Loglan 82, A micro-manual of the programming language - Basic constructs and facilities

7) Coroutines and semicoroutines

Coroutine is a generalization of class. A coroutine object is an object such that the execution of its sequence of statements can be suspended and reactivated in a programmed manner. Consider first a simple class with a sequence of statements such that after return some non-executed statements remain. The generation of its object terminates with the execution of return statement, although the object can be later reactivated. If such a class is declared as a coroutine, then its objects may be reactivated. This can be realized by an attach statement:


where X is a reference variable designating the activating coroutine object.

In general, since the moment of generation a coroutine object is either active or suspended. Any reactivation of a suspended coroutine object X (by attach(X)) causes the active coroutine object to be suspended and continues the execution of X from the statement following the last executed one.

Main program is also a coroutine. It is accessed through the standard variable main and may be reactivated (if suspended) by the statement attach(main).


In the example below the cooperation of two coroutines is presented. One reads the real values from an input device, another prints these values in columns on a line-printer, n numbers in a line. The input stream ends with 0.


In the example below the application of detach statement is illustrated.


Coroutines play the substantial role in process simulation. Class Simulation provided in Simula-67 makes use of coroutines at most degree. LOGLAN-82 provides for easy simulation as well. The LOGLAN-82 class Simulation is implemented on a heap what gives lg(n) time cost (in contrast with O(n) cost of the original implementation). It covers also various simulation problems of large size and degree of complexity.

Last update 02/07/95
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