NA Digest Thursday, March 26, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 28
This weeks Editor: Gene Golub
Today's Topics:
Mail-From: GOLUB created at 26-Mar-87 07:41:39
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 87 13:13:09 EST
From: [email protected] (D G Wilson)
To: [email protected]
ReSent-Date: Thu 26 Mar 87 07:41:39-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]
Hello Gene, would you please send this out as a announcement?
Thanks, george.
We anticipate the availability of a visiting researcher position (one
- two years) in the Mathematics Research Section at the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory beginning Summer 1987. The work will be with the
applied analysis research project developing analytical and numerical
methods for modeling heat and mass transfer processes with change of
phase. Both theoretical and computational research is involved.
Training and experience in applied mathematics, including partial
differential equations and numerical analysis, would be appropriate.
A background in classical physics (thermodynamics, continuum mechanics
or fluid flow) would be helpful.
Direct inquiries to
Dr. Alan D. Solomon
Bldg 9207A, PO Box Y
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
[email protected]
End of NA Digest