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Re: News and Important tasks (Was Re: mini-HOWTO)
On ven, 28 jan 2000, Jorge Godoy � �crit
>On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 01:17:00PM +0100, Guylhem Aznar wrote:
>As Guylhem said above, I'm the new coordinator for the DocBook area
>and I'm writing some docs and tools to help start using DocBook. My
>plans are to have the DocBook-HOWTO ready by next week and also having
>some useful tools to work with DocBook documents.
I use lyx and wouldn't like to switch back to emacs to use docbook. I know
lyx has a docbook interface, but it was never clear for me if it was fully
compatible with linuxdoc.
Having a many linuxdoc documents I took a conservative approach and didn't
implement docbook (in fact compiling sgmltools 2 failed and I didn't work
more on this direction).
It would be fine if any docbook HOWTO gives extensive examples of
migration from linuxdoc to docbook.
I lack mostly tables in linuxdoc;
tanks for your work.
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jdanield@free.fr, jdanield@club-internet.fr, jdanield@linux-france.org
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