Default configuration: /usr/lib/rpm/macros

# $Id:,v 2005/07/21 01:45:44 jbj Exp $
# This is a global RPM configuration file. All changes made here will
# be lost when the rpm package is upgraded. Any per-system configuration
# should be added to /etc/rpm/macros, while per-user configuration should
# be added to ~/.rpmmacros.
# Macro naming conventions (preliminary):
#	Macros that begin with an underscore are "local" in the sense that
#	they (if used) will not be exported in rpm headers. Some macros
#	that don't start with an underscore (but look like they should)
#	are compatible with macros generated by rpm-2.5.x and will be made
#	more consistent in a future release.

# ---- A macro that expands to nothing.
%nil			%{!?nil}

# ---- filesystem macros.
%_usr			/usr
%_usrsrc		%{_usr}/src
%_var			/var

# ---- Generally useful path macros.
%__awk			gawk
%__bzip2		/usr/bin/bzip2
%__cat			/bin/cat
%__chgrp		/bin/chgrp
%__chmod		/bin/chmod
%__chown		/bin/chown
%__cp			/bin/cp
%__cpio			/bin/cpio
%__file			/usr/bin/file
%__gpg			/usr/bin/gpg
%__grep			/bin/grep
%__gzip			/usr/bin/gzip
%__id			/usr/bin/id
%__install		/usr/bin/install
%__ln_s			ln -s
%__make			/usr/bin/make
%__mkdir		/bin/mkdir
%__mkdir_p		/bin/mkdir -p
%__mv			/bin/mv
%__patch		/usr/bin/patch
%__perl			/usr/bin/perl
%__pgp			/usr/bin/pgp
%__python		/usr/bin/python
%__rm			/bin/rm
%__rsh			/usr/bin/rsh
%__sed			/bin/sed
%__ssh			/usr/bin/ssh
%__tar			/bin/tar
%__unzip		/usr/bin/unzip

# ---- Build system path macros.
%__ar			ar
%__as			as
%__cc			gcc
%__cpp			gcc -E
%__cxx			g++
%__ld			/usr/bin/ld
%__nm			/usr/bin/nm
%__objcopy		/usr/bin/objcopy
%__objdump		/usr/bin/objdump
%__ranlib		ranlib
%__remsh		%{__rsh}
%__strip		/usr/bin/strip

# XXX avoid failures if tools are not installed when rpm is built.
%__libtoolize		libtoolize
%__aclocal		aclocal
%__autoheader		autoheader
%__automake		automake
%__autoconf		autoconf

# Conditional build stuff.

# Check if symbol is defined.
# Example usage: %if %{defined with_foo} && %{undefined with_bar} ...
%defined()	%{expand:%%{?%{1}:1}%%{!?%{1}:0}}
%undefined()	%{expand:%%{?%{1}:0}%%{!?%{1}:1}}

# Shorthand for %{defined with_...}
%with()		%{expand:%%{?with_%{1}:1}%%{!?with_%{1}:0}}
%without()	%{expand:%%{?with_%{1}:0}%%{!?with_%{1}:1}}

# Handle conditional builds. %bcond_with is for case when feature is
# default off and needs to be activated with --with ... command line
# switch. %bcond_without is for the dual case.
# %bcond_with foo defines symbol with_foo if --with foo was specified on
# command line.
# %bcond_without foo defines symbol with_foo if --without foo was *not*
# specified on command line.
# For example (spec file):
# (at the beginning)
# %bcond_with extra_fonts
# %bcond_without static
# (and later)
# %if %{with extra_fonts}
# ...
# %else
# ...
# %endif
# %if ! %{with static}
# ...
# %endif
# %ifdef %{with static}
# ...
# %endif
# %{?with_static: ... }
# %{!?with_static: ... }
# %{?with_extra_fonts: ... }
# %{!?with_extra_fonts: ... }

# The bottom line: never use without_foo, _with_foo nor _without_foo, only
# with_foo. This way changing default set of bconds for given spec is just
# a matter of changing single line in it and syntax is more readable.
%bcond_with()		%{expand:%%{?_with_%{1}:%%global with_%{1} 1}}
%bcond_without()	%{expand:%%{!?_without_%{1}:%%global with_%{1} 1}}
# ---- Required rpmrc macros.
#	Macros that used to be initialized as a side effect of rpmrc parsing.
#	These are the default values that can be overridden by other
#	(e.g. per-platform, per-system, per-packager, per-package) macros.
#	The directory where sources/patches will be unpacked and built.
%_builddir		%{_topdir}/BUILD

#	The interpreter used for build scriptlets.
%_buildshell		/bin/sh

#	The path to the bzip2 executable (legacy, use %{__bzip2} instead).
%_bzip2bin		%{__bzip2}

#	The location of the rpm database file(s).
%_dbpath		%{_var}/lib/rpm

#	The location of the rpm database file(s) after "rpm --rebuilddb".
%_dbpath_rebuild	%{_dbpath}

#	Path to script that creates debug symbols in a /usr/lib/debug
#	shadow tree.
%__debug_install_post   \
   /usr/lib/rpm/ %{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir}\

#	Template for debug information sub-package.
%debug_package \
%ifnarch noarch\
%global __debug_package 1\
%package debug\
Summary: Debug information for package %{name}\
Group: Development/Debug\
AutoReqProv: 0\
%description debug\
This package provides debug information for package %{name}.\
Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this\
package or when debugging this package.\
%files debug -f debugfiles.list\

%_defaultdocdir		%{_usr}/doc

#	The path to the gzip executable (legacy, use %{__gzip} instead).
%_gzipbin		%{__gzip}

#	The number of changelog entries kept when installing (legacy, unused in
#	rpm-4.0.1 and later).
%_instchangelog		5

#	The path to the pgp executable (legacy, use %{__pgp} instead).
%_pgpbin		%{__pgp}

#	The directory where newly built binary packages will be written.
%_rpmdir		%{_topdir}/RPMS

#	A template used to generate the output binary package file name
#	(legacy).
%_rpmfilename		%{_build_name_fmt}

#	The default signature type.
%_signature		gpg

#	The directory where sources/patches from a source package will be
#	installed. This is also where sources/patches are found when building.
%_sourcedir		%{_topdir}/SOURCES

#	The directory where the spec file from a source package will be
#	installed.
%_specdir		%{_topdir}/SPECS

#	The directory where newly built source packages will be written.
%_srcrpmdir		%{_topdir}/SRPMS

#	Directory where temporaray files can be created.
%_tmppath		%{_var}/tmp

#	Path to top of build area.
%_topdir		%{_usrsrc}/redhat

#	The path to the unzip executable (legacy, use %{__unzip} instead).
%_unzipbin		%{__unzip}

# ---- Optional rpmrc macros.
#	Macros that are initialized as a side effect of rpmrc and/or spec
#	file parsing.
#	Configurable build root path, same as BuildRoot: in a specfile.
#	(Note: the configured macro value will override the spec file value).

#	The sub-directory (relative to %{_builddir}) where sources are compiled.
#	This macro is set after processing %setup, either explicitly from the
#	value given to -n or the default name-version.

#	Configurable distribution information, same as Distribution: tag in a
#	specfile.

#	Configurable distribution URL, same as DistURL: tag in a specfile.
#	The URL will be used to supply reliable information to tools like
#	rpmfind.
# Note: You should not configure with disturl (or build packages with
# the DistURL: tag) unless you are willing to supply content in a
# yet-to-be-determined format at the URL specified.

#	Boolean (i.e. 1 == "yes", 0 == "no") that controls whether files
#	marked as %doc should be installed.

#	The port and machine name of a FTP proxy host running TIS firewall.

#	The signature to use and the location of configuration files for
#	signing packages with GNU gpg.

#	The port and machine name of an HTTP proxy host.

#	The PATH put into the environment before running %pre/%post et al.
%_install_script_path	/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin

#	A colon separated list of desired locales to be installed;
#	"all" means install all locale specific files.
%_install_langs	all

#	The value of CLASSPATH in build scriptlets (iff configured).
#%_javaclasspath	all

#	Import packaging conventions from (prefixed with _
#	to avoid name collisions).
%_javadir      %{_datadir}/java
%_javadocdir   %{_datadir}/javadoc

#	Deprecated.

#	A colon separated list of paths where files should *not* be installed.
#	Usually, these are network file system mount points.

#	(experimental)
#	The type of pattern match used on rpmdb iterator selectors:
#	"default"	simple glob-like regex, periods will be escaped,
#			splats will have period prepended, full "^...$" match
#			required. Also, file path tags will use glob(7).
#	"strcmp"	compare strings
#	"regex"		regex(7) patterns using regcomp(3)/regexec(3)
#	"glob"		glob(7) patterns using fnmatch(3)
%_query_selector_match	default

#	Configurable packager information, same as Packager: in a specfile.

#	Compression type and level for source/binary package payloads.
#		"w9.gzdio"	gzip level 9 (default).
#		"w9.bzdio"	bzip2 level 9.
#%_source_payload	w9.gzdio
#%_binary_payload	w9.gzdio

#	The signature to use and the location of configuration files for
#	signing packages with PGP.

#	Configurable vendor information, same as Vendor: in a specfile.

# ---- Build configuration macros.
# Package version macro.
#	The type of package to produce, for compatibility with legacy
#	versions of rpm.
# This is an rpm version, e.g. 30005 means to produce packaging compatible
# with rpm-3.0.5. At the moment, values < 30005 (i.e. compatibility with
# version before rpm-3.0.5) are not supported. The only incompatible change
# in rpm packaging since rpm-3.0.5 has been to replace a 3 with a 4 in the
# rpmlead, so there's little need to use any value greater than 30005.
%_package_version	30005

# Script gets packaged file list on input and buildroot as first parameter.
# Returns list of unpackaged files, i.e. files in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT not packaged.
# Note: Disable (by commenting out) for legacy compatibility.
%__check_files         /usr/lib/rpm/check-files %{buildroot}

# Should unpackaged files in a build root terminate a build?
# Note: The default value should be 0 for legacy compatibility.
%_unpackaged_files_terminate_build	1

# Should missing %doc files in the build directory terminate a build?
# Note: The default value should be 0 for legacy compatibility.
%_missing_doc_files_terminate_build	1

# Use internal dependency generator rather than external helpers?
%_use_internal_dependency_generator	1

# Filter GLIBC_PRIVATE Provides: and Requires:
%_filter_GLIBC_PRIVATE			0

# Desired selinux policy tree
%__policy_tree	%{expand:%%global __policy_tree %{lua:\
f ="/etc/selinux/config")\
if f then\
  for l in f:lines() do\
    if "SELINUXTYPE=" == string.sub(l,0,12) then t=string.sub(l,13); end\
print (t)\

# Path to selinux file context patterns.
%__file_context_path /etc/selinux/%{__policy_tree}/contexts/files/file_contexts

# Path to selinux file context patterns used to add
# RPMTAG_FILECONTEXTS to packages when building.
# Undefined, missing or %{nil} will disable.
%_build_file_context_path	%{nil}

# Path to selinux file context patterns used to set
# (or override package content) file contexts when installing.
# Undefined, missing or %{nil} will use package content (if available).
%_install_file_context_path 	%{__file_context_path}

# Path to selinux file context patterns used to verify
# file contexts on file system.
# Undefined, missing or %{nil} will use package content (if available).
%_verify_file_context_path 	%{__file_context_path}

# Path to scripts to autogenerate package dependencies,
# Note: Used iff _use_internal_dependency_generator is zero.
#%__find_provides	/usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps --provides
#%__find_requires	/usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps --requires
%__find_provides	/usr/lib/rpm/find-provides
%__find_requires	/usr/lib/rpm/find-requires
#%__find_conflicts	???
#%__find_obsoletes	???

# Path to scripts to autogenerate per-interpreter package dependencies,
# Note: Used iff _use_internal_dependency_generator is non-zero. The
# helpers are also used by /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps {--provides|--requires}.
#%__perl_provides	/usr/lib/rpm/ --provides
#%__perl_requires	/usr/lib/rpm/ --requires
%__perl_provides	/usr/lib/rpm/perl.prov
%__perl_requires	/usr/lib/rpm/perl.req

%__python_provides	/usr/lib/rpm/ --provides
%__python_requires	/usr/lib/rpm/ --requires

%__mono_provides        /usr/lib/rpm/mono-find-provides %{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir} %{buildroot} %{_libdir}
%__mono_requires        /usr/lib/rpm/mono-find-requires %{_builddir}/%{?buildsubdir} %{buildroot} %{_libdir}

# fixowner, fixgroup, and fixperms are run at the end of hardcoded setup
# These macros are necessary only for legacy compatibility, and have moved
# to per-platform macro configuration (i.e. /usr/lib/rpm/<arch>-<os>/macros)
# Note: These are no longer enabled by default.
#%__id_u		%{__id} -u
#%__chown_Rhf		%{__chown} -Rhf
#%__chgrp_Rhf		%{__chgrp} -Rhf
#%_fixowner		[ `%{__id_u}` = '0' ] && %{__chown_Rhf} root
#%_fixgroup		[ `%{__id_u}` = '0' ] && %{__chgrp_Rhf} root
#%_fixperms		%{__chmod} -Rf a+rX,u+w,g-w,o-w

# ---- Database configuration macros.
#	Macros used to configure Berkley db parameters.
# rpmdb macro configuration values are a colon (or white space) separated
# list of tokens, with an optional '!' negation to explicitly disable bit
# values, or a "=value" if a parameter. A per-tag value is used (e.g.
# %_dbi_config_Packages) if defined, otherwise a per-rpmdb default
# (e.g. %_dbi_config). The configuration is also conditioned on the
# existence of an internal %{_rpmdb_rebuild} switch to permit changing
# the configuration while rebuilding an rpmdb database.
# The rpmdb configuration tokens are in a popt table in rpmdb/dbconfig.c,
# see that for the latest gory details. Note carefully that, unless you
# are writing an rpm installer, you shouldn't have to touch *any* of these
# parameters.
# Here's a short list of the tokens, with a guess of whether the option is
# useful:
#	(nothing)	currently used in rpm, known to work.
#	"+++"		under development, will be supported in rpm eventually.
#	"???"		I have no clue, you're mostly on your own.
# If you do find yourself inclined to fiddle, here's what I see (shrug):
# 1) Only the value of mp_size has any serious impact on overall performance,
#    and you will need ~256Kb to handle a typical machine install.
# 2) Only the Packages hash, because of the size of the values (i.e. headers),
#    will ever need tuning. Diddle the pagesize if you're interested, although
#    I believe that you will find pagesize=512 "best".
# 3) Adding nofsync increases speed, but risks total data loss. Fiddle shared
#    and/or mp_size instead.
# 4) btree is faster than hash, but would require some painful rpm release
#    engineering to convert everbody's databases to btree, not gonna happen
#    soon.
# See the db3-devel package, or for Berkeley db-3.x
# documentation.
#   token	works?	Berkeley db flag or value
#---------------------- DBENV->open parameters and tunable values:
#   mmapsize=16Mb	DBENV->set_mp_mmapsize
#   cachesize=1Mb	DBENV->set_cachesize, DB->set_cachesize
#---------------------- DBENV->open and DB->open common bits:
#   create		DB_CREATE
#   thread	???	DB_THREAD	(useless w/o posix mutexes on linux)
#---------------------- DBENV->open bits:
#   joinenv		DB_JOIN_ENV
#   mpool		DB_INIT_MPOOL
#   cdb		+++	DB_INIT_CDB
#   txn		???	DB_INIT_TXN
#   log		???	DB_INIT_LOG
#   lock	???	DB_INIT_LOCK
#   recover	???	DB_RECOVER
#   recover_fatal ???	DB_RECOVER_FATAL
#   use_environ	???	DB_USE_ENVIRON
#   use_environ_root ??? DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT
#   private	+++	DB_PRIVATE
#   lockdown	???	DB_LOCKDOWN
#   shared	+++	DB_SYSTEM_MEM
#---------------------- DB->open parameters and tunable values:
#   pagesize=512 +++	DB->set_pagesize
#---------------------- DB->open bits:
#   excl	???	DB_EXCL
#   nommap	???	DB_NOMMAP
#   rdonly		DB_RDONLY
#---------------------- DB->open types:
#   btree		DB_BTREE
#   hash		DB_HASH
#   recno	???	DB_RECNO
#   queue	???	DB_QUEUE
#   unknown	+++	DB_UNKNOWN
#---------------------- DB->set_flags bits:
#   bt_dup	+++	(btree only) DB_DUP
#   bt_dupsort	+++	(btree only) DB_DUPSORT
#   ht_dup	+++	(hash only) DB_DUP
#   ht_dupsort	+++	(hash only) DB_DUPSORT
#----------------------- rpmdb specific configuration:
#   usedbenv		(always on) Use db3 environment?
#   verify		(db3 only) Verify Packages db after RW close?
#   lockdbfd		(always on for Packages) Use fcntl(2) locking ?
#   nofsync		Disable fsync(2) call performed after db3 writes?
#   temporary		Unlink file when closing.

# XXX Use transactions and logs for rpmdb durability (no clue yet):
#%__dbi_other			create joinenv mpool txn log \
#				mp_mmapsize=8Mb mp_size=512Kb

# Use a CDB database model for concurrent access.
# XXX Add "private" here for legacy interoperation transiting to glibc+nptl.
%__dbi_cdb			create cdb mpool mp_mmapsize=16Mb mp_size=1Mb

%__dbi_other			%{?_tmppath:tmpdir=%{_tmppath}} %{?__dbi_cdb}

# Note: adding nofsync here speeds up --rebuilddb a lot.
%__dbi_rebuild			nofsync !log !txn !cdb
%__dbi_transient		%{__dbi_rebuild} temporary private
%__dbi_perms			perms=0644

#--- Hash database configuration
%__dbi_htconfig	\
  hash		\

%__dbi_htconfig_current		%{__dbi_htconfig}
%__dbi_htconfig_rebuild		%{__dbi_htconfig} %{__dbi_rebuild}

%_dbi_htconfig		\

#--- Btree database configuration
%__dbi_btconfig	\
  btree		\

%__dbi_btconfig_current		%{__dbi_btconfig}
%__dbi_btconfig_rebuild		%{__dbi_btconfig} %{__dbi_rebuild}

%_dbi_btconfig		\

# The list of tags for which indices will be built.
%_dbi_tags	Packages:Name:Basenames:Group:Requirename:Providename:Conflictname:Triggername:Dirnames:Requireversion:Provideversion:Installtid:Sigmd5:Sha1header:Filemd5s:Depends:Pubkeys

# "Packages" should have shared/exclusive fcntl(2) lock using "lockdbfd".
%_dbi_config_Packages		%{_dbi_htconfig} lockdbfd

# "Depends" is a per-transaction cache of known dependency resolutions.
%_dbi_config_Depends		%{_dbi_htconfig} temporary private

%_dbi_config_Dirnames		%{_dbi_btconfig}
%_dbi_config_Requireversion	%{_dbi_btconfig}
%_dbi_config_Provideversion	%{_dbi_btconfig}
%_dbi_config_Installtid		%{_dbi_btconfig}
%_dbi_config_Removetid		%{_dbi_btconfig}

%_dbi_config	%{_dbi_htconfig}

# XXX legacy configuration.
# Choose db interface:
#	3	native db3 interface.
# There are two macros so that --rebuilddb can convert db1 -> db3.
%_dbapi			3
%_dbapi_rebuild		3

# ---- GPG/PGP/PGP5 signature macros.
#	Macro(s) to hold the arguments passed to GPG/PGP for package
#	signing and verification.
%__gpg_check_password_cmd	%{__gpg} \
	gpg --batch --no-verbose --passphrase-fd 3 -u "%{_gpg_name}" -so -
%__pgp_check_password_cmd	%{__pgp} \
	pgp +batchmode=on +verbose=0 "%{_pgp_name}" -sf
%__pgp5_check_password_cmd	%{__pgp} \
	pgps +batchmode=on +verbose=0 +armor=off "%{_pgp_name}" -f

%__gpg_sign_cmd			%{__gpg} \
	gpg --batch --no-verbose --no-armor --passphrase-fd 3 --no-secmem-warning \
	-u "%{_gpg_name}" -sbo %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}
%__pgp_sign_cmd			%{__pgp} \
	pgp +batchmode=on +verbose=0 +armor=off \
	"+myname=%{_pgp_name}" -sb %{__plaintext_filename} %{__signature_filename}
%__pgp5_sign_cmd		%{__pgp} \
	pgps +batchmode=on +verbose=0 +armor=off \
	"+myname=%{_pgp_name}" -b %{__plaintext_filename} -o %{__signature_filename}

# XXX rpm-4.1 verifies signatures using beecrypt.
#%__gpg_verify_cmd		%{__gpg} \
#	gpg --batch --no-verbose --verify --no-secmem-warning \
#	%{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}
#%__pgp_verify_cmd		%{__pgp} \
#	pgp +batchmode=on +verbose=0 \
#	%{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}
#%__pgp5_verify_cmd		%{__pgp} \
#	pgpv +batchmode=on +verbose=0 \
#	+OutputInformationFD=1 +OutputWarningFD=1 \
#	-o %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}

# XXX rpm-4.1 verifies prelinked libraries using a prelink undo helper.
#	Normally this macro is defined in /etc/rpm/macros.prelink, installed
#	with the prelink package. If the macro is undefined, then prelinked
#	shared libraries contents are MD5 digest verified (as usual), rather
#	than MD5 verifying the output of the prelink undo helper.
#	Note: The 2nd token is used as argv[0] and "library" is a
#	placeholder that will be deleted and replaced with the appropriate
#	library file path.
#%__prelink_undo_cmd     /usr/sbin/prelink prelink -y library

# Horowitz Key Protocol server configuration
#_hkp_keyserver         hkp://
#_hkp_keyserver_query   %{_hkp_keyserver}/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x

# ---- Transaction macros.
#	Macro(s) used to parameterize transactions.
#	The output binary package file name template used when building
#	binary packages.
# XXX	Note: escaped %% for use in headerSprintf()
%_build_name_fmt	%%{ARCH}/%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm

#	The default transaction color. This value is a set of bits to
#	determine file and dependency affinity for this arch.
#		0	uncolored (i.e. use only arch as install hint)
#		1	Elf32 permitted
#		2	Elf64 permitted
%_transaction_color	3

#	A default autorelocation path prefixed to file paths of packages
#	that have an incompatible arch. This is used on ia64 to prefix
#	/emul/ia32 to i386 file paths, and nowhere else (yet).
# XXX	Note: escaped %% for use in headerSprintf()
%_autorelocate_path	%{nil}

#	A default directory color to choose when directories are
#	auto-relocated.
%_autorelocate_dcolor 0

#	The path to the dependency universe database. The default value
#	is the rpmdb-redhat location. The macro is usually defined in
#	/etc/rpm/macros.solve, installed with the rpmdb-redhat package.
#%_solve_dbpath	/usr/lib/rpmdb/%{_arch}-%{_vendor}-%{_os}/redhat

#	The path to the dependency universe packages. This should
#	be a path to the packages contained in the solve database.
#%_solve_pkgsdir	/mnt/redhat/test/latest-i386/RedHat/RPMS/

#	The output binary package file name template used when suggesting
#	binary packages that solve a dependency. The macro is usually defined
#	in /etc/rpm/macros.solve, installed with the rpmdb-redhat package.
# XXX	Note: escaped %% for use in headerSprintf()
#%_solve_name_fmt	%{?_solve_pkgsdir}%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm

#	The output binary package file name template used when repackaging
#	erased packages.
# XXX	Note: escaped %% for use in headerSprintf()
%_repackage_name_fmt	%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm

#	The directory in which erased packages will be saved when using
#	the --repackage option.
%_repackage_dir		/var/spool/repackage

#	A path (i.e. URL) prefix that is pre-pended to %{_repackage_dir}.
%_repackage_root	%{nil}

#	If non-zero, all erasures will be automagically repackaged.
%_repackage_all_erasures	0

# If non-zero, a failed transaction will be automagically rolled 
# back (sans, the failing transaction element).
%_rollback_transaction_on_failure	0

#	Verify digest/signature flags for various rpm modes:
#	0x30300 (_RPMVSF_NODIGESTS)    --nohdrchk      if set, don't check digest(s)
#	0xc0c00 (_RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES) --nosignature   if set, don't check signature(s)
#	0xf0000 (_RPMVSF_NOPAYLOAD)    --nolegacy      if set, check header+payload (if possible)
#	0x00f00 (_RPMVSF_NOHEADER)     --nohdrchk      if set, don't check rpmdb headers
#	For example, the value 0xf0c00 (=0xf0000+0xc0c00) disables legacy
#	digest/signature checking, disables signature checking, but attempts
#	digest checking, also when retrieving headers from the database.
#	You also can do:
#	 >>> hex(rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES)
#	 '0xc0c00'
#	or:
#	 '0xf0c00'
#	at the python prompt for example, after "import rpm".
#	The checking overhead is ~11ms per header for digests/signatures;
#	each header from the database is checked only when first encountered
#	for each database open.
#	Note: the %_vsflags_erase applies to --upgrade/--freshen modes as
#	well as --erase.
%__vsflags		0xf0000
%_vsflags_build		%{__vsflags}
%_vsflags_erase		%{__vsflags}
%_vsflags_install	%{__vsflags}
%_vsflags_query		%{__vsflags}
%_vsflags_rebuilddb	%{__vsflags}
%_vsflags_up2date	%{__vsflags}
%_vsflags_verify	%{__vsflags}

#	Relations between package names that cause dependency loops
#	with legacy packages that cannot be fixed. Relations are
#	specified as
#		p>q
#	where package p has a Requires: on something that package q Provides:
# XXX	Note: that there cannot be any whitespace within the string "p>q",
#	and that both p and q are package names (i.e. no version/release).

%_dependency_whiteout			\

# Default headerSprintf() output format string for rpm -qa
# XXX	Note: escaped %% for use in headerSprintf()
%_query_all_fmt		%%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}

# Default path to the file used for transaction fcmtl lock.
# The previous, FHS clompliant, name was /var/lock/run/transaction,
# but the transaction lock needs to be per-database, not global, for
# some rpmdb operations.
# XXX Note: the file name is chosesn as __db.000 to expedite
# support issues, many users are doing "rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*"
# these days.
%_rpmlock_path	%{_dbpath}/__db.000

# ---- Cache configuration macros.
#	Macro(s) used to configure the universe of headers used to
#	solve dependencies using rpmcache(8).
#	Note: These values are specific to my machine, and most certainly
#	are incorrect for any machine. The macros are
#	included here only to document the macro names and usage.
%_bhpath        file://localhost/mnt/dist
%_bhcoll        @(7.3|7.2|7.1|7.1sbe|7.1k|7.0|7.01j|7.0j|7.0sbe|7.0tc|6.2|6.2ha|6.2ee|6.1|6.0|5.2|5.1|5.0)
%_bhN           @(SRPMS|i386|alpha|sparc|s390|ia64)
%_bhVR          RedHat
%_bhA           RPMS

#	The cache database directory.
%_cache_dbpath		/var/spool/up2date/cache

# ---- per-platform macros.
#	Macros that are specific to an individual platform. The values here
#	will be used if the per-platform macro file does not exist..
%_arch			x86_64
%_build_arch		x86_64
%_vendor		redhat
%_os			linux
%_gnu			-gnu
%_target_platform	%{_target_cpu}-%{_vendor}-%{_target_os}%{?_gnu}

# Define a generic value for optflags. Normally overridden by per-target macros.
%optflags		-O2

# Define per-arch and per-os defaults. Normally overridden by per-target macros.
%__arch_install_post	%{nil}
%__os_install_post	%{___build_post}

# ---- Scriptlet template templates.
#	Global defaults used for building scriptlet templates.

%___build_shell		%{?_buildshell:%{_buildshell}}%{!?_buildshell:/bin/sh}
%___build_args		-e
%___build_cmd		%{?_sudo:%{_sudo} }%{?_remsh:%{_remsh} %{_remhost} }%{?_remsudo:%{_remsudo} }%{?_remchroot:%{_remchroot} %{_remroot} }%{___build_shell} %{___build_args}
%___build_pre	\
  export RPM_DOC_DIR\
  export RPM_BUILD_ROOT}\
  export CLASSPATH}\
  %{verbose:set -x}%{!verbose:exec > /dev/null}\
  umask 022\
  cd %{u2p:%{_builddir}}\

#%___build_body		%{nil}
%___build_post		exit 0

%___build_template	#!%{___build_shell}\


# ---- Scriptlet templates.
#	Macro(s) that expand to a command and script that is executed.
#	CAVEAT: All macro expansions must fit in a BUFSIZ (8192 byte) buffer.
%__spec_prep_shell	%{___build_shell}
%__spec_prep_args	%{___build_args}
%__spec_prep_cmd	%{___build_cmd}
%__spec_prep_pre	%{___build_pre}
%__spec_prep_body	%{___build_body}
%__spec_prep_post	%{___build_post}
%__spec_prep_template	#!%{__spec_prep_shell}\


%__spec_build_shell	%{___build_shell}
%__spec_build_args	%{___build_args}
%__spec_build_cmd	%{___build_cmd}
%__spec_build_pre	%{___build_pre}
%__spec_build_body	%{___build_body}
%__spec_build_post	%{___build_post}
%__spec_build_template	#!%{__spec_build_shell}\


%__spec_install_shell	%{___build_shell}
%__spec_install_args	%{___build_args}
%__spec_install_cmd	%{___build_cmd}
%__spec_install_pre	%{___build_pre}
%__spec_install_body	%{___build_body}
%__spec_install_template	#!%{__spec_install_shell}\


%__spec_check_shell	%{___build_shell}
%__spec_check_args	%{___build_args}
%__spec_check_cmd	%{___build_cmd}
%__spec_check_pre	%{___build_pre}
%__spec_check_body	%{___build_body}
%__spec_check_post	%{___build_post}
%__spec_check_template	#!%{__spec_check_shell}\


#%__spec_autodep_shell	%{___build_shell}
#%__spec_autodep_args	%{___build_args}
#%__spec_autodep_cmd	%{___build_cmd}
#%__spec_autodep_pre	%{___build_pre}
#%__spec_autodep_body	%{___build_body}
#%__spec_autodep_post	%{___build_post}
#%__spec_autodep_template	#!%{__spec_autodep_shell}\


%__spec_clean_shell	%{___build_shell}
%__spec_clean_args	%{___build_args}
%__spec_clean_cmd	%{___build_cmd}
%__spec_clean_pre	%{___build_pre}
%__spec_clean_body	%{___build_body}
%__spec_clean_post	%{___build_post}
%__spec_clean_template	#!%{__spec_clean_shell}\


%__spec_rmbuild_shell	%{___build_shell}
%__spec_rmbuild_args	%{___build_args}
%__spec_rmbuild_cmd	%{___build_cmd}
%__spec_rmbuild_pre	%{___build_pre}
%__spec_rmbuild_body	%{___build_body}
%__spec_rmbuild_post	%{___build_post}
%__spec_rmbuild_template	#!%{__spec_rmbuild_shell}\


# XXX We don't expand pre/post install scriptlets (yet).
#%__spec_pre_pre		%{nil}
#%__spec_pre_post		%{nil}
#%__spec_post_pre		%{nil}
#%__spec_post_post		%{nil}
#%__spec_preun_pre		%{nil}
#%__spec_preun_post		%{nil}
#%__spec_postun_pre		%{nil}
#%__spec_postun_post		%{nil}
#%__spec_triggerpostun_pre	%{nil}
#%__spec_triggerpostun_post	%{nil}
#%__spec_triggerun_pre		%{nil}
#%__spec_triggerun_post		%{nil}
#%__spec_triggerin_pre		%{nil}
#%__spec_triggerin_post		%{nil}

# ---- configure macros.
#	Macro(s) slavishly copied from autoconf's config.status.
%_prefix		/usr
%_exec_prefix		%{_prefix}
%_bindir		%{_exec_prefix}/bin
%_sbindir		%{_exec_prefix}/sbin
%_libexecdir		%{_exec_prefix}/libexec
%_datadir		%{_prefix}/share
%_sysconfdir		%{_prefix}/etc
%_sharedstatedir	%{_prefix}/com
%_localstatedir		%{_prefix}/var
%_lib			lib
%_libdir		%{_exec_prefix}/%{_lib}
%_includedir		%{_prefix}/include
%_oldincludedir		/usr/include
%_infodir		%{_prefix}/info
%_mandir		%{_prefix}/man

# ---- config.guess platform macros.
#	Macro(s) similar to the tokens used by configure.
%_build			%{_host}
%_build_alias		%{_host_alias}
%_build_cpu		%{_host_cpu}
%_build_vendor		%{_host_vendor}
%_build_os		%{_host_os}
%_host			x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
%_host_alias		%{nil}
%_host_cpu		x86_64
%_host_vendor		redhat
%_host_os		linux-gnu
%_target		%{_host}
%_target_alias		%{_host_alias}
%_target_cpu		%{_host_cpu}
%_target_vendor		%{_host_vendor}
%_target_os		%{_host_os}

# ---- specfile macros.
#	Macro(s) here can be used reliably for reproducible builds.
#	(Note: Above is the goal, below are the macros under development)
# The configure macro does the following:
#	optionally change to a subdirectory (not implemented).
#	attempt to update config.guess and config.sub.
#	run configure with correct prefix, platform, and CFLAGS.
#	optionally restore current directory (not implemented).
# The configure macro should be invoked as %configure (rather than %{configure})
# because the rest of the arguments will be expanded using %*.
# This is the version of %configure used through rpm-3.0.4.
#%configure	\
#  %{?__libtoolize:[ -f ] && %{__libtoolize} --copy --force} \
#  CFLAGS="%{optflags}" ./configure %{_target_platform} --prefix=%{_prefix}
# This is an improved version of %configure (from PLD team).
%configure \
  CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CFLAGS ; \
  CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CXXFLAGS ; \
  FFLAGS="${FFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export FFLAGS ; \
  ./configure --host=%{_host} --build=%{_build} \\\
	--target=%{_target_platform} \\\
	--program-prefix=%{?_program_prefix} \\\
 	--prefix=%{_prefix} \\\
	--exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} \\\
	--bindir=%{_bindir} \\\
	--sbindir=%{_sbindir} \\\
	--sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \\\
	--datadir=%{_datadir} \\\
	--includedir=%{_includedir} \\\
	--libdir=%{_libdir} \\\
	--libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \\\
	--localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \\\
	--sharedstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} \\\
	--mandir=%{_mandir} \\\

# The make install analogue of %configure:
%makeinstall \
  make \\\
	prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_prefix} \\\
	exec_prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_exec_prefix} \\\
	bindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_bindir} \\\
	sbindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sbindir} \\\
	sysconfdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sysconfdir} \\\
	datadir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_datadir} \\\
	includedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_includedir} \\\
	libdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libdir} \\\
	libexecdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libexecdir} \\\
	localstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_localstatedir} \\\
	sharedstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sharedstatedir} \\\
	mandir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_mandir} \\\
	infodir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_infodir} \\\

# The GNUconfigure macro does the following:
#       update config.guess and config.sub.
#       regenerate all autoconf/automake files
#       optionally change to a directory (make the directory if requested).
#       run configure with correct prefix, platform, and CFLAGS.
#       optionally restore current directory.
# Based on from GNOME and orginal GNUconfigure
%GNUconfigure(MCs:)      \
  CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CFLAGS; \
  LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:-%{-s:-s}}"  ; export LDFLAGS; \
  %{-C:_mydir="`pwd`"; %{-M: %{__mkdir} -p %{-C*};} cd %{-C*}} \
  dirs="`find ${_mydir} -name -print`"; export dirs; \
    for coin in `echo ${dirs}` \
do \
  dr=`dirname ${coin}`; \
if test -f ${dr}/NO-AUTO-GEN; then \
 : \
else \
     macrodirs=`sed -n -e 's,AM_ACLOCAL_INCLUDE(\(.*\)),\1,gp' < ${coin}`; \
    ( cd ${dr}; \
      aclocalinclude="${ACLOCAL_FLAGS}"; \
      for k in ${macrodirs}; do \
        if test -d ${k}; then \
          aclocalinclude="${aclocalinclude} -I ${k}"; \
        ##else \
        ##  echo "**Warning**: No such directory \`${k}'.  Ignored." \
        fi \
      done \
      if grep "^AM_GNU_GETTEXT" >/dev/null; then \
        if grep "sed.*POTFILES" >/dev/null; then \
          : do nothing -- we still have an old unmodified \
        else \
          test -r ${dr}/aclocal.m4 || touch ${dr}/aclocal.m4; \
          echo "no" | gettextize --force --copy; \
          test -r ${dr}/aclocal.m4 && %{__chmod} u+w ${dr}/aclocal.m4; \
        fi \
      fi \
      if grep "^AM_PROG_LIBTOOL" >/dev/null; then \
        %{__libtoolize} --force --copy; \
      fi \
      aclocal ${aclocalinclude}; \
      if grep "^AM_CONFIG_HEADER" >/dev/null; then \
        %{__autoheader}; \
      fi \
      echo "Running automake --gnu ${am_opt} ..."; \
      %{__automake} --add-missing --gnu ${am_opt}; \
      %{__autoconf}; \
    ); \
  fi \
done \
  %{-C:${_mydir}}%{!-C:.}/configure %{_target_platform} --prefix=%{_prefix} --exec-prefix=%{_exec_prefix} --bindir=%{_bindir} --sbindir=%{_sbindir} --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} --datadir=%{_datadir} --includedir=%{_includedir} --libdir=%{_libdir} --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} --sharedstatedir=%{_sharedstatedir} --mandir=%{_mandir} --infodir=%{_infodir} %* ; \
  %{-C:cd ${_mydir}; unset _mydir}

# Useful perl macros (from Artur Frysiak <[email protected]>)
# For example, these can be used as (from ImageMagick.spec from PLD site)
#	[...]
#	BuildPrereq: perl
#	[...]
#	%package perl
#	Summary: libraries and modules for access to ImageMagick from perl
#	Group: Development/Languages/Perl
#	Requires: %{name} = %{version}
#	%requires_eq    perl
#	[...]
#	%install
#	rm -fr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
#	install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{perl_sitearch}
#	[...]
#	%files perl
#	%defattr(644,root,root,755)
#	%{perl_sitearch}/Image
#	%dir %{perl_sitearch}/auto/Image
%requires_eq()	%(LC_ALL="C" echo '%*' | xargs -r rpm -q --qf 'Requires: %%{name} = %%{epoch}:%%{version}\\n' | sed -e 's/ (none):/ /' -e 's/ 0:/ /' | grep -v "is not")
%perl_sitearch	%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installsitearch`"; echo $installsitearch)
%perl_sitelib	%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installsitelib`"; echo $installsitelib)
%perl_vendorarch %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installvendorarch`"; echo $installvendorarch)
%perl_vendorlib  %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installvendorlib`"; echo $installvendorlib)
%perl_archlib	%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installarchlib`"; echo $installarchlib)
%perl_privlib	%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installprivlib`"; echo $installprivlib)

# arch macro for all Intel i?86 compatibile processors
#  (Note: This macro (and it's analogues) will probably be obsoleted when
#   rpm can use regular expressions against target platforms in macro
#   conditionals.
%ix86   i386 i486 i586 i686 pentium3 pentium4 athlon

# arch macro for all supported ARM processors
%arm	armv3l armv4b armv4l armv4tl armv5tel armv5tejl armv6l

# arch macro for all supported Alpha processors
%alpha	alpha alphaev56 alphaev6 alphaev67

# Use in %install to generate locale specific file lists. For example,
# %install
# ...
# %find_lang %{name}
# ...
# %files -f %{name}.lang
%find_lang	/usr/lib/rpm/ %{buildroot}

Generated on Fri Oct 12 08:44:56 2007 for rpm by  doxygen 1.5.2