVICE_SHUTDOWN or
     * SERVICE_FAILED in the near future.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    virtual bool shutdown() = 0;

     * Reset service.  Service should transition in SERVICE_READY from
     * whichever state it is in.
     * The default implementation always returns false as there is no
     * default behaviour.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    virtual bool reset();

     * Pause service.  Service should transition from SERVICE_RUNNING to
     * SERVICE_PAUSING and asynchronously into SERVICE_PAUSED.
     * The default implementation always returns false as there is no
     * default behaviour.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    virtual bool pause();

     * Resume paused service.  Service should transition from SERVICE_PAUSED
     * to SERVICE_PAUSING and asynchronously into SERVICE_RUNNING.
     * The default implementation always returns false as there is no
     * default behaviour.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    virtual bool resume();

     * Get name of service.
     * @return name of service.  May be empty if not set in constructor.
    inline const string& service_name() const		{ return _name; }

     * Get the current status.
    inline ServiceStatus status() const			{ return _status; }

     * Get annotation associated with current status.  The annotation when
     * set is an explanation of the state, ie "waiting for Y"
    inline const string& status_note() const		{ return _note; }

     * Get a character representation of the current service status.
    const char* status_name() const;

     * Set service status change observer.  The observer will receive
     * synchronous notifications of changes in service state.
     * @param so service change observer to add.
     * @return true on success, false if an observer is already set.
    bool set_observer(ServiceChangeObserverBase* so);

     * Remove service status change observer.
     * @param so observer to remove.
     * @return true on success, false if supplied observer does match
     * the last set observer.
    bool unset_observer(ServiceChangeObserverBase* so);

     * Set current status.
     * @param status new status.
     * @param note comment on new service status.
    void set_status(ServiceStatus status, const string& note);

     * Set current status and clear status note.
     * @param status new status.
    void set_status(ServiceStatus status);

    string			_name;
    ServiceStatus	 	_status;
    string		 	_note;
    ServiceChangeObserverBase*	_observer;

 * @short Base class for service status change observer.
class ServiceChangeObserverBase {
    virtual ~ServiceChangeObserverBase() = 0;

    virtual void status_change(ServiceBase*  service,
			       ServiceStatus old_status,
			       ServiceStatus new_status) = 0;

 * @short Selective Change Observer.
 * Forwards limited subset of status changes to a status change observer.
class ServiceFilteredChangeObserver
    : public ServiceChangeObserverBase {
     * Constructor.
     * Only changes from the states represented in @ref from_mask to
     * the states represented in @ref to_mask are reported.
     * @param child recipient of status changes.
     * @param from_mask mask of states left to trigger changes.
     * @param to_mask mask of states entered to trigger changes.
    ServiceFilteredChangeObserver(ServiceChangeObserverBase*	child,
				  ServiceStatus			from_mask,
				  ServiceStatus			to_mask);

    void status_change(ServiceBase*	service,
		       ServiceStatus	old_status,
		       ServiceStatus	new_status);

    ServiceChangeObserverBase*	_child;
    ServiceStatus		_from_mask;
    ServiceStatus		_to_mask;

#endif // __LIBXORP_SERVICE_HH__

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