NA Digest, V. 24, # 6
NA Digest Thursday, March 21, 2024 Volume 24 : Issue 6
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- New Book, A Ramble Through Probability
- Bath-RAL NA Day, UK, Apr 2024
- Training Course, Core Imaging Library, Online, April 2024
- Physics-informed ML, Norway, May 2024
- Workshop Honoring David S. Watkins's 75th Birthday, Belgium, May 2024
- Course, Turbulence in Environmental Flows, Italy, May-Jun 2024
- HPCSIM Workshop, Itlay, Jul 2024
- Constructive Approximation and Applications, Italy, Sep 2024
- Young Participants, Finite Elements for Morphogenesis, France, Sep 2024
- Tenure-track Position, Applied Mathematics, Finland
- Research Assistant Position, WIAS, Germany
- University Assistant Position, Mathematics, Univ of Graz, Austria
- Postdoc Position, Distributed Computing, Czech Technical Univ
- Postdoc Position, HPC and Linear Algebra, France
- Postdoc Position, HPC and Numerical Linear Algebra, JSC, Germany
- Postdoc Position, Lie-Stormer Center, UIT, Norway
- Postdoc Position, Mathematical Modelling, UTRGV, USA
- PhD Position, AI, Czech Technical Univ
- PhD Position, Dynamic Integer Programming, Czech Technical Univ
- PhD Position, Geometric Learning Methods, Univ of Twente, The Netherlands
- PhD Position, NA, Eindhoven Univ of Technology, The Netherlands
- PhD Position, NA, Univ of Leeds, UK
- PhD Position, Real Algebraic Geometry, Univ Cote d'Azur, France
- Contents, Commun. Appl. Math. Comput., 6 (1)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Mitch Graham [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2024
Subject: New Book, A Ramble Through Probability
A Ramble Through Probability: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love
Measure Theory by Samopriya Basu, Troy Butler, Don Estep, and Nishant
Measure theory and measure-theoretic probability are fascinating
subjects. Proofs describing profound ways to reason lead to results
that are frequently startling, beautiful, and useful. Measure theory
and probability also play roles in the development of pure and applied
mathematics, statistics, engineering, physics, and finance. Indeed, it
is difficult to overstate their importance in the quantitative
disciplines. This book traces an eclectic path through the
fundamentals of the topic to make the material accessible to a broad
range of students.
A Ramble through Probability: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love
Measure Theory brings together the key elements and applications in a
unified presentation aimed at developing intuition; contains an
extensive collection of examples that illustrate, explain, and apply
the theories; and is supplemented with videos containing commentary
and explanations of select proofs on an ancillary website.
2024 / xvi + 603 pages / Softcover / 978-1-61197-781-3/ List $94.00 /
SIAM Member $64.80 / CS29
Bookstore link:
From: Niall Bootland [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2024
Subject: Bath-RAL NA Day, UK, Apr 2024
The 19th annual Bath-RAL NA Day will be held on Wednesday 3rd April at
Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI) in central
Bath. The speakers are:
Touraj Nikazad (Iran University of Science and Technology)
Maike Meier (Oxford)
Fillipe Georgiou (Bath)
Niall Bootland (RAL)
Pranav Singh (Bath)
Pierre Jolivet (Sorbonne Universite)
Refreshments will be available from 10.15am and the talks start at
10.50am. The full programme is available at
All are welcome, and there is no registration fee for attendance.
Please register using the registration form on the website. We will
go for dinner in Bath in the early evening, please indicate whether or
not you'd like to join us when registering. Any queries can be
emailed to [email protected] .
From: Jakob Sauer Jorgensen [email protected]
Date: March 19, 2024
Subject: Training Course, Core Imaging Library, Online, April 2024
The team behind the Core Imaging Library (CIL) will be running an
online training course on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th April 2024.
The course will introduce computed tomography, CIL and reconstruction
using filtered back projection and optimization-based iterative
More details and registration at
The training will take place over two afternoons:
On Monday 29th April 1-5pm BST: getting started with CIL
- introduction to computed tomography and CIL
- how to use CIL readers to load different types of data
- guide to common pre-processing steps in CIL
- using filtered back projection for reconstruction
On Tuesday 30th April 1-5pm BST: advanced reconstruction with CIL -
introduction to optimization-based iterative reconstruction - dealing
with low-quality or incomplete data
Training will be delivered remotely and material will be provided
through the STFC cloud which you will access through a browser.
Follow up sessions will be available after the training course to
provide specific help on installation of CIL on your own machines,
downloading data from the Cloud and using CIL on your own data.
Limited places available, so please fill the registration form as soon
as possible, and we will contact you with a confirmation.
From: Sølve Eidnes [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2024
Subject: Physics-informed ML, Norway, May 2024
It is a pleasure to announce the first PhysML workshop, a workshop on
utilizing numerical analysis and physics knowledge to obtain accurate,
explainable and robust machine learning models. The three-day workshop
is organized by SINTEF Digital and held in Oslo, Norway, from May 14
to May 16 2024. Registration is open, and will be so until the limited
spots are filled.
See the workshop website
From: Thomas Mach [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2024
Subject: Workshop Honoring David S. Watkins's 75th Birthday, Belgium, May 2024
[DW75] A Workshop on the Occasion of the 75th Birthday of David S.
Watkins May 09-10, 2024, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
This is a reminder: The abstract submission and early registration
deadline is in less than *two* weeks.
We are happy to announce the workshop [DW75] on the Occasion of the
75th Birthday of David S. Watkins. The workshop is a tribute to
David's career spanning five decades. Topics of the workshop will be
linked to David's research interests.
The workshop will take place at the KU Leuven in the picturesque
Arenberg Castle, on May 9th and 10th, 2024. This is Thursday and
Friday the week before the SIAM LA24 in Paris.
Abstract submission and early registration until March 31, 2024.
Additional information and registration:
From: Firas Dhaouadi [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2024
Subject: Course, Turbulence in Environmental Flows, Italy, May-Jun 2024
We offer a 2-week course on Turbulence in Environmental Flows
(abstract below) organized by the Department of Civil, Environmental
and Mechanical Engineering ( of the
University of Trento, Italy, from 27 May to 7 June 2024.
Participation is open to MSc and PhD students, young researchers and
practitioners. The course can be attended on site or online for a
total duration of 60 hours (including hands-on tutorials),
corresponding to 6 ECTS for MSc students. A small fee (216 Euro) is
required for the registration, which closes on 31 March 2024.
The relevant information can be found in the course's website:
but do not hesitate to contact us for specific requests.
Turbulence in environmental flows
Abstract. Turbulence is one of the last mysteries, not yet fully
understood, in nonlinear fluid mechanics (including multiphase
flows). In this course, we provide an introduction to turbulence by
coupling the analysis of the most used numerical models (e.g.,
k-epsilon model) and the interpretation of real-world measurements,
with a special focus on processes occurring in the atmosphere and in
stratified water bodies such as lakes. The course covers theoretical
and numerical aspects of turbulence modelling and introduces the
necessary statistical tools for the analysis of data from turbulence
observations both in the field and in the laboratory. Theoretical
aspects are supported by numerous hands-on tutorials.
From: Carlo de Falco [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2024
Subject: HPCSIM Workshop, Itlay, Jul 2024
e gladly announce the forthcoming HPCSIM Workshop - Frontiers of
High-Performance Computing in Modeling and Simulation- at Politecnico
di Milano, Milan, Italy, on July 4-5, 2024.
In its second edition, this workshop aims to gather experts to explore
the most recent and effective methodologies available for accelerating
simulation software on massively parallel platforms. With the
contributions of three keynote speakers and fifteen invited speakers,
the workshop will provide both researchers and practitioners with a
survey of the potentiality of HPC in a wide range of real-world
Registration is free of charge but mandatory. Visit the page
for registration and additional information.
We look forward to your attendance at the HPCSIM Workshop 2024 to make
it an enriching experience thanks to the contamination from different
fields of applications. In addition to the information available on
the workshop webpage, you can contact us at [email protected]
The initiative is supported by ICSC - National Center in
High-Performance Computing, Big Data, and Quantum Computing, European
Union -- NextGenerationEU and MUR project, Department of Excellence
2023-27 of the Department of Mathematics.
We acknowledge the sponsorship of Eni SpA and E4 Computer Engineering.
From: Giacomo Elefante [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2024
Subject: Constructive Approximation and Applications, Italy, Sep 2024
The registration for the 6th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive
Approximation and Applications (DWCAA24) is now open. You can fill the
pre-registration form at the following link then, you will be
later contacted by your session's organizers. The deadline for regular
registration is June 30th.
The DWCAA24 is scheduled for 09--13 September 2024 in Alba di Canazei
(TN), Italy. The conference is dedicated to Len Bos in the occasion of
his retirement. You can find information and updates at the following
Confirmed plenary speakers:
- Len Bos (University of Verona)
- Mariantonia Cotronei (Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria)
- Stefano De Marchi (University of Padova)
- Anna Maria Massone (University of Genova)
- Gregor Kosec (Institute "Jo~ef Stefan")
- Michael Slawinski (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Confirmed parallel sessions: RBF and kernel-based methods (organizers:
E. Larsson and M. Mohammadi); Mathematical imaging and signal
processing (organizer: W. Erb); Approximation, AI and inverse
problems: A physics-driven perspective (organizers: S. Guastavino and
E. Perracchione); Multivariate polynomial approximation and
pluripotential theory (organizers: F. Piazzon and A. Sommariva);
Optimal transport and approximation in Wasserstein spaces (organizers:
O. Mula and M. Putti); Approximation methods for the numerical
treatment of functional equations (organizers: M.C. De Bonis and
M.G. Russo); Scientific machine learning in finance (organizers:
S. Cuomo and A. Neisy).
A poster session will take place on September 12th (organizers:
G. Elefante and G. Santin)
For further information and requests, please send an email to
[email protected]
From: Eric Neiva [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2024
Subject: Young Participants, Finite Elements for Morphogenesis, France, Sep 2024
We are welcoming submissions from young researchers and master
students to the international workshop on "Finite Elements for Cell
and Tissue Morphogenesis 2024" at La Villa Clythia, Frejus, France,
from Sep 9 to 13, 2024.
We aim at discussing the latest advancements, challenges and
opportunities in the FE modelling of animal and plant morphogenesis,
with the priority of promoting formal and informal exchanges between
young and established researchers.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Marino Arroyo, UPC
Anja Geitmann, McGill U
Alain Goriely, U Oxford
Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Carnegie Mellon U
The workshop has no registration fees and full board accommodation
expenses will be covered for successful applicants. Limited travel
support is also available.
Submission instructions and detailed information can be found at
Deadline for applications is May 6, 2024.
From: Lassi Roininen [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2024
Subject: Tenure-track Position, Applied Mathematics, Finland
LUT School of Engineering Sciences is looking for a professor of
applied mathematics. The professorship is located at the Department
of Computational Engineering. The department concentrates on applied
mathematics, computer vision and pattern recognition, computational
spectroscopy, and atmospheric modelling. We have a globally unique
cluster of expertise in uncertainty quantification and inverse
problems. The department hosts the Research Council of Finland's
Centre of Excellence for Inverse Modelling and Imaging and the
Flagship of Advanced Mathematics for Sensing, Imaging and Modelling
(FAME). The position is at the assistant/associate/full professor
levels of the tenure track and will be filled through an open call for
a fixed term of four years (assistant/associate professor) or
permanently (full professor). The tenure track system offers
researchers a possibility to advance to the next level, provided they
meet the requirements in the promotion reviews. The position is based
in Lappeenranta, Finland and starts with a six-month trial period.
Candidates are required to have a doctorate, high-level scientific
qualifications, experience in heading scientific research, the ability
to acquire funding, the ability to provide high-level instruction
based on research, the ability to supervise final theses, proof of
international cooperation in their field of research, and when
relevant to the duties of the position, practical experience in the
field of the professorship. Candidates must also have research and
teaching merits, proof of effective research and the acquisition of
external research funding, and international experience.
All application documents must be in English and in PDF format. The
application must include: a curriculum vitae (max. 10 pages); a copy
of the candidate's doctoral diploma; a full list of publications
including the candidate's Scopus and Google Scholar details: the
Scopus ID and Google Scholar profile URL, the total number of
publications, and total number of citations and h-indices a separate
list of the 10 publications selected for expert evaluation the 10
publications mentioned above; a teaching portfolio or an equivalent
account of the candidate's teaching qualifications; an account of the
candidate's merits and activities of significance to the vacancy
(max. 3 pages); an account of the candidate's vision on the
development of education, research, and projects in the field of the
professorship at LUT University (max. 3 pages). Please specify the
tenure track level applied to.
The closing date for applications is 2 April at 15:00, Finnish local
time (UTC + 3h). Please submit your application and all required
attachments by filling out the online form at
For further information, please contact Lassi Roininen, professor of
applied mathematics, +358 40 675 4885, [email protected].
From: Marie Stöbe [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2024
Subject: Research Assistant Position, WIAS, Germany
WIAS invites applications for a Research Assistant Position (f/m/d)
(Ref. 24/03) in the Research Group "Thermodynamic Modeling and
Analysis of Phase Transitions" (Head: Prof. Dr. B. Wagner) devoted to
the topic "Theory and Modelling of Electrochemical Systems" starting
as soon as possible. Based on the principles of non-equilibrium
thermodynamics, a framework for modeling and simulating
electrochemical systems has been developed at WIAS. This framework has
been validated using suitable laboratory experiments and is applied,
among other things, to the modeling of batteries, fuel cells, and ion
channels. The candidate will be responsible for further developing
this framework and applying it to specific systems.
The work tasks include: Modeling of fundamental electrochemical
systems with partial differential equations, Development of material
models for electrolytes and electrodes, Validation of the derived
models using suitable experimental data, Systematic model
simplification using asymptotic methods, e.g. derivation of effective
boundary conditions, homogenization of microscopic models, Exploration
of new application areas (semiconductor electroplating, Na batteries,
electrolysis/E-fuels), Collaboration with other research groups at
WIAS, particularly in the development of application-oriented software
packages and in the field of optimization, Deepening existing and
developing new collaborations with experimental research groups. We
are looking for: Candidates with a PhD in mathematics, scientific
computing, theoretical physics, or related fields, and published
research contributions in peer-reviewed journals are sought. In-depth
scientific experience in modeling electrochemical systems with partial
differential equations as well as a high interest in applications of
mathematics are expected.
Technical queries should be directed to Dr. M. Landstorfer
([email protected]). This is a full-time position and
is initially limited to one year and nine months. Please upload
complete application documents including cover letter, curriculum
vitae, photocopies of certificates, and transcripts as soon as
possible via our online job-application facility
( using the button Apply online'
See here for more information:
From: Silvia Lebosi [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2024
Subject: University Assistant Position, Mathematics, Univ of Graz, Austria
University Assistant with doctorate (m/f/d)
Application deadline: 17.04.2024
Salary Category: B1 mit Doktorat
Salary per Year (Full Time ): 66,532.20 Euro
Employment Start: As soon as possible
Hours per week: 40 h/w
Duration of Contract: Temporary employment
Temporary Employment: 6 years
Your Responsibilities: Research in the field of applied mathematics
with emphasis on the analysis and the numerics of problems in
mathematical imaging, inverse problems and data sciences;
Collaboration in interdisciplinary cooperation projects and
third-party funded projects; Independent teaching of courses in the
field of applied mathematics, supervision of students and holding of
examinations; Participation in organizational and administrative
Your Profile: Doctoral degree in a mathematical branch of study; Solid
knowledge of one of the following fields: mathematical methods,
analysis and numerics in imaging, inverse problems or data sciences;
Ability for integration into the department's research profile and in
particular into interdisciplinary cooperation projects; Capacity for
teamwork, organizational talent and ability to communicate; Very good
command of english; Ability to teach in German (after a transition
period of 2 years).
Contact: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr. Kristian Bredies |
[email protected]
From: Vyacheslav Kungurtsev [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2024
Subject: Postdoc Position, Distributed Computing, Czech Technical Univ
As part of a project for using Physics Informed Neural Networks and
Reinforcement Learning for accelerating scientific discovery, the
Computer Science Department at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
at Czech Technical University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher,
supervised by Vyacheslav Kungurtsev. The postdoc will conduct research
and development on machine learning training algorithms using High
Performance Computing Techniques. In particular, CTU is one of few
universities with access to an Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU), a
device developed to be particularly suited for working with data with
geometric structure at similar thoroughput times as GPUs. The postdoc
position can start immediately, and is available for up to the end of
Czech Technical University (CTU) is the oldest non-military technical
university in Europe. In the academic year 2020/21, CTU offered 130-
degree programs in Czech and 84 in English. QS 2021 ranking of
Computer Science programs worldwide has CTU at rank 150. The Czech
capital regularly ranks among the top five cities in Europe to live in
(cf. Time Out Magazine index for 2021). For more information, please
If interested, please send a CV to [email protected]
From: Alfredo Buttari [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2024
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC and Linear Algebra, France
One of the objectives of the European EoCoE-III
( center of excellence in high performance
computing is to provide a tool for thorough simulations of the
non-equilibrium carrier and excitations dynamics in novel materials
for energy conversion and storage. One of the key component for
processing such simulations is the solution of large linear systems.
In this context, we are seeking for candidates for a 14-months
post-doc at the IRIT laboratory of Toulouse with a strong background
in HPC and numerical linear algebra.
The full description is available on the CNRS portable where
applications can be submitted:
From: Edoardo Di Napoli [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2024
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC and Numerical Linear Algebra, JSC, Germany
Postdoc applications are invited to work at the Juelich Supercomputing
Centre, Germany, in the Simulation and Data Lab Quantum Materials. The
successful candidate will conduct innovative research to improve
scientific software codes that simulate quantum many-body systems and
solve for numerical eigenproblems. Duties include: 1) lead the
development of a programming framework handling a variety of data
representation from sparse to block sparse to dense, 2) help in
designing novel parallel algorithms, ensuring the overall scalability
of the codes, and participating in the further development of
numerical kernels (e.g., tensor contractions, block recursive linear
solves, spectral methods), 3) lead the tasks for the introduction of
platform-aware low-level kernels and primitives for improved hardware
integration and performance portability, 4) work on a novel workflow
applying CNN to a large database of sparse eigenproblems.
A are looking for a candidate with a PhD degree in computer science,
applied mathematics, computational science (physics, math,
chemistry,..) and engineering or a related subject with very good
knowledge of numerical linear algebra algorithms. Extensive experience
with parallel programming and high-performance computing, in
particular with MPI, OpenMP and GPU programming models on large scales
is a must. Strong programming skills, preferably in C++, are
requited. Some knowledge of Fortran, Python and Julia is an
asset. Some background knowledge in Machine and Deep Learning is a
The application must include a cover letter, a CV, and contact
information of three references. Interested candidates should apply
Review of applications will start on a first come first serve
basis. The position will stay open until filled.
From: Hans Munthe-Kaas [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2024
Subject: Postdoc Position, Lie-Stormer Center, UIT, Norway
Deadline: April 2, 2024.
A three year postdoctoral position is available at the Lie-Stormer
Center for Fundamental Structures in Computational and Pure
Mathematics, at UIT - The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso.
About Lie-Stormer Center:
Postdoc call:
More info:
Professor Hans Munthe-Kaas, [email protected]
Professor Cordian Riener, [email protected]
From: Mike Lindstrom [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2024
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Modelling, UTRGV, USA
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Mathematical and
Statistical Sciences is looking to hire a 3-year postdoc starting in
fall 2024. The first year has no teaching duties and is devoted to
working on an NSF project to study the effects of brain structure on
the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Desired skills include
modelling, analysis, and programming proficiency.
Apply here:
From: Vyacheslav Kungurtsev [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2024
Subject: PhD Position, AI, Czech Technical Univ
The Research and Teaching Institute Plzen (VZU) and Czech Technical
University in Prague (CVUT) are looking to recruit a PhD student for
performing research on turbomachinery and decarbonization technology.
The student will be supervised by Vyacheslav Kungurtsev at CVUT and
co-supervised by Zdenek Kubin at VZU and will focus on AI-enhanced
computational techniques for modeling and innovating turbomachinery
technology prioritizing decarbonization for the enhancement of the
clean energy transition across Europe. The project will be funded and
based primarily at CTU, with regular visits to VZU and associated
labs. Research will focus on the use of contemporary techniques of
incorporating inductive bias based on scientific, e.g. physics,
fundamentals, in neural models in order to establish a data driven
digital twin of the machinery. This includes Physics Informed Neural
Networks as well as other contemporary strategies. The student is
expected to develop a digital twin of a representative device to
facilitate improved predictive maintenance.
In addition we encourage the application to apply for three years by
the ASME IGTI-4-CEE Program, an initiative to advance the research in
Central and Eastern Europe towards the mission and vision of
technological development towards decarbonization.
Participation in the Turbo Expo and broad turbomachinery research
community in the EU will be emphasized. The position is available
effective immediately.
Motivated students with a Masters degree in Engineering, Computer
Science, or similar, are encouraged to apply by referencing this ad
and sending a CV and interest statement to both Vyacheslav Kungurtsev,
[email protected] and Zdenek Kubin, [email protected]
From: Vyacheslav Kungurtsev [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2024
Subject: PhD Position, Dynamic Integer Programming, Czech Technical Univ
Czech Technical University in Prague is seeking a PhD student to
conduct research on real time optimization of time-varying
mixed-integer programs as a part of a project associated with CEZ, the
largest utility in Central and Eastern Europe with extensive
activities in the generation, distribution, trade in, and sales of
electricity and heat, as well as trade in and sales of natural gas.
The student will be responsible for developing methods that are able
to efficiently track a solution of a mixed integer linear and
nonlinear programs as coefficients of the problem changes
continuously, analyzing their properties theoretically, and
implementing them in prototypes. The optimization problems arise in
mathematical models for unit commitment and trading power and
ancillary services in response to changing demand and order book. To
improve computational tractability, semidefinite relaxations of the
integer programs will be used, which transform the problem into a
convex one. Important details regarding the relationship of these
relaxations to the integer solutions, and the computational
implications, will be the focus of the PhD study.
The PhD student will be co-supervised by Vyacheslav Kungurtsev and
Jakub Marecek. A degree in mathematics, computer science, or similar,
proficiency in written and spoken English, and competence with
programming are expected of the applicant. If in interested, please
send a CV and motivation letter to [email protected]
For more details, please see the contemporary references based on the
work of Toni Bellon, a PhD student of Vyacheslav and Jakub just
graduating: Bellon et al, MOR 2024,; Bellon et al., SIAM Optimization
2024,; Liu et al., submitted,
The position is full-time, available immediately, and limited to 3
years in the first instance. The studentship comes with a monthly
salary adjusted to approximately match the average salary in Prague,
the Czech Republic (which currently stands at approximately EUR 23K
p.a. before a notably low tax), and a travel budget. CTU's offices are
centrally- located with easy access to local attractions (as well as a
view of Prague Castle).
Czech Technical University (CTU) is the oldest non-military technical
university in Europe. CTU's Artificial Intelligence Center (AIC) with
a staff of 150 is widely recognized as one of the best in the region. currently ranks CTU at number 7 in Europe within AI and
Computer Vision, after ETH Zurich, Technion, Imperial, Max Planck,
EPFL and TU Munich.
From: Jose A. Iglesias [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2024
Subject: PhD Position, Geometric Learning Methods, Univ of Twente, The Netherlands
We are looking for a motivated, theory-oriented PhD candidate with an
MSc degree in Mathematics, to work on the project "A continuum view on
geometric deep learning".
In this project we aim to understand the transferability,
mesh-independence and effect of symmetries on geometric learning
approaches, in general and when applied to scenarios governed by
(partial) differential equations on objects with geometric
The PhD candidate will work under the supervision of
Dr. rer. nat. Jose A. Iglesias Martinez and prof. dr. Christoph Brune,
as part of the group "Mathematics of Imaging and Artificial
Intelligence" (MIA) at the Department of Applied Mathematics.
For further information and to apply for this position, please visit
the official announcement at
Deadline: 16 April 2024.
From: Koondi Mitra [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2024
Subject: PhD Position, NA, Eindhoven Univ of Technology, The Netherlands
The Computational Illumination Optics group of the Eindhoven
University of Technology is looking for a PhD student in "Robust
numerical methods for inverse optical design":
The project aims to develop robust discretization, linearization, and
adaptive algorithms for solving a class of nonlinear partial
differential equations (e.g., the Monge-Ampere equation) that arises
in inverse optical design and optimal transport problems.
It is a 5-year PhD TA position (full-time) with 25% teaching. We are
looking for applicants with a background in applied & numerical
mathematics, and programming. Application is via the link above.
Applications before 15th April 2024 will be given full
consideration. Any questions can be directed to [email protected].
From: Tom Ranner [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2024
Subject: PhD Position, NA, Univ of Leeds, UK
The School of Computing seeks applications for a PhD studentship in
the areas of Numerical Analysis and Computational Modelling.Two
potential projects are suggested below in the areas of finite element
methods for interface problems and modelling of microswimmer
Deadline for applications 9th April. Informal enquires are welcome
from all potential candidates.
Adverts and how to apply:
From: Kozhasov Kozhasov [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2024
Subject: PhD Position, Real Algebraic Geometry, Univ Cote d'Azur, France
We are looking for a motivated candidate to fill a PhD position in
Real Algebraic Geometry and Polynomial Optimization. The objective
will be on understanding better geometry of nonnegative polynomials
(in particular, sums of squares) and deriving applications to
polynomial optimization.
The funding is for 3 years with the starting date on September 1,
More information can be found at
From: Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2024
Subject: Contents, Commun. Appl. Math. Comput., 6 (1)
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Volume 6, Number 1, March 2024
Focused Issue in Memory of Prof. Ching-Shan Chou
Guest Editors: Qing Nie, Chi-Wang Shu, Yulong Xing, Yong-Tao Zhang
Preface, Q.Nie, C.-W. Shu, Y.Xing, Y.-T. Zhang
Sparse-Grid Implementation of Fixed-Point Fast Sweeping WENO Schemes
for Eikonal Equations, Z.M. Miksis, Y.-T. Zhang
Energy Stable Nodal DG Methods for Maxwell's Equations of Mixed-Order
Form in Nonlinear Optical Media, M. Lyu, V.A. Bokil, Y. Cheng.F. Li
Bifurcation Analysis Reveals Solution Structures of Phase Field
Models, X.E. Zhao, L.-Q. Chen, W. Hao, Y. Zhao
Growth of RB Population in the Conversion Phase of Chlamydia Life
Cycle, F.Y.M. Wan
A High Order Accurate Bound-Preserving Compact Finite Difference
Scheme for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow, H. Li, X. Zhang
Stability Analysis of Inverse Lax-Wendroff Procedure for a High order
Compact Finite Difference Schemes, T. Li, J. Lu, P. Wang
Bound-Preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Modified Patankar
Time Integrations for Chemical Reacting Flows, F. Zhu, J. Huang,
Y. Yang
Mathematical Modeling of Cell Polarity Establishment of Budding Yeast,
Y. Liu, J. Xie, H.-O. Park, W.-C. Lo
Review of Computational Approaches to Optimization Problems in
Inhomogeneous Rods and Plates, W. Chen, C.-Y. Kao
Superconvergence of Direct Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Eigen-
structure Analysis Based on Fourier Approach, X. Liu, H. Wang, J. Yan,
X. Zhong
A Provable Positivity-Preserving Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method
for the Viscous and Resistive MHD Equations, M. Jiao, Y. Jiang,
M. Zhang
Numerical Investigations on the Resonance Errors of Multiscale
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for One-Dimensional Stationary
Schrodinger Equation, B. Dong, W. Wang
High Order IMEX Stochastic Galerkin Schemes for Linear Transport
Equation with Random Inputs and Diffusive Scalings, Z. Chen, L. Mu
A Population Dynamics Approach to the Distribution of Space Debris in
Low Earth Orbit, J. Jurkiewicz, P. Hinow
Exponential Time Differencing Method for a Reaction-Diffusion System
with Free Boundary, S. Liu, X. Liu
High-Order Decoupled and Bound Preserving Local Discontinuous Galerkin
Methods for a Class of Chemotaxis Models, W. Zheng, Y. Xu
Population Dynamics in an Advective Environment, K.-Y. Lam, R. Lee,
Y. Lou
Oscillatory Dynamics of Heterogeneous Stem Cell Regeneration,
X. Liang, J. Lei
A Vertex Network Model of Arabidopsis Leaf Growth, L. Andrejek,
J. Best, C.-S. Chou, A. Husbands
Nonuniform Dependence on the Initial Data for Solutions of
Conservation Laws, J.M. Holmes, B.L. Keyfitz
Adaptive Sparse Grid Discontinuous Galerkin Method: Review and
Software Implementation, J. Huang, W. Guo, Y. Cheng
Verification and Validation of High-Resolution Inviscid and Viscous
Conical Nozzle Flows, L.K. Araki, R.B.R. Borges, N.D.P. da Silva,
C.-W. Shu
A Local Macroscopic Conservative (LoMaC) Low Rank Tensor Method with
the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Vlasov Dynamics, W. Guo,
J.F. Ema, J.-M. Qiu
Dynamics of Advantageous Mutant Spread in Spatial Death-Birth and
Birth-Death Moran Models, J. Foo, E.B. Gunnarsson, K. Leder,
D. Sivakoff
Dimension by Dimension Finite Volume HWENO Method for Hyperbolic
Conservation Laws, F. Zheng, J. Qiu
Arbitrary High-Order Fully-Decoupled Numerical Schemes for Phase-
Field Models of Two-Phase Incompressible Flows, R. Guo, Y. Xia
Stability and Time-Step Constraints of Implicit-Explicit Runge- Kutta
Methods for the Linearized Korteweg-de Vries Equation, J. Hunter,
Z. Sun, Y. Xing
A Blade Altering Toolbox for Automating Rotor Design Optimization,
A. Wernick, J.-P. Chen
Stability Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Additive Mixed-
Precision Runge-Kutta Methods, B. Burnett, S. Gottlieb, Z.J. Grant
Data-Driven Modeling of Partially Observed Biological Systems,
W.-H. Su, C.-S. Chou, D. Xiu
End of Digest