From: J.S. Hysing [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: FEATool v1.2 released, 3D FEM Toolbox for Octave and Matlab
FEATool - an easy to use multiphysics Finite Element Analysis Toolbox
for Octave and Matlab, version 1.2 is now available. The new version
is a significant update and brings the following changes:
- Full 3D modeling (as well as 2D and 1D)
- Octave GUI support (available with Octave 4.0)
- New implicit geometry modeling engine (based on distance functions
and level sets)
- Automatic unstructured grid generation using DistMesh by P. O.
- New equation parser which allows editing equations and entering user
specified custom equations
- Extensibility, allowing users to call external grid generators,
solvers, or postprocessing scripts and tools directly
- Improved and optimized finite element assembly
Please feel free to visit http://www.precisesimulation.com for more
information and to download FEATool 1.2 Lite edition with a license
for personal use.
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2015
Subject: IMA Maths 2015, UK, Mar 2015
IMA Mathematics 2015
Date: Thursday 19 March 2015
Location: Mary Ward House, London
Mathematics 2015 is the ninth in the series of annual IMA conferences
to promote mathematics. This series aims to demonstrate to both
mathematicians and non-mathematicians the many uses of modern
mathematics. One of the themes at the 2015 conference will be software
and Mathematics. We hope that the audience will have mathematicians,
those who work with mathematicians in policy forming roles, and anyone
who has an interest in developments in the applications of
To register and for further details, please visit the conference
Or please contact Lizzi Lake, Conference Officer, Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson
Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 1EF, e-mail:
[email protected], tel: +44 (0) 1702 354020.
From: Padmanabhan Seshaiyer [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: Mid-Atlantic Regional Student Conference, USA, Mar 2015
The 2015 Fifth Annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Joint Mathematics
Conference will be held at George Mason University in Fairfax,
Virginia on March 20th and 21st, 2015. The goals of the conference are
to (a) bring together students and experts in industry and academia;
(b) provide undergraduate and graduate students as well as
post-doctoral and new doctoral degree holders an opportunity to
present their research in a similar setting to professional
conferences such as SIAM, MAA and AMS meetings; (c) foster
interdisciplinary collaboration with research groups from both
academia and industry; (d) encourage networking between students and
industry professionals and; (e) increase student awareness of, and
interest in, U.S. Government and private industry careers.
The keynote speaker for the conference will be Dr. Carlos Castillo
Undergraduates, Graduate Students and Junior scientists including
post-docs who are interested in presenting on recent advances in areas
of mathematics with emphasis on computational aspects of problem
solving are invited to participate. Funding for travel and
accommodation is available through a grant recommended by the National
Science Foundation.
To learn more, register and to apply for financial support, go to:
From: Peter Schmid [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2015
Subject: Combustion Instabilities, Italy, Apr 2015
A workshop for doctoral students and postdocs, sponsored by ERCOFTAC,
will take place in Montestigliano, Italy (Tuscany) from 12-18 April
2015. This is the 7th workshop in this series, and this year's topic
will be "Modelling and control of combustion instabilities". The guest
speaker is Prof. Aimee Morgans from Imperial College London, U.K. As
in previous years, the workshop is intended as a hands-on learning
experience with interactive lectures and group work, in close contact
with the orgnanizers and the invited speaker.
For details, please refer to the web page
and do not hesitate to contact us by email if you have any questions.
Applications (including a motivation letter and CV) should be sent to
the organizers before March 12, 2015. A reference letter from the
applicant's advisor should be arranged.
From: ICERM [email protected]
Date: March 09, 2015
Subject: Mathematics of Lattices and Cybersecurity, USA, Apr 2015
Lattices are abstractly very simple objects, yet their concrete
realizations contain beautifully intricate problems that are
stubbornly difficult even in low dimensions. For example, our present
day understandings of densest lattice packings and reduction theory
are still plagued with large gaps.
In the 1970's and 1980's lattices entered the world of cryptography as
tools used to break certain crypto systems, particularly those based
on the subset sum problem, and since the 1990's they have become
increasingly important in the building of other types of crypto
systems (thanks to the difficulty in the underlying
mathematics). Their significance has recently been bolstered by
average-case complexity bounds and their present resistance to quantum
computing attacks.
Currently the theory of lattices is a lively research topic among
mathematicians, computer scientists, and experts in
cybersecurity. However, to this date, there has been little to no
interaction between these communities. The goal of this workshop is to
stimulate activity between these different groups interested in
lattice problems. Topics to be covered include, but are not restricted
to, recent results on densest lattice packings, the geometry of
lattice moduli space and its connections with automorphic forms and
algebraic number theory, cryptographic applications of lattices, and
the state of the art of lattice reduction in high dimensions.
For more information, and to apply:
From: Nicole Erle [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2015
Subject: SIAM Data Mining (SDM15), Canada, Apr 2015
2015 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM15)
Pinnacle Vancouver Harbourfront Hotel, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
April 30 – May 2, 2015
Invited Speakers:
- Surajit Chaudhuri, Microsoft Research, USA
- Ashish Goel, Stanford University, USA
- Steven Jones, BC Cancer Agency, Simon Fraser University and
University of British Columbia, Canada
- Bin Yu, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Registration is Now Available!
Pre-Registration Deadline: April 2, 2015, 4:00 PM EDT
Hotel Reservation Deadline: March 31, 2015
Preliminary program for this conference is available at:
and registration is available at
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department at
[email protected].
From: Domenico Lahaye [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: 10 Years Shifted Laplacians, Germany, May 2015
The Helmholtz equation appears in a wide range of science and
engineering disciplines in which wave propagation is modeled. Solving
this equation numerically is notoriously difficult. A landmark
contribution in reducing the computational complexity is the
publication of the Complex Shifted Laplace preconditioner by the TU
Delft 10 years ago. In recent work the TU Delft group has developed
an algorithmic extension that further reduces the computational
On Monday, May 18th, the TU Delft Helmholtz organizes a seminar to
celebrate the Complex Shifted Laplace preconditioner, to put its
development in perspective, to showcase recent development and to look
into the future. Three speakers from academia (Prof. Livshits from
Ball State Indiana, Dr. Stolk from UvA Amsterdam and Prof C. Vuik from
TU Delft) and two from industry (Dr. Tournour from Siemens
International and Dr. Plessix from Shell) will share their unique
insights into this field. The workshop should therefore appeal to both
computational scientists as well as engineers in e.g. acoustics,
seismics and vibrational engineering.
More information on the workshop can be found on the website
The participation is free of charge. Registration via the website
however is mandatory.
From: Roderick Melnik [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: AMMCS-CAIMS Congress, Canada, Jun 2015
This is the final call for abstract submission to the 2015 AMMCS-
CAIMS Congress with the deadline of March 13th, 2015. It is a major
international event in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational
Science with several embedded meetings.
The 2015 AMMCS-CAIMS Congress will take place in Waterloo, Canada,
June 7-12, 2015 (http://www.ammcs-caims2015.wlu.ca/). You can submit
your abstract by going directly to the submission page at
The Congress features twelve world distinguished plenary speakers,
semi-plenary speakers, over 40 special and contributed sessions,
minisymposia, and scientific themes. Plenary speakers at the Congress
include R. Albert (Penn State), T. Bielecki (Illinois Institute of
Technology), C. Budd (University of Bath), Wing Kam Liu (Northwestern
University), S. Mallat (Ecole Normale Superieure), K. Oosterlee (Delft
University of Technology and CWI), S. Schreiber (University of
California, Davis), E. Vanden- Eijnden (Courant Institute, New York
University), Y. Yi (University of Alberta), N. Zabaras (University of
Refereed proceedings papers will be published by Springer. Several
Prizes for students and young researchers will be awarded at the
Congress, including the Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize. Travel scholarships
for students are available on a competitive basis.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Waterloo this June. The
website of the Congress is at http://www.ammcs-caims2015.wlu.ca/
From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: Sparse Days, France, Jun-Jul 2015
Registration is now open for the conference Sparse Days in St Girons
III that will be held in St Girons near Toulouse from 29 June to 2
July 2015. Previous conferences were held in 1994 and 2003 and a
similar pattern will be followed for this meeting.
You are invited to attend or to give a talk on any area relevant to
the title of the conference. There will also be poster sessions.
Registration is available from the website
http://cimi-semester-hpc.fr/ by clicking on the Registration flag for
the Conference. The deadline for registering is 24 May 2015 although,
if you are planning to give a talk or a poster, it would help us if
you entered this data well before that date.
From: Zhen Gao [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: ARAMSC 2015, China, Jul-Aug 2015
The Third Summer Workshop on Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics
and Scientific Computing 2015 (ARAMSC-2015) will be held from July
1st, 2015 to August 30th, 2015 (dates subject to change) at the School
of Mathematical Sciences of Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China.
We are inviting qualified, motivated applicants to apply for the
Workshop. We are seeking junior faculty, outstanding graduate
students and exceptional undergraduate students who are interested in
interdisciplinary research in applied mathematics and scientific
computing. Applicants are also invited to submit a research proposal
if they have a particular area of research they would like to pursue.
Prior experience in high level programming, such as FORTRAN, C and
Matlab in the solution of partial differential equations is preferred.
A tutorial in object oriented programming with Fortran95 in a Linux OS
will be given at the beginning of the Workshop. The pace of Workshop
is intensive with daily progress briefing and discussions. A full
commitment of efforts and time by the participants throughout the
Workshop is strongly expected.
Only a limited number of positions are available for qualified
applicants. If interested, please submit a CV, transcripts, research
proposal if any, and two letters of recommendation to Prof. Gao Zhen
by email before April 12th, 2015 for full consideration.
If you have any questions regarding the Workshop, please feel free to
contact the Workshop organizers. If you like to talk to former
participants about their past summer research experiences, you can
contact Mr. Li Peng ([email protected]) and Mr. Jia Felin
([email protected]).
From: ICERM [email protected]
Date: March 09, 2015
Subject: Computational and Analytical Aspects of Image Reconstruction, USA, Jul 2015
Computational and Analytical Aspects of Image Reconstruction
(July 13-17, 2015)
The mathematical study of image reconstruction problems can have a
huge impact on human life. More efficient mathematical algorithms for
X-ray tomography and more accurate mathematical models in seismic or
hybrid imaging can lead to better imaging devices in fields such as
medicine and remote sensing. Developing the underlying mathematics,
including the analysis of reconstruction stability, regularization,
singularity characterization, and efficient algorithms, may lead to
fewer false positives in fields such as medical, seismic and radar
This topical workshop will bring together international experts
working in computational and analytical aspects of image
reconstruction (including but not limited to electron- microscope
tomography, hybrid imaging, radar and sonar, full waveform inversion
of seismic imaging and X-ray CT) as well as postdoctoral fellows and
graduate students. There will be multiple introductory-level talks
for early-career researchers and non- specialists in the area on both
the mathematics involved and the scientific and industrial
applications. Speakers and participants from industry will be included
to strengthen the practical aspects of the workshop.
From: Chang-Ock Lee [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2015
Subject: Domain Decomposition Methods, DD23, Korea, Jul 2015
The 23rd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
(DD23) will be held in Jeju Island, Korea during July 6-10, 2015. We
are accepting contributed talks and posters until Mar 15, 2015 at
Invited Speakers: Lori Badea (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian
Academy), Yuri Bazilevs (University of California, San Diego), Clark
Dohrmann (Sandia National Laboratories), Felix Kwok (Hong Kong Baptist
University), Jysoo Lee (KISTI), Frederic Nataf (University Paris 6),
Luca F. Pavarino (University of Milano), Sang Joon Shin (Seoul
National University), Nicole Spillane (Universidad de Chile), Panayot
Vassilevski (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Andrew Wathen
(University of Oxford)
Contact: [email protected]
From: ICERM [email protected]
Date: March 09, 2015
Subject: ICERM’s IdeaLab for Early Career Researchers, USA, Jul 2015
ICERM’s IdeaLab for Early Career Researchers:
Inverse Problems and Uncertainty Quantification
July 6-10, 2015
IdeaLab is a one-week summer program aimed at early career researchers
(within 5 years of their Ph.D.) held at Brown University’s Institute
for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics
(ICERM). IdeaLab focuses on a topic at the frontier of research.
Participants are exposed to a problem whose solution may require broad
perspectives and multiple areas of expertise. Senior researchers
introduce the topic in tutorials and lead discussions. The
participants break into teams to brainstorm ideas, comprehend the
obstacles, and explore possible avenues towards a solution. The teams
are encouraged to develop a research program proposal. On the last
day, they present their ideas to one another and to a small panel of
representatives from funding agencies for feedback and advice.
Inverse problems arise in an enormous variety of science and
engineering applications. The goal of this IdeaLab is to lay out the
fundamentals of uncertainty quantification for inverse problems in a
relatively rapid but hands-on manner, so that participants can
understand and fluently discuss the current state of the art.
Funding Includes: Travel support, Six nights accommodations, Meal
More details and application can be found at:
From: Ke Chen [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2015
Subject: Mathematical Imaging Workshop, UK, Jul 2015
3rd International Workshop on Image Processing Techniques and
Applications, incorporating Mathematical Imaging with Biomedical
July 6-8, 2015 at Liverpool
Following the success of two previous workshops (2007 and 2011), the
Centre for Mathematical Imaging Techniques (CMIT) will host the next
workshop to prompt exchanges on state-of-the-art image processing
models and discussions on current challenges, especially in
applications in medical and biomedical imaging. Topics include image
segmentation, registration, blind deconvolution and algorithms.
Confirmed invited speakers are as listed on the above web page.
However there are a few spaces reserved for contributed talks or
posters. Selected papers will be recommended to a special journal
Though there is no registration fee for this EPSRC funded event,
places are limited due to room capacity and seating.
From: ICERM [email protected]
Date: March 09, 2015
Subject: Mathematics in Data Science, USA, Jul 2015
Mathematics in Data Science (July 28-30, 2015)
Exploring the Role of the Mathematical Sciences in an Evolving
The goal of this workshop is to bring together mathematicians and data
scientists to participate in a discussion of current methods and
outstanding problems in data science. The workshop is particularly
aimed at mathematicians interested in pursuing research or a career in
data science who wish to gain an understanding of this rapidly
evolving field and the ways in which mathematics can
contribute. Researchers currently working in data science are also
encouraged to attend, to share ideas about mathematical methodologies
and challenges. A number of experienced data scientists with a variety
of backgrounds from academics, national laboratories, and industry
(including startups) will be invited. The program will include
overview and technical talks, several panels consisting of
practitioners with different experience levels, and one or more poster
Nathan Baker (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Justin Basilico (Netflix)
Tom LaGatta (Splunk)
Jake Vanderplass (University of Washington)
For more information, and to apply:
From: Andrew Dienstfrey [email protected]
Date: March 09, 2015
Subject: Uncertainty Quantification in Materials Modeling, USA, Jul 2015
Uncertainty Quantification in Materials Modeling
July 28--31, 2015
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University,
Lafayette, IN
This workshop is aimed at (i) providing hands on uncertainty
quantification (UQ) experience to scientists in materials modeling,
while (ii) exposing experts in UQ to some of the unique challenges in
this realm of applications. The program will feature combined lectures
and labs to provide a foundation in basic UQ skills, framing the
discussion in light of relevant material science models and
applications. By the end of the third day, participants will have
performed UQ calculations on problems across multiple length scales in
materials science, with an emphasis on the multiscale nature of the
phenomena. The workshop ends with a series of academic lectures on hot
topics and recent advances at the intersection of both fields. All
computations and analysis will be served through Purdue's nanoHub
platform, enabling participants to return to their home institutions
and continue to research, develop, and apply techniques learned.
The workshop is co-sponsored by the Institute for Mathematics and its
Applications, Purdue University, Air Force Research Laboratory, and
the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Generous travel
support is available. Participation will be limited. See
http://www.ima.umn.edu/2014-2015/SW7.28-31.15/ for more information
and to apply. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis until
all slots are filled.
Questions can be addressed to Paul Patrone ([email protected]) or
Andrew Dienstfrey ([email protected]).
From: ICERM [email protected]
Date: March 09, 2015
Subject: Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Problems, USA, Aug 2015
Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Problems and Their
Applications (August 31 - September 4, 2015)
Over the last 20 years or so, Newton-Krylov methods have developed to
maturity, allowing effective fully-coupled treatment of a broad range
of large-scale nonlinear problems. This development has set the stage
for addressing more difficult problems with more challenging
features. Additionally, applications for which state-of-the-art
Newton-Krylov approaches are inapplicable have recently exposed
several basic research questions. At the same time, there remain many
problem-specific methods and legacy codes that are still useful and
can be regarded as a resource for further development.
This workshop will include mathematicians and computer scientists who
work on algorithm design, implementation, and analysis, together with
disciplinary scientists and engineers who use the algorithms in
applications and have a working knowledge of their capabilities,
weaknesses, and limitations. The major foci of the workshop will be
acceleration methods, in particular Anderson acceleration; methods for
nonlinear problems that have significant stochastic aspects; methods
for nonsmooth problems; and various techniques for improving
robustness, such as nonlinear preconditioning.
From: Stefano De Marchi [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2015
Subject: Dolomites Research Week on Approximation, Italy, Sep 2015
We are pleased to announce that the "Dolomites Research Week on
Approximation 2015 (DRWA15)", will be held on September 5-8, 2015 at
Alba di Canazei (Trento - Italy).
For more information visit the web site
We also inform that the "4th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive
Approximation and Applications (DWCAA16)" has been postponed to
September 9-13, 2016 as usual at Alba di Canazei (Trento - Italy).
Further information will follow soon.
From: David Chappell [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Vibro-acoustic Simulations using C++
Applicants are invited to work on the EU funded project Mid-to-High
Frequency Modelling of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (MHiVec) as part of
a collaboration between inuTech GmbH, the Nottingham Trent University
the University of Nottingham, the University of Southampton, and CDH
AG. The project involves developing improved methods for predicting
wave transport properties of complex vibro-acoustic structures and
testing them in an industry relevant environment together with our
associate partners, Jaguar Land Rover. Giving reliable estimates for
the wave energy distributions in large built-up structures is an
enormous challenge in the mid-to-high frequency regime and is of
immediate interest to structural engineers and the manufacturing
industry. The task at hand will be to design and develop a state of
the art programming tool which combines the numerical schemes devised
as part of the project.
The salary for the position will be determined according to the EU
flat rate for a researcher with between 4 and 10 years of experience
including the country correction factor for Germany. Before tax,
pension and other non-wage labour cost deductions (for both employer
and employee) the salary range is from €63421 to €66834, and is
determined based on the family status of the applicant according to
the regulations of the European Commission
For more details and how to apply please see
From: Paolo Bientinesi [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Positions, RWTH Aachen Univ, Germany
The Aachen Institute for Computational Engineering Science (AICES) has
immediate openings for up to two scientific positions to develop
high-performance algorithms and code for large-scale Molecular
Dynamics (MD) simulations.
The positions are part of a soon-to-be-established Intel Parallel
Computing Center at RWTH Aachen. The candidates will work in a
multi-disciplinary environment, as part of the "High-Performance and
Automatic Computing" and "Molecular Simulations and Transformations"
research groups; they will conduct research on how to exploit the
potential of emerging computing architectures for MD algorithms.
Applicants are invited to send a cover letter, a detailed CV, and
contact info of at least three references to Prof. Paolo Bientinesi
([email protected]) and Prof. Ahmed Ismail
([email protected]).
- Design and implementation of algorithms for molecular simulations
for multicore architectures such as the Intel Xeon Phi
- Coordination of project with industrial partners
- Supervision of and collaboration with bachelor's and master's
students working on the project
- Dissemination of results
- Master's or Ph.D. in computer science, computational science,
engineering, or a related field, within the last 5 years and with
strong focus on computational aspects
- 5+ years of experience in parallel programming and
high-performance architectures
- Demonstrated ability to develop high-quality software in one or
more of the following: MPI, Intel Xeon Phi, OpenMP
- Advanced knowledge of C++
- Excellent oral and written English communication skills
- Ability to work productively both independently and as part of an
interdisciplinary team
From: Sara Zahedi [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Applied and Computational Mathematics, KTH Stockholm
We are looking for candidates for a PhD student position on the topic
of "Cut Finite Element Methods for Multiphase Flow Simulations" in the
Numerical Analysis group at KTH.
Additional information and application details are given here:
From: Max Jensen [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Optimal Control of Energy Storage, Sussex, UK
A fully funded PhD studentship is available for a project in applied
mathematics at the University of Sussex, England. The project is
concerned with the rigorous analysis of electrical networks with
random energy production and consumption as well as electrical energy
storage. Given processes characterising energy production and
consumption, a key question is which strategy will optimally drive an
electrical energy storage facility.
The projects aims (A) to extend the existing dynamic programming
models for electrical networks with storage, (B) to numerically study
the resulting Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation with semi-Langrangian
numerical methods, (C) to prove well-posedness of the
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation and the convergence of the
semi-Langrangian methods.
Candidates should have a strong background in at least one of the
areas of Optimal Control, PDEs, Numerical Analysis or Power
Systems. The project will be supervised by Dr Max Jensen
Possible start dates are May 2015 and September 2015. The project
includes a tax free maintenance bursary of £13863 per year, plus a
waiver of UK/EU fees for 3.5 years.
If you have questions concerning the vacancy, please contact Dr Max
Jensen ([email protected]). Additional information is available at
From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 63 (1)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 63, Number 1, April 2015
On the Spectrum Computation of Non-oscillatory and Highly Oscillatory
Kernel with Weak Singularity, Can Huang and Zhimin Zhang, pp.1-22.
Efficient GPU-Implementation of Adaptive Mesh Refinement for the
Shallow-Water Equations, Martin L. Saetra, Andre R. Brodtkorb and
Knut-Andreas Lie, pp.23-48.
A Spectral Study on the Dissipation and Dispersion of the WENO
Schemes, Feilin Jia, Zhen Gao and Wai Sun Don, pp.49-77.
A Stable Parametric Finite Element Discretization of Two-Phase
Navier–Stokes Flow, John W. Barrett, Harald Garcke and Robert
Nurnberg, pp.78-117.
A Matched Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Method for Solving the
Heat Equation with Interfaces, Shan Zhao, pp.118-137.
Discretely Exact Derivatives for Hyperbolic PDE-Constrained
Optimization Problems Discretized by the Discontinuous Galerkin
Method, Lucas C. Wilcox, Georg Stadler, Tan Bui-Thanh and Omar
Ghattas, pp.138-162.
Simple and Efficient Determination of the Tikhonov Regularization
Parameter Chosen by the Generalized Discrepancy Principle for Discrete
Ill-Posed Problems, Fermin S. Viloche Bazan, pp.163-184.
Fast Methods for Computing Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations, James
C. Hateley, Huayi Wei and Long Chen, pp.185-212.
Image Decomposition using a Local Gradient Constraint, Seungmi Oh and
Myungjoo Kang, pp.213-232.
Runge–Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Traffic Flow Model on
Networks, Suncica Canic, Benedetto Piccoli, Jing-Mei Qiu and Tan Ren,
Topological Derivative for the Inverse Conductivity Problem: A
Bayesian Approach, J. Rocha de Faria and D. Lesnic, pp.256-278.
Redistancing Dynamics for Vector-Valued Multilabel Segmentation with
Costly Fidelity: Grain Identification in Polycrystal Images, Matt
Elsey and Benedikt Wirth, pp.279-306.
End of Digest