NA Digest Monday, February 8, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 5

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


>From: Tom Stockfisch <[email protected]>
Date: 3 Feb 88 04:48:57 GMT
Organization: University of California, San Diego
Subject: Re: Paranoia Results

In NA Digest, Vol. 88, Issue 4, Hugh LaMaster writes:
>Does anyone have a machine readable copy of the results of
>of various machines on the paranoia benchmark that they
>could email me?

If the results have been contributed to the public domain, could someone
post them to this newsgroup? I would guess that most subscribers would
be very interested in the results. (If not, would you email me a copy, too?)

-- Tom Stockfisch, UCSD Chemistry [email protected]


>From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 88 12:17:59 EST
Subject: Re: SIAM Membership List

Thanks to SIAM and the efforts of Eric Grosse, the SIAM membership list sits
in netlib. This means that you are able to get the address of any
individual who belongs to SIAM by sending a msg to netlib. The msg should
read "Whois <string>?" Of course, the use of this information should be for
personal use and NOT for making extensive distribution lists. Try your own
name (if you are a member of SIAM --- and if you aren't, you might consider
joining). -- Gene


>From: Art Werschulz <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 88 09:25:58 EST
Subject: Re: Numerical Software Tools in C

Awhile back, somebody (whether on this mailing list or on the USEnet
news group sci.math.num-analysis, I don't remember which) asked for
a book on C for numerical analysts (rather than systems hacker types).

The following book fits the description:

"Numerical Software Tools in C" by James Kempf, Prentice-Hall 1987
ISBN 0-13-627274-6


Art Werschulz


>From: Ahmed Sameh <sameh%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 88 20:17:20 PST
Subject: Positions at Illinois Supercomputing Center

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Center for Supercomputing Research and Development

The Center for Supercomputing Research and Development has two VISITING
positions beginning this Fall semester, August 1988. Applicants should be
interested in Parallel Computations and have a demonstrated research ability
in one of the following areas: (i) numerical methods in computational fluid
dynamics, (ii) sparse matrix computations, and (iii) large scale applications
in signal and/or image processing. Interested candidates are invited to send
resumes to:
Ahmed Sameh
University of Illinois
CSRD, 305 Talbot Lab.
104 South Wright st.
Urbana, Illinois 61801.

e-mail: [email protected]


>From: Rolf Jeltsch <JELTSCH%[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 88 11:04:06 CET
Subject: Report on a Conference in Nigeria

Conference in Computational Mathematics, Benin City, Nigeria,
Jan 25 - 29 1988, organized by Simeon Ola Fatunla of the
University of Benin.

I hesitated quite a lot before accepting the invitation to this
conference. Many more or less bad stories about Nigeria
had been brought to my attention. Today I just wanted to tell
everybody the extremely good experience we had. From outside
of Africa the following people attended the conference:
G. Corliss, Guo Ben-Yu, G. Hall, P. Kaps, J. D. Lambert,
R. Mattheij, J.D. Pryce, J.N. Sanz-Serna, A. Shidfar
and myself. The Nigerian people took extremely good
care of us, were very helpfull and made our stay a very
pleasant one. The moment we passed the passport control
at Lagos International Airport, we were met by a university
official who helped us to make the connections to the
continuation flight to Benin City, or we could have been driven
directly to Benin City. In Benin City again S. Fatunla and his staff
cared for us the whole time until we were finally seen off at
Lagos International Airport.

Professional problems which our collegues in Nigeria have to
face are huge -- like no journals since 1981, power breakdowns
approximately once a day (the computer centre has a whole
room of batteries to keep the current steady), poor communications
and so on. One can not help but admire the way our collegues
fight against all these circumstances.

This message is just to ask everybody to help our collegues in
Nigeria whenever possible. Prof. J.O. C. Ezeilo of the University
of Nsukka, Nigeria, (President of the Nigerian Mathematical Society)
is building up a Mathematics Center funded by the federal
Governement. He is looking for possible cooperation with
the mathematicians from outside Nigeria.

If anybody wants to get futher information please let me know or
contact one of the above mentioned participants.

Rolf Jeltsch


Simeon Ola Fatunla Professor J. O. C. Ezeilo
(Director) Department of Mathematics
Institute of Computer Science University of Nigeria
University of Benin Nsukka
Private Mail Bag 1154 Nigeria
Benin City


>From: Andrew Phillips <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 88 19:46:47 CST
Subject: Workshop on Large-Scale Optimization

Supercomputers and Large-Scale Optimization:
Algorithms, Software, and Applications

Announcement of a Workshop
University of Minnesota
May 16-18, 1988

Sponsored by Control Data Corporation, the Computer Science
Department, and the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute.

List of Invited Speakers (as of 2/4/88):

G. B. Dantzig: "Supercomputers for Planning Under Uncertainty"

J. J. Dongarra: "Designing Algorithms for Dense Linear Algebra
Problems on High Performance Computers"

I. S. Duff: "The Solution of Large-Scale Least Squares
Problems on Supercomputers"

J. A. George: "Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting on
Shared-Memory Multiprocessors"

M. D. Grigoriadis: "Fast Computation of Large-Scale Network
Flow Problems with Applications"

O. L. Mangasarian: "Serial and Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Linear

R. R. Meyer: "Parallel Computing for Large-Scale Network

M. W. Padberg: "Solving Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization
Problems by Branch-and-Cut"

J. B. Rosen: "Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Structured
Programming Problems"

D. F. Shanno: "Interior Point Methods for Large-Scale Linear

D. C. Sorensen: "Programming Methodology and Performance
Issues for Advanced Computer Architectures"

S. A. Zenios: "Nonlinear Network Optimization on a Massively
Parallel Connection Machine"

This workshop will provide a forum for the most recent developments
in the use of supercomputers, parallel algorithms and related sparse matrix
software for the solution of large-scale optimization problems. In addition
to the invited speakers, panel discussions will encourage broad participation
by the workshop attendees. Proceedings of this workshop will be published.

For more information about this workshop, write J. B. Rosen or
Eugene Shragowitz, Computer Science Department, University of Minnesota,
136 Lind Hall, 207 Church Street, S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, or call


>From: Axel Ruhe <ruhe%chalmers.sunet%[email protected]>
Date: 8 Feb 88 15:52 +0100
Subject: Parallel Research Position in Sweden

Parallel Research Position in Sweden

The Natural Science Research Council in Sweden (NFR) has
created a special research position titled:

Parallel computational algorithms

The Council is eager to get competent applicants from abroad
and offers rather attractive conditions:
1. Free localization to any Swedish university the successful
applicant may choose.
2. Full time research on freely chosen area first six years.
3. Continuation as faculty position after six years.

I just got informed that the position is available. A formal
announcement will appear soon. Please tell me and I will send it,
as well as give you further information.

Axel Ruhe
Department of Computer Science
Chalmers University of Technology
S-41296 Goteborg
Telephone int-46-31721096 (office)
int-46-31483168 (home)


>From: Bill Hager <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 88 14:46:56 EST
Subject: A New Numerical Linear Algebra Book

A new numerical linear algebra book is now available:

Applied Numerical Linear Algebra
(ISBN 0-13-041294-5)


William W. Hager

Publisher: Prentice-Hall

Chapter titles: 1. Introduction, 2. Elimination, 3. Conditioning,
4. Nonlinear systems, 5. Least squares, 6. Eigenproblems,
7. Iterative methods, 8. Numerical Software

Ordering Information:

In U.S.: 201-767-5937 (for individual) 800-223-1360 (for book store)
Prentice-Hall, College Operations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
In Canada: write to Carl Henderson, Prentice-Hall Canada,
1870 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, Ontario M1P 2J7
International: contact local Simon & Schuster representative or write to
Simon & Schuster International Customer Service Group,
200 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ 07675, USA


>From: David Hough <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 88 15:12:33 PST
Subject: Motorola MC68881/MC68882 manual published by Prentice Hall

I just received a copy of this manual, copyright by Motorola but
published by Prentice Hall, so that, like the MC68020 manual,
it may actually be obtainable in technical bookstores rather
than by begging a Motorola sales office. At last there will
be an answer for people that I've told to read a 68881 manual
without telling them how to obtain it.

The MC68881 is the best hardware implementation of IEEE arithmetic
from the standpoint of completeness and correctness, except for
some minor complaints:

transcendental functions are not monotonic in extended precision,

log2(x) and 2**x aren't exact in some places they could be,

there are no fmove-out instructions that round the source
f register to the stored value

not all the information that a user trap handler could exploit
is available in user mode

Transcendental functions are guided by the spirit rather than the
specification of the IEEE standard, anyway, and most other hardware
implementations don't come close.

CISC enthusiasts should compare the 68881/2 instruction set to
anything similar they may have been using to see the difference a
clean orthogonal instruction set can make.

RISC enthusiasts don't care about on-board transcendentals because,
by their own admission, they are smart enough to code them faster
using a smaller instruction set. They would be well advised,
in general, not to be too pleased with their results
until they are reasonably close to the 68881's in accuracy.

I don't know whether or not to be surprised, but the page layout
produced by Prentice Hall is not as aesthetically pleasing as that
of the 68881 manual published by Motorola.


>From: Rolf Jeltsch <IGPM%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 88 13:49:15 CET
Subject: International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems

Hyperbolic Problems, Theory, Numerical Methods and Applications -
Second International Conference, RWTH Aachen, March, 14-18, 1988

The first international conference on Hyperbolic Problems was
held in St. Etienne, in 1986. The proceedings were published in
the series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Springer, Heidelberg
1987). Systems of nonlinear hyperbolic problems play an important
role in science and technology, e.g. aerodynamics, multiphasic
flows with cavitation, nonlinear waves in solids, flow in porous
media, plasma physics, astrophysics, combustion problems, non-
equilibrium flows, extraction, biology. Significant advances
made in the last few years will be presented in 20 plenary
sessions and in 97 contributions.
The main topics are:
1. Theory of nonlinear hyperbolic systems
2. Numerical methods for solving these systems
3. Applications.

Scientific Committee
Y. Zhu, Academia Sinica, Beijing
Z. Wesolowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
C. Weiland, MBB, Munich
P. Raviart, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau
Y. Shokin, USSR Academy of Sciences
M. Pandolfi, Politecnico di Torino
S. Osher, UCLA
O. Oleinik, Moscow University
T. Liu, Univ. of Maryland
B. van Leer, University of Michigan
Ch. Klingenberg, University of Heidelberg
R. Jeltsch, RWTH Aachen
A. Jeffrey, Univ. Newcastle upon Tyne
J.D. Hoffman, Purdue University
B. Gustafsson, University of Uppsala
A. Donato, University of Messina
C. Dafermos, Brown University
C. Carasso, University of St. Etienne
J. Ballmann, RWTH Aachen

Invited Lectures

A. M. Blokhin * S. Charkravarty * J. Engelbrecht * J. Glimm *
V. P. Maslov * K. W. Morton * O. Oleinik * S. Osher *
M. Pandolfi * B. L. Rozhdestvensky * Y. Shokin

Josef Ballmann, RWTH Aachen
Rolf Jeltsch, RWTH Aachen

Registration fee for participants: 150,-- DM
Reduced rate for registration
before Febrary 15, 1988: 120,-- DM
Additional fee for accompanying persons: 80,-- DM

The payment must be made in German marks. Please refer to Confer-
ence on Hyperbolic Problems and state your name on all money trans-
fer. Payment may be remitted as follows:
- by Bank transfer to Prof. Ballmann/Jeltsch
Account nr. 2083947, Deutsche Bank, Aachen, BLZ 390 700 20

Conference language will be English.
The full proceedings will be published in book form.

There will be an informal get together on Sunday, March 13, 1988
5 - 9 pm, at the Gaestehaus of the RWTH Aachen. A banquet will
take place on Tuesday, March 15, 1988 in the historic town-hall,
where the German kings were crowned. Prospective end of the
conference will be Friday, March 18, 1988 at 5 pm.

Sponsored by

The Office of Naval Research Branch, Office, London, England
CRAY Research GmbH
IBM Deutschland GmbH
Rheinmetall GmbH

Rolf Jeltsch
Institut fuer Geometrie und
Praktische Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
D-5100 Aachen, Fed.Rep. of Germany
Phone +49-241-80 3950

E-mail: Institute: EARN/BITNET:IGPM@DACTH51
Rolf Jeltsch: Arpanet: NA.Jeltsch@SU-Score


>From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 88 12:08 EST
Subject: SIAM Annual Meeting in Minneapolis


SIAM Annual Meeting and Short Course
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota
July l0-l5, l988

Agenda for the Future

The organizers of the SIAM l988 Annual Meeting are planning a program
on evolving areas of applied mathematics and related topics that should
provide new opportunites for research and problem solving in the decade ahead.

Prizes to be awarded at the l988 SIAM Annual Meeting:

The George B. Dantzig Prize
The prize is awarded jointly by the Mathematical Programming Society (MPS) and
SIAM. It is awarded for original work which by its breadth and scope
constitutes an outstanding contribution to the field of mathematical

The Dantzig Prize is awarded every three years and, while normally presented
at the International Symposium of MPS, it will be awarded for the first time
at this SIAM meeting.

The Richard C. DiPrima Prize
The Richard C. DiPrima Prize was established in l986 to commerorate the former
president of SIAM who also served for many years as a member of the SIAM
Council and Board of Trustees, as Vice President for Programs, and as a
dedicated and committed member.

The prize is awarded to a young scientist who has done outstanding research in
applied mathematics and who has completed his/her doctoral dissertation and
completed all other requirements for his/her doctorate during the period
running from three years prior to the award date to one year prior to the
award date.

This will be the first awarding of this prize which is scheduled to be given
every even year.

The John von Neumann Lecture and Prize
The lecturer will survey and evaluate a significant and useful contribution to
mathematics and its applications. The prize may be awarded to a mathematician
or to a scientist in another field but, in either case, the recipient should
be one who has made distinguished contriubtions to pure and /or applied


Computational Science Materials Science
Chaotic Behavior and Nonlinear Systems Numerical Analysis
Nonlinear Fluid Dynamics Signal Processing
Computer Science Computer Impact on Mathematics

Mathematics of the Biological Sciences


Grand Challenges to Computational Science
Kenneth Wilson, Cornell University

Mathematical Theory of the Crystallographic Phase Problem
Gerard Bricogne, Universite Paris-Sud

Mathematical Problems Associated with the Elasticity of Fluids
Daniel Joseph, University of Minnesota

Stability Analysis and Free Boundary Problems in Materials Science
Robert F. Sekerka, Carnegie-Mellon University

Adaptive Computational Methods
James G. Glimm, New York University

Solitons and Nonlinear Waves in Optics
Alan C. Newell, University of Arizona

Three Dimensional Nonlinear Waves in Excitable Media Modeling the Heart

Arthur T. Winfree, University of Arizona

The John von Neumann Lecture

MINISYMPOSIA (partial listing)

Mathematics and Applications of Inverse Problems and Imaging
Mostafa Kaveh, University of Minnesota

Mathematical Aspects of Computational Image Analysis
Donald E. McClure, Brown University

Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Aspects of Viscous Free

Jerry L. Bona and William G. Pritchard
Pennsylvania State University

Fractals and Chaotic Dynamics
Michael F. Barnsley, Georgia Institute of Technology

Computer Aided Proofs in Analysis
Kenneth R. Meyer, University of Cincinnati

Mathematical Epidemiology
Carl P. Simon, University of Michigan

How the Computer Will Influence Mathematics
Richard P. McGehee, University of Minnesota

Mathematical Models of Phase Transitions and Growth Phenomena in
Statistical Physics and Materials Science
Geoffrey B. McFadden and Francis Sullivan
National Bureau of Standards

Applications of Asymptotic Techniques to Stochastic Problems
James McKenna and Bernard J. Matkowsky, Nothwestern University

Association Schemes
(Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics)
Dennis W. Stanton, University of Minnesota

Expander Graphs and their Applications
(Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics)
Joel Friedman, Princeton University

Combinatorial Optimization
(Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics)
Clyde Monma, Bell Communications Research

Numerical Device and Process Modeling for VLSI Systems
William M. Coughran Jr., AT & T Bell Laboratories

l988 Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Including SIAM-Award Winners
James Daniel, University of Texas, Austin


Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Bifurcations
James A. Yorke, Organizer
University of Maryland


Donald G. Saari, Chair Willard Miller, Jr. Francis Sullivan
Northwestern University University of Minnesota National Bureau of

Joseph W. Jerome James A. Yorke
Northwestern University University of Maryland


Contributed papers and poster presentations are invited in all areas ofapplied
mathematics, computational sciences, and related areas of computer,engineering
and physical sciences, but especially those areas consistent withthe themes of
the meeting.

A brief description of your paper, not exceeding l00 words, must be
submitted on a SIAM abstract form. Authors of contributed papers are
scheduled for twelve minutes each plus time for questions and answers.

Deadline for abstracts is February l5, l988


To obtain a copy of the preliminary program, registration information or
abstract forms, please contact the SIAM Conference Coordinator, ll7 South l7th
Street, Suite l400, Philadelphia, PA l9l03-5052, USA. Telephone:
(2l5) 564-2929, or E-Mail to [email protected].


SIAM will accept late contributed presentations and poster presentations for
this meeting. Contributions must be received by May 25th in order to
appear in the final program. SIAM will consider contributions until
June 21st but those received after May 25th will be listed in an addendum to
the final program based on the availability of time and space.