NA Digest, V. 18, # 40

NA Digest Sunday, October 07, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 40

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Torsten Bosse [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2018
Subject: 21st EuroAD Workshop, Germany, Nov 2018

We are very happy to invite any interested researchers to the 21st
EuroAD Workshop in Jena, Germany.

This 2-days workshop continues the series of the EuroAD Automatic
Differentiation workshops, taking place twice a year. These workshops
provide a forum for the presentation of theoretical developments in
and applications of Automatic Differentiation (AD) and adjoint
methods. The workshop is informal and presentations on subjects such
as work in progress, problem areas for AD, or possible application
areas, as well as completed work are welcome. We especially encourage
PhD students and those new to the field to attend and present their

The workshop is being held on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th November
2018 at Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena, Germany.

Registration and participation are free of charge, but advanced
registration for the workshop is required.

The deadline for registration is October 31, 2018.

The registration form and more information are available on

Please feel free to contact the organizer T. Bosse or his secretary C.
Buchwald if you have any further questions.

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2018
Subject: Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences, UK, Dec 2018

1st IMA Conference on Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences,
3 - 4 December 2018, Aston University

A meeting for all engaged in knowledge exchange of mathematics
research to and from academia, industry, government and society.
Following the publication of the Bond Review on Knowledge Exchange
(KE) in the Mathematical Sciences
( the IMA will
arrange a conference on effective mechanisms for KE as well as career
support for those seeking a career in mathematics knowledge KE.

Invited speakers: Prof Philip Bond (Lead author of the Bond Review);
Dr Nira Chamberlain (Holland & Barrett and IMA VP Professional
Affairs); Prof Dietmar Hoemberg (Weierstrass Institute, Berlin and
Past Chair for ECMI); Dr Hilary Ockendon (University of Oxford)

Day 1 - plenary talks and case study and poster presentations from
current practitioners, teatime Lecture from Professor Philip Bond on
his review, followed by Q&A and dinner
Day 2 - round-table breakout discussion with a view to establishing a
Special Interest Group for KE professionals, and to identify action
points for developing Knowledge Exchange in Mathematics in the
context of the Bond Review.

There is a limited opportunity for organisations or individuals to
give short case study presentations on their take on challenges and
successes of Knowledge Exchange. Presentations will be in the form of
a 10 minute oral presentation or in the form of a poster. If you wish
to submit, please give a brief summary (max. 200 words) including
details of who you are representing, by Friday 26 October 2018 via Please indicate whether your title is intended
for oral or poster presentation.

Registration is open via

Further information:

From: MathApp 2018 [email protected]
Date: October 02, 2018
Subject: Mathematics and its Applications, Morocco, Dec 2018

First Moroccan Congress on Mathematics and its Applications,
Tetouan, December 17-19, 2018

It is my honor on behalf of the organizing committee to invite you to
participate in the First Moroccan Congress on Mathematics and its
Applicationst ( which will be held in
Tetouan, Morocco from 17 to 19 December 2018.

This congress is aimed at master students, PhD students, recent PhD
doctorates, and researchers in general willing to update their
knowledge with recent developments on mathematical techniques that
play an important role in the international scene. As this type of
mathematical equations appears in the modeling of many physical
phenomena, researchers coming from different fields (pure mathematics,
applied mathematics, algebra, mathematical physics, scientific
computing, etc) can be interested.

This congress intends to bring together scientists and younger
researchers from different mathematical departments in Morocco and to
offer an environment to acquire basic and more advanced techniques in
the field of mathematics. In a series of invited lectures, each of
experts will present new analytical as well as numerical results on
topics of recent interest. In order to enable an intensive exchange,
to enhance the communication and lasting relationships, all the
participants are encouraged to present their own work in a short talk
or with a poster.

Please forward this invitation to your students and colleagues in and
out of your organization who may be interested in participating in the

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2018
Subject: The Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2018

Monday 10th - Tuesday 11th December 2018
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel London - West End

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Extended deadline

Data-driven analysis is increasingly on the critical path for
performance advantage in many organisations, both public and
commercial. This raises continuous challenges for rigorous analysis
to derive reliable insights from data at very large scale, often with
potential artefacts and sampling bias, adding to change
variation. This conference brings together researchers and
practitioners to signpost developments in the state-of-the-art and
find common ground where theory and practice meet to maximise impact
in the digital economy. It is a forum for networking and to showcase
the very latest research in a broad range of topics. Each session
will feature an invited talk by an expert speaker.

Invited Speakers: Sofia Olhede, UCL; Coralia Cartis, Oxford
University; Christian Steinruecken, Cambridge University; Armando
Vieira, Direct Line; Noel-Ann Bradshaw and Serge Plata, Sainsbury's
Argos; Peter Beckman, Argonne National Laboratory

Topics of interest: Mathematical challenges arising from Big Data;
Mathematical Innovation in Data Science; Multidisciplinary
applications of Big Data; Data assimilation and inverse problems from
novel sensors; Applications of block-chain including cryptocurrencies;
Persistent homology; Optimal and dynamic sampling; Stream data
management; Uncertainty modelling & generalisation error bounds;
Network analysis & web mining methods; Trend tracking & novelty
detection; Dynamic segmentation & clustering; Deep learning; Transfer
learning; Context awareness; Multimodal data linkage; Integration of
multi-scale models; Mining of unstructured, spatio-temporal &
multimedia data; IoT and large sensor networks; Predictive analytics
and recommender systems; Real-time forecasting; Access on-demand in
distributed databases; Privacy protecting data mining; Homomorphic
encryption; Data integrity & provenance methods; Visualization
methods; Mathematics underpinning large-scale use cases

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 300-500 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. We welcome abstracts to be
submitted by Monday 15 October 2018 via Please
indicate whether your title is intended for oral or poster presentation.

Registration is open via

Further information:

From: Bojana Rosic [email protected]
Date: October 01, 2018
Subject: Honoring of Prof Matthies, UNCECOMP 2019, Greece, Jun 2019

Next year we are organizing a Minisymposium, Uncertainty Computations
with Reduced Order Models and Low-rank Representations, in honor of
Prof. Heramnn G. Matthies, Institute of Scientific Computing, TU
Braunschweig, Germany, on the occasion of his retirement (MS Code:
MS-06-UF) at 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty
Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, UNCECOMP
2019 (24-26 June 2019).

In order to submit the abstract, you need to register first on the
Conference website. After completing this pre-registration form (alternatively click
Register at the top-right of the Conference webpage), you will receive
an email to validate your Account. After validation, you will receive
a second email with your Username and password, which will be used to
login to your UNCECOMP 2019 Account. From your Account Overview Menu
click My Abstracts/My Papers, click Submit an Abstract, choose Submit
to Minisymposium and enter the MS code:MS-06-UF and proceed with the
Abstract Submission following the instructions.

The deadline for abstract submission to our Minisymposium is October
30, 2018

Keywords of the Minisymposium: uncertainty quantification, Bayesian
statistics, inverse analysis, surrogate modeling, statistical
learning, deep learning, model reduction, low-rank approximations,
computational mechanics, fluid-structure coupling.

From: Philip Knight [email protected]
Date: October 01, 2018
Subject: Numerical Analysis Biennial, Scotland, Jun 2019

Registration will open shortly for the 28th Biennial Conference on
Numerical Analysis June 24-28, 2019, University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, Scotland

This long established conference is open to all researchers in the
field, and you are invited to contribute a talk on your current work.
PhD students and young researchers will find the environment
particularly welcoming. We will solicit proposals for mini-symposia to
be submitted on-line.

The following distinguished researchers have accepted invitations for
plenary lectures at the conference: Raymond Chan (CUHK), Paul
Constantine (UC Boulder), Alistair Forbes (NPL), Vivette Girault
(Paris VI), Des Higham (Strathclyde), Natalia Kopteva (Limerick),
Gunilla Kreiss (Uppsala), Frances Kuo (UNSW), Ulrich Ruede (Erlangen),
Carola-Bibiane Schoenlieb (Cambridge), Holger Wendland (Bayreuth),
Margaret Wright (Courant Institute)

The A R Mitchell lecture will be given by Des Higham and the
Fletcher-Powell lecture by Margaret Wright.

Further information may be found at

From: Fran Moshiri [email protected]
Date: October 01, 2018
Subject: Chair Position, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice Univ

The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM) at Rice
University located in Houston, Texas seeks applications for the
position of Department Chair. The successful candidate will be an
outstanding scholar noted for leadership in computational and applied
mathematics broadly interpreted, demonstrate a proven track record of
instruction and mentoring at both graduate and undergraduate level,
and be committed to service of their academic community. The
candidate must have qualifications, including a doctoral degree in an
appropriate field, commensurate with being appointed a tenured full
professor at Rice University.

Beyond academic qualifications, the successful candidate will have the
creative strategic visioning skills necessary to help define the
Department and lead it to attainment of its goals. This individual
will embrace that the Department's research and educational objectives
cross disciplinary lines, both internal and external to the
University. The individual will create and exploit connections to the
local community including with industry, improve departmental
visibility, and lead departmental development efforts.

For the complete ad and instructions on how to apply, please follow
this link:

The submission deadline for ensuring full consideration is November
15, 2018. However, applications will be considered until the
appointment is made.

Equal Opportunity Employer: Females / Minorities / Veterans / Disabled
/ Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity.

From: Loryn Princevalle [email protected]
Date: October 04, 2018
Subject: Faculty Position, Operations Research and Information Engineering (ORIE)

A faculty position in Operations Research and Information Engineering
(ORIE) is available at the Cornell Tech campus in New York City. The
position is part of the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute. The
position is within Cornell University's School of ORIE, and applicants
with research interests represented within Cornell ORIE are welcome at
all levels, including tenured and tenure-track. The School consists
of a diverse group of high-quality researchers and educators
interested in probability, optimization, statistics, simulation, and a
wide array of applications such as e-commerce, supply chains,
scheduling, manufacturing, transportation systems, health care,
financial engineering, service systems and network science. Cornell
ORIE spans both the Ithaca and New York City campuses, but the
successful candidate's teaching and research will be based in New York
City. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in operations research,
mathematics, statistics, or a related field by the start of the
appointment, and have demonstrated an ability to conduct outstanding
research at the level of tenure-track or tenured faculty in Cornell
ORIE. The successful candidate will be expected to pursue an active
research program, to teach Master's and Ph.D.-level graduate courses,
and to supervise graduate students. All applications completed by
November 16, 2018 will receive full consideration, but we urge
candidates to submit all required material as soon as possible. We
will accept applications until we fill the positions.

Applications are on-line at

Inquiries about your application may be directed to Sheri Minarski at
[email protected].

Diversity and Inclusion are a part of Cornell University's
heritage. We are a recognized employer and educator valuing AA/EEO,
Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities.

From: Qing Nie [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2018
Subject: Faculty Position, Univ of California, Irvine (UCI)

Applications are invited for three faculty position openings at
University of California, Irvine (UCI). We seek candidates with
research interests related to the broad themes of the NSF-Simons
Center for Multiscale Cell Fate Research (
The three faculty positions are hosted at three different departments
at UCI. Each position opening has a different application link and a
slightly different deadline:

1) Mathematics or/and Physics (by 11/15/2018):

2) Statistics (by 11/1/2018):

3) Developmental and Cell Biology (by11/30/2018):

If you have any questions on the positions, please email to the
contact person listed in each search link or [email protected].

From: Stephen Becker [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2018
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Math, Univ of Colorado Boulder

The Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado at
Boulder invites applications for two tenure track faculty positions at
the Assistant Professor level to begin August 2019.

One position is in the area of computational mathematics, with
possible areas of emphasis including numerical analysis of
differential equations, randomized numerical linear algebra,
optimization and inverse problems, scientific computing, and related

The other position is in the area of high dimensional data analysis
(big data), with possible areas of emphasis including nonlinear
optimization, analysis in high-dimensional spaces, randomized
projections, probabilistic numerics, harmonic analysis, theoretical
deep learning, and related areas.

For both positions, exceptional candidates in all fields of Applied
Mathematics may be considered. Note that the most competitive
candidates will have likely had postdoctoral training.

The candidate is expected to take an active role in undergraduate and
graduate teaching, conduct a vigorous externally funded research
program, advise graduate students, and participate in department and
university governance.

For more details and to apply, please see (for the first and second
positions, respectively):

Review of applications will begin on October 16, 2018; applications
will be accepted until the position is filled.

From: Robert van de Geijn [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2018
Subject: Faculty Positions, Computer Science, UT Austin

The Department of Computer Science at UT Austin is now accepting
applications for faculty positions in all research areas and at all
levels of seniority. The department is committed to building a
diverse faculty and we are interested in candidates who will
contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education
through their teaching, research, and service. In addition to the
December 15th, 2018 deadline for our standard spring interview season,
we are also soliciting early applications that will be considered for
interviews this fall. Fall interviewees will be evaluated under the
same process as spring interviewees -- all hiring decisions will be
made in the spring. Furthermore, all early applications will be
automatically considered during the spring hiring season, regardless
if a fall interview is granted. We recommend that candidates
interested in fall interviews submit an application by November 15th,

More information can be found at:

From: Des Higham [email protected]
Date: October 01, 2018
Subject: Multiple Positions, NA, Univ of Strathclyde

Positions within the Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
research group
analysisscientificcomputing/ in the Department of Mathematics &
Statistics at the University of Strathclyde are now available, from
accelerated promotion posts for early career researchers to senior
Professorships. To apply, please go to

Numerical analysis researchers are strongly encouraged to apply under
the theme
Measurement science & enabling technologies
quoting the subtheme
Data analytics & modelling methodologies

From: Denise L. Marks [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2018
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Mathematics & Statistics, Univ South Florida

The Department of Mathematics & Statistics of the University of South
Florida seeks to fill a 9 month, full-time and tenure-earning,
Assistant Professor position in Cryptography/Cybersecurity to begin
August 7th, 2019. Ph.D. in Mathematics is required, with preference in
disciplines related to Cryptography/Cybersecurity (e.g., Algebra,
Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, etc.). Applications
from individuals who are ABD will be accepted, but the degree must be
conferred by appointment start date. Predilection will be given to
applicants with a strong record of research productivity with the
potential to secure external funding, and having at least two years'
experience teaching university undergraduates. Applications from women
and minorities are encouraged.

Salary is negotiable. Position is open until filled. Initial review of
applications begin on November 15th, 2018. To apply, please visit, click on Job ID 18548, and attach a Cover
Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Teaching Philosophy Statement, proven
Teaching Effectiveness/Instructional History, and Research Statement
as a single file. Applicants must also arrange for at least three
letters of recommendation to be submitted for review. These letters
should be submitted through or they may be sent in a
timely manner to Denise Marks at [email protected].

Conclusion of this search is subject to final budget
approval. According to Florida Law, applications and meetings
regarding them are open to the public. USF is an Equal
Opportunity/Equal Access institution. For disability accommodations,
contact Denise L. Marks at (813-974- 9747/[email protected]), a minimum
of five working days in advance.

From: Eskil Hansen [email protected]
Date: October 02, 2018
Subject: Associate Senior Lecturer Position, Numerical Analysis, Lund Univ

The Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, invites
applications for one associate senior lecturer position in numerical
analysis, with a research focus on numerical optimization for
large-scale machine learning. The call is part of the Wallenberg AI,
Autonomous Systems and Software Program's initiative to develop the
mathematics related to AI, with the aim to promote the AI competence
in Sweden.

This is a full-time, fixed-term employment of 5 years. During the
period of employment, an associate senior lecturer can apply for
appointment to a permanent position as senior lecturer. The position
comes with a start package consisting of postdoc funding for 5 years,
one PhD position and project related costs amounting to a yearly level
of 60000 SEK.

For more information and to apply, visit

From: Mike O'Neil [email protected]
Date: October 05, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center

The MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) is seeking a
Postdoctoral Associate to scale our finite element simulations of
superconducting magnets to world-class high performance computers
(HPC). MIT PSFC is an internationally recognized facility at the
forefront of plasma physics and fusion energy research. It recently
announced a new, accelerated pathway to fusion energy that is based on
the development and demonstration of the world's highest performing
superconducting fusion magnets and the design of the first net energy
fusion device - the SPARC tokamak. Additional information is available
at Understanding the
dynamics of energy propagation during quenches in superconducting
magnets is a crucial part of creating reliable magnet systems. To this
end, scientists at the PSFC are developing high-fidelity
finite-element simulations of high-temperature superconducting magnets
using the in-house built Petra-M, a physics-based modeling interface
to the scalable MFEM library. Such simulations will be validated with
small-scale experiments and then used to design full-scale magnet
systems. It will be the role of this Postdoctoral Associate to develop
the algorithms, processes, and framework to scale these simulations to
be used on world-class HPC platforms. The Postdoctoral Associate will
work closely with the Petra-M developers at the PSFC to complete this

- A PhD in applied math or closely related discipline, experience in
finite element modeling (FEM), and high performance computing is
- Strong programming and numerical modeling abilities, familiarity
with C++ and Python languages, and parallel computation concepts are
- Knowledge of high temperature superconductors and experience
modeling them is a plus but not required.
- No plasma physics experience is needed for this role.

Applicants should send a CV, a publication list, and a statement of
research interests along with three letters of reference. The
publication list may be included in the cover letter or CV
download. This position is for a one-year term with the possibility of
one or two more one year re-appointments assuming satisfactory
performance and the availability of funds. Job applicants should be
prepared to begin by late Fall 2018. See for more information and to

From: Benjamin Sanderse [email protected]
Date: October 01, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Uncertainty Quantification, CWI Amsterdam

The Scientific Computing group at CWI Amsterdam is looking for a
Postdoc on the subject of uncertainty quantification for aeroelastic
wind- turbine models.

Selection will start from October 14th, until the position is filled;
proposed starting date is January 1st, 2019.

For more information, please visit

For questions, please contact Benjamin Sanderse at [email protected].

From: Peter Burgisser [email protected]
Date: October 07, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Funded by ERC, TU Berlin

The research group "Algorithmic Algebra" has an opening for two five
year postdoc positions (salary grade E13) starting in 2019. The
positions are funded by Prof. Burgisser's ERC Advanced Grant "COCAN:
Complexity and Condition in Algebra and Numerics" and do not involve
teaching duties. The successful candidates will do independent
research in at least one of the fields associated to the ERC project:
numerical algorithms in algebraic geometry, random real algebraic
varieties, computational (and geometric) invariant theory, complexity
theory, convex optimization.

For further information on the position please contact Prof. Burgisser
([email protected]). See also

Please send your application - including reference number, CV, list of
publications and research statement - per email to Beate Niessen
([email protected]).

You may apply simultaneously for both postdoc positions (II-556/18 and
II- 557/18) with one application.

Berlin has an abundance of activities in all areas of mathematics,
fostered by the three Berlin Universities (FU, HU, TU), the research
centers ECMath, Matheon, WIAS, the graduate school BMS and several
collaborative research centers. Moreover, the Berlin cluster of
excellence MATH+ has recently been granted. There are plenty of
possibilities for collaboration with other scientists. Beyond this
Berlin is an attractive and lively world city.

From: Piotr Matus [email protected]
Date: October 07, 2018
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2018 (4)


High-Order Semi-Discrete Central-Upwind Schemes with Lax-Wendroff-Type
Time Discretizations for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations, Abedian, Rooholah

Numerical Modeling of Optical Fibers Using the Finite Element Method
and an Exact Non-reflecting Boundary Condition, Dautov, Rafail Z. /
Karchevskii, Evgenii M.

Minimax Rates for Statistical Inverse Problems Under General Source
Conditions, Ding, Litao / Mathe, Peter

Numerical Analysis for the Pure Neumann Control Problem Using the
Gradient Discretisation Method, Droniou, Jerome / Nataraj, Neela /
Shylaja, Devika (free access)

Combining the DPG Method with Finite Elements, Fuhrer, Thomas / Heuer,
Norbert / Karkulik, Michael / Rodriguez, Rodolfo (free access)

A Hybrid Method for Solving Inhomogeneous Elliptic PDEs Based on Fokas
Method, Grylonakis, Eleftherios-Nektarios G. / Filelis-Papadopoulos,
Christos K. / Gravvanis, George A.

Computation of Green's Function of the Bounded Solutions Problem,
Kurbatov, Vitalii G. / Kurbatova, Irina V.

Simplified Generalized Gauss-Newton Method for Nonlinear Ill-Posed
Operator Equations in Hilbert Scales, Mahale, Pallavi / Dadsena,
Pradeep Kumar

Symbolic Algorithm of the Functional-Discrete Method for a
Sturm-Liouville Problem with a Polynomial Potential, Makarov,
Volodymyr / Romaniuk, Nataliia

Assessment of Characteristic Boundary Conditions Based on the
Artificial Compressibility Method in Generalized Curvilinear
Coordinates for Solution of the Euler Equations, Parseh, Kaveh /
Hejranfar, Kazem

Approximate Solution of a Singular Integral Equation with a Cauchy
Kernel on the Euclidean Plane, Pylak, Dorota / Karczmarek, Pawel /
Wojcik, Pawel

The Dual-Weighted Residual Estimator Realized on Polygonal Meshes,
Weisser, Steffen / Wick, Thomas

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2018
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 79 (2)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 79, No. 2

Implicit Milstein method for stochastic differential equations via the
Wong-Zakai approximation, Minoo Kamrani, Nahid Jamshidi

Convergence of a Ulm-like method for square inverse singular value
problems with multiple and zero singular values, Weiping Shen, Yaohua
Hu, Chong Li, Jen-Chih Yao

Kansa-RBF algorithms for elliptic problems in regular polygonal
domains, Andreas Karageorghis, Malgorzata A. Jankowska, C. S. Chen

Convergent interpolatory quadrature rules and orthogonal polynomials
of varying measures, Ulises Fidalgo, Erwin Mina-Diaz

Time-stepping discontinuous Galerkin approximation of optimal control
problem governed by time fractional diffusion equation, Zhaojie Zhou,
Chenyang Zhang

Conditioning of the matrix-matrix exponentiation, Joao R. Cardoso,
Amir Sadeghi

Analysis and numerical simulation for a class of time fractional
diffusion equation via tension spline, A. S. V. Ravi Kanth, Deepika

Hybrid iterative method for split monotone variational inclusion
problem and hierarchical fixed point problem for a finite family of
nonexpansive mappings, K. R. Kazmi, Rehan Ali, Mohd Furkan

Iterative algorithms for solving fixed point problems and variational
inequalities with uniformly continuous monotone operators, Yekini
Shehu, Olaniyi S. Iyiola

Preconditioning of spectral methods via Birkhoff interpolation, Conor
McCoid, Manfred R. Trummer

A robust structured preconditioner for time-harmonic parabolic optimal
control problems, Zhao-Zheng Liang, Owe Axelsson, Maya Neytcheva

Modified subgradient extragradient method for variational inequality
problems, Duong Viet Thong, Dang Van Hieu

On the stability of a modified Nystrom method for Mellin convolution
equations in weighted spaces, M. C. De Bonis, C. Laurita

Stable subdivision of 4D polytopes, Miroslav S. Petrov, Todor
D. Todorov

Some refined bounds for the perturbation of the orthogonal projection
and the generalized inverse, Wen Li, Yanmei Chen, Seakweng Vong, Qilun

End of Digest