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Re: new HOWTO intent + question(s)

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, jdd wrote:

> Le jeu, 31 ao� 2000, Emile D Snyder a �crit :
> > I have been talking with some people and we are interested in writing a
> > "Funding Free Software Development" HOWTO.  This would answer two
> > questions: 1) I am a free software developer, and I want to figure out how
> > to make it my day job so I can spend more time on it. 2) I am a free
> > software user, and I want to figure out how to effectively apply money to
> > cause more free software to exist (presumably that I need now).
> for sure, the subject is important, but do you have a clear answer to it ?

Well, not a "follow my 12 step program and I garuntee you'll make $10,000
in your first month!!!" kind of clear answer :)  But I do think that there
is a clear answer to the kinds of strategies that are out there, and some
of the economic reasoning behind the different strategies.

> I think a HOWTO is probably not the place or the good name (I think a
> HOWTO is to show HOWTO do some known thing). 

You're right that it's not a HOWTO in the sense of, say, the Printing
HOWTO.  But I think it is very like, say, the Advocacy mini HOWTO.  For
advocacy, there are lots and lots of places on the web saying "don't be a
jerk; be polite, point to strengths, etc." but the Advocacy doc lays
things out clearly, goes into more depth, looks at different target
audiences, etc..  

A web based resource site would be great, but I think it would serve a
slightly different purpose; much more a collection of links to do further
research on.  A HOWTO style document could go into depth about individual
strategies, and help people think of the question in and of itself (how to
fund development of free goods) independent of a "should I try to work for
company A, or B?" kinds of thoughts.

> In fact there should be (there may be ?) a dynamic place where to store
> this kind of info. I didn't look at, but is there not something similar on
> the FSF site? ask Stallman, if your project is good he wiil surely help.

The closest I could find on FSF site was 


I am certainly looking for these kinds of sites, and would love to get
more references.


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