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Re: No "bugs" link on linuxdoc.org
On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Andrew Morton wrote:
> Case in point: I just noticed that
> http://linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Colour-ls-3.html is full of things like
> % ls ‐‐color
> So I ask myself "hmm, how do I report this?". I go to the homepage and
> it doesn't tell me.
> I've copied Thorbjorn on this email, but I note that he last touched the
> doc two years ago, so he may not be the current maintainer...
I have recently released the mini-howto in the unmaintained area.
The problem is with the conversion utilities, since I believe I have
written the original document correctly. Does this mean that the linuxdoc
specification will be corrected?
Thorbj�rn Ravn Andersen "...plus...Tubular Bells!"
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