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Re: SGML tools aren't so great
On Wed, 3 May 2000, Greg Ferguson wrote:
> On May 3, 2:13pm, Gary Preckshot wrote:
> > Subject: Re: SGML tools aren't so great
> >
> > I'm getting WP9 because it seems to offer the best solution
> > on both Windows and Linux platforms for GUI SGML.
> I have to add that there are indeed some excellent
> editors out there...but they are not cheap/free and
> you are limited in terms of platform support.
That doesn't matter. For tool building we should concentrate on open
source tools, naturally :), but it would be nice to support other stuff as
> Two that come readily to mind are ArborText's ADEPT (probably
> the top-of-the-line for SGML editing/publishing, imo) and
> Adobe's Framemaker+SGML.
> I'll repeat...excellent environment to work in, but not cheap.
If they work, then we need to have that listed on the H-H. Frame is
available where I was working (Motorola) and I could've gotten at least
one copy of Frame+SGML "for evaluation purposes" if I'd've wanted to :).
If we can get WP and other word processors to spit out good docbook,
cool. I won't be using them :), but no reason for others to not do
so. What satanic incantations they have to make is mostly irrelevant as
long as they provide proper sgml. It's their souls at stake, not mine :).
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