
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 ** $Id: lparser.h,v 1.2 2004/03/23 05:09:14 jbj Exp $
00003 ** Lua Parser
00004 ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
00005 */
00007 #ifndef lparser_h
00008 #define lparser_h
00010 #include "llimits.h"
00011 #include "lobject.h"
00012 #include "ltable.h"
00013 #include "lzio.h"
00016 /*
00017 ** Expression descriptor
00018 */
00020 typedef enum {
00021   VVOID,        /* no value */
00022   VNIL,
00023   VTRUE,
00024   VFALSE,
00025   VK,           /* info = index of constant in `k' */
00026   VLOCAL,       /* info = local register */
00027   VUPVAL,       /* info = index of upvalue in `upvalues' */
00028   VGLOBAL,      /* info = index of table; aux = index of global name in `k' */
00029   VINDEXED,     /* info = table register; aux = index register (or `k') */
00030   VJMP,         /* info = instruction pc */
00031   VRELOCABLE,   /* info = instruction pc */
00032   VNONRELOC,    /* info = result register */
00033   VCALL         /* info = result register */
00034 } expkind;
00036 typedef struct expdesc {
00037   expkind k;
00038   int info, aux;
00039   int t;  /* patch list of `exit when true' */
00040   int f;  /* patch list of `exit when false' */
00041 } expdesc;
00044 struct BlockCnt;  /* defined in lparser.c */
00047 /* state needed to generate code for a given function */
00048 typedef struct FuncState {
00049 /*@null@*/
00050   Proto *f;  /* current function header */
00051 /*@null@*/
00052   Table *h;  /* table to find (and reuse) elements in `k' */
00053 /*@null@*/
00054   struct FuncState *prev;  /* enclosing function */
00055   struct LexState *ls;  /* lexical state */
00056   struct lua_State *L;  /* copy of the Lua state */
00057 /*@null@*/
00058   struct BlockCnt *bl;  /* chain of current blocks */
00059   int pc;  /* next position to code (equivalent to `ncode') */
00060   int lasttarget;   /* `pc' of last `jump target' */
00061   int jpc;  /* list of pending jumps to `pc' */
00062   int freereg;  /* first free register */
00063   int nk;  /* number of elements in `k' */
00064   int np;  /* number of elements in `p' */
00065   int nlocvars;  /* number of elements in `locvars' */
00066   int nactvar;  /* number of active local variables */
00067   expdesc upvalues[MAXUPVALUES];  /* upvalues */
00068   int actvar[MAXVARS];  /* declared-variable stack */
00069 } FuncState;
00072 Proto *luaY_parser (lua_State *L, ZIO *z, Mbuffer *buff)
00073         /*@modifies L, z @*/;
00076 #endif

Generated on Fri Oct 12 08:44:54 2007 for rpm by  doxygen 1.5.2