Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Version 1.1

W3C Working Draft 30 October 2001

This version:
http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-SVG11-20011030/ (in XML (with its own DTD, XSL stylesheet) and HTML)
Latest version:
Dean Jackson, W3C/CSIRO <[email protected]>


This specification defines the features and syntax for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Version 1.1, a modularized language for describing two-dimensional vector and mixed vector/raster graphics in XML.

Status of this Document

This document is the first public draft version of the SVG 1.1 specification. This draft serves two purposes: to provide a modularization of SVG based on SVG 1.0 and to indicate the new features of SVG 1.1. At present, it must be read in accompaniment with the SVG 1.0 specification. The next draft of this document will be a complete self-contained specification of SVG 1.1.

It is possible to use this document as a basis for implementation. However, no guarantee is given of stability, and the SVG Working Group will not use the existance of implementations conforming to this draft as a reason for not changing future drafts.

We explicitly invite comments on this specification. Please send them to [email protected].

This document has been produced by the W3C SVG Working Group as part of the Graphics Activity within the W3C Document Formats Domain. The goals of the W3C SVG Working Group are discussed in the W3C SVG Charter (W3C members only). The W3C SVG Working Group has maintained a public Web page http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/ which contains further background information. The authors of this document are the SVG Working Group members.

Public discussion of issues related to vector graphics on the Web and SVG in particular takes place on the [email protected] (public mailing list of the SVG Working Group - list archives). To subscribe send an email to [email protected] with the word subscribe in the subject line.

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/. W3C publications may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. In particular it is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress".

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
    1.1 Modularization
2 Structure
    2.1 The version attribute
    2.2 The profile attribute
    2.3 Structure Module
    2.4 Tiny Structure Module
    2.5 Content Sets
    2.6 Container Attribute Module
    2.7 Viewport Attribute Module
3 Images
    3.1 Image Module
    3.2 Image Attribute Module
4 Conditional Processing
    4.1 Conditional Processing Module
5 Hyperlinking
    5.1 Hyperlinking Module
6 Styling
    6.1 Style Module
7 Shapes
    7.1 Shape Module
    7.2 Content Set
8 Text
    8.1 Simple Text Wrapping
    8.2 Text Module
    8.3 Basic Text Module
    8.4 Tiny Text Module
    8.5 Text Attribute Module
9 Filters
    9.1 Filter Module
    9.2 Basic Filter Module
    9.3 Filter Attribute Module
    9.4 Filter Interpolation Attribute Module
    9.5 FeFlood Attribute Module
    9.6 FeLighting Attribute Module
10 Coordinate Systems, Transforms and Units
    10.1 Global Coordinate System
    10.2 Using Viewport Coordinates
11 Painting
    11.1 Paint Attribute Module
    11.2 Tiny Paint Attribute Module
    11.3 Opacity Attribute Module
    11.4 Graphics Attribute Module
    11.5 Tiny Graphics Attribute Module
12 Animation
    12.1 Animation Module
    12.2 Tiny Animation Module
    12.3 Content Set
13 Fonts
    13.1 Font Module
    13.2 Tiny Font Module
    13.3 Font Attribute Module
    13.4 Tiny Font Attribute Module
14 Extensibility
    14.1 Extensibility Module
15 Clipping
    15.1 Clip Module
    15.2 Basic Clip Module
    15.3 Clip Attribute Module
16 Masking
    16.1 Mask Module
    16.2 Basic Mask Module
    16.3 Mask Attribute Module
17 Markers
    17.1 Marker Module
    17.2 Marker Attribute Module
18 Gradients
    18.1 Gradient Module
    18.2 Gradient Attribute Module
19 Patterns
    19.1 Pattern Module
20 Color
    20.1 Color Element
    20.2 Color Module
    20.3 Color Attribute Module
    20.4 Basic Color Attribute Module
21 Cursors
    21.1 Cursor Module
    22.1 View Module


A XML Schema
C References
D Author List (Non-Normative)

1 Introduction

This specification defines version 1.1 of the Scalable Vector Graphics Language. The definition and description of all features can be found in the SVG 1.0 [SVG 1.0] specification, although there are a number areas where future drafts of this specification will include new language features. These areas are noted but not defined at present. Unless explicitly noted, the element definitions have not changed from SVG 1.0 to SVG 1.1.

The primary goal is to draft a modularization of the SVG language which can be used to build profiles of SVG, such as SVG Mobile.


This draft references the [SVG 1.0] specification heavily. The next version of this document will be a complete self-contained specification, including all of the [SVG 1.0] features, the updates to these features, and the new language features introduced in SVG 1.1.

1.1 Modularization

The modularization of SVG included here is a decomposition of SVG 1.0 and a small set of extra features into a collection of abstract modules that provide specific types of functionality. The modules are described in this specification and will be implemented by Document Type Definition and XML Schema in future drafts.

These modules may be combined with each other and with other modules to create SVG subset and extension document types that qualify as members of the SVG-family of document types.

2 Structure

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 5 - Document Structure

2.1 The version attribute

The 'svg' element has an attribute version with a fixed value in SVG 1.0 [SVG 1.0]. It is redefined in SVG 1.1 as follows:

version = "<number>"

Indicates the SVG language version to which this document fragment conforms. For SVG 1.1 content, this attribute is required and should have the value "1.1".

2.2 The profile attribute

In the situations were a DOCTYPE declaration is not available, SVG user agents require a method to identify the type of SVG content that the document fragment will use. The profile attribute has been added to the 'svg' element to provide this information. Each profile of SVG is required to define a value to be used for the profile attribute, preferably the name of the profile.

profile = "name"

Indicates the SVG language pofile to which this document fragment conforms. Each profile should define a value for this attribute. The default value of the attribute is "none".

2.3 Structure Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
desc StdAttrs (PCDATA)*
title StdAttrs (PCDATA)*
metadata StdAttrs (PCDATA)*
svg StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, width, height, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, PresentationAttrsAll, GraphicsElementEventAttrs (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | image | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | linearGradient | radialGradient | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*
g StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementEventAttrs (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | image | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | linearGradient | radialGradient | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*
defs StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, GraphicsElementEventAttrs (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | image | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | linearGradient | radialGradient | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*
use StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, x, y, width, height, xlink:href, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementEventAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*
symbol StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementEventAttrs (DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | image | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | linearGradient | radialGradient | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*

2.4 Tiny Structure Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
desc StdAttrs (PCDATA)*
title StdAttrs (PCDATA)*
metadata StdAttrs (PCDATA)*
svg StdAttrs, width, height, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, PresentationAttrs (text | StructureElements | DescriptionElements | GraphicalElements | AnimationElements)*
g StdAttrs, transform, PresentationAttrs (text | StructureElements | DescriptionElements | GraphicalElements | AnimationElements)*
defs StdAttrs (text | StructureElements | DescriptionElements | GraphicalElements | AnimationElements)*

2.5 Content Sets

The Structure Modules also define the DescriptionElements and StructureElements content sets.

Content Set Name Elements in Content Set
DescriptionElements (desc | title | metadata)
StructureElements (svg | g | defs)

2.6 Container Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
ContainerPresentationAttributes enable-background

2.7 Viewport Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
ViewportPresentationAttributes clip, overflow

3 Images

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 5 - Document Structure : image Element

3.1 Image Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
image StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, x, y, width, height, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*

3.2 Image Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
ImagePresentationAttributes color-profile

4 Conditional Processing

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 5 - Document Structure : switch element

4.1 Conditional Processing Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
switch StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | GraphicalElements | text | use | image | svg | g | switch | a | foreignObject | AnimationElements)*

5 Hyperlinking

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 17 - Linking

5.1 Hyperlinking Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
a StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, target, GraphicsElementEvents (#PCDATA | DescriptionElements | StructureElements | GraphicalElements | image | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | linearGradient | radialGradient | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*


There will need to be Basic and Tiny Linking Modules, in order to restrict the content models.

6 Styling

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 6 - Styling

6.1 Style Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
style StdAttrs, type, title (PCDATA)*

7 Shapes

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 8 - Paths and Chapter 9 - Basic Shapes

7.1 Shape Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
rect StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, x, y, width, height, rx, ry, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*
circle StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, cx, cy, r, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*
line StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, x1, y1, x2, y2, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*
ellipse StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, cx, cy, rx, ry, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*
polyline StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, points, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*
polygon StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, points, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*
path StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, transform, d, PresentationAttrs, GraphicsElementsEventsAttrs (DescriptionElements | AnimationElements)*

7.2 Content Set

The Shape Module also defines the GraphicalElements content set.

Content Set Name Elements in Content Set
GraphicalElements (rect | circle | line | polyline | polygon | ellipse | path)

8 Text

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 10 - Text

8.1 Simple Text Wrapping

The next draft of SVG 1.1 may include functionality for providing simple text wrapping. The feature is currently in development and will require detailed examination before being finalized.

8.2 Text Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
text StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | textPath | tref | altGlyph | a | PCDATA | AnimationElements)*
tspan StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, textLength, lengthAdjust, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | textPath | tref | altGlyph | a | PCDATA | AnimationElements)*
tref StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, xlink:href, textLength, lengthAdjust, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | textPath | tref | altGlyph | a | PCDATA | animate | set | animateColor)*
textPath StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, startOffset, textLength, method, spacing, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | tref | altGlyph | a | PCDATA | animate | set | animateColor)*
altGlyph StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, glyphRef, format, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (PCDATA)*

8.3 Basic Text Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
text StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, x, y, rotate, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | tref | textPath | a | PCDATA | AnimationElements)*
tspan StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, x, y, rotate, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | tref | textPath | a | PCDATA | AnimationElements)*
tref StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, x, y, rotate, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | tref | textPath | a | PCDATA | animate | set | animateColor)*
textPath StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, startOffset, textLength, method, spacing, xlink:href, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (tspan | tref | a | PCDATA | animate | set | animateColor)*

8.4 Tiny Text Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
text StdAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, x, y, rotate, GraphicsElementsEventAttrs (PCDATA | AnimationElements)*

8.5 Text Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
TextPresentationAttributes alignment-baseline, baseline-shift, direction, dominant-baseline, glyph-orientation-horizontal, glyph-orientation-vertical, kerning, letter-spacing, text-anchor, text-decoration, unicode-bidi, word-spacing, writing-mode

9 Filters

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 15 - Filters

9.1 Filter Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
filter StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, xlink:href, filterUnits, primitiveUnits, x, y, width, height, filterRes (DescriptionElements | feBlend | feFlood | feColorMatrix | feComponentTransfer | feComposite | feConvolveMatrix | feDiffuseLighting | feDisplacementMap | feGaussianBlur | feImage | feMerge | feMorphology | feOffset | feSpecularLighting | feTile | feTurbulence | animate | set)*

9.2 Basic Filter Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
filter StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, xlink:href, filterUnits, primitiveUnits, x, y, width, height, filterRes (DescriptionElements | feBlend | feFlood | feColorMatrix | feComponentTransfer | feComposite | feGaussianBlur | feImage | feMerge | feOffset | feTile | feTurbulence | animate | set)*

9.3 Filter Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
FilterPresentationAttributes filter

9.4 Filter Interpolation Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
FilterInterpolationPresentationAttributes color-interpolation-filters

9.5 FeFlood Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
FeFloodPresentationAttributes flood-color, flood-opacity

9.6 FeLighting Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
FeLightingPresentationAttributes lighting-color

10 Coordinate Systems, Transforms and Units

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 7 - Coordinate Systems

10.1 Global Coordinate System

In order to achieve interoperability between SVG content generators and SVG user agents, the next draft of the SVG 1.1 specification may describe a technique for defining the reference coordinate system used by an SVG document fragment that contains positional information (e.g. that path segment data is in WGS84 latitude/longitude). The SVG Working Group will not invent any metadata standards for this data; it will use existing metadata elements for the task and define how they should be included in an SVG fragment.

This should simplify overlaying SVG document fragments and including live global positioning data. It will not require that the SVG user agent provide any transformation of the data above that described in SVG 1.0.

10.2 Using Viewport Coordinates

The next draft of SVG 1.1 may provide a feature to allow graphical elements to be described using viewport coordinates. Using this feature, graphical content such as toolbars or map legends could be statically placed within the user agent viewport and be unaffected by zoom and pan.

This feature is currently under development.

11 Painting

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 11 - Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker Symbols

11.1 Paint Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
PaintPresentationAttributes fill, fill-opacity, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-opacity, stroke-width

11.2 Tiny Paint Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
TinyPaintPresentationAttributes fill, fill-rule, stroke, stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-width

11.3 Opacity Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
OpacityPresentationAttributes opacity

11.4 Graphics Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
GraphicsPresentationAttributes display, image-rendering, pointer-events, shape-rendering, text-rendering, visibility

11.5 Tiny Graphics Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
TinyGraphicsPresentationAttributes display, visibility

12 Animation

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 19 - Animation

12.1 Animation Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
animate StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs (DescriptionElements)*
set StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, to (DescriptionElements)*
animateMotion StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs, calcMode, values, keyTimes, keySplines, from, to, by, path, keyPoints, rotate, origin (DescriptionElements | mpath)*
animateTransform StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs, type (DescriptionElements)*
animateColor StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs (DescriptionElements)*
mpath StdAttrs, href (DescriptionElements)*

12.2 Tiny Animation Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
animate StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs (DescriptionElements)*
set StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, to (DescriptionElements)*
animateMotion StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs, calcMode, values, keyTimes, keySplines, from, to, by, path, keyPoints, rotate, origin (DescriptionElements | mpath)*
animateTransform StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs, type (DescriptionElements)*
animateColor StdAttrs, AnimationEventAttrs, AnimElementAttrs, AnimAttributeAttrs, AnimTimingAttrs, AnimValueAttrs, AnimAdditionAttrs (DescriptionElements)*

12.3 Content Set

The Animation Module also defines the AnimationElements content set.

Content Set Name Elements in Content Set
AnimationElements (animate | set | animateTransform | animateMotion | animateColor)

13 Fonts

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 20 - Fonts

13.1 Font Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
font StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, horiz-origin-x, horiz-origin-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y, horiz-adv-x, horiz-adv-y (DescriptionElements | font-face | missing-glyph | glyph | vkern | hkern)*
font-face StdAttrs, font-family, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-stretch, font-size, unicode-range, units-per-em, panose-1, stemv, stemh, slope, cap-height, x-height, accent-height, ascent, descent, widths, bbox, ideographic, alphabetic, mathematical, hanging, v-ideographic, v-alphabetic, v-mathematical, v-hanging, underline-position, underline-thickness, strikethrough-position, strikethrough-thickness, overline-position, overline-thickness (DescriptionElements | font-face-src)
glyph StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, unicode, glyphName, d, orientation, arabic-form, lang, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y (DescriptionElements | defs| use | image | svg | g | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | GradientElements | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimateElements | color-profile | font-face | GraphicsElements)* @@fixme
missing-glyph StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, d, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y (DescriptionElements | defs| use | image | svg | g | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | GradientElements | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimateElements | color-profile | font-face | GraphicsElements)* @@fixme
hkern StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k EMPTY
vkern StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k EMPTY

13.2 Tiny Font Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
font StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, horiz-origin-x, horiz-origin-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y, horiz-adv-x, horiz-adv-y (DescriptionElements | font-face | missing-glyph | glyph)*
font-face StdAttrs, font-family, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-stretch, font-size, unicode-range, units-per-em, ascent, descent, widths, bbox (DescriptionElements | font-face-src)
glyph StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, unicode, glyphName, d, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y (DescriptionElements)
missing-glyph StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, unicode, glyphName, d, horiz-adv-x, vert-adv-y, vert-origin-x, vert-origin-y (DescriptionElements)
hkern StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k EMPTY
vkern StdAttrs, g1, g2, u1, u2, k EMPTY

13.3 Font Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
FontPresentationAttributes font, font-family, font-size, font-size-adjust, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, font-weight

13.4 Tiny Font Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
TinyFontPresentationAttributes font-family, font-size, font-style, font-weight

14 Extensibility

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 23 - Extensibility

14.1 Extensibility Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
foreignObject StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, x, y, width, height (PCDATA)*

15 Clipping

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 14 - Clipping, Masking and Compositing

15.1 Clip Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
clipPath StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, clipPathUnits (DescriptionElements | text | GraphicsElements | use | AnimationElements)*

15.2 Basic Clip Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
clipPath StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, transform, clipPathUnits (DescriptionElements* | GraphicsElements)

15.3 Clip Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
ClipPresentationAttributes clip-path, clip-rule

16 Masking

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 14 - Clipping, Masking and Compositing

16.1 Mask Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
mask StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, x, y, width, height, maskUnits, maskContentUnits (DescriptionElements |defs | use | GraphicsElements | image | svg | g | view | switch| a | altGlyphDef| script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | GradientElements | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*

16.2 Basic Mask Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
mask StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, x, y, width, height, maskUnits, maskContentUnits (DescriptionElements | defs | use | GraphicsElements | image | svg | g | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | linearGradient | radialGradient | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*

16.3 Mask Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
MaskPresentationAttributes mask

17 Markers

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 11 - Painting: Filling, Stroking and Marker Symbols

17.1 Marker Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
marker StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, refX, refY, markerUnits, markerWidth, markerHeight, orient (DescriptionElements | use | GraphicsElements | image | StructureElements | view | switch | a | altGlyphDef | script | style | symbol | marker | clipPath | mask | GradientElements | | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*

17.2 Marker Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
MarkerPresentationAttributes marker, marker-start, marker-end, marker-mid

18 Gradients

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 13 - Gradients and Patterns

18.1 Gradient Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
linearGradient StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, gradientUnits, gradientTransform, x1, y1, x2, y2, spreadMethod (DescriptionElements | stop | animate | set | animateTransform)*
radialGradient StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, gradientUnits, gradientTransform, xlink:href, x1, y1, x2, y2, spreadMethod (DescriptionElements | stop | animate | set | animateTransform)*
stop StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, offset (DescriptionElements | animate | set | animateColor)*

18.2 Gradient Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
GradientPresentationAttributes stop-color, stop-opacity

19 Patterns

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 13 - Gradients and Patterns

19.1 Pattern Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
pattern StdAttrs, StyleAttrs, PresentationAttrs, patternUnits, patternContentUnits, patternTransform, x, y, width, height, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, xlink:href (DescriptionElements | GraphicalElements | view | switch | a | script | altGlyphDef | style | symbol | use | marker | clipPath | mask | linearGradient | radialGradient | pattern | filter | cursor | font | AnimationElements | color-profile | font-face)*

20 Color

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 12 - Color

20.1 Color Element

The next version of this specification will include an element that provides a paint server with a aolid color fill. This way, elements can reference a solid fill style in the same manner as used for the other paint servers, gradients and patterns. The name of the element is not yet decided.

20.2 Color Module

To be added.

20.3 Color Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
ColorPresentationAttributes color, color-interpolation, color-rendering

20.4 Basic Color Attribute Module

Collection Name Attributes in Collection
BasicColorPresentationAttributes color

21 Cursors

For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 16 - Interactivity

21.1 Cursor Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
cursor StdAttrs, x, y, xlink:href (DescriptionElements)*


For further details refer to [SVG 1.0] : Chapter 16 - Interactivity

22.1 View Module

Elements Attributes Minimal Content Model
view StdAttrs, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio, zoomAndPan, viewTarget (DescriptionElements)*

A XML Schema

The next draft of this document will contain a normative XML Schema for SVG 1.1.


The next draft of this document will contain a non-normative DTD for SVG 1.1.

C References

SVG 1.0
Jon Ferraiolo, editor. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification. World Wide Web Consortium, 2001. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904.)
Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, and Eve Maler, editors. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition). World Wide Web Consortium, 2000. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml.)
Murray Altheim, Frank Boumphrey, Sam Dooley, Shane McCarron, Sebastian Schnitzenbaumer, and Ted Wugofski, editors. Modularization of XHTML World Wide Web Consortium, 2001. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization.)
Tim Bray, Dave Hollander, and Andrew Layman, editors. Namespaces in XML. World Wide Web Consortium, 1999. (See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/.)

D Author List (Non-Normative)

The authors of this specification are the members of the W3C SVG Working Group:

The SVG Working Group wish to acknowledge the many people outside the Working Group who help with the process of developing a specification. These people are too numerous to list individually. They include, but are not limited to, the implementors of SVG tools (viewers, transcoders and authoring tools), developers of SVG content, people who have contributed on the [email protected] and [email protected] email lists, other Working Groups at the W3C, and the W3C team.