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Le jeu, 28 sep 2000, ---%serek--- a �crit :

> if you will excuse me, i completely do not understand your opinion.
> what kind of democracy/oligarchy are you suppose?
> what are you talking about?

I think serek is right. oligarchy means that a handfull of people drives
and are co-opted. The fact that these people are benevolent and try to do
they best don't change the fact. There is of course a people that choose
to set a list or unset it, decides if a discussion is of or not.

in fact, here, the power is to the people who do the work, it's not

However democracy should say that the power is to the people
choosed by the majority of other ones, even if stupid and not working.

I think, for the moment, our system is the best for us.

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