Source: ../../libxorp/run_command.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/run_command.hh,v 1.12 2006/02/17 07:52:08 pavlin Exp $


#include <list>

#include "libxorp/asyncio.hh"
#include "libxorp/callback.hh"
#include "libxorp/timer.hh"

class EventLoop;

 * @short Base virtual class for running an external command.
class RunCommandBase {
    class ExecId;

     * Constructor for a given command.
     * @param eventloop the event loop.
     * @param command the command to execute.
     * @param real_command_name the real command name.
    RunCommandBase(EventLoop&		eventloop,
		   const string&	command,
		   const string&	real_command_name);

     * Destructor.
    virtual ~RunCommandBase();

     * Set the list with the arguments for the command to execute.
     * @param v the list with the arguments for the command to execute.
    void set_argument_list(const list<string>& v) { _argument_list = v; }

     * Execute the command.
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int execute();

     * Terminate the command.
    void terminate();

     * Terminate the command with prejudice.
    void terminate_with_prejudice();

     * Get the name of the command to execute.
     * @return a string with the name of the command to execute.
    const string& command() const { return _command; }

     * Get the list with the arguments of the command to execute.
     * @return a string with the arguments of the command to execute.
    const list<string>& argument_list() const { return _argument_list; }

     * Receive a notification that the status of the process has changed.
     * @param wait_status the wait status.
    void wait_status_changed(int wait_status);

     * Test if the command has exited.
     * @return true if the command has exited, otherwise false.
    bool is_exited() const { return _command_is_exited; }

     * Test if the command has been terminated by a signal.
     * @return true if the command has been terminated by a signal,
     * otherwise false.
    bool is_signal_terminated() const { return _command_is_signal_terminated; }

     * Test if the command has coredumped.
     * @return true if the command has coredumped, otherwise false.
    bool is_coredumped() const { return _command_is_coredumped; }

     * Test if the command has been stopped.
     * @return true if the command has been stopped, otherwise false.
    bool is_stopped() const { return _command_is_stopped; }

     * Get the command exit status.
     * @return the command exit status.
    int exit_status() const { return _command_exit_status; }

     * Get the signal that terminated the command.
     * @return the signal that terminated the command.
    int term_signal() const { return _command_term_signal; }

     * Get the signal that stopped the command.
     * @return the signal that stopped the command.
    int stop_signal() const { return _command_stop_signal; }

     * Get a reference to the ExecId object.
     * @return a reference to the ExecId object that is used
     * for setting the execution ID when running the command.
    ExecId& exec_id() { return (_exec_id); }

     * Set the execution ID for executing the command.
     * @param v the execution ID.
    void set_exec_id(const ExecId& v);

     * @short Class for setting the execution ID when running the command.
    class ExecId {
	 * Default constructor.

	 * Constructor for a given user ID.
	 * @param uid the user ID.
	ExecId(uid_t uid);

	 * Constructor for a given user ID and group ID.
	 * @param uid the user ID.
	 * @param gid the group ID.
	ExecId(uid_t uid, gid_t gid);

	 * Save the current execution ID.
	void save_current_exec_id();

	 * Restore the previously saved execution ID.
	 * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
	 * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
	int restore_saved_exec_id(string& error_msg) const;

	 * Set the effective execution ID.
	 * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
	 * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
	int set_effective_exec_id(string& error_msg);

	 * Test if the execution ID is set.
	 * @return true if the execution ID is set, otherwise false.
	bool is_set() const;

	 * Get the user ID.
	 * @return the user ID.
	uid_t	uid() const { return (_uid); }

	 * Get the group ID.
	 * @return the group ID.
	gid_t	gid() const { return (_gid); }

	 * Set the user ID.
	 * @param v the user ID.
	void	set_uid(uid_t v) { _uid = v; _is_uid_set = true; }

	 * Set the group ID.
	 * @param v the group ID.
	void	set_gid(gid_t v) { _gid = v; _is_gid_set = true; }

	 * Test if the user ID was assigned.
	 * @return true if the user ID was assigned, otherwise false.
	bool	is_uid_set() const { return (_is_uid_set); }

	 * Test if the group ID was assigned.
	 * @return true if the group ID was assigned, otherwise false.
	bool	is_gid_set() const { return (_is_gid_set); }

	 * Reset the assigned user ID and group ID.
	void	reset();

	uid_t	saved_uid() const { return (_saved_uid); }
	uid_t	saved_gid() const { return (_saved_gid); }

	uid_t	_uid;
	gid_t	_gid;
	bool	_is_uid_set;
	bool	_is_gid_set;

	uid_t	_saved_uid;
	gid_t	_saved_gid;
	bool	_is_exec_id_saved;

     * A pure virtual method called when there is output on the program's
     * stdout.
     * @param output the string with the output.
    virtual void stdout_cb_dispatch(const string& output) = 0;

     * A pure virtual method called when there is output on the program's
     * stderr.
     * @param output the string with the output.
    virtual void stderr_cb_dispatch(const string& output) = 0;

     * A pure virtual method called when the program execution is completed.
     * @param success if true the program execution has succeeded, otherwise
     * it has failed.
     * @param error_msg if error, the string with the error message.
    virtual void done_cb_dispatch(bool success, const string& error_msg) = 0;

     * A pure virtual method called when the program has been stopped.
     * @param stop_signal the signal used to stop the program.
    virtual void stopped_cb_dispatch(int stop_signal) = 0;

     * Test if the stderr should be redirected to stdout.
     * @return true if the stderr should be redirected to stdout, otherwise
     * false.
    virtual bool redirect_stderr_to_stdout() const = 0;

     * Cleanup state.
    void cleanup();

     * Block child process signal(s) in current signal mask.
    int block_child_signals();

     * Unblock child process signal(s) in current signal mask.
    int unblock_child_signals();

     * Terminate the process.
     * @param with_prejudice if true then terminate the process with
     * prejudice, otherwise attempt to kill it gracefully.
    void terminate_process(bool with_prejudice);

     * Close the output for the command.
    void close_output();

     * Close the stdout output for the command.
    void close_stdout_output();

     * Close the stderr output for the command.
    void close_stderr_output();

     * Set the command status.
     * @param status the command status.
    void set_command_status(int status);

     * Append data from the command.
     * @param event the event from the command (@see AsyncFileOperator::Event).
     * @param buffer the buffer with the data.
     * @param buffer_bytes the maximum number of bytes in the buffer.
     * @param offset offset of the last byte read.
    void append_data(AsyncFileOperator::Event event, const uint8_t* buffer,
		     size_t buffer_bytes, size_t offset);

     * The command's I/O operation has completed.
     * @param event the last event from the command.
     * (@see AsyncFileOperator::Event).
     * @param error_code the error code if the @ref event indicates an error
     * (e.g., if it is not equal to AsyncFileOperator::END_OF_FILE), otherwise
     * its value is ignored.
    void io_done(AsyncFileOperator::Event event, int error_code);

     * The command has completed.
    void done();

    static const int WIN32_PROC_TIMEOUT_MS = 500;

    void win_proc_done_cb(XorpFd fd, IoEventType type);
    void win_proc_reaper_cb();

    static const size_t	BUF_SIZE = 8192;
    EventLoop&		_eventloop;

    string		_command;
    string		_real_command_name;
    list<string>	_argument_list;

    AsyncFileReader*	_stdout_file_reader;
    AsyncFileReader*	_stderr_file_reader;
    FILE*		_stdout_stream;
    FILE*		_stderr_stream;
    uint8_t		_stdout_buffer[BUF_SIZE];
    uint8_t		_stderr_buffer[BUF_SIZE];
    size_t		_last_stdout_offset;
    size_t		_last_stderr_offset;
    pid_t		_pid;
    HANDLE		_ph;
    XorpTimer		_reaper_timer;
    bool		_is_error;
    string		_error_msg;
    bool		_is_running;
    ExecId		_exec_id;

    bool		_command_is_exited;
    bool		_command_is_signal_terminated;
    bool		_command_is_coredumped;
    bool		_command_is_stopped;
    int			_command_exit_status;
    int			_command_term_signal;
    int			_command_stop_signal;
    XorpTimer		_done_timer;

    bool		_stdout_eof_received;
    bool		_stderr_eof_received;

 * @short A class for running an external command.
class RunCommand : public RunCommandBase {
    typedef XorpCallback2<void, RunCommand*, const string&>::RefPtr OutputCallback;
    typedef XorpCallback3<void, RunCommand*, bool, const string&>::RefPtr DoneCallback;
    typedef XorpCallback2<void, RunCommand*, int>::RefPtr StoppedCallback;

     * Constructor for a given command and its list with arguments.
     * @param eventloop the event loop.
     * @param command the command to execute.
     * @param argument_list the list with the arguments for the command
     * to execute.
     * @param stdout_cb the callback to call when there is data on the
     * standard output.
     * @param stderr_cb the callback to call when there is data on the
     * standard error.
     * @param done_cb the callback to call when the command is completed.
     * @param redirect_stderr_to_stdout if true redirect the stderr to stdout.
    RunCommand(EventLoop&			eventloop,
	       const string&			command,
	       const list<string>&		argument_list,
	       RunCommand::OutputCallback	stdout_cb,
	       RunCommand::OutputCallback	stderr_cb,
	       RunCommand::DoneCallback		done_cb,
	       bool				redirect_stderr_to_stdout);

     * Set the callback to dispatch when the program is stopped.
     * @param cb the callback's value.
    void set_stopped_cb(StoppedCallback cb) { _stopped_cb = cb; }

     * A method called when there is output on the program's stdout.
     * @param output the string with the output.
    void stdout_cb_dispatch(const string& output) {
	_stdout_cb->dispatch(this, output);

     * A method called when there is output on the program's stderr.
     * @param output the string with the output.
    void stderr_cb_dispatch(const string& output) {
	_stderr_cb->dispatch(this, output);

     * A method called when the program execution is completed.
     * @param success if true the program execution has succeeded, otherwise
     * it has failed.
     * @param error_msg if error, the string with the error message.
    void done_cb_dispatch(bool success, const string& error_msg) {
	_done_cb->dispatch(this, success, error_msg);

     * A method called when the program has been stopped.
     * @param stop_signal the signal used to stop the program.
    void stopped_cb_dispatch(int stop_signal) {
	if (! _stopped_cb.is_empty())
	    _stopped_cb->dispatch(this, stop_signal);

     * Test if the stderr should be redirected to stdout.
     * @return true if the stderr should be redirected to stdout, otherwise
     * false.
    bool redirect_stderr_to_stdout() const {
	return (_redirect_stderr_to_stdout);

    OutputCallback	_stdout_cb;
    OutputCallback	_stderr_cb;
    DoneCallback	_done_cb;
    StoppedCallback	_stopped_cb;

    bool		_redirect_stderr_to_stdout;

 * @short A class for running an external command by invoking a shell.
class RunShellCommand : public RunCommandBase {
    typedef XorpCallback2<void, RunShellCommand*, const string&>::RefPtr OutputCallback;
    typedef XorpCallback3<void, RunShellCommand*, bool, const string&>::RefPtr DoneCallback;
    typedef XorpCallback2<void, RunShellCommand*, int>::RefPtr StoppedCallback;

     * Constructor for a given command and its list with arguments.
     * @param eventloop the event loop.
     * @param command the command to execute.
     * @param argument_string the string with the arguments for the command
     * to execute.
     * @param stdout_cb the callback to call when there is data on the
     * standard output.
     * @param stderr_cb the callback to call when there is data on the
     * standard error.
     * @param done_cb the callback to call when the command is completed.
    RunShellCommand(EventLoop&				eventloop,
		    const string&			command,
		    const string&			argument_string,
		    RunShellCommand::OutputCallback	stdout_cb,
		    RunShellCommand::OutputCallback	stderr_cb,
		    RunShellCommand::DoneCallback	done_cb);

     * Set the callback to dispatch when the program is stopped.
     * @param cb the callback's value.
    void set_stopped_cb(StoppedCallback cb) { _stopped_cb = cb; }

     * A method called when there is output on the program's stdout.
     * @param output the string with the output.
    void stdout_cb_dispatch(const string& output) {
	_stdout_cb->dispatch(this, output);

     * A method called when there is output on the program's stderr.
     * @param output the string with the output.
    void stderr_cb_dispatch(const string& output) {
	_stderr_cb->dispatch(this, output);

     * A method called when the program execution is completed.
     * @param success if true the program execution has succeeded, otherwise
     * it has failed.
     * @param error_msg if error, the string with the error message.
    void done_cb_dispatch(bool success, const string& error_msg) {
	_done_cb->dispatch(this, success, error_msg);

     * A method called when the program has been stopped.
     * @param stop_signal the signal used to stop the program.
    void stopped_cb_dispatch(int stop_signal) {
	if (! _stopped_cb.is_empty())
	    _stopped_cb->dispatch(this, stop_signal);

     * Test if the stderr should be redirected to stdout.
     * @return true if the stderr should be redirected to stdout, otherwise
     * false.
    bool redirect_stderr_to_stdout() const {
	// XXX: Redirecting stderr to stdout is always disabled by defailt.
	// If we want stderr to be redirected, this should be specified
	// by the executed command itself. E.g.:
	//     "my_command my_args 2>&1"
	return (false);

    OutputCallback	_stdout_cb;
    OutputCallback	_stderr_cb;
    DoneCallback	_done_cb;
    StoppedCallback	_stopped_cb;


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