From: Vincenzo De Florio <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 93 13:23:53 MET
Subject: Alan Turing's Reports
Dear Sirs,
I'd like some help about the location and availability of
books containing articles by A.M. Turing.
Thanks a lot
- Vincenzo De Florio
[email protected]
[email protected]
From: Gabriel Taubin <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1993 10:44:27 -0500
Subject: Help on Minimization of Sums of Rational Functions
Help is sought on references on the numerical minimization
of functions of the following type :
f(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{m} \frac{x^t M_i x}{x^t N_i x}
where x ia a n-dimensional vector, and the M_i's and N_i's are
symmetric nonnegative definite matrices.
Please reply to :
- Gabriel Taubin
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
Email : [email protected]
From: Volker Kunert <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1993 17:29:23 +0100
Subject: X.400 Mail to Na-Net
In the NA-Net helpfile are the addresses of NA-Net given in RFC832-Form.
Unfortunately some people have to use X.400 addresses that are not given in
the help file.
From Germany I used the following address
for [email protected].
I even don't know, if for all countries one valid X.400 address can be
given for Oak Ridge.
Volker Kunert Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg
[email protected] Institut fuer Numerische Mathematik
[email protected] Weinbergweg 17
D-O 4050 Halle (Saale), Germany
From: Hans Kraaijevanger <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1993 16:20:20 MET+0100
Subject: Change of Address for Hans Kraaijevanger
Dear friends and collegues,
Recently I have left the University of Leiden and accepted a position as
research mathematician at Shell in the Netherlands.
My new E-mail address is [email protected] (alternatively, one
may continue to use [email protected], of course).
My mailing address is my private address:
J.F.B.M. Kraaijevanger,
Beukenrode 396,
2215 JV Voorhout,
The Netherlands.
Telephone numbers are:
31-70-3112318 (work)
31-2522-30032 (home)
Hans Kraaijevanger.
From: David Youatt <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 93 12:11:52 EST
Subject: Elementary Math Functions
I'm hoping you can direct me to current methods for implementing sin, cos,
sqrt, etc. on systems that use IEEE754.
So far, I'm almost into the '80s with regard to checking references
(e.g. - Cody and Wait, and Hart), so I'm assuming there are much
better (i.e. - faster) methods.
Thank you.
Please reply via email, and thanks in advance.
-- David Youatt, [email protected], (508) 562-4800
From: Bill Hager <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 93 21:24:53 EST
Subject: Graduate Students in Computational Optimization
Attention: Graduate students interested in attending
Conference on Large-Scale Optimization,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL,
Feb. 15-17, 1993
Contact Bill Hager ([email protected]) immediately.
From: Tony Chan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 93 12:29:23 +0800
Subject: Householder Symposium Deadline
This is a brief reminder that the deadline for submitting an abstract
is February 1, 1993. Please send them to:
Householder 93
c/o Babette Dalton
Department of Mathematics
University of California, Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90024-1555
e-mail: [email protected]
Please send at least a hardcopy. TeX files, in addition, are also welcomed.
If you missed the original announcements, please send an email to
the above address.
From: Ralph B. Kearfott <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 93 09:48:21 CST
Subject: Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computation
Date: September 14--17, 1993
Place: Sozopol, Bulgaria
Conference Title: Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computation
Official Language: English
The purpose of the conference is to make new methodologies for
scientific computation and new software tools widely available, to
promote contacts between software companies and diverse groups of
specialists, and to train and encourage beginning researchers. Topics
include advanced numerical methods (involving interval and parallel
techniques) and applications, mathematical models with interval-valued
input data, enclosure methods with automatic result verification,
interval methods in automatic theorem proving, program packages, and
applied modeling.
Papers, nominally four pages long, should be submitted via e-mail and in
printed form to one of the contact persons by April 1, 1993.
Notification of acceptance will be by June 15, 1993. Preregistration
($100 U.S.) is before July 15, 1993, and on-site registration is $130.
Contact persons: S. Markov (chairman), N. Dimitrova (secretary)
Institute of Biophysic,s BAS
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl. 21
BG-1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
email: [email protected]
D. V. Shiriaev, Karlsruhe
email: [email protected]
I. Dimov, Sofia
email: [email protected]
R. B. Kearfott
Department of Mathematics
University of Southwestern Louisiana
U.S.L. Box 4-1010
Lafayette, LA 70504-1010
Work phone: (318) 231-5270
Home phone: )318) 981-9744
email: [email protected] (Internet)
Ch. Ullrich, Basel
email: [email protected]
A. P. Voshinin, Moscow
email: [email protected]
K. Madsen, Lyngby
email: [email protected]
J. Wolff von Gudenberg, Wuerzburg
email: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 93 17:07:44 MET
Subject: Mathematical Circus at ENS-LYON, France
Location: Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Dates: February 4-5 1993
The "RENCONTRES MATHEMATIQUES", Mathematical Circus, is an informal
meeting of mathematicians to gather around a principal speaker and a
leading subject. It always takes place at ENSL, about every month. The
previous ones were about homogeneisation theory, bifurcation theory,
kinetics equations, mathematical problems of combustion ...
This time the leading speaker is P.-L. LIONS, University of Paris IX-Dauphine.
He will give two or three talks covering various aspects of
mathematical modelling, nonlinear partial differential equations
and their viscous solutions, geometrical interpretation,
and finally numerical approximation of these models.
He will be surrounded by:
G. BARLES: University of Tours, France
O. FAUGERAS: INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
J.M. MOREL: University of Paris IX-Dauphine, France
The circus is unique in that it is VERY informal, and thus allows
us to talk about the very latest results as well as interesting work
in progress. In our previous meetings there has been lots of informal
discussion and a very healthy mix of industrial and academic participants.
We have arranged special conference train fares with SNCF. Ask just
for a "Congress Ticket".
A restricted number of uncharged rooms are at our disposal on Campus.
There is also some hotels a few minutes' ride from ENSL campus.
To register, please send e-mail to Claudine Schmidt-Laine at the
adress below. As usual, there is no registration fee.
The circus will begin on Thursday morning and will end on Friday noon.
For further i
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, Allee d'Italie
F-69364 LYON Cedex 07
Phone: (33)
Fax: (33)
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 93 12:20:05 EST
Subject: Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods
SIAM Conference on Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods
August 4-6, 1993
Cathedral Hill Hotel
San Francisco, California
SIAM is pleased to inform you that the deadline for
submission of contributed abstracts has been extended to
February 5, 1993. Submissions via e-mail to:
[email protected]
are welcomed. To help in formatting your submission, plain
TeX or LaTeX macros are available. Contact SIAM now. Call
215-382-9800. Fax 215-386-7999. E-Mail: [email protected]
From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 93 12:34:32 -0500
Subject: Parallel Computing Meeting in Obninsk (Russia)
Second International Conference
Obninsk (Russia), August 30 - September 3, 1993
Sponsored by ReSCo
ReSCo (Recursive Super Computers) is young Russian firm
which is specialised in mini super computers
In the history of modern Russia PaCT-93 will be
the first scientific conference on programming
which is sponsored by a commercial firm
Supported by the GI/ITG-PARS
Computing Center of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of
Sciences (Novosibirsk) is organizing the Second International Conference
PARALLEL COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES (PaCT-93) to be held in Obninsk (near
Moscow), August 30 to September 3, 1993. The last Conference PaCT-91 was
held in Novosibirsk. The aim of the Conference is to give an overview of
new developments, applications and trends in parallel computing
technologies. We sincerely hope that the Conference will help to deepen
our understanding of parallel computing technologies by providing a
forum for an exchange of views between scientists and specialists from
all over the world. We welcome your active participation.
. All aspects of the applications of parallel systems
. Algorithms for all types of parallel computers
. Languages, environments and software tools
supporting parallel processing
. Operating systems, scheduling, mapping, load balancing
. General architecture concepts, enabling technologies
. Performance measurement and analysis
. Teaching parallel processing.
Original papers or posters are invited for the Conference. An
extended abstract (600 words to 1500 words) should be submitted to the
Conference address (see below) before March 30, 1993. Electronic copies
in plain ASCII or LaTeX format are preferable. The first page should
contain the following information: title, the author's full name,
affiliation, a few keywords, address, telephone number, FAX number,
e-mail address. It should be indicated whether a paper or poster will be
presented. Authors will be notified of acceptance by May 15, 1993.
Camera ready copy of the accepted paper (not exceeding 6000 words) will
be required by June 20, 1993. We hope all communications will be
realized by e_mail. Only the full paper must be sent by express post in
camera ready form.
Please use plain ASCII or a document preparation system LaTeX for
preparing your extended abstract in 'article' style and send LaTeX_text
by e-mail in ASCII. For easy printing your abstract with ours equipment
use simple LaTeX constructions, please.
Submission of the extended abstracts: March 30, 1993
Notification of acceptance: May 15, 1993
Camera-ready versions of papers: June 20, 1993
The Conference Proceedings will be distributed at the Conference
In addition to the regular sessions there will be an exhibition and
presentation of the experimental and commercial hardware and software
systems. There also will be an exhibition of current research
works. All participants and all Russian and foreign firms or
universities are invited to take part in this exhibition. Interested
organizations and individuals are requested to contact the PaCT-93
Organizing Committee.
ReSCo is going to announce and to exhibit the first version of its new
mini super computer MDA (Machine of Dynamic Architecture)
The official language of the Conference is English.
Cultural program is planned for participants and accompanying
persons. Program will include dinner parties, sightseeing tours in and
around Obninsk (Malojaroslavets, Tarutino), a visit to the Optina
Pustin Monastery and Museums, hunting, etc.
Please contact the Organizing committee as soon as possible, preferably by
A. Alekseev General Chairman
V.Malyshkin, chairman
V.Malyshkin, co-chairman [email protected]
N.Mirenkov, co-chairman [email protected]
H.Burkhart [email protected]
M.Cosnard [email protected]
J.Dongarra [email protected]
W.Haendler [email protected]
V.Ivannikiv [email protected]
V.Levin [email protected]
R.Maenner [email protected]
G.Mauri [email protected]
S.Pankratov,scientific secretary [email protected]
R.Perrott [email protected]
C.Polychronopoulos [email protected]
P.Quinton [email protected]
K.Reinartz [email protected]
H.Zima [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 93 09:16:56 +1100
Subject: Parallel Programming Position in Sydney
Computing Services Department
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
The University of New South Wales has aqcuired a 32 processor CM5 from Thinking
Machines Inc., on behalf of the Sydney Regional Centre for Parallel Computing,
formed by the University of New South Wales, University of Sydney, University of
Technology Sydney and Macquarie University. A new position has been established
at the University of New South Wales to provide general user support for the
development and training of applications on the CM5 computer.
The principal duties of this position will be to advise staff and graduate
students of the University of New South Wales on the efficient use of a 32
processor CM5. She/he will also be required to run short courses introducing
users to the architecture, programming environment, including CM Fortran, and
optimization of the applications on the CM5. She/he will also assist in the
development, maintenance and documentation of applications software.
A degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or Engineering, a sound knowledge
of structured Fortran programming, several years experience as a Fortran 77
programmer, experience with UNIX operating systems and the ability to
communicate with users are all essential.
Experience with advanced computer architectures including vector and parallel
computers and programming, Fortran 90 array constructs, C programming,
scientific visualization and X11 are highly desirable.
The successful applicant will report to the Unix Systems Co-ordinator,
Systems Software Unit, Computing Services Department and liaise with the
Director of the Sydney Regional Centre for Parallel Computing, the University
of New South Wales.
Appointment will be in the CSO2/CSO3 range depending upon qualifications and
experience and for an initial period of three years with good prospects for
Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is compulsory for
new appointees and members of staff appointed after 30 June 1991.
Applications close 3 February 1993.
Salary: Computing Services Officer Grade 2 $33,383 - $36,856;
Computing Services Officer Grade 3 $38,124 - $41,979 per annum
depending on qualifications and experience.
Further information is available from:
Mr. K. Hill, (02) 697 2934, [email protected] or
Dr. R. S. Womersley, (02) 697 2998, [email protected]
Written applications, quoting reference number REF. 013, and including the
names, addresses and facsimile numbers of at least two referees should be
sent to
Recruitment Officer, Staff Office, University of New South Wales,
P.O. Box 1, Kensington, NSW 2033 AUSTRALIA.
From: Andre Manitius <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 93 22:26:58 -0500
Subject: Position at George Mason University
Institute of Computational Sciences and Informatics
George Mason University
The George Mason University of the Commonwealth of Virginia is seeking
candidates for the position of Director of the Institute of
Computational Sciences and Informatics (CSI). The Director, who reports
to the Provost, is responsible for leadership of the Institute and
fulfillment of its research, educational and outreach mission.
The Institute's mission includes the development of new approaches to
scientific research based on rapidly developing computational
methodology, across a broad range of disciplines such as computational
physics, mathematics and statistics, space sciences, environmental
sciences, global change, the interface of computation and biological
science, including bio-informatics, and others. Research in the institute
is organized both through multi-disciplinary teams and through disciplinary
centers in some of the fields. The Institute is developing and implementing
a new Ph.D. program in Computational Science with current enrollment of 68
students and with an anticipated steady enrollment of 150 students.
Institute's current computational facilities include a network of workstations,
and servers, with a possible addition of a highly parallel machine.
A significant emphasis in the Institute' mission is given to the interaction
with local high-technology industry and government laboratories in
the Washington Metropolitan area.
The successful candidate should be a recognized researcher in a
field with significant computational component, with a strong record of
individual research and scholarship. The candidate should have demonstrated the
ability to provide leadership and management of research teams, and
should have experience with a variety of research funding sources.
The ability of fostering interactions with high technology industry
and laboratories, and the ability to provide leadership to an interdisciplinary
doctoral program will be essential.
Those wishing to be considered for the position or wanting to nominate a
candidate should write to:
Chair, CSI Director Search Committee
Office of the Provost
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax VA 22030
email: [email protected]
Applications should include a letter, a curriculum vitae, and the names
of at least three references. Review of the applications will begin on
February 1, 1993, and the position is expected to be available July 1,
1993. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
George Mason University, a State University of Northern Virginia, is an
affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
(for more information contact [email protected]).
From: Murli M Gupta <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 93 15:16:18 EDT
Subject: Graduate Program at George Washington University
Dear Colleague:
I am writing to you on behalf of our Department to ask for your
assistance in reaching potential graduate students. The information
below gives a brief description of our Graduate Program, to which I
would like to add a few words.
Although our Department is small it provides many of the amenities
of a larger department. We offer a full range of graduate courses
leading to the Master's and Ph.D. degrees in pure and applied
mathematics. Our faculty's research interests are varied, providing
a good choice of dissertation topics. We have a state of the art
Sun computer network, a first class mathematics collection in the
University library, and a stimulating series of colloquia and
Students who pursue graduate work in our department will find an
environment which offers the kind of individual attention not often
found in larger departments. Each entering student is assigned a
faculty member to serve as mentor during the first few years
preceding the selection of a dissertation advisor. The mentor and
the student meet on a regular basis to discuss the student's
experiences and progress in the program.
Our graduate program has a long history of producing Ph.D. and
Master's graduates who have gone on to successful careers.
Recently, the University has awarded us additional Graduate
Teaching Assistantships, which will effectively double the size of
our graduate program. We are now actively seeking good students to
fill these new positions. The Teaching Assistantship package
includes full tuition credits, a stipend, and additional support in
exchange for certain teaching duties, including teaching
recitations and working in our `Math Lab'. Interested graduate
students often have the opportunity to teach summer school.
We hope that you will mention our graduate program to promising
students who are considering graduate work in mathematics. The
next application deadline is February 15, 1993. Please call or
write to us if we can answer any questions about graduate study at
The George Washington University. Should you or your students have
the opportunity to visit our Department, we would be delighted to
welcome you.
Sincerely yours,
Murli M. Gupta
(202) 994-4857
[email protected]
To contact the department: The Department of Mathematics
George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052
(202) 994-6235
[email protected]
Excerpts from our brochure:
Programs of Study:
The Department of Mathematics offers programs of advanced study and
research leading to the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science
and Doctor of Philosophy.
Research Facilities:
The George Washington University Library collection, which includes
over 200 mathematics-related journals, is excellent for advanced
study and research. Other mathematical research libraries in the area
are also available to students.
Students have access to the Department's computing system consisting
of 3 Sun SPARCstation 1+ machines, PC's linked to the Suns, and state
of the art mathematical research software. Access to computer systems
outside the Department is available via edunet. The University has a
modern computing center, including classrooms equipped with
The Area:
The University is located in the District of Columbia, four blocks
west of the White House. Its proximity to numerous research
laboratories, government agencies, and national museums offers
students a variety of educational, professional, and cultural
Financial Aid:
Graduate study in mathematics is supported by teaching assistantships
and University fellowships. Applicants interested in financial aid are
encouraged to apply early. For interested mathematics graduate
students, the research laboratories and companies located in the
Washington metropolitan area offer excellent job opportunities.
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 93 10:34:24 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization
Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Vol. 31, No. 2, May 1993
Infinite-Dimensional Volterra--Stieltjes Evolution Equations and
Related Optimal Control Problems
Jiongmin Yong
Lipschitzian Stability in Nonlinear Control and Optimization
Asen L. Dontchev and William W. Hager
Pursuit--Evasion Problems and Viscosity Solutions of Isaacs Equations
Pierpaolo Soravia
An Optimal Control Problem with a Mixed Cost Function
V. I. Korobov, V. I. Krutin, and G. M. Sklyar
Optimality Conditions via Norm Scalarization in Vector Optimization
Phan Quoc Khanh
Controllability and Stabilizability of the Third-Order Linear
Dispersion Equation of a Periodic Domain
D. L. Russell and B. Y. Zhang
Dynamic Optimization Problems with Free-Time and Active State
J. D. L. Rowland and R. B. Vinter
Optimization of Queues Using an Infinitesimal Perturbation
Analysis-Based Stochastic Algorithm with General Update Times
Edwin P. Chong and Peter J. Ramadge
A Set Induced Norm Approach to the Robust Control of Constrained Systems
Mario Sznaier
The Four Block Model Matching Problem in l1 and Infinite-Dimensional
Linear Programming
Olof J. Staffans
Control of Planar Netowrks of Timoshenko Beams
J. E. Lagnese, G. Leugering, and E. J. P. G. Schmidt
End of NA Digest