From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 14:28:34 EST
Subject: Results of SIAM Election
The ballots for the recent SIAM election have been tallied. The
newly-elected representatives are:
President - Margaret H. Wright (Term as President-Elect begins
Jan. 1, 1994; term as President begins Jan. 1, 1995)
(All other terms begin Jan. 1, 1994)
Vice President at Large - Cleve Moler
Secretary - Peter E. Castro
SIAM Board of Trustees: John Guckenheimer, Jill P. Mesirov,
Charles S. Peskin
SIAM Council: Rosemary E. Chang, James W. Demmel, Michael L.
Overton, Robert S. Schnabel
From: Thomas Seidman <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1993 19:16:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Formation of E-mail Group on Hysteresis
Coming out of the recent (Sept.) Trento conference on
Hysteresis modeling was a decision to implement a `Hysteresis E-Letter'
for those interested. Those who wish (at least tentatively) to be
included in the membership/distribution list, please send an e-mail
message to that effect to: <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.
Prof. Thomas I. Seidman <[email protected]>
UMBC --- Dept. Math/Stat <[email protected]>
Baltimore, MD 21228 (410)-455-2438 [for messages: -2412]
FAX: -1066
From: Friedemann Grupp <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 12:14:13 +0000 (MEZ)
Subject: Gauss-Newton method with Constraints
I am interested in an efficient Gauss-Newton method to solve a nonlinear
least-squares problem with nonlinear equality and inequality (simple bounds)
I would be very grateful to get information about excisting FORTRAN software
in this field. I already checked NETLIB.
Thank you for your help.
Friedemann Grupp email: [email protected]
Inst. of Robotics and System Dynamics, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
P.O.B. 1116, D-82230 Wessling, Germany
From: Ron Torgerson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 13:03:11 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Mathieu Functions with Complex Parameters
A math prof here at the University of Alberta is looking for double precision
solutions to Mathieu's Equation for complex parameters a and q
D(Dy) + ( a - 2qcos(2v) )y = 0
where D = d/dv
Does anyone know of software to solve it for complex a and q?
From: Keith Briggs <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 11:51:00 +1030 (CST)
Subject: Elliptic Integral for Complex Argument
To compute the inverse of a real elliptic function (say sn) is trivial, as
I can use an elliptic integral. But how do I do it for a complex argument?
That is, given complex z and a parameter m, find complex y such that z=sn(y,m).
I am looking for a good numerical method.
Keith Briggs, Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005.
Phone: (08) 303 5577 Fax: (08) 232 5670
From: Bill Behrman <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 14:27:32 -0800
Subject: Algorithms for Logarithm and Exponential
What are the best algorithms for computing the natural logarithm and
exponential? Could you recommend references?
I need to calculate quantities closely related to the logarithm and
exponential, and I'm trying to glean what wisdom I can from their
Thank you,
Bill Behrman [email protected]
Scientific Computing
From: Jorge More <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 11:05:14 CST
Subject: Optimization Software Guide
SIAM has just published the Optimization Software Guide
by Jorge J. More' and Stephen J. Wright.
Part I is an outline of the major problem areas and algorithms
in numerical optimization, while
Part II is a survey of 75 optimization software packages
This book is aimed at scientists and engineers that
are interested in the application of optimization techniques
to their areas of interest.
This book will point them towards the software packages that
can provide a solution, and give them information that will
help them understand the most important algorithms.
The major optimization areas are covered: linear, quadratic, and
nonlinear programming; network optimization; unconstrained
and bound-constrained optimization; least-squares problems;
systems of nonlinear equations; and integer programming.
The list price is $24.50 (US); SIAM member price is $19.60 (US).
You can order the book via email by sending a message to
[email protected]
By phone, call 800-447-SIAM in the USA and 215-382-9800 from outside the USA.
Jorge and Steve.
From: Ulrich Ruede <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 19:20:55 +0100
Subject: New Book: Multilevel Adaptive Methods
I am pleased to announce the publication of my book:
Ulrich Ruede
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 13,
SIAM, Philadelphia, 1993, ISBN 0-89871-320-X
140 pages, includes 116 bibliographical references and an index
List price: $23 (SIAM members: $18.40)
In this monograph I attempt to present a unified approach to the
development of multilevel adaptive methods for the solution of partial
differential equations, including
* a rigorous mathematical foundation based on results in the theory
of function spaces and in approximation theory
* algorithmic aspects including the
multilevel adaptive relaxation method
* software develoment issues and data structures using the
principles of object oriented programming
The book can be ordered directly from SIAM (e-mail: [email protected])
Ulrich Ruede
Institut fuer Informatik
Technische Universitaet
D-80290 Muenchen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
Fachbereich Mathematik
Technische Universitaet Chemnitz-Zwickau
PSF 964
D-09009 Chemnitz, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Bruce Char <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 11:57:30 EST
Subject: Department Head Position at Drexel
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science invites
qualified candidates to apply. The candidate must have proven
ability for academic and administrative leadership and a
demonstrated interest in the continuing development of a
multidisciplinary department with cooperative research interests
in applied mathematics, computer science, and probability and
The department, with 30 full-time faculty, has active
undergraduate and graduate programs (M.S. and Ph.D.) and a
significant service role in engineering and science education.
Curriculum reform and development is an important component
of the department headUs responsibilities.
Drexel has strong science and engineering programs and,
therefore, encourages interdisciplinary research and instructional
activities. Departmental research areas include discrete
mathematics, special functions, functional analysis, applied
analysis; parallel computation, computer algebra, programming
languages, scientific computation, expert systems; biostatistics
and computational methods. A departmental network connects a
Sequent Symmetry S27, Sun workstations and servers, and
Apple Macintoshes and provides access to NSFNET and Drexel's
IBM 9121-320. The department is an Academic Affiliate of
Argonne's Advanced Computing Research Facility and Drexel is
an Academic Affiliate of the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center
and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. The
computer science major is accredited by the Computer Science
Accreditation Board.
Drexel University, founded in 1891, consists of six colleges with
about 12,000 students. Undergraduate education at Drexel is
distinguished by a comprehensive cooperative education
program. Drexel's 38 acre campus is adjacent to the University
of Pennsylvania and lies immediately west of Philadelphia's
center city. Instructional and research programs are enhanced
by the professional and cultural activities of one of the nation's
largest and most historical metropolitan areas. Drexel's location
provides proximity and convenient access to the many technical
organizations and institutions in the Northeast Corridor between
Washington, D.C. and New York City.
Evaluation of applications will begin January 15, 1994.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Drexel
University is an AA/EOE. Interested parties may contact the
Head Search Committee for more information or further details.
Vita and letters of reference should be sent to: Dr. Nira
Herrmann, Head Search Committee, Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science, Drexel University, Phila. PA 19104. e-
mail: [email protected].
From: Steve Pruess ([email protected])
Date: November 12, 1993
Subject: Department Head Position at Colorado School of Mines
Colorado School of Mines
The Colorado School of Mines is seeking candidates for the position of
Head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences. This
department offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees under the department title.
With a faculty of 18 tenured and tenure track members, the department
annually receives roughly a million dollars in grants; 116 undergraduate
students and 70 graduate students are currently enrolled in our
degree programs.
The position requires a PhD in a mathematical or computer science.
The applicant should have a sufficiently outstanding record of scholarly
achievement and teaching experience to justify a tenured appointment at
the Full Professor level. In addition, the successful applicant must
have held an academic position for at least five years, and show evidence
of demonstrable administrative ability, including visionary leadership,
communication skills, and effective interaction and evaluation of personnel.
The Head is expected to manage and direct the department's efforts in
instruction and in scholarship, to continue and enhance its excellence in
teaching and in research, to plan and oversee the development of its
research activities and academic programs, and to represent the department
on campus and externally.
The Colorado School of Mines is a state university, internationally renowned
in the energy, materials, and resource fields, attracting outstanding
students in a broad range of science and engineering disciplines. The School
of Mines is strongly committed to quality teaching and research. CSM provides
an attractive campus environment, a collegial atmosphere, relatively small
size (3000 students, about 30% in graduate programs), and an ideal location
in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains 13 miles from downtown Denver.
Applications will be considered beginning February 15, 1994 and thereafter
until the position is filled. The applicant should provide a statement giving
administrative, pedagogical, and scholarly philosophy which should include
a discussion of advantages and disadvantages of programs combining both
Computer Science and Mathematics, and how to reconcile research vs. teaching
conflicts. This letter and a vita should be sent by postal mail to
Colorado School of Mines
Department Head Search #94-01-31
1500 Illinois Street
Golden, CO 80401
The applicant must also arrange for five letters of reference to be mailed
to the above address or sent by email to [email protected]
CSM is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.
From: Daniel B. Szyld <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 93 18:08:50 EST
Subject: Position at Temple University
The Department of Mathematics expects to have an opening for a
position at the full professor level starting in the Fall 1994.
The position is for a distinguished mathematician of demonstrated
accomplishment and leadership, preferably in a field compatible
with those represented in the department. It is expected that
the successful candidate will become part of the academic
leadership of the department. Accordingly, only applicants with
proven record of excellence will be considered.
Interested candidates should send a letter of application including
names of references to Chair, Search Committee, Department of
Mathematics, Temple University (038-16), Philadelphia, PA 19122-2585.
The review process will begin on January 18, 1994.
Temple University is an equal opportunity employer.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
From: Sven Hammarling <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 14:18:10 GMT
Subject: Position at Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford
NAG Ltd -- Vacancy in parallel computing - applications invited
The Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) Ltd is seeking to fill the post
of Parallel Algorithms Group Leader in their Oxford office, to manage
the Parallel Algorithms Group, whose responsibilities include
algorithmic development, co-ordination of parallel projects, contacts
with manufacturers and taking an active role in defining and
implementing the Company's parallel computing strategy.
For over 10 years, NAG has been undertaking research and development
work to improve the performance of its numerical software on modern
high-performance computers, with an increasing emphasis on the
exploitation of parallelism.
The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in numerical
high-performance computing, with a relevant post-graduate
qualification. The post will be on locally prepared scales based on
the National Academically Related Salary Scale Grade 3-4, with USS
pension scheme and six weeks holiday per year.
For an application form and further details, please contact:
The Administrator
Wilkinson House
Jordan Hill Road
Tel: +44 865 511245, Fax: +44 865 310139, email: [email protected]
Closing date for applications: Friday, 10th December 1993
Sven Hammarling, NAG Ltd, Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road, Oxford OX2 8DR, UK
Tel: +44 865 511245 Fax: +44 865 310139 Email: [email protected]
From: Taketomo Mitsui <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 93 17:25:35 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Japan-US Symposium on CFD
2nd Japan-US Symposium
Finite Element Methods in Large-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics
March 14-16, 1994
Surugadai Memorial Hall, Chuo University, Tokyo, JAPAN
This symposium will bring together a diverse group of invited speakers
from the United States and Japan. The speakers will discuss finite element
methodologies and applications in large-scale computational fluid dynamics.
Among the topics to be covered are compressible and incompressible flows,
hypersonic flows, high Reynolds number flows, flows with moving bodies and
interfaces, free-surface flows, fluid-structure interactions, shallow water
modeling, optimal control, chemical engineering applications, three-
dimensional computations, mesh generation, adaptive methods, iterative
solution strategies, and parallel and massively parallel computing.
Organizing committee: Mutsuto Kawahara(Chuo Univ.), Tayfun Tezduyar(Univ.
of Minnesota) and Thomas Hughes(Stanford Univ.).
Interested reader should contact:
Profs. Mutsuto Kawahara or Kazuo Kashiyama, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
Chuo University, 1-3-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, JAPAN.
e-mail: kawa(or kaz)@civil.chuo-u.ac.jp
From: Rene M. Rehmann <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 93 19:58:18 +0100
Subject: IFIP Conference on Programming Environments
April 25 - 30, 1994
Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
Massively parallel systems with distributed resources will play a very
important role for the future of high performance computing. One of
the current obstacles of these systems is their difficult programming.
The proposed conference will bring together active researchers who are
working on ways how to help programmers to exploit the performance
potential of massively parallel systems. The working conference will
consist of sessions for full and short papers, interleaved with poster
and demonstration sessions.
The Conference will be held April 25 - 30, 1994 at the Centro Stefano
Franscini, located in the hills above Ascona at Lago Maggiore, in the
southern part of Switzerland. It is organized by the Swiss Scientific
Computing Center CSCS ETH Zurich. The conference is the forthcoming
event of the working group WG 10.3 of the International Federation for
Information Processing (IFIP) on Programming Environments for Parallel
Computing. The conference succeeds the 1992 Edinburgh conference on
Programming Environments for Parallel Computing.
Submission of papers is invited in the following areas:
-- Programming models for parallel distributed computing
-- Computational models for parallel distributed computing
-- Program transformation tools
-- Concepts and tools for the design of parallel distributed
-- Reusability in parallel distributed programming
-- Concepts and tools for debugging massively parallel
systems (100+ processing nodes)
-- Concepts and tools for performance monitoring of massively
parallel systems (100+ processing nodes)
-- Tools for application development on massively parallel
-- Support for computational scientists: what do they really need ?
-- Application libraries (e.g., BLAS, etc.) for parallel distributed
systems: what do they really offer ?
-- Problem solving environments for parallel distributed programming
Authors are invited to submit complete, original, papers reflecting
their current research results. All submitted papers will be refereed
for quality and originality. The program committee reserves the right
to accept a submission as a long, short, or poster presentation paper.
The papers will be published in book-form.
Manuscripts should be double spaced, should include an abstract, and
should be limited to 5000 words (20 double spaced pages); The contact
authors are requested to list e-mail addresses if available. Fax or
electronic submissions will not be considered.
Please submit 5 copies of the complete paper to the following address:
PD Dr. Karsten M. Decker
Via Cantonale
CH-6928 Manno
From: Martin H. Gutknecht <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 15:54:08 +0100
Subject: Conference on Massively Parallel Scientific Computing
Conference on Massively Parallel Scientific Computing
Monte Verita, Ticino, Switzerland
March 7--12, 1994
Form and aim of the conference:
This conference will bring together about 50 people from various fields of
scientific computing and numerical analysis.
Among the topics emphasized are parallel numerical linear algebra,
domain decomposition, waveform relaxation, computational fluid dynamics,
molecular dynamics, quantum chemistry, and quantum chromodynamics.
There will be about a dozen invited one-hour survey lectures, in which
outstanding experts will explain the numerical methods of their field, emphasizing the parallel computing aspects and the experience that has been
gained. Other participants may present 15-minute talks (followed by
5 minutes of discussion). All speakers should keep in mind that the
audience is very mixed, and tune their talk appropriately.
We expect that from the similarity of the problems that appear in various
areas and from the tools that are applied to solve them, the participants
will experience mutual profit. We also hope that the mathematical models
and their numerical treatment on massively parallel computers will
become the common platform for understanding each others work.
Since the number of participants is limited, and since several fields
should be represented equally well, participation is on invitation only.
However, potential participants should not hesitate to contact one of
the organizers, specifying their area of research and indicating whether
they would like to give a talk, and if so, on which subject.
The meeting takes place in a small conference center on the Monte Verita,
near Locarno and Ascona, in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland.
Lodging and meals for the participants are also provided in the conference
center, which is run by ETH Zurich.
Invited speakers:
C. Bischof (numerical linear algebra, Argonne NL)
P. Bjorstad (domain decomposition, U Bergen)
J. Demmel (numerical linear algebra, UC Berkeley)
I. Duff (numerical linear algebra, RAL Oxon, CERFACS Toulouse)
M. Gerndt (parallel programming, KFA Juelich)
J. de Keyser (CFD, KU Leuven)
G. Lake (astrophysics, UW Seattle)
H. Lischka (quantum chemistry, U Vienna)
M. Sawley (CFD, ETH Lausanne)
W. Scott (molecular dynamics, ETH Zurich)
J. Sethian (CFD, UC Berkeley)
P. de Forcrand (QCD, ETH Zurich)
S. Vandewalle (waveform relaxation, CalTech)
The most convenient airport is Zurich, from which it takes 3.5 hours
by train. Further directions will be given to the participants.
The conference starts on Monday morning at 8.30 and ends on Friday noon.
Hence, participants are expected to arrive on Sunday; the Conference
Center is closed on Saturday, but opens on Sunday at 3 pm.
There is no registration fee, but participants have to contribute Sfr. 700.-
to the cost of board and lodging.
For a limited number of participants these costs can be reduced by Sfr. 250.-.
Accompanying persons also pay Sfr. 140.- per day for board and lodging.
The conference center is not particularly suitable for children, however.
Prof. Rolf Jeltsch Prof. Walter Gander Dr. Martin Gutknecht
Seminar f. Ang. Math. Inst. f. Wiss. Rechnen IPS Supercomputing
ETH-Zentrum ETH-Zentrum ETH-Zentrum
CH-8092 Zurich CH-8092 Zurich CH-8092 Zurich
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Conference secretary: E. Schlegel
IPS Supercomputing
CH-8092 Zurich
Email [email protected]
Telephone +41 1 632-5574
Fax +41 1 261-0468
From: Karen Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 15:05:07 EST
Subject: IMACS Turbulence Workshop
Second Announcement
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
February 10-11, 1994
In order for CFD to get to new levels of usefulness to industry, there
is a need for better turbulence models for high Re flows. An honest
appraisal by industry on needs, and a similar word by academia and
researchers at national labs on what can be done now is probably
necessary. The workshop will deal with the numerical analysis and CFD
algorithms that could bridge the gap, and will include those aspects
of turbulence theory that have relevance to modeling used in
simulation. Topics to include: Modeling, Non-equilibrium Turbulence,
Spectral and High Order Methods, Adaptive Grids, Lagrangian Methods,
Ocean Dynamics.
Organized by the IMACS Technical Committee on Computational Fluid Dynamics
and Rutgers University
Organizing Committee: Prof. R. Pelz (Rutgers University)
Dr. R. Agarwal (McDonnell Douglas Aerospace)
LIST OF SPEAKERS (tentative): G. Berkooz (Cornell Univ.), M. Deville
(EPFL - Switzerland), D. Fishelov (Hebrew Univ.), R. Krasny (U. of
Michigan), J. Lee (Wright-Patterson AFB), A. Majda (Princeton Univ.),
R. Pelz (Rutgers Univ.), E. Weinan (IAS, Princeton), N. Zabusky
(Rutgers Univ.)
To register or for further information contact:
IMACS Turbulence Workshop
c/o Karen A. Hahn
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA
e-mail: [email protected] / FAX: 908-932-0537
From: Larry Norris <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 17:46:22 EST
Subject: Registration for Lanczos Conference
December 12-17,1993
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC, USA
Colleagues interested in attending the Lanczos Conference are cordially
reminded to send in their registration materials and to make hotel
reservations at the conference hotels. A Preliminary Program has been
sent out by regular mail according to our mailing list. If you have
not received the preliminary program, or if you would like to receive
e-mail versions of the information, please send an e-mail message to
[email protected]
and include one of the following lines in the SUBJECT line of your
send registration material
send hotel information
send program schedule
We are looking forward to an exciting gathering in Raleigh and hope
you will be there.
From: Marc Moonen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 17:07:05 +0100
Subject: Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing
3rd International Workshop on
SVD and Signal Processing
August 22--25, 1994
Leuven, Belgium
Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers
This Workshop on Singular Value Decomposition and Signal Processing
is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name which were
held in Les Houches, France, September 1987, and Kingston, Rhode Island,
U.S.A., June 1990.
The workshop is organized in cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal
Processing Chapter.
Papers are solicited for technical sessions on the following and related
SVD Algorithms :
real-time and adaptive algorithms, continuous algorithms,
complexity, accuracy, convergence,
related decompositions, tensor SVD
SVD Architectures :
application specific hardware, parallel implementation
SVD Applications :
array signal processing, model identification, model reduction,
spectrum analysis, harmonic retrieval, speech and image processing,
Other topics related to the SVD and its applications are welcome.
Authors are invited to submit four copies of an extended summary
(2--4 pages) to the workshop secretariat for review.
The preferred presentation format -lecture, poster or video- should
be indicated.
To facilitate rapid communication, authors should provide
a fax number and email address if possible.
Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a version for
publication in a conference proceedings.
Conference Committee
Bart De Moor
Marc Moonen
Ed Deprettere
Gene Golub
Sven Hammarling
Franklin Luk
Paul Van Dooren
Workshop Secretariat
Lieven De Lathauwer
Kath. Universiteit Leuven
K. Mercierlaan 94
B-3001 Heverlee
tel : 32/16/22.09.31
fax : 32/16/22.18.55
From: Marc Moonen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 17:07:59 +0100
Subject: Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures
3rd International Workshop on
Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures
August 29--31, 1994
Leuven, Belgium
Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers
This third workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures addresses
novel research in the area of highly parallel systems, focused on algorithms,
architectures as well as design methodologies and compilation. Both custom
realisation and programmable processor realisation will be included.
This workshop is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name
which were held in Pont-a-Mousson, France, June 1990, and Bonas, France,
June 1991, although the scope has been partly shifted and expanded.
The workshop is partly sponsored by the EC (BRA project 6632) in
cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter.
Papers are solicited for technical sessions on the following and related
topics :
Parallel Algorithms :
linear and multilinear algebra, filtering and transforms,
for sonar and radar, digital audio, image and video,
communications, computer graphics, automatic control
Parallel Architectures :
arrays, programmable SIMD and MIMD architectures
Parallel Compilation :
design methodologies, automated architecture synthesis,
parallelisation techniques
Other related topics are welcome.
Authors are invited to submit four copies of an extended summary
(2-4 pages) to the workshop secretariat for review.
The preferred presentation format -lecture or poster- should be indicated.
To facilitate rapid communication, authors should provide an email address
if possible.
Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a version for publication
in a conference proceedings.
Conference Committee
Marc Moonen
Francky Catthoor
Ed Deprettere
Patrick Dewilde
Patrice Quinton
Yves Robert
Joos Vandewalle
Workshop Secretariat
Filiep Vanpoucke
Kath. Universiteit Leuven
K. Mercierlaan 94
B-3001 Heverlee
tel : 32/16/22.09.31
fax : 32/16/22.18.55
email : [email protected]
From: Malyshev Alexander <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 93 16:53:22 +0600
Subject: Conference Honoring Kantorovich in Novosibirsk
On behalf of Prof. S.K. Godunov I invite you to take part in the conference
announced below. Godunov's current interests are as follows:
- numerical linear algebra (eigenvalue problems and its applications
in stability, optimal control and other adjacent sciences,
matrix equations, analysis and solving problems with sparse matrices,
theory of condition of matrix problems and matrix canonical forms);
- hyperbolic equations of mathematical physics (analysis of correctness
of differential equations arising in the modeling of continuous media
such as elastoplasticity, magnetoelastoplasticity, electrodynamics of
continuum media, mechanics of composites etc.)
First announcement
The Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences, the Computer Center of the SB of the RAS, the Siberian Society
for Science and Education, Central Institute for Mathematical Economics ,
Institute of Mathematical Simulation, Novosibirsk State University,
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Siberian Independent University,
and the Beneficiary Fund for Promotion of Science, Culture and Education
``Akadem'', with participation of the Institute for Industrial Mathematics
at Ben-Gurion University (Israel) convene an international conference under
the title
"Industrial and Applied Mathematics"
(mathematical methods in natural, engineering,
humanitarian sciences, economics, and finance)
dedicated to the memory of L.V.Kantorovich (1912-1986).
The conference will take place at Novosibirsk Akademgorodok from
July 24 (arrival) to July 30 (departure), 1994.
The main purposes of the conference are as follows:
-- discussing new results of mathematical research in diverse branches of
science and busyness;
-- exchanging information and promoting interscience relations;
-- establishing closed contacts between Russian and foreign scholars and
There will be a number of sections and subsections on different branches of
science including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geophysics,
geology, economics, engineering, humanitarian sciences, financial
mathematics, and mathematical economics. The exact titles of sections and
subsections will be fixed after receiving answers to this announcement.
Novosibirsk Academgorodok is a unique academic community which combines
about 30 research institutes including institutes on Automation and
Electrometry, Biology, Bioorganical Chemistry, Hydrodynamics, Computer
Sciences, Mining, History, Philology, Philosophy, Catalysis, Mathematics,
Nonorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Agrochemistry, Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, Heat Physics, Semiconductor Physics, Kinetics, Chemistry
of Mineral Resources, Botany, Cytology and Genetics, Economics, Nuclear
Physics, Microbiology, two universities, and a lot of design and
technology institutes with the stuff about 3000 Ph.D.'s. Participants will
have possibility to visit these institutions.
The Program Committee of the conference is as follows:
M.M.Lavrentiev (Co-Chairman), A.Pridor (Co-Chairman),
L.A.Bokut (Secretary General), A.D.Aleksandrov, A.S.Alekseev, B.V. Chirikov,
M.Hazewinkel, F.A.Kuznetsov, V.L.Makarov, Yu.G.Reshetnyak, A.A.Samarskii,
S.K.Godunov, S.V.Goldin, G.A.Mikhailov, P.I.Plotnikov, V.G.Romanov,
A.K.Rebrov, Yu.I.Shokin, A.G.Zhidomirov, B.I.Zilber, I.V.Pottosin,
G.S.Rubinshtein, V.A.Ratner, A.F.Revuzhenko, A.I.Rozenson, Yu.N.Solodkin,
A.M.Stepin, and V.N.Vragov.
The Organizing Committee of the conference includes:
V.A.Toponogov (Chairman), A.L.Rudnitskii (Vice-Chairman),
A.S.Romanov (Secretary), V.I.Drobyshevich, A.I.Rylov, K.K.Sabelfeld,
and V.A.Vasiliev.
A small staff will arrange meeting the participants in Moscow.
The registration fee for participants -- 350$, and for accompanying
persons -- 250$. The fee covers expenses for accommodation in a hotel
at Novosibirsk, one-meal a day, and travelling costs inside Novosibirsk.
An opportunity is offered for the participants of the conference to
participate in the long-time excursion to Altai after the closing of
the conference, since July 31 to August 9 (the chief of tourist group is
Professor A.I. Rozenson). The price of the voucher to Altai is 500$.
About your decision to participate in the conference you can inform till
January 1, 1994, by address:
V.A.Toponogov, Institute of Mathematics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia,
phones: (007)-(3832)-350962 (the organizing committee), (007)-(3832)-351568
(the program committee), fax: (007)-(3832)-350652,
e-mail: [email protected].
Pre-registration form: First name, Middle name, Last name, Position,
Date of birth, Citizenship, Address, Fax, Phone, E-mail,
Title of the talk, Data for accompanying persons, Other remarks and wishes.
From: Max Gunzburger <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1993 15:22:48 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Workshop on Optimal Design and Control
Workshop on Optimal Design and Control
April 8-9, 1994
Blacksburg Marriott
Blacksburg, Virginia
Preliminary Announcement
The workshop is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research, the Center for Optimal Design And Control (CODAC) and the
Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics (ICAM).
This workshop will bring together researchers from industry,
government and academia to discuss applications, theoretical
foundations, and computational methods for interdisciplinary
optimization based design. Although the primary focus of this
workshop is optimal design for fluid flow systems, the goal is to
bring together leading experts on a variety of related optimal design
Local Organizing Committee:
John Burns, Department of Mathematics
Eugene M. Cliff, Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Bernard Grossman, Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Terry Herdman, Department of Mathematics
Janet Peterson, Department of Mathematics
Tentative List of Invited Speakers:
Siva Banda, Air Force Wright Laboratory, USA;
John Betts, Boeing Computing Services, USA;
Michel Delfour, Universite de Montreal, Canada;
John Dennis, Rice University, USA;
Andreas Griewank, Dresden University, Germany
Max Gunzburger, Virginia Tech, USA
Jaroslav Haslinger, Charles University, Czech Republic
Perry Newman, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
Ekkehard Sachs, University of Trier, Germany
The Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics (ICAM) was
formed in August 1987 to promote and facilitate interdisciplinary
research and education in applied mathematics at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University. The Center's primary
research goal is promoting and enhancing quality interdisciplinary
research in Applied Mathematics.
The Center for Optimal Design and Control of Distributed Parameter
Systems (CODAC) was established in 1993 by a URI grant from the
Air Force of Scientific Research. The Center is composed of
mathematicians, engineers, and scientists working on a variety of
optimal design and control problems. This research contains
theoretical, computational, and experimental components.
For more information, contact:
Melissa Chase
Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Mathematics
Wright House, West Campus Drive
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0531
(703) 231-7667 (phone)
(703) 231-7079 (fax)
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Heinz W. Engl <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1993 13:01:03 EST
Subject: Contents: Surveys on Mathematics for Industry
Table of contents for "Surveys on Mathematics for Industry"
(Springer-Verlag, Vienna - New York), vol.3, nos. 2 and 3:
H.W.Engl, Regularization methods for the stable solution of inverse problems
M.Paffrath, W.Jacobs, W.Klein, E.Rank, K.Steger, U.Weinert, U.Weber, Concepts
and algorothms in process simulation
F. and K.Bratvedt, C.Buchholz, T.Gimse, H. and L. Holden, N.Risebro, Frontline
and Frontism: Two full scale, two-phase, black oil reservoir simulators based
on front tracking
E.Spedicato, Ten years of ABS methods: A revies of theoretical results and
computational achievements
Prof.Dr.Heinz W. Engl E-Mail: [email protected]
Industriemathematik or [email protected]
Institut fuer Mathematik secretary: [email protected]
Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Phone: +43-(0)732-2468; ext.9219 or 693,
Altenbergerstrasse 69 secretary: 9220; home: +43-(0)732-245518
A-4040 Linz Fax: +43-(0)732-246810, attn.:Prof.Engl
Oesterreich / Austria Telex: 2-2323 uni li a
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 16:57:50 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Optimaztion
Table of Contents
SIAM J. Optimization
Vol. 4, No. 1, February 1994
On Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Programs in Banach Spaces: The
Approach via Composite Unconstrained Optimization
Alexander Ioffe
A Nonconvex Duality with Zero Gap and Applications
Phan Thien Thach
A Path-Following Projective Interior Point Method for Linear Programming
Dong Shaw and Donald Goldfarb
Fast Approximation Schemes for Convex Programs with Many Blocks and
Coupling Constraints
Michael D. Grigoriadis and Leonid G. Khachiyan
On the Use of Product Structure in Secant Methods for Nonlinear
Least Squares Problems
J. Huschens
Existence and Differentiability of Metric Projections in Hilbert Spaces
Alexander Shapiro
Approximating Oracle Machines for Combinatorial Optimization
Shmuel Onn
Strong Rotundity and Optimization
J. M. Borwein and A. S. Lewis
Local Minimizers of Quadratic Functions on Euclidean Balls and Spheres
Jose Mario Martinez
On the Maximization of a Concave Quadratic Function with Box Constraints
Ana Friedlander and Jose Mario Martinez
Short Steps with Karmarkar's Projective Algorithm for Linear Programming
J.-L. Goffin and J.-Ph. Vial
On the Convergence of a Class of Infeasible Interior-Point Methods
for the Horizontal Linear Complementarity Problem
Yin Zhang
End of NA Digest