NA Digest Monday, March 23, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 25

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 87 14:57:08 MST
From: Bobby Schnabel <bobby%[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: parallel computation workshop
ReSent-Date: Mon 23 Mar 87 20:53:04-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]


Could you please distribute the following announcement to the nanet
mailing list. It announces a two-week workshop in parallel computation
to be held this June at the University of Colorado. It is intended
to introduce computer science students to the use of and research
issues in parallel computation. We expect that it will be an excellent
experience for those students who are chosen to attend.

Thanks for your assistance, and best wishes

Bobby Schnabel


(Preliminary Announcement)

The Department of Computer Science and the Academic Computing
Center will hold a two-week Workshop in Parallel Computation on
the campus of the University of Colorado from 15 June 1987 to 26
June 1987. The Workshop will consist of lectures by leading ex-
perts in parallel computation and laboratory work on local memory
and shared memory multiprocessors. The tentative list of speakers
includes Jim Browne (U. Texas), Oliver McBryan (Courant Insti-
tute), James McGraw (Livermore), Cleve Moler (Intel), Danny
Sorensen (Argonne), David Waltz (Thinking Machines), Harry Jordan
(U. Colorado), Gary Nutt (U. Colorado), Bobby Schnabel (U.
Colorado). Lectures will cover a broad range of topics including
languages, architectures, numerical and non-numerical applica-
tions. The Workshop is intended for graduate students and recent
PhD's in computer science as well as a smaller number of espe-
cially promising undergraduate students. It is expected that
these participants will bring with them a project to be worked on
during the laboratory sessions.

Participants may receive a stipend of approximately $500, the ex-
act amount depending on the estimated costs of the workshop to
the participant and his or her need for support. The selection of
participants will depend on the following criteria: brief state-
ment of research activities and interests; two letters of recom-
mendation; transcript of grades; and, description of parallel
computation project for the Workshop.

It is anticipated that this workshop will be supported in part by
the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing of the National Sci-
ence Foundation.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

Professor Lloyd Fosdick
Department of Computer Science
Campus Box 430
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309
(303) 492-7507, [email protected] (csnet)


End of NA Digest
