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Re: tag for translators?

On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 07:01:46PM -0800, David Lawyer wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 03:03:28PM +0900, �Ǽ��� wrote:
> > Hello guys...
> > I've been around this mailing list for long time but mostly read-only.
> > 
> > But this time I think I should talk something.
> > 
> > Before that, let me introduce myself. :-)
> > 
> > I am the maintainer of Korean Linux Documentation Project since October, 1996
> > and coordinated the Korean Translation ever since.
> > 
> > Yes...English itself is the biggest barrier to most non-English linuxers.
> > (including me!! :-)
> > So we Koreans are doing much translations day by day
> > but one thing I've wondering was that why the LDP author guide doesn't
> > have a note for translators.
> > 
> > As for linuxdoc sgml dtd, there is no tag for translators.
> > Hence one guy patched the sgml internally and we are using it.
> > (<trans>, <tdate> tag was added)
> > 
> > And these days, we are moving to DocBook format.
> > But the docbook doesn't have a tag for translators either.
> I would like to see the mainstream linuxdoc adding these tags.
> Taketoshi Sano has been maintaining it and I'm wondering if he's
> willing to update it by adding the <trans> and <tdate> tags.  Or is
> there a better way to do this?  One could put the translator just
> after the author but special tags are better.  Most authors would
> never need to learn about them.  Then they would need to be mapped to
> the docbook tags (othercredits ...) so as to correctly convert to
> DocBook.  I realize the <tdate> mapping is not yet defined.

(Cc:'d to the guy who patched the linuxdoc sgml and added <trans>, <tdate>)

That will be the best case for linuxdoc dtd.

I am very happy to hear that~~
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