// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/libxorp/profile.hh,v 1.6 2005/09/28 17:31:43 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __LIBXORP_PROFILE_HH__ #define __LIBXORP_PROFILE_HH__ #include <list> #include <map> #include "timeval.hh" #include "exceptions.hh" #include "ref_ptr.hh" /** * Container keyed by profile variable holding log entries. * * A helper class used by XORP processes to support profiling. */ class PVariableUnknown : public XorpReasonedException { public: PVariableUnknown(const char* file, size_t line, const string init_why = "") : XorpReasonedException("PVariableUnknown", file, line, init_why) {} }; class PVariableExists : public XorpReasonedException { public: PVariableExists(const char* file, size_t line, const string init_why = "") : XorpReasonedException("PVariableExists", file, line, init_why) {} }; class PVariableNotEnabled : public XorpReasonedException { public: PVariableNotEnabled(const char* file, size_t line, const string init_why = "") : XorpReasonedException("PVariableNotEnabled", file, line, init_why) {} }; class PVariableLocked : public XorpReasonedException { public: PVariableLocked(const char* file, size_t line, const string init_why = "") : XorpReasonedException("PVariableLocked", file, line, init_why) {} }; class PVariableNotLocked : public XorpReasonedException { public: PVariableNotLocked(const char* file, size_t line, const string init_why = "") : XorpReasonedException("PVariableNotLocked", file, line, init_why) {} }; class ProfileLogEntry { public: ProfileLogEntry() {} ProfileLogEntry(TimeVal time, string loginfo) : _time(time), _loginfo(loginfo) {} TimeVal time() {return _time;} string& loginfo() {return _loginfo;} private: TimeVal _time; // Time the profile was recorded. string _loginfo; // The profile data. }; /** * Support for profiling XORP. Save the time that an event occured for * later retrieval. */ class Profile { public: typedef list<ProfileLogEntry> logentries; // Profiling info class ProfileState { public: ProfileState() {} ProfileState(const string& comment, bool enabled, bool locked, logentries *log) : _comment(comment), _enabled(enabled), _locked(locked), _log(log) {} inline void set_enabled(bool v) {_enabled = v;} inline bool enabled() const {return _enabled;} inline void set_locked(bool v) {_locked = v;} inline bool locked() const {return _locked;} inline logentries *logptr() const {return _log;} inline void zap() const {delete _log;} inline void set_iterator(logentries::iterator i) {_i = i;} inline void get_iterator(logentries::iterator& i) {i = _i;} inline int size() const {return _log->size();} const string& comment() const {return _comment;} private: const string _comment; // Textual description of this variable. bool _enabled; // True, if profiling is enabled. bool _locked; // True, if we are currently reading the log. logentries::iterator _i;// pointer into the log logentries *_log; }; typedef map<string, ref_ptr<ProfileState> > profiles; Profile(); ~Profile(); /** * Create a new profile variable. */ void create(const string& pname, const string& comment = "") throw(PVariableExists); /** * Test for this profile variable being enabled. * * @return true if this profile is enabled. */ inline bool enabled(const string& pname) throw(PVariableUnknown) { // This is the most frequently called method hence make it // inline. As an optimisation if no profiling is enabled don't // perform any string maniplulation or lookups. // If global profiling has not been enabled get out of here. if (0 == _profile_cnt) return false; profiles::iterator i = _profiles.find(pname); // Catch any mispelt pnames. if (i == _profiles.end()) xorp_throw(PVariableUnknown, pname.c_str()); return i->second->enabled(); } /** * Add an entry to the profile log. */ void log(const string& pname, string comment) throw(PVariableUnknown,PVariableNotEnabled); /** * Enable tracing. * * @param profile variable. */ void enable(const string& pname) throw(PVariableUnknown,PVariableLocked); /** * Disable tracing. * @param profile variable. */ void disable(const string& pname) throw(PVariableUnknown); /** * Lock the log in preparation for reading log entries. */ void lock_log(const string& pname) throw(PVariableUnknown,PVariableLocked); /** * Read the next log entry; * @param pname * @param entry log entry * @return True a entry has been returned. */ bool read_log(const string& pname, ProfileLogEntry& entry) throw(PVariableUnknown,PVariableNotLocked); /** * Release the log. */ void release_log(const string& pname) throw(PVariableUnknown,PVariableNotLocked); /** * Clear the profiledata. */ void clear(const string& pname) throw(PVariableUnknown,PVariableLocked); /** * @return A newline separated list of profiling variables along * with the associated comments. */ string list() const; private: int _profile_cnt; // Number of variables that are enabled. profiles _profiles; }; #ifdef PROFILE_UTILS_REQUIRED /** * Utility methods to be used by programs providing profiling. */ class ProfileUtils { public: static void transmit_log(const string& pname, XrlStdRouter *xrl_router, const string& instance_name, Profile *profile) { ProfileLogEntry ple; if (profile->read_log(pname, ple)) { TimeVal t = ple.time(); XrlProfileClientV0p1Client pc(xrl_router); pc.send_log(instance_name.c_str(), pname, t.sec(), t.usec(), ple.loginfo(), callback(ProfileUtils::transmit_callback, pname, xrl_router, instance_name, profile)); } else { // Unlock the log entry. profile->release_log(pname); ProfileUtils::transmit_finished(pname, xrl_router, instance_name); } } static void transmit_callback(const XrlError& error, const string pname, XrlStdRouter *xrl_router, const string instance_name, Profile *profile) { if (XrlError::OKAY() != error) { XLOG_WARNING("%s", error.error_msg()); // Unlock the log entry. profile->release_log(pname); return; } ProfileUtils::transmit_log(pname, xrl_router, instance_name, profile); } static void transmit_finished(const string& pname, XrlStdRouter *xrl_router, const string& instance_name) { debug_msg("pname = %s instance_name = %s\n", pname.c_str(), instance_name.c_str()); XrlProfileClientV0p1Client pc(xrl_router); pc.send_finished(instance_name.c_str(), pname, callback(ProfileUtils::transmit_finished_callback, pname)); } static void transmit_finished_callback(const XrlError& error, const string /*pname*/) { if (XrlError::OKAY() != error) XLOG_WARNING("%s", error.error_msg()); } private: ProfileUtils(); // Don't allow instantiation ProfileUtils(const ProfileUtils&); }; #endif // PROFILE_UTILS_REQUIRED #endif // __LIBXORP_TRACE_HH__