NA Digest Monday, November 24, 2014 Volume 14 : Issue 41

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Gal, Sorin G. [email protected]
Date: November 23, 2014
Subject: New Book, Evolution Equations with a Complex Spatial Variable

New book announcement : Evolution Equations with a Complex Spatial
Variable, World Scientific Publ., New Jersey, London, Singapore, 2014,
by Ciprian G Gal (Florida International University, USA), Sorin G Gal
(University of Oradea, Romania), Jerome A Goldstein (The University of
Memphis, USA)

1. Historical Background and Motivation
2. Heat and Laplace Equations of Complex Spatial Variables
3. Higher-Order Heat and Laplace Equations with Complex Spatial
4. Wave and Telegraph Equations with Complex Spatial Variables
5. Burgers and Black–Merton–Scholes Equations with Complex Spatial
6. Schrödinger-Type Equations with Complex Spatial Variables
7. Linearized Korteweg–de Vries Equations with Complex Spatial
8. Evolution Equations with a Complex Spatial Variable in General

For details on the book and order see the link


From: Dimitri Breda [email protected]
Date: November 19, 2014
Subject: New Book, Stability of Linear Delay Differential Equations

Now available from Springer (SpringerBriefs in Control, Automation and

Stability of Linear Delay Differential Equations
A Numerical Approach with MATLAB
by D. Breda, S. Maset, R. Vermiglio

The book presents the authors recent work on the numerical methods for
the stability analysis of equilibria and periodic solutions of delay
differential equations. It represents a self-contained treatment of
the problem, from the theoretical aspects of the models to the
practical computation of the results, passing through the numerical
analysis of the proposed algorithms. Matlab codes are freely available
and relevant description allows the interested reader to test and
apply the proposed approaches in a practical perspective.

2-Notation and basics
3-Stability of linear autonomous equations
4-Stability of linear periodic equations
5-The infinitesimal generator approach
6-The solution operator approach
7-Matlab implementation

More about this book at


From: Angela Mihai [email protected]
Date: November 23, 2014
Subject: SIAM-UKIE Annual Meeting, UK, Jan 2015

The 19th SIAM-UKIE Annual Meeting will be held on January 8, 2015 at
the University of Bath. The invited speakers are as follows: Peter
Benner (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical
Systems, Germany), S. Jon Chapman (University of Oxford, England),
Michel Destrade (National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland),
Marco Iglesias Hernandez (University of Nottingham, England), Vanessa
Styles (University of Sussex, England), and Beth Wingate (University
of Exeter, England). The registration deadline is December 7, 2014.

For details of the programme and access to the online registration
form, please visit the webpage:

A contiguous IMA Conference on Research in Mathematics and its
Applications will be held at the University of Bath on January 9,
2015 to further strengthen the links between the two Societies. The
confirmed speakers for this event are as follows: Furong Li
(University of Bath), Nathan Lepora (University of Bristol), Apala
Majumdar (University of Bath), Richard Pinch (Cheltenham), Mark
Roberts (University of Surrey), and Sarah Waters (University of

All participants are encouraged to attend both events.


From: Andre R. Brodtkorb [email protected]
Date: November 23, 2014
Subject: Winter School, UQ for Physical Phenomena, Norway, Jan 2015

It is a pleasure to announce that the 15th Geilo Winter School will
take place January 18th-23rd, 2015 at Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo.

As you can see from the flyer (, this years
winter school will cover Uncertainty Quantification for Physical
Phenomena, a topic we hope many of you find interesting. Uncertainty
quantification aims to answer the questions "How accurate are the
results?", and "Where are the largest uncertainties?", and the winter
school will cover both intrusive and non-intrusive methods. We will
learn from experts in the field on topics including multi-level Monte
Carlo and ensemble simulations, polynomial chaos, and inverse
problems. More details are available on the winter school webpages,, which are updated regularly with new

There will also be a poster session, where participants are encouraged
to present their own research.

Important information:
- The early registration deadline is December 7th, 2014.
- Webpage:
- Registration:
- Flyer:


From: R. Bradley Shumbera, Ph.D. [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2014
Subject: Adv Numerical Methods in Math Sciences, USA, May 2015

The Institute for Scientific Computation at Texas A&M University is
pleased to announce the workshop "Advanced Numerical Methods in the
Mathematical Sciences" to be held at Texas A&M in College Station,
Texas, on May 4-8, 2015. This workshop aims to bring together
researchers working on different aspects of finite element
discretization techniques and their applications and to foster
interaction among researchers from both industry and academia.

Taking place at the university's campus, this workshop will host a
poster session and offer a number of invited presentations given by a
mix of senior and junior researchers. We particularly encourage
workshop participants to present posters. Additionally, preceding the
workshop on May 3, 2015, will be a day of tutorials on various topics
concerning finite element discretizations.

Thanks to assistance from the National Science Foundation, we will
offer young researchers and doctoral students financial support on a
competitive basis.

To learn more, register, and apply for financial support for this
workshop, visit

Those interested in this workshop may contact
[email protected] for additional information or assistance
with registration, accommodations, etc.


From: Maciej Paszynski [email protected]
Date: November 18, 2014
Subject: Agent-Based Simulations, Adaptive Algorithms, Iceland, Jun 2015

Agent-Based Simulations, Adaptive Algorithms and Solvers
Reykjavik, Iceland
June 5 - June 7, 2015

The aim of this workshop is to integrate results of different domains
of computer science, computational science and mathematics.

We invite papers oriented toward simulations, either hard simulations
by means of finite element or finite difference methods, or soft
simulations by means of evolutionary computations, particle swarm
optimization and other. The workshop is most interested in simulations
performed by using agent-oriented systems or by utilizing adaptive
algorithms, but simulations performed by other kind of systems are
also welcome. Agent-oriented system seems to be the attractive tool
useful for numerous domains of applications. Adaptive algorithms allow
significant decrease of the computational cost by utilizing
computational resources on most important aspect of the problem.

This year following the challenges of ICCS 2015 theme "Computational
Science at the Gates of Nature" we invite submissions using techniques
dealing with large simulations, e.g. agents based algorithms dealing
with big data, model reduction techniques for large problems, fast
solvers for large three dimensional simulations, etc.

The papers may be submitted via
Please remember to select ABS-AAS Workshop there


From: Michail Todorov [email protected]
Date: November 23, 2014
Subject: AMiTaNS'15, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2015

The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Seventh Conference AMiTaNS'15 to be held at the 5-star Flamingo
Grand hotel in Black-Sea resort of Albena, Bulgaria. The accents of
the conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special

Currently Confirmed Speakers: S.Yoshida (USA), A. Samsonov (Russia),
V. Shaydurov (Russia), A. Fedoseyev (USA), V. Gerdjikov (Bulgaria),
P. Minev (Canada), A. Guran (Canada), etc.

For detailed information please visit conference website at


From: Norbert Heuer [email protected]
Date: November 18, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Santiago, Chile

The Department of Mathematics of the Catholic University of Chile is
accepting applications for an assistant professor (tenure track)
position beginning August 2015 or March 2016. Applications are invited
in all areas of mathematics.

More information is available on

The Mathematics Faculty website is


From: Gabriel Lord [email protected]
Date: November 20, 2014
Subject: Lectureship Position, Mathematics, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh

Vacancy: Assistant Professor (i.e., Lecturer) in Mathematics at
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Closing date for applications: 18 Dec 2014

Candidates should have a strong research track record, at a high
international level, in any branch of mathematics. They must also be
able to engage in the standard Heriot-Watt undergraduate and
postgraduate mathematics teaching programmes, including supervising
PhD students.

Further details can be found at:

How to apply: Application forms and details of how to apply can be
found on the above link.

Completed application forms may be sent, by e-mail, to [email protected]

Informal inquiries (not the application forms) should be addressed to:
Prof Bryan Rynne
Head of Department of Mathematics
[email protected]


From: Juan Yang [email protected]
Date: November 23, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Beijing Computational Science Research Ctr

Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) a newly
established interdisciplinary institute in China is recruiting
multiple postdoctoral positions ( to conduct top
research in computational sciences in condensed matter physics,
quantum optics, biological sciences,and material sciences and advance
algorithm developments. The initial appointment will be for two years
with a possible renewal for the third with an annual salary of from
130,000 to 150,000 RMB depending on experience , and also research
funding, housing, and transportation benefits are provided. The
potential candidates should demonstrate record of top quality research
work in computational and interdisciplinary research background.
Multiple positions are available for researchers to conduct high
quality computational science research with scientists in CSRC.

Position A1: Fractional modeling of soft matter and beyond.
Position A2: Stochastic multiscale modeling of materials.
Position A3: Atomistic modeling of catalyzed growth of semi- conductor
Position A4: Continuum phase field modeling of catalyzed growth of
semiconductor nanowires.
Position A5: General areas of scientific computing.

Applications should consist of curriculum vitae, including a list
of publications, summary of future research plans, and three
letters of reference. Please identify the position code in your
application. Application materials should be electronically sent to
Ms. Juan Yang by email [email protected] with a subject line
"Algorithms Postdocs". All positions are available immediately.


From: Paul Constantine [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2014
Subject: PhD Fellowship Position, Computational Science, CO School of Mines

The Colorado School of Mines Department of Applied Mathematics and
Statistics is pleased to offer the Ben L. Fryrear Ph.D. Fellowship in
Computational Science. The fellowship includes up to four years of
full tuition, benefits, $33k yearly stipend, and a budget for
conference travel. The first six semesters will consist of research
activities with Dr. Paul G. Constantine, the Ben L. Fryrear Assistant
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Research areas of
interest include but are not limited to:

- uncertainty quantification
- dimension reduction and reduced-order modeling
- algorithms for high-performance computing
- computational methods for differential equations
- data analysis and visualization

For the final two semesters, the Fryrear Fellow will be the instructor
of record for an undergraduate mathematics class.

Applicants must meet all requirements for admission to the graduate
program in computational and applied mathematics. Preference will be
given to applicants with a strong background in computational
science. To apply, follow the standard procedure for applying to
graduate school at CSM; the deadline is February 1, 2015. Directions
can be found at

Additionally, applicants should send a curriculum vitae and a two-page
personal statement addressing research interests and qualifications to
[email protected] by February 1, 2015. Early submission of
these documents is strongly encouraged. For more information about the
Fryrear Fellowship, go to


From: Jens-Dominik Mueller [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2014
Subject: 15 PhD Positions, EC-funded Project

Industrial Optimal Design using Adjoint CFD (IODA)

The IODA project is a MCA Initial Training Network funded by the EC
for 4 years, starting in January 2015. The project builds on the
successful EC projects FlowHead and About Flow and will further
advance with the integration of adjoint optimisation methods into
complete design loops.

The project offers 15 PhD studentships across the partner network in
Engineering (Aerospace, Mechanical or related), Applied Mathematics
(Discretisation of PDEs) or Computer Science (Geometric Modelling and
Compilers). Detailed information about each of the PhD projects is
provided at

Further information on the project be found at
or by contacting Dr. Jens-Dominik Mueller, [email protected].


From: Paola Goatin [email protected]
Date: November 18, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, 2-Wheels Traffic Modeling

The technical and scientific objectives of this position may be
summarized as follows:
- Integrate 2-wheel traffic characteristics into mobility models at
both macroscopic and microscopic scales.
- Analyze shock wave and fundamental flow diagrams to extract
2-wheelers’specific dynamics.
- Evaluate the impact of 2-wheel traffic on vehicular communication &
networking by jointly applying transportation theory and complex
network science
- Identify safety conditions of 2-wheel traffic and propose
cooperative behavior between 2-wheel and 4-wheel vehicles to respect
safe inter-distances.
- Apply the developed models to evaluate the cost and benefits of
4-wheel to 2-wheel swap in terms of safety, efficiency and carbon

The candidate will be located at EURECOM with regular contact with
INRIA, situated 500m away. EURECOM ( is an elite
French graduate school and research center conducting high quality
research in the areas of Mobile Communication, Networking and
Security, and Multimedia. INRIA (, the French
National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, is a
public science and technology institution fully dedicated to
computational sciences, combining computer sciences with mathematics.
Both EURECOM and INRIA are situated in Sophia Antipolis (between Nice
and Cannes), Europe's leading international science park. They are in
close proximity with a large number of research units of leading
multi-national corporations in the telecommunications, semiconductor
and biotechnology sectors, as well as other outstanding research and
teaching institutions.


From: Konrad Steiner [email protected]
Date: November 20, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Multi-scale simulation, TU Kaiserslautern

In cooperation with Robert Bosch AG the department SMS at Fraunhofer
ITWM and LTM at TU Kaiserslautern are looking for a researcher
(Background: applied mathematics, mechanical engineering physics). The
project is on the fatigue modeling and multi-scale simulation of fiber
reinforced thermoplastics. Knowledge in continuum mechanics or micro
mechanics are desirable as well as good mathematical and computer
skills are needed. It is possible and desired to make a PhD in the
framework of the project.

Candidates should send their application documents to
[email protected]


From: Juan Carlos De los Reyes [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics, EPN Quito

The Department of Mathematics and the Research Center on Mathematical
Modeling (MODEMAT) invite applications for their PhD program in
Applied Mathematics. The PhD positions are fully funded for 4 years,
starting in March 2015.

The research areas include: optimization and control, numerical
analysis, scientific computing, operations research, mathematical
image processing, bioinformatics and discrete mathematics.

The academic staff of the program consists of five permanent faculty
members, project researchers and a computer technician. The research
activities will be carried out at the Research Center on Mathematical
Modelling (MODEMAT), a multidisciplinary center that aims at
developing new mathematical and computational techniques for solving
problems arising in different application areas. We have priority
access to the Ecuadorian National Scientific Computing Laboratory. We
have close collaborations with leading mathematicians from many
research institutions, including University of Cambridge, New York
University, Technical University of Dortmund, Universidad T. F. Santa
María, University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Rosario and
University of Wuerzburg.

We offer a lively research environment and a warm working atmosphere.

Applications must include a full CV, an essay of 10 pages about a
mathematical topic of interest and 2 recommendation letters. A
master’s degree in mathematics, computer science or a related area is
mandatory. Applications should be sent to
[email protected]. The deadline for funded applications
is December 31, 2014. For further information, please visit:


From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: November 18, 2014
Subject: Special Issue, ITOR on Distance Geometry, Call for Papers

Special issue of the International Transactions on Operational
Research journal (Wiley) dedicated to the "Many Faces of Distances"
workshop ( held at
IMECC, University of Campinas, Brazil, in Oct. 2014.

The aim of this issue is to bring together contributions in
multidisciplinary fields, considering mathematical and computational
problems related to the concept of distance arising from different
areas of knowledge and applications. The topics of interest are
theory, algorithms, and applications of the concept of distance
related, but not limited, to the application of distance geometry to
the following areas: astronomy, big data, coding theory, computer
networks, data visualization, geometric structures, graph theory,
molecular structure, nanostructures, pattern recognition, psychology,
robotics, statistics, theory of Distance Geometry. Although we
strongly encourage the submission of papers presented at the workshop
on "Many Faces of Distances", this Call for Papers is also open to the
entire community of academics and practitioners in Operations Research
and in the the above areas.

All papers will be peer-reviewed according to the editorial policy of
published by the International Federation of Operational Research
Societies (IFORS). Papers should be original, unpublished, and not
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should
be prepared according to the instructions to authors that can be found
on the journal's homepage. Authors should upload their contributions
using the submission site,
indicating in their cover letter that the paper is intended for this
special issue. The deadline for submissions is February 28,
2015. Other inquiries should be sent directly to any of the Guest
Editors in charge of this issue: Carlile Lavor
([email protected]), Marcelo Firer ([email protected]), Jose
Mario Martinez ([email protected]), or Leo Liberti
([email protected]).


From: George Anastassiou [email protected]
Date: November 19, 2014
Subject: Contents, J Applied Functional Analysis, 10 (1-2)

NO.’S 1-2, 2015

Some Results Concerning System of Modulates For L^2 (R), A.
Zothansanga, and Suman Panwar

Some Definition of a New Integral Transform Between Analogue and
Discrete Systems, S.K.Q. Al-Omari

Some Fixed Point Theorems for Iterated Contraction Maps, Santosh Kumar

Nonlinear Regularized Nonconvex Random Variational Inequalities with
Fuzzy Event in q-uniformly Smooth Banach Spaces, Salahuddin

New White Noise Functional Solutions For Wick-type Stochastic Coupled
KdV Equations Using F-expansion Method, Hossam A. Ghany, and
M. Zakarya

A Note on n-Banach Lattices, Birsen Sağir, and Nihan Güngör

Differential Subordinations using Ruscheweyh Derivative and a
Multiplier Transformation, Alb LupaÈ™ Alina

On a Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions Involving Generalized
Sălăgean Operator and Ruscheweyh Derivative, Alina Alb Lupaș, and
Loriana Andrei

On the (r,s)-Convexity and Some Hadamard-Type Inequalities, M. Emin
Özdemir, Erhan Set, and Ahmet Ocak Akdemir

Compact Composition Operators on Weighted Hilbert Spaces, Waleed

A New Double Cesà ro Sequence Space Defined By Modulus Functions, Oğuz

Right Fractional Monotone Approximation, George A. Anastassiou

A Differential Sandwich-Type Result Using a Generalized Sălăgean
Operator and Ruscheweyh Operator, Andrei Loriana

Predictor Corrector Type Method for Solving Certain Non Convex
Equilibrium Problems, Wasim Ul-Haq, and Manzoor Hussain

On Some Zweier I-Convergent Difference Sequence Spaces, Kuldip Raj,
Suruchi Pandoh

Composition Operators on Some General Families of Function Spaces,
R. A. Rashwan, A. El-Sayed Ahmed, and M. A. Bakhit


From: George Anastassiou [email protected]
Date: November 18, 2014
Subject: Contents, J Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, 13 (1-2)

VOL. 13, NO.’S 1-2, 2015

Inverse Obstacle Scattering With Conductive Boundary Condition for a
Coated Dielectric Cylinder, Ahmet Altundag

Dynamic Analysis of Some Impulsive Fractional Neural Network with
Mixed Delay, Li Yanfang, and Liu Xianghu

Basins of Attraction of Certain Homogeneous Second Order Quadratic
Fractional Difference Equation, M. Garić-Demirović,
M. R. S. Kulenović, and M. Nurkanović

Aspects of Univalent Holomorphic Functions Involving Sălăgean Operator
and Ruscheweyh Derivative, Alb LupaÈ™ Alina

Properties on a Subclass of Univalent Functions Defined by Using a
Generalized Sălăgean Operator and Ruscheweyh Derivative, Alina Alb
LupaÈ™, and Loriana Andrei

On PPF Dependent Fixed Point Theorems and Applications, A.
Farajzadeh, Salahuddin, and B. S. Lee

Spline Right Fractional Monotone Approximation Involving Right
Fractional Differential Operators, George A. Anastassiou

On Certain Differential Sandwich Theorems Involving an Extended
Generalized Sălăgean Operator and Extended Ruscheweyh Operator, Andrei

Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for (h-(α,m)) - Convex Functions,
M. E. Ozdemir, Havva Kavurmaci Önalan, and Merve Avci Ardiç

Voronovskaya Type Asymptotic Expansions for Generalized Discrete
Singular Operators, George A. Anastassiou, and Merve Kester

Simple AQ and Simple CQ Functional Equations, M. Arunkumar, C. Devi
Shyamala Mary, and G. Shobana

α-η Dominated Mappings and Related Common Fixed Point Results in
Closed Ball, Abdullah Shoaib


From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: November 20, 2014
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 67 (4)

Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 67, Issue 4.

Evaluating polynomials over the unit disk and the unit ball, Kendall
Atkinson, David Chien, Olaf Hansen

Space-time discretization of the heat equation, Roman Andreev

Some observations on weighted GMRES, Stefan Guettel, Jennifer Pestana

The Durrmeyer type modification of the q-Baskakov type operators with
two parameter alpha and beta, Vishnu Narayan Mishra, Prashantkumar

Numerical algorithm for a class of constrained optimal control
problems of switched systems, Xiang Wu, Kanjian Zhang, Changyin Sun

On the choice of parameters in MAOR type splitting methods for the
linear complementarity problem, Lj. Cvetkovic, A. Hadjidimos,
V. Kostic

L1-C1 polynomial spline approximation algorithms for large data sets,
Laurent Gajny, Olivier Gibaru, Eric Nyiri

An ADMM algorithm for second-order TV-based MR image reconstruction,
Wei-Si Xie, Yu-Fei Yang, Bo Zhou

Numerical algorithm based on an implicit fully discrete local
discontinuous Galerkin method for the fractional diffusion-wave
equation, Huiya Dai, Leilei Wei, Xindong Zhang

Discrete weighted cubic splines, Boris I. Kvasov

On the performance of the algebraic optimized Schwarz methods with
applications, Lahcen Laayouni, Daniel B. Szyld

A novel derivative free algorithm with seventh order convergence for
solving systems of nonlinear equations, Janak Raj Sharma, Himani Arora


From: SibJNM [email protected]
Date: November 18, 2014
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 17 (4)

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 17, No. 4, 2014

For information to contributors and about subscriptions

Vitvitsky A.A., Cellular automata with a dynamic structure for
simulating of biological tissues growth (in Russian)

Kotel'nikov E.A., Minimization of a quadratic function on sphere (in

Leonov A.S. Which of inverse problems can have a priori approximate
solution's accuracy estimates comparable in order with the data
accuracy (in Russian)

Litvenko K.V., Prigarin S.M., Numerical stochastic models of the sea
surface undulation and extreme ocean waves, (in Russian)

Moskalensky E.D., On the finding of exact solutions of two-dimensional
eikonal equation when the front of the wave propagating in a medium is
a circle (in Russian)

Okuonghae R.I., Ikhile M.N.O., $L(\alpha)$-Stable Variable Order
Implicit Second Derivative Runge Kutta Methods (in Russian)

Salov G.I., A new three-sample nonparametric statistical test such
that his partial case is equivalent of Whitney's test (in Russian)

Smelov V.V., A network version of the non-standard trigonometric basis
and its advantages with respect to a similar polynomial basis (in

Tarakanov V.I., Lysenkova S.A., Nesterenko M.V., Iterative algorithm
of research and numerical decision of spectral problems for
multiplication two operators (in Russian)

End of Digest