NA Digest Tuesday, September 7, 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 33

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Re: Rob Schreiber <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 93 10:57:10 PDT
Subject: SIAM Meetings

In the issue before last, Gene Golub raised issues and voiced some
complaints about the organization of the SIAM specialized meetings.
Among the five points he raised was this:

3) At least one session was dedicated to a commercial product: Matlab.

May I ask whether this is a complaint? If so, is the objection
because there was only one Matlab session?

Scientists use commercial products as research and teaching tools in
their work. The capabilities, deficiencies, and use of these tools
are legitimate topics for scientific discourse.

-- Rob Schreiber


From: A. Scottedward Hodel <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 93 09:39:00 CDT
Subject: Good Research Reference Texts

A colleague of mine wishes to know what are some good reference texts
(for research, not teaching) on linear algebra, numerical linear algebra,
and ODE integration. He is particularly interested in the biconjugate
gradient method. Any recommentations would be greatly appreciated.
[Naturally, I recommended Golub and Van Loan, Matrix Computations,
2nd edition :-)]

A. S. Hodel, Dept. of Elect. Eng. [email protected]
200 Broun Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849 (205) 844-1854 FAX: -1809


From: Carlos Munoz <CMUNOZ%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1993 08:49:42 EDT
Subject: Help with Parallel Computing

I am starting a research project on parallel computing, but until now I
have only used the Bitnet network. Now, we (at UTPVM1) are a new node.
This is my first time using the Internet. I am looking for general
information about Parallel Computing. It could be on any Internet server,
if it can be accessed with FTP. I'm looking for some kind of text
with a special interest on parallelism on microcomputers.

Any help would be very appreciated...

Carlos R. Munoz
Software Technical Support
Universidad Tecnologica de Panama
[email protected]


From: Edgar Soulie <LJUB%[email protected]>
Date: 30 Aug 93 18:27:02+0000
Subject: Change of Address for Edgar Soulie

Would you please pass the followin message in "NA-DIGEST" ?
Please note my new electronic mail address :
[email protected]
Edgar Soulie (with an acute accent on the e)
Service de Chimie Moleculaire
Batiment 125
Centre d'Etudes de Saclay
91191 GIF-SUR-YVETTE Cedex
telephone : 33-1-69-08-47-37
FAX : 33-1-69-08-79-63


From: Heinz Gonska <gonska%[email protected]
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 93 13:55:19 +0200
Subject: Change of Address for Heinz Gonska

Change of address of Heinz H. Gonska

Effective September 1, my new address will be:

Dept. of Math.
University of Duisburg
D-47048 Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 379-3556
Fax: +49 203 379-3557

Email to [email protected] will still reach me.


From: Hong Jiang <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1993 09:19:47 -0300
Subject: Change of Address for Hong Jiang

I've moved to University of Waterloo. Starting
September 1, 1993, my new address is

Hong Jiang
Department of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3G1

e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (519) 888-4447
fax: (519) 885-1208


From: David Handscomb <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 93 10:37:34 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Slight Change in Address for Oxford NA Group

Please note that the postal address for members of the Numerical
Analysis Group at Oxford University Computing Laboratory (Bill.Morton,
Dominic.Donnelly, Mike.Giles, David.Handscomb, David.Mayers, Kevin.Parrott,
John.Rollett, Ian.Sobey Endre.Suli et al.) will within the next few days
change to become:

Numerical Analysis Group
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Wolfson Building
Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3QD % NB postcode unaltered

Email addresses: [email protected]


From: John Mathews <[email protected]>
Date: 07 Sep 1993 07:08:09 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Student Mathematica Labs

Student Mathematica Labs

Does anyone teach with Mathematica in advanced student labs ?
What are Mathematica's numerical programming capabilities ?
Is Mathematica used for demonstrations in numerical analysis ?
I have coded some elementary numerical algorithms in Mathematica.
If you are interested in sharing ideas please contact me directly.

John Mathews
Dept. of Math. Sci.
Cal. St. Univ. Fullerton
[email protected]


From: Ramesh Gopinath <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 93 11:07:55 CDT
Subject: Wavelet Papers and Software from Rice University

Announcing the availability of rice-wlet-tools-1.1, a collection of MATLAB
"mfiles" and "mex" files for twoband and M-band filter bank/wavelet analysis
from the DSP group and Computational Mathematics Laboratory (CML) at Rice
University, Houston, TX. The programs have been tested on Sparcstations
running SUNOS with MATLAB 4.1. However, the "mex" code is generic and should
run on other platforms (you may have to tinker the Makefiles a little bit to
make this work). There are several utility routines all of them callable
from MATLAB. All the C files (leading to the mex files) can also be directly
accessed from other C or Fortran code. A collection of of papers and tech.
Reports from the DSP group (to be expanded soon to all CML reports) are also
available. You could obtain this distribution of software and papers by
anonymous ftp from OR by telnet from or
Telnet should be preferred since it would to insulate the user from any
future system changes at cml or dsp.

In directories /pub/dsp/software and /pub/dsp/papers

2. TELNET: ( or (
This method of access automatically installs all the files and compiles
them so that you are ready to go.
%telnet 5555 | sed '1,3d' | csh -fsb OPTIONS
OPTIONS is a list of options. You may (for convenience) want to add
alias riceget "telnet 5555 | sed '1,3d' | csh -fsb"
to you .cshrc file so that you may access the software as follows:
%riceget software
for software
%riceget papers
for all papers from the group (as unix compressed postscript files), etc.
%riceget help
would give you a list of available OPTIONS

Report problems/bugs and installation info on non-SUN/non-unix platforms.
Send mail to [email protected] (or [email protected])

Ramesh Gopinath
Dept. of ECE
Rice University
Houston, TX-77251-1892
tel. off.(713)-527-8750 x3569 (or) x3508
tel. home. (713)-794-0274


From: Hager <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 93 17:50:49 EDT
Subject: Computational Optimization Software

The journal Computational Optimization and Applications (Kluwer),
which first appeared in 1992, encourages authors to
make available software related to their published papers.
The netlib program of Eric Grosse and Jack Dongarra is used
to distribute this software through email. The message
"send index" mailed to [email protected] will yield
general information about the library, while the message
"send status" yields a list of papers and the status
of the associated software. Papers for which the authors
have provided companion codes include the following:

92001 : Bertsekas : Auction algorithms for network flow, a tutorial
92006 : Li & Pardalos : Generating quadratic assignment test problems with
known optimal permutations
92007 : Zhu : Modified proximal point algorithm for extended linear-
quadratic programming
92010 : Birge & Holmes : Efficient solution of 2-stage stochastic linear
programs using interior point methods
92012 : Vincinte, Calamai, & Judice : Generation of disjointly constrained
bilinear programming test problems
93006 : Liao : A reduced Hessian method for constrained optimization

For example, to obtain a copy of the code of Vincinte, Calamai, and
Judice for generating disjointly constrained bilinear programming test
problems, put the message "send 92012" in the body of an email sent
to [email protected].


From: Lothar Reichel <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 93 14:15:20 EDT
Subject: Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA)

Table of contents of first "issue" of Electronic Transactions on Numerical
Analysis (ETNA)

ETNA, Vol 1, "Issue 1", September 1993.

C. Schneider, Analysis of the linearly implicit mid--point rule for
differential--algebraic equations, pp. 1-10

G.L.G. Sleijpen and D.R. Fokkema, BiCGstab(l) for linear equations involving
unsymmetric matrices with complex spectrum, pp. 11-32

G. Ammar, P. Benner and V. Mehrmann, A multishift algorithm for the numerical
solution of algebraic Riccati equations, pp. 33-48

M. Eiermann and R.S. Varga, Zero and local extreme points of Faber polynomials
associated with hypocycloidal domains, pp. 49-71.

The next batch of accepted papers will be posted in December. A special issue
of ETNA will be dedicated to Professor Niethammer on the occassion of his
60th birthday. Send mail to [email protected] if you would like to

How to access papers in ETNA:

ETNA is running a gopher server. Its hostname is
If you are running gopher on your system the command
will connect you directly to ETNA. Provided your system is suitably
configured, keyword searches and the on-line-graphical display of
papers will then be available. The ETNA directory, "viewers", contains
the source files for programs that will provide most UNIX workstations
with direct-display and keyword-search capabilities. Contact your system
admistrator about installing these programs.

Papers can be obtained at any time from ETNA via anonymous ftp from A paper's location will always correspond to
its reference. For instance, a paper which is referenced as
"...,Elec. Trans. Numer. Anal., Vol 1, 1993, pp. 11-35", will be stored
in the directory "vol.1.1993", and its file name will be "".
To obtain that paper using ftp

a) ftp
b) login as anonymous
c) enter your e-mail address as your password
d) cd to vol.1.1993
e) get

To obtain only the list of titles and abstract for the papers published
is volume 1 of ETNA, proceed repeat a)-d) above but change e) to

e) get index

ETNA is using a mailer program which will scan incoming e-mail messages
for requests and then e-mail the requested file to the sender. The program
was written by Eric Grosse for netlib and modified slightly by Arden
Ruttan for ETNA.

A PostScript file of any paper published in ETNA may be obtained by sending
an e-mail message to "[email protected]" containing a phrase of the
form "send pagenumber from vol.number.year". For instance, to use
ETNA's mailer to obtain a paper which is referenced as
"...,Elec. Trans. Numer. Anal., Vol 1, 1993, pp. 11-35",
send e-mail to "[email protected]" containing the phrase
"send from vol.1.1993".

To obtain only the list of titles and abstract for the papers published
in volume 1 of ETNA, send an e-mail message to "[email protected]"
containing the phrase "send index from vol.1.1993".

The requested paper will be e-mailed to you in several pieces. The subject
of each piece of e-mail indicates the number of that piece. To
reconstruct the original file,
a) Edit each piece deleting all lines that are not strictly between
the two occurrence of the phrase "CUT HERE............"
including the lines containing those phrases.
b) Using the file containing piece 1, successively append
the remaining pieces in order to the END of the that file.

To be included in ETNA's quarterly mailing list of the titles and abstracts
of papers published in ETNA, send an e-mail message to [email protected]
with the subject "ETNA Registration".

To obtain information as to how to submit a paper to ETNA, ftp the file
"info-for-authors" which is located in the directory "etna-info".
Alternately you may send an e-mail message to "[email protected]"
containing the phrase "send info-for-authors from etna-info".


From: Ross E. Staffeldt <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 93 13:46:00 MDT
Subject: Holiday Mathematics Symposium at New Mexico State


>From 1963 through 1976, and resuming in 1988, the Department of
Mathematical Sciences at New Mexico State University has held a
series of annual symposia during the winter recess. Recent Holiday
Symposium lecturers and their topics have been:

1988 John Tate
Fermat's Last Theorem

1989 Joan Birman
Braids and Knots

1990 Doug Ravenel
Recent developments in homotopy theory

1991 J.L. Selfridge
Impact of software systems on mathematical research

1992 Georgia Benkart
Lie group representations and combinatorics

This year the series continues with

speaking on


January 5-9, 1994.

In addition to the ten lectures by Professor Taubes, there will be
sessions for contributed papers, informal talks, and discussion. As
usual, some social events are inevitable.

Las Cruces is located at the intersection of interstate highways 10
and 25 in the sunny climate of the Mesilla Valley, some 40 miles north
of El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico. It is a particularly attractive
place to be when so much of the nation suffers from the effects of winter.

The Department extends its invitation to all interested mathematicians.
We have applied for external financial support, and we provide assistance
in reserving motel space at reduced rates in Las Cruces as well as
transportation to and from El Paso.

Direct inquiries to: Ross E. Staffeldt
Department of Mathematical Sciences
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Art Werschulz <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1993 12:07:21 -0400
Subject: Barcelona Workshop on Continuous Algorithms and Complexity

The Barcelona Workshop on Continuous Algorithms and Complexity will be
held October 4-6, 1993. The workshop will take place at the Centre de
Recerca Matem\`atica, located at the Universitat Aut\`onoma de
Barcelona, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain.

The workshop is a part of the semester in Continuous Algorithms
and Complexity that will take place in Barcelona in the fall of 1993,
and intends to bring together researchers from traditionally different
areas of Mathematics and Computer Science who use continuous

Possible but non exclusive topics are:

Algebraic complexity
Algebraic algorithms
Information Based Complexity
Lower bounds and optimal algorithms
Models for continuous computations
Polynomial equation solving
Quantifier elimination
Structure of complexity classes over the reals

Invited speakers:

Pierre Fraigniaud (Lyon, FRANCE)
Marek Karpinski (Bonn, GERMANY)
Tyen--Yien Li (Michigan, U.S.A.)
Klaus Meer (Aachen, GERMANY)
Christian Michaux (Mons, BELGIUM)
Erich Novak (Erlangen, GERMANY)
Mike Shub (I.B.M. Yorktown Heights, U.S.A.)
Steve Smale (Berkeley, U.S.A.)
Joseph Traub (Columbia, U.S.A.)

A final announcement of this conference is available via anonymous ftp
from, in the cacnet subdirectory. The relevant files
are barcelona.*, with (plain) TeX, dvi, and PostScript versions being
available. They may also be retrieved via gopher.

Art Werschulz (8-{)} "You can't make an ondelette without breaking waves."
InterNet: [email protected]


From: John Tucker <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 93 13:49:29 EST
Subject: Public Forum on Statistical Methods in Software


October 11-12, 1993
Auditorium, National Academy of Sciences
2100 C Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

The Panel on Statistical Methods in Software Engineering has
organized this forum, which is open to the public, to gather
information as background to preparing a report on problem areas
in software engineering to which modern statistical methodology can
be fruitfully applied. Topics to be addressed will include:

* Software Dependability
* Software Metrics
* Software Visualization
* Software Process
* Software Testing
* Case Studies, and
* Nonstandard SE Methods.

Speakers will include David Card (Computer Sciences Corporation),
Theodore Keller (IBM), and Madhav Phadke (Phadke Associates).

The panel consists of Daryl Pregibon (Chair), Herman Chernoff, Bill
Curtis, Siddhartha R. Dalal, Gloria J. Davis, Richard A. DeMillo,
Stephen G. Eick, Bev Littlewood, and Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy.

The 2-day forum runs from 8 am to 5 pm in the auditorium of the
National Academy of Sciences building, 2100 C Street, N.W. For
further information, please contact John R. Tucker, Senior Program
Officer, Board on Mathematical Sciences, Room NAS 316, National
Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC,
20418. Email: [email protected], Fax: 202-334-1597,
Telephone: 202-334-2422.


From: Bernard Philippe <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1993 16:37:40 +0200
Subject: 2nd African Conference on Research in Computer Science

C A R I ' 9 4
"Second African Conference on Research in Computer Science"
OUAGADOUGOU (Burkina-Faso), October 12-18, 1994

Organized by :

- University of Ouagadougou
- INRIA (French Institute of Research in Computer Sciences)
- ORSTOM (French Institute of Scientific Research for
Development through Cooperation)
- UNU (United Nations University)

This conference is a new manifestation of the cooperation in
Africa. Since 1986 there exists an agreement between the
University of Yaounde, INRIA and the United Nation University
aimed to promote research and advanced training in computer
science and technology. The extension of this framework had
led to the organization of CARI'92, the first conference which
brought together, thanks particularly to the financial support
of the French Ministry of Cooperation, representatives from
twenty five countries of Africa and the North.

In parallel to the presentation of 120 research papers, a
scientific committee has been established with the mandate to :
- review the existing infrastructure and define the needs for
research and advanced training
- facilitate the emergence of cooperative projects between the
African Universities
- initiate and coordinate the organization of scientific
The conference had been the occasion for ORSTOM to associate
with the project in order to bring in its experience of work in
tropical countries.

Although the topics of the conference cover the whole range of
computer science and technology, the scientific committee
would like to encourage particularly those papers contributing
to technological development, to better awareness of the
environment and to the management of natural resources.

Invited papers will be presented by world-known scientists.
Software demonstrations will be organized during the
conference. Panels on selected topics will be scheduled in
parallel. Finally, it is foreseen that the conference will be
preceded by two days of tutorials.


Software engineering, parallel computing, scientific computa-
tion, architecture, databases, networks, computer vision, arti-
ficial intelligence, programming language, operating systems.


Authors are invited to submit, in French or in English,
contributions on their most recent research results. Researchers
from Africa are especially encouraged to submit a paper.
Five copies of the full text (up to 20 double-spaced pages, title
and abstract included) should be sent before February 15, 1994,
to the following address :

Secretariat CARI'94,
INRIA - BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay cedex - France

Proceedings of the conference will be available on the site.


L. ANDRIAMAMPIANINA University of Antananarivo (Madagascar)
A. CORENTHIN ENSUT, Dakar (Senegal)
email : [email protected]
L. KONATE IRMA, Abidjan (Cote d'Ivoire)
email : [email protected]
P. MOUKELI IAI, Libreville (Gabon)
B. PHILIPPE IRISA - INRIA, Rennes (France)
email : [email protected]
P. RENAUD ORSTOM, Paris (France)
email : [email protected]
M. TCHUENTE University of Yaounde
email : [email protected]
J. TANKOANO University of Ouagadougou
email : [email protected]
I. WESLEY-TANASKOVIC United Nation University
email : [email protected]

For more information, contact: [email protected]


From: James F Blowey <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1993 15:40:39 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Northern England Universities Numerical Analysis Colloquium

The next Northern England Universities Numerical Analysis Colloquium
is to be held at University of Durham, U.K. on Friday, October 1 1993.
The main speakers are:

Arieh Iserles (Cambridge) ``Numerical analysis of delay differential
equations with variable delays''


Alistair Watson (Dundee) ``Some robust methods for parameter estimation''

Further information may be obtained from [email protected]

James Blowey
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE.
JANET:[email protected] BITNET:j.f.blowey%[email protected]


From: Tom Manteuffel <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 93 09:23:26 -0600
Subject: Copper Mountain Conference Moves to Breckenridge


Breckenridge, Colorado
April 4-10, 1994

The University of Colorado
Front Range Scientific Computations, Inc.

in cooperation with
Special Interest Group in Numerical Linear Algebra
of the
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Department of Energy
National Science Foundation

Tom Manteuffel Steve McCormick


Steve Ashby, Seymour Parter,
Howard Elman, Nick Trefethen,
Roland Freund, Hank van der Vorst,
Anne Greenbaum, Homer Walker,
Paul Saylor, Olof Widlund,


Student Paper Competition Published Proceedings
Workshops Circus


Nonsymetric Systems Multilevel Preconditionings
Nonlinear Systems Parallel Applications


Abstracts Dec. 15, 1993
Student Papers Dec. 15, 1993
Papers for Prelim. Procs. Feb. 15, 1994
Lodging Reservations March 1, 1994
Early Registration March 1, 1994


Complete details will be available later this month by
sending a message to:

[email protected].

More detailed questions can be sent to:

[email protected]


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 93 15:10:54 EST
Subject: Upcoming SIAM Tutorials and Conferences

1. One-day Tutorial on NURBS: Geometry and Application
October 31, 1993
Radisson Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, Tempe, Arizona

2. One-day Tutorial on Data Reduction and Decomposition Techniques
October 31, 1993
Radisson Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, Tempe, Arizona

3. Third SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
November 1-5, 1993
Radisson Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, Tempe, Arizona

(for both the tutorials and conference)

4. Conference on Emerging Issues in Mathematics and
Computation from the Materials Sciences

Organized by Center for Nonlinear Analysis - Carnegie
Mellon University, and by SIAM.

April 18-20, 1994
Pittsburgh Vista Hotel
Pittsburgh, PA

OCTOBER 12, 1993

5. Fifth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
June 15-18, 1994, Snowbird, Utah
(Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra)

6. Seventh SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
June 22-25, 1994, Albuquerque, New Mexico
(Sponsored by SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics)

The Call for Papers for both conferences are on press.
To obtain a copy, or if you wish to have the E-Mail
version of either one, contact SIAM now!

For information on any of these meetings:

E-Mail: [email protected]
Fax: 215-386-7999
Telephone: 215-382-9800 (extensions 331 or 332)


From: Federico Malucelli <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 93 10:19:52 +0000 (METDST)
Subject: Network Optimization Theory and Practice

Network Optimization Theory and Practice
October 3-7, 1993
Centro Studi "Cappuccini", San Miniato (PI) Italy.

SPONSORED BY: Mathematical Programming Society, Hewlett-Packard Italy Ltd,
IBM SEMEA, Italian Operations Research Society, CNR - Universita' di Pisa.

Strongly polynomial simplex algorithms for network flow
problems, D. Goldfarb.
New network simplex algorithms for network flow problems,
R.K. Ahuja, T. Sokkalingam, P. Sharma.
Best bounds for two-terminal network reliability with
dependent edge failures, P. Hansen, B. Jaumard,
G.B. Douanya Nguets.
How can one calculate a generalized maximum flow, A. Hoffman
Solving a trillion-arc assignment problem, J.B. Orlin.
Models and algorithms for network design, T.L. Magnanti.

Dynamic traffic assignment on large networks: a parallel
algorithm with a rigorous proof of convergence in two
special cases, M.J. Smith, M.B. Wisten.
Relaxation for multicommodity capacitated network design
problems, T.G. Crainic, B. Gendron.
Linear networks with uncertainty. An application field for
parallel computing in optimization, M. Alvarez, C.M.Cuevas,
J.L. de la Fuente, L.F. Escudero, G. Garcia, F.J. Prieto.

Matching in colored networks, K.G. Murty, C. Spera, T. Yi.
On the boolean quadric forest polytope, J. Lee, J. Leung.
Derandomized approximation of maximum integer multiflows,
A. Srivastav, P. Stangier.

A parametric analysis of a nonlinear currency management
model, A. Gautier, F. Granot, M. Levi.
Optimal dimensioning of pipes networks with application to
gas transmission networks, D. De Wolf, Y. Smeers.
A bilevel model of taxation and its application to optimal
highway pricing, M. Labbe', P. Marcotte, G. Savard.

A polynomial time simplex algorithm for a class of Leontief
flow problems, P.H. Ng, D.K. Wagner.
On balancing the flow out of a network with gains,
G. Andreatta, C. Filippi, G. Romanin-Jacur.
A class of trust region methods for nonlinear network
optimization problems, including some numerical
experiments, A. Sartenaer.

Optimal partition of graphs and networks, B. Simeone.
LP relaxations of the hypergraph partitioning problem and
network flows, M. Minoux.
A branch and cut algorithm for the resolution of the
equicut problem, M. Conforti, L. Brunetta, G. Rinaldi.
Packing on Steiner graphs, M. Grotschel, A. Martin.
Potential-function reduction methods for block-structured
optimization, M.D. Grigoriadis, L.G. Khachiyan.
Multiflows and disjoint paths of minimum total cost,
A. Karzanov.
Cyclic scheduling with small communication delays,
P. Chretienne.

Approximate min-max theorems and fast approximation
algorithms for multicommodity flow problems, E. Tardos.
Computational and complexity results for an interior point
algorithm on multicommodity flow problems, N.K.Karmarkar,
A.P. Kamath, K.G. Ramakrishnan.
Computational experience with network penalty methods,
D.L. Jensen.
Flows on hypergraphs, R. Cambini, G. Gallo, M.G. Scutella'
Approximation algorithms for job shop scheduling, J.K. Lenstra
Exact and approximation algorithms for the generalized fixed
job schedule problem, M. Fischetti, S. Martello, P. Toth.
Preemptive open shop scheduling with restricted preemptions
and preassignments, D. de Werra, J. Erschler.

Some classes of network programming problems via strong
spanning trees and signatures, J. Gonzalez.
Facet inducing inequalities for single-machine scheduling
problems, M. van den Akker, M.W.P. Savelsberg.
Steiner problem in graphs: Lagrangean relaxation and
and planes, A. Lucena.

Identifying the optimal face of a network linear program
with a globally convergent interior point method,
M.G.C. Resende, T. Tsuchiya, G. Veiga.
Heuristic and LP analysis of the overlay optimization
problem, A. Balakrishnan, T.L. Magnanti, P. Mirchandani.
How to compute least infeasible flows, S.T. McCormick.

A distributed network partition algorithm, L. Motyckova,
J. Staudek.
A strongly polynomial dual network simplex algorithm,
R.D. Armstrong, Z. Jin.
Exact cost flow problems in acyclic networks, V. Caglioti,
M. Trubian.
New experimental results for bipartite matching,
J.C. Setubal.

An exact algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with
backhauls, P. Toth, D. Vigo.
Joint routing in networks, A. Boroujerdi, C. Dong, Q. Ma,
B.M. Moret.
Non-crossing path packings in planar graphs with
applications, K. Weihe.
An LP-based lower bound for the capacitated arc routing
problem, E.B. Lopez, J.M. Belenguer Ribeira.

The inverse shortest paths problem, P.L. Toint.
A new primal dual algorithm for minimum convex cost network
flow problems: serial and parallel implementations,
I. Chabini, M. Florian.
Parallel genetic algorithms for large-scale nonconvex
network optimization, R.R. Meyer.
Penalty methods for minimum cost flow problems,
W.R. Pulleyblank.
Topics on network flow algorithms, R.E. Tarjan.

INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: G. Gallo, D. Goldfarb, M.D. Grigoriadis,
M. Grotschel, L.G. Khachiyan, F.T. Leighton, J.K. Lenstra, T.L. Magnanti,
J.B.Orlin, W.R. Pulleyblank, B. Simeone, E. Tardos, R.E. Tarjan, P. Toint.
Netflow93 CO-CHAIRMEN: Giorgio Gallo and Michael D. Grigoriadis.

INFORMATION AND CORRESPONDANCE: Please send all inquiries to:
Federico Malucelli, Chairman
Local Organizing Committee - Netflow93
c/o Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita' di Pisa, Corso Italia 40, 56125 Pisa, Italy.
e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +39 -50 510216 Fax: +39 -50 510226.


From: D. Sloan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 93 14:52:17 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Two Positions at University of Strathclyde



Applications are invited for a fixed-term two-year Lectureship in the
Department of Mathematics. Preference will be given to candidates with
research experience in any branch of Numerical Analysis.

The Lectureship is available from 1st October 1993 (or as soon as possible
Salary in range 13,601 pounds -- 25,107 pounds per annum.

For application form and further particulars (Ref 94/93) contact the
Personnel Office, University of Strathclyde, McCance Building, 16 Richmond
Street, Glasgow, G1 1XQ.

The closing date for applications is 17 September 1993.


Applications are invited for a fixed-term two-year Computer Officer post in the
Department of Mathematics. Applicants will normally have a degree in
mathematics (or equivalent) and have some experience of computer systems.
The post will support the departmental workstations and PCs as well as
providing support in CAL and assistance in computing laboratories.

The appointment will be made on Grade 1 or Grade 2 of the national salary
scale for Computer Staff---within the range 12,828 pounds to 20,442 pounds
per annum.

Application forms (Ref 75/93) and further particulars can be obtained from the
Personnel Office, University of Strathclyde, McCance Building, 16 Richmond
Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ.

The closing date for applications is 17 September 1993.


From: Julia Addy <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1993 13:01:36 -0500
Subject: Two Positions at Cornell University, Theory Center

Academic Outreach Program Coordinator

The Cornell Theory Center, a National Science Foundation center for high
performance computing in science and engineering, seeks candidates for the
position of Academic Outreach Program Coordinator.

The individual in this position will provide project leadership in
delivering technical support services to a national scientific user
community. This will involve coordinating the Theory Center's national
academic outreach programs, including its university consortium (the Smart
Node Program), the Power Parallel Systems (SP1) Partners Program, and other
consortia related activities. This person will provide expert technical
advice and guidance to users and consortia members, assist in the
development of new program directions, disseminate technical information,
and develop appropriate technical training programs.

Requirements: B.S. degree in a scientific or engineering discipline, or
equivalent combination of education, research, and experience. M.S. degree
strongly preferred. Minimum 3 years programming experience in a scientific
environment and related experience. Demonstrated ability to work with
researchers and technical support staff in a high performance computing
environment. Excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational
skills. Experience in working with academic or industrial outreach
programs desirable. Experience in education, training, and related
technologies a plus. For consideration, send letter and resume to Julia
Addy, Theory Center, Engineering & Theory Center Bldg., Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853-3801 AA/EOE

Scientific Applications Consultant

The Cornell Theory Center, a National Science Foundation center for high
performance computing in science and engineering, seeks candidates for the
position of Scientific Applications Consultant.

This person will provide highly specialized and complex consulting and
scientific applications support to the Theory Center's national and
international scientific and research community; provide in-depth
consulting and advice to researchers in enabling scientific applications on
parallel architectures, analyzing program execution, and optimizing
performance; work closely with users in analyzing problems and developing
solutions; and investigate, resolve or refer reported problems.

Requirements: MS degree in a scientific or engineering discipline, or
equivalent combination of education, research, and experience. Ph.D.
degree preferred. Minimum 5 years FORTRAN or C programming experience in a
scientific environment, and related experience. Demonstrated ability to
work with researchers using high performance computing. Scientific
applications, parallel programming, and UNIX experience highly desirable.
Excellent interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills. For
consideration, send letter and resume to Julia Addy, Theory Center,
Engineering & Theory Center Bldg., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
14853-3801 AA/EOE


From: Tony Skjellum <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 93 18:03:47 CDT
Subject: Position at Mississippi State

Mississippi State University
Faculty Position in Distributed Computing
Department of Computer Science and NSF Engineering Research Center

Applications for a tenure-track computer science faculty position at
the Assistant or Associate Professor level, beginning as early as June
1994, are invited in the area of distributed computing. Funding for
research for both summer and the academic year will be available on a
regular basis through the association with the National Science
Foundation Engineering Research Center (NSF ERC).

The NSF and Mississippi State University established the NSF ERC to
develop an integrated computational simulation system for large-scale
field problems involving complex geometry and physics. A primary
objective of the NSF ERC is to provide U. S. industry with such a
simulation system for engineering design and applications. The
approach is through a synergistic research program involving
cross-disciplinary research and instruction in computational
engineering, computer engineering, and computer science. A
particularly important project of the ERC is to develop parallel
algorithms and architectures to apply to computational field
simulation problems.

A Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or a closely related field, and at
least one year's experience in research in distributed computing is
required. Suggested areas of expertise include:

1. Distributed Operating Systems
2. Distributed Applications
3. Distributed Visualization
4. Distributed Debugging
5. High-Speed Communications Networks
6. Environments/Languages For Expressing Distributed Algorithms
7. Compiler Support for Distributed Languages
8. Libraries of Software for Distributed Computations
9. Scientific Distributed Computing

Applicants are expected to have strong commitments to both research
and teaching, with experience and productivity in both areas strongly
encouraged. The successful applicant will participate in the research
of the NSF ERC for Computational Field Simulation, and be active in
departmental affairs. A teaching load commensurate with the
commitment to research in both the ERC and the Computer Science
Department allows time for quality research and close involvement with
students. MSU has an accredited undergraduate program, and both
masters and Ph.D. graduate programs. Interested individuals should
forward a vita and names of at least three references to:

D. W. Dearholt, Head
Department of Computer Science
Drawer CS
Mississippi State, MS 39762

MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


From: Anastassiou <[email protected]>
Date: 30 Aug 93 16:33:13 CDT
Subject: Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics

Volume 47, No. 2
31 AUGUST 1993

A. Drozdowicz and J. Popenda, Asymptotic behavior of
solutions of difference equations of second order 141

R. Butt, Optimum design with finite elements: design
of electrochemical machining 151

T. Erd\'{e}lyi, Remez-type inequalities and their
applications 167

Z. Huang, A note on the Kantorovich theorem for
Newton iteration 211

S.A. El-Serafi, F.Z. El-Halafawy, M.H. Eissa and
M.M. Kamel, An MSPT of a parametrically excited
cantilever beam 219

G.A. Baker Jr and P.R. Graves-Morris, Results on
sequences of Hermite--Pad\'{e}, integral
approximants 241

M.F. Pettigrew and H. Rasmussen, Numerical solutions
for unstable Hele--Shaw flows 253

C. Jayasri and Y. Sitaraman, On a Bernstein-type
operator of Bleimann, Butzer and Hahn (Letter) 267

D.I. Okunbor, Variable step size does not harm
second-order integrators for Hamiltonian systems
(Letter) 273


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1993 07:14:30 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications


Preface 1

Wayne Barrett (Provo, Utah), Charles R. Johnson
(Williamsburg, Virginia), and Pablo Tarazaga (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem for a
Simple Cycle 3

Don Coppersmith (Yorktown Heights, New York)
Solving Linear Equations Over GF(2): Block Lanczos Algorithm 33

Ludwig Elsner (Bielefeld, Germany), Daniel Hershkowitz
(Haifa, Israel), and Hans Schneider (Madison, Wisconsin)
Spectral Radii of Certain Iteration Matrices and Cycle
Means of Digraphs 61

Dennis R. Estes and Robert M. Guralnick (Los Angeles, California)
Minimal Polynomials of Integral Symmetric Matrices 83

Peter Fleischmann (Essen, Germany)
Connections Between the Algorithms of Berlekamp and
Niederreiter for Factoring Polynomials Over F*Dq 101

Schmuel Friedland (Chicago, Illinois)
Rational Orthogonal Similarity of Rational Symmetric Matrices 109

Holger W. Gollan (Essen, Germany)
Conjugacy Class Sums for Induced Modules: Construction
and Applications 115

George Havas (Queensland, Australia), Derek F. Holt
(Coventry, United Kingdom), and Sarah Rees
(Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
Recognizing Badly Presented Z-Modules 137

Nicholas J. Higham and Philip A. Knight (Manchester, England)
Finite Precision Behavior of Stationary Iteration for
Solving Singular Systems 165

Victon Klee (Seattle, Washington), Balder Von Hohenbalken,
and Ted Lewis (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
On the Recognition of S-Systems 187

W. Lempken and R. Staszewski (Essen, Germany)
A Construction of 3McL and Some Representation Theory
in Characteristic 5 205

S. A. Linton (London, England)
On Vector Enumeration 235

Sean S. B. Moore, Dennis M. Healy, Jr., and
Daniel N. Rockmore (Hanover, New Hampshire)
Symmetry Stabilization for Fast Discrete Monomial
Transforms and Polynomial Evaluation 249

Harald Niederreiter (Vienna, Austria)
Factorization of Polynomials and Some Linear-Algebra
Problems Over Finite Fields 301

Barry W. Peyton (Oak Ridge, Tennessee), Alex Pothen
(Waterloo, Ontario, Canada), and Xiaoqing Yuan
(North York, Ontario, Canada)
Partitioning a Chordal Graph Into Transitive Subgraphs
for Parallel Sparse Triangular Solution 329

K. W. Roggenkamp (Stuttgart, Germany) and L. L. Scott
(Charlottesville, Virginia)
Automorphisms and Nonalbelian Cohomology: An Algorithm 355

List of All Speakers and Titles at the Conference
``Computational Linear Algebra in Algebraic and Related
Problems'' 383

Author Index 387


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 93 10:40:27 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM REview

SIAM Review
Table of Contents, Vol. 35, No. 4, December 1993


On the Early History of the Singular Value Decomposition
G.W. Stewart

On the Stem Curve of a Tall Palm in a Strong Wind
Donald P. Winter

An Equilibrium Theory of Dislocation Continua
A.K. Head, S.D. Howison, J.R. Ockendon, and S.P. Tighe

Propagation of an Electromagnetic Field Through a Planar Slab
Harry E. Moses and Reese T. Prosser

Classroom Notes in Applied Mathematics

Problems and Solutions

Book Reviews


Author Index


End of NA Digest
