NA Digest Sunday, April 17, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 16
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Chandrika Kamath <kamath%[email protected]>
Date: 14 Apr 88 14:36
Subject: Opening at Digital Equipment Corp.
Immediate Opening
Marlborough, Massachusetts
We have an immediate opening for an applied mathematician at the
Ph. D. or masters level in the area of high performance math libraries for
science and engineering applications on vector and parallel architectures.
The candidate should have applications development experience in one or more
of the following areas: numerical linear algebra, optimization, or signal
processing. A good programming background (FORTRAN) is necessary. Only recent
graduates are to be considered for this position, i.e. people who have not
had a previous full-time industrial position.
Please send resume to Mr. Buren Hoffman, Laboratory Data Products Group,
Digital Equipment Corporation, 2 Results Way, Box 1002, Marlborough, Mass.
01752. Digital Equipment Corporation is an equal opportunity employer.
From: John Bell <bell%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 88 11:51:16 PDT
Subject: Gordon Research Conference
Modeling of Flow in Permeable Media
A Gordon Research Conference
Plymouth State College (S)
Plymouth, New Hampshire
August 15-19, 1988
Mailing Address: J. B. Bell, Mail Stop L-316, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550
J. B. Bell -- Chairman
R. Ehrlich -- Vice-chairman
W. B. Lindquist -- Vice-chairman
J. C. Parker -- Vice-chairman
A Gordon Research Conference entitled "Modeling of Flow
in Permeable Media" will be held at Plymouth State College
(S), Plymouth, New Hampshire, August 15-19, 1988. The pur-
pose of the meeting is to discuss current issues in the
modeling of fluid flow in permeable media. Our goal is to
bring together scientists and engineers from various discip-
lines who have a common interest in these problems. Invited
speakers from the natural sciences, engineering and
mathematics will cover the subject from a broad-based per-
spective, setting the framework for active discussions among
the participants.
Specific topics to be discussed include: Stochastic
Approaches to Modeling Heterogeneous Porous Media (John Wil-
son, Alan Gutjahr, Lynn Gelhar, Chris Milly, Georges
Vachaud), Stochastic Numerical Methods (Chris Farmer, Mike
King, Dan Rothman), Deterministic Approaches to Modeling
Heterogeneous Porous Media (Mike Christie, Clint Dawson,
Fred Molz), Modeling of Foam Displacement (Ray Flummerfeld,
Frank Kovarik, Clay Radke), Viscous Fingering (Bud Homsy,
Y.C. Yortsos, Lynn Orr), Application of Fractal Theory to
Porous Media Flow (Tom Hewett, Wolfgang Kinzelbach), Flow in
Fractured Media (Les Smith), Mathematical Aspects of Polymer
Flooding (Ragnar Winther), Microgeometry of Porous Media
(James Berryman) and Parameter Estimation (Ted Watson, David
This conference will be of interest to all researchers
concerned with the various aspects of flow phenomena in
porous media. In addition to the invited talks, a poster
session is planned. Those interested in giving a poster
presentation should send an abstract to the chairman at the
above address.
The format of the conference will be informal, focused
on open discussion and exchange of ideas. Sessions will be
held in the morning and evening, with the afternoons devoted
to informal discussions or recreation. Attendance is lim-
ited to about 120 people, and all participants are required
to attend the entire conference. The conference fee will be
$310.00, which includes meals and lodging. Those desiring
to attend the conference may request an application by con-
tacting the conference office:
Dr. A. Cruickshank, Director
Gordon Research Center
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02811-0801
Phone: (401) 783-4011 or 783-3372
End of NA Digest