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This RDF Core WG Working Draft describes the updates to the grammar for the XML syntax of the RDF model as described in RDF Model & Syntax after amendments and clarifications from the RDF Core WG.
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. The latest status of this document series is maintained at the W3C.
This is a W3C RDF Core WG Working Draft of the RDF Core Working Group produced as part of the W3C Semantic Web Activity. It incorporates decisions made by the Working Group updating the XML syntax for RDF from the original RDF Model & Syntax document.
This document is being released for review by W3C members and other interested parties to encourage feedback and comments, especially with regard to how the changes affect existing implementations, and how the grammar can be formalized with schema languages. This is the current state of an ongoing work on the syntax and does not yet record all the related decisions or include the descriptive text from the grammar section of the original document.
This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use it as reference material or to cite as other than "work in progress". A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at
Comments on this document are invited and should be sent to the public mailing list [email protected]. An archive of comments is available at
1. Introduction
2. Original Grammar
3. Updated Grammar after RDF Core decisions
3.1. Updated Grammar
3.2. Grammar Changes by Issue
4. Grammar Using XML Infoset Terms
4.1. Infoset Notation
4.2 - 4.22 Infoset Grammar
4.23 Transformation Notes
5. Infoset Conformance
Appendix A: References
RDF Model & Syntax used an EBNF form plus explanatory text to explain the XML syntax. Subsequent implementations of this syntax and comparison of the resulting RDF models have shown that there was ambiguity - implementations generated different models and certain syntax forms were not widely implemented. These issues were generally made as either feedback to the [email protected] (archive) or from discussions on the RDF Interest Group list [email protected] (archive) .
The RDF Core Working Group is chartered to respond to the need for a number of fixes, clarifications and improvements to the specification of RDF's abstract model and XML syntax. The working group invites feedback from the developer community on the effects of its proposals on existing implementations and documents.
Several decisions including amendments and deletions to the grammar are refered to below. The definitive record of the decisions is the RDF Core WG issues list.
This document records the process of updating the existing grammar showing the changes made step-by-step. The original grammar uses EBNF in terms of characters such as '<'. This was then transformed to be represented in terms of XML Information Set items which moves from the rather low-level details, such as particular forms of empty elements. This allows the grammar to be more precisely recorded and the mapping from the XML syntax to the RDF model more clearly shown.
This process is not yet complete, in that the final step is defining for each syntax production which RDF statements are added to the resulting model (if any). It is required that this be a more precise process than before in preferably a machine checkable language, mapping from the XML syntax to the RDF model. For this to happen means formalizing using one or more of various technologies such as XML Schema (Primer, Structures, Datatypes), RELAX, TREX, Relax NG and Schematron (not an exclusive list).
At present we are evaluating which of these technologies are sufficient and appropriate for this formalization but would appreciate feedback on this approach and suggestions for other formalisms that could be used.
This section contains the EBNF grammar of the RDF/XML syntax from RDF Model & Syntax Formal Grammar for RDF section. The only changes made here were to make it legal XHTML via tidy and to change the links to the productions to point to those in the original document.
[6.1] RDF ::= ['<rdf:RDF>'] obj* ['</rdf:RDF>'] [6.2] obj ::= description | container [6.3] description ::= '<rdf:Description' idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* '/>' | '<rdf:Description' idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* '>' propertyElt* '</rdf:Description>' | typedNode [6.4] container ::= sequence | bag | alternative [6.5] idAboutAttr ::= idAttr | aboutAttr | aboutEachAttr [6.6] idAttr ::= ' ID="' IDsymbol '"' [6.7] aboutAttr ::= ' about="' URI-reference '"' [6.8] aboutEachAttr ::= ' aboutEach="' URI-reference '"' | ' aboutEachPrefix="' string '"' [6.9] bagIdAttr ::= ' bagID="' IDsymbol '"' [6.10] propAttr ::= typeAttr | propName '="' string '"' (with embedded quotes escaped) [6.11] typeAttr ::= ' type="' URI-reference '"' [6.12] propertyElt ::= '<' propName idAttr? '>' value '</' propName '>' | '<' propName idAttr? parseLiteral '>' literal '</' propName '>' | '<' propName idAttr? parseResource '>' propertyElt* '</' propName '>' | '<' propName idRefAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* '/>' [6.13] typedNode ::= '<' typeName idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* '/>' | '<' typeName idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* '>' propertyElt* '</' typeName '>' [6.14] propName ::= Qname [6.15] typeName ::= Qname [6.16] idRefAttr ::= idAttr | resourceAttr [6.17] value ::= obj | string [6.18] resourceAttr ::= ' resource="' URI-reference '"' [6.19] Qname ::= [ NSprefix ':' ] name [6.20] URI-reference ::= string, interpreted per [URI] [6.21] IDsymbol ::= (any legal XML name symbol) [6.22] name ::= (any legal XML name symbol) [6.23] NSprefix ::= (any legal XML namespace prefix) [6.24] string ::= (any XML text, with "<", ">", and "&" escaped) [6.25] sequence ::= '<rdf:Seq' idAttr? '>' member* '</rdf:Seq>' | '<rdf:Seq' idAttr? memberAttr* '/>' [6.26] bag ::= '<rdf:Bag' idAttr? '>' member* '</rdf:Bag>' | '<rdf:Bag' idAttr? memberAttr* '/>' [6.27] alternative ::= '<rdf:Alt' idAttr? '>' member+ '</rdf:Alt>' | '<rdf:Alt' idAttr? memberAttr? '/>' [6.28] member ::= referencedItem | inlineItem [6.29] referencedItem ::= '<rdf:li' resourceAttr '/>' [6.30] inlineItem ::= '<rdf:li' '>' value </rdf:li>' | '<rdf:li' parseLiteral '>' literal </rdf:li>' | '<rdf:li' parseResource '>' propertyElt* </rdf:li>' [6.31] memberAttr ::= ' rdf:_n="' string '"' (where n is an integer) [6.32] parseLiteral ::= ' parseType="Literal"' [6.33] parseResource ::= ' parseType="Resource"' [6.34] literal ::= (any well-formed XML)
(Note: there are EBNF bugs in the 6.30 production where the </rdf:li> tags are not fully enclosed in quotes as '</rdf:li>')
This section updates the original grammar in Section 2 by amending and deleting various productions according to the recorded RDF Core WG decisions. Some productions are also removed since they are no longer needed, once the above changes are made.
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Production Number |
Production Name |
Definition |
6.1 | RDF | "<rdf:RDF>" | description |
6.3 | description | "<rdf:Description" idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* "/>" | "<rdf:Description" idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* ">" propertyElt* "</rdf:Description>" | typedNode |
6.5 | idAboutAttr | idAttr | aboutAttr | aboutEachAttr |
6.6 | idAttr | " rdf:ID=\"" IDsymbol "\"" |
6.7 | aboutAttr | " rdf:about=\"" URI-reference "\"" |
6.8 | aboutEachAttr | " rdf:aboutEach=\"" URI-reference "\"" |
6.9 | bagIdAttr | " rdf:bagID=\"" IDsymbol "\"" |
6.10 | propAttr | typeAttr | propName "=\"" string "\"" (with embedded quotes escaped) |
6.11 | typeAttr | " rdf:type=\"" URI-reference "\"" |
6.12 | propertyElt | "<" propName idAttr? ">" value "</" propName ">" | "<" propName idAttr? parseLiteral ">" literal "</" propName ">" | "<" propName idAttr? parseResource ">" propertyElt* "</" propName ">" | "<" propName idRefAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* "/>" |
6.13 | typedNode | "<" typeName idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* "/>" | "<" typeName idAboutAttr? bagIdAttr? propAttr* ">" propertyElt* "</" typeName ">" |
6.14 | propName | Qname |
6.15 | typeName | Qname |
6.16 | idRefAttr | idAttr | resourceAttr |
6.17 | value | |
6.18 | resourceAttr | " rdf:resource=\"" URI-reference "\"" |
6.19 | Qname | |
6.20 | URI-reference | string, interpreted per [URI] |
6.21 | IDsymbol | any legal XML name symbol |
6.22 | name | any legal XML name symbol |
6.23 | NSprefix | any legal XML namespace prefix |
6.24 | string | any XML text, with "<", ">", and "&" escaped |
| "<rdf:Seq" idAttr? memberAttr* "/>" |
| "<rdf:Bag" idAttr? memberAttr* "/>" |
| "<rdf:Alt" idAttr? memberAttr? "/>" |
| "<rdf:li" parseLiteral ">" literal </rdf:li>" | "<rdf:li" parseResource ">" propertyElt* </rdf:li>" |
6.32 | parseLiteral | " rdf:parseType=\"Literal\"" |
6.33 | parseResource | " rdf:parseType=\"Resource\"" |
6.34 | literal | any well-formed XML |
The decided issues that changed the grammar are recorded here but this is not the definitive list or description - see the RDF Core WG issues list. There are other decided issues that did not affect the EBNF grammar but do affect the syntax by amending the descriptive text in the original grammar. These issues are not recorded here at this time. Decided issues may also have associated test cases which can be found in the RDF Test Cases document (work in progess at this date).
Productions | Issue | Description |
6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.11, 6.18, 6.32, 6.33 | rdf-ns-prefix-confusion | On 25th May 2001, the WG decided that ALL attributes must be namespace qualified. There is a description of the decision, including detail on the grammar productions affected and a collection of test cases |
6.8 | rdfms-abouteachprefix | On 1st June 2001, the WG decided that aboutEachPrefix would be removed from the RDF Model and Syntax Recommendation on the grounds that there is a lack of implementation experience, and it therefore should not be in the recommendation. A future version of RDF may consider support for this feature. |
6.25, 6.26, 6.27, 6.28, 6.29, 6.30, 6.31 | rdf-containers-syntax-ambiguity rdf-containers-syntax-vs-schema |
On 29th June 2001, the WG decided that containers will match the typed node production in the grammar (production 6.13) and that the container specific productions (productions 6.25 to 6.31) and any references to them be removed from the grammar. rdf:li elements will be translated to rdf:_nnn elements when they are found matching either a propertyElt (production 6.12) or a a typedNode (production 6.13). The decision includes a set of test cases. |
6.4 (definition) | - | container is no longer needed after all its sub-productions 6.25, 6.26 and 6.27 are removed. |
6.2 (definition), 6.1 (use) | - | obj is no longer needed after the container production is removed. |
This section takes the updated EBNF grammer in Section 3.1 and removes the low-level XML syntax characters, replacing them with description in terms of XML Infoset information items.
The following notation is used for XML Infoset information items and EBNF.
Notation | Meaning |
[property]=value | XML Infoset information item property and value |
element([prop1]=value1, [prop2]=value2, ...) |
XML Infoset Element Information Item with properties |
attribute([prop1]=value1, [prop1]=value2, ...) | XML Infoset Attribute Information Item with properties |
character() | An XML Infoset Character Information Item with any allowed code. |
list(item1, item2, ...); list() | An ordered list of items in document order; an empty list |
set(item1, item2, ...); set() | An unordered set of items; an empty set |
* | Zero or more of preceding term |
? | Zero or one of preceding term |
+ | One or more of preceding term |
A | B | ... | The A, B, ... terms are alternatives, with left-to-right priority. For example if term A matches, it is chosen even if term B also matches. |
"ABC" | A string used for value of [local name] property. |
any | Any legal property value. |
element([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="RDF",
| node
element([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="Description",
[attributes]=set(idAboutAttr?, bagIdAttr?, propertyAttr*),
| element([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="Description",
[attributes]=set(idAboutAttr?, bagIdAttr?, propertyAttr*),
element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set(idAboutAttr?, bagIdAttr?, propertyAttr*),
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set(idAboutAttr?, bagIdAttr?, propertyAttr*),
element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set(idAttr?), [children]=list())
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set(idAttr?, parseLiteral),
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set(idAttr?, parseLiteral),
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set(idAttr?, parseResource),
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set(idAttr?, parseOther),
| element([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[attributes]=set((idAttr | resourceAttr)?, bagIdAttr?, propertyAttr*),
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="ID",
[normalized value]=rdf-id)
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="about",
[normalized value]=URI-reference)
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="aboutEach",
[normalized value]=URI-reference)
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="bagID",
[normalized value]=rdf-id)
attribute([namespace name]=any,
[local name]=any,
[normalized value]=CDATA)
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="type",
[normalized value]=URI-reference)
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="resource",
[normalized value]=URI-reference)
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="parseType",
[normalized value]="Literal")
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="parseType",
[normalized value]="Resource")
attribute([namespace name]=rdf-ns,
[local name]="parseType",
[normalized value]=CDATA)
CDATA interpreted as a URI reference defined in RFC2396 BNF production URI-reference.
ISSUE: is this the best way to specify this?
Any non-empty well-formed XML.
ISSUE: This is not precise enough. What to do here? Need to link to Infoset terms including character().
ISSUE: Should this be changed from any legal XML Nmtoken to be the same as that for XML IDs? In XML 1.0 (Second Edition) XML IDs must match Validity constraint: ID which requires the identifiers to match the Name production - a more restricted identifier than Nmtoken.
6.17 value was removed and merged into the remaining single use in propertyElt as description | string.
6.24 string was removed and merged into the remaining single use in propertyElt as two expanded terms - list(character()+) and list() .
6.34 literal was modified to be non-empty XML (although this isn't very precise) and the empty/non-empty distinction preserved in the single case where it was used in propertyElt as an expansion to list(literal) and list()
In 6.13 typedNode and 6.3 description, the propertyElt* were replaced with propertyElt+ so that there was no ambiguity with which part was handled when there were no contained propertyElt.
The production numbers were removed and the productions reordered into approximate elements, attributes and terminal terms order.
node added to distinguish description and typedNode. Replaces description.
propertyAttr added to make clear alternatives - propAttr and typeAttr. Replaces propAttr.
idRefAttr removed and replaced inline into the single place used in propertyElt
A | B was redefined to have left-to-right priority so, for example, typeAttr matches before propAttr.
parseOther added to provide a place to later define what happens with non-Literal, non-Resource parseTypes.
This specification requires an information set as defined in XML Infoset which supports at least the following information items and properties:
This specification does not require any destructive alterations to the input information set; no items are added or removed.
This section is intended to satisfy the requirements for Conformance to the XML Infoset specification.
Other ways to express the existing grammar, new syntaxes and grammars and other new ideas.