There are currently three kernels supplied with the Slackware distribution.

1. BOOT: The kernel installed on the boot disk (a1disk).
         The goal of this kernel is to be able to work with as many
         scsi and disk devices and filesystems as possible and still
         be able to it the zImage on the boot disk.

2. IDE:  This is a kernel that does not support scsi, but is pretty full
         featured otherwise. It is the kernel found in a2ide/image.tar,
         and is installed as your kernel when you use a2ide as your a2

3. SCSI: This is a full featured scsi kernel that is installed when you
         use a2scsi. The kernel image is found in a2scsi/image.tar.

CURRENT KERNEL LEVEL: .99p12 alpha (August 7, 1993 version)

Here is a list of the features compiled into each of these kernels:

                            BOOT   IDE   SCSI
Kernel Math Emulation          Y     Y      Y
Normal HD Support              Y     Y      Y
XT Harddisk Support            Y     Y      Y
TCP/IP                         Y     Y      Y
Limit Memory < 16mb?           N     N      N
System V IPC                   N     Y      Y
-m486?                         N     Y      Y

SCSI Support?                  Y     N      Y

SCSI disk?                     Y            Y
SCSI tape?                     Y            Y
SCSI CD-ROM?                   Y            Y

Adaptec 1542                   Y            Y
Adaptec 1740                   Y            Y
Future Domain                  Y            Y
Seagate ST-02 and Future
    Domain TMC-8xx             Y            Y
UltraStor                      Y            Y
7000 FASST                     Y            Y

Sony CDU31A CD-ROM             Y      Y     Y

Minix Filesystem               Y      Y     Y
Extended Filesystem            N      N     N
Second Extended Filesystem     Y      Y     Y
Xiafs Filesystem               N      Y     Y
MS-DOS Filesystem              Y      Y     Y
/proc Filesystem               Y      Y     Y
NFS Filesystem                 Y      Y     Y
ISO 9660 CD-ROM Filesystem     Y      Y     Y

Kbd meta-key sends esc prefix  Y      Y     Y
Logitech Busmouse              N      Y     Y
PS/2 Busmouse                  N      Y     Y
Microsoft Busmouse             N      Y     Y
ATIXL Busmouse                 N      Y     Y
Selection                      N      Y     Y
QIC-02 Tape                    N      N     N
Sound                          N      N     N
Debug malloc/kfree?            N      N     N
Kernel Profiling?              N      N     N
Verbose SCSI Errors?           N      N     N