Routing Area Director(s): o Bob Hinden: Area Summary reported by Bob Hinden/Sun Routing continued to be an active area at the San Diego IETF meeting. Six Routing working groups met and there were three routing related BOF's. Their reports are as follows: Border Gateway Protocol Working Group (BGP) The Working Group reviewed the BGP-OSPF and BGP-ISIS interactions documents. The other main activity was discussing extensions to BGP3 to accommodate the CIDR work. This will result in BGP Version 4. IP Over Large Public Data Networks Working Group (IPLPDN) The IPLPDN Group completed work on the IP over X.25 Specification. Andy Malis presented the proposal to the IETF plenary. The Working Group plans to submit this for proposed standard. The Group discussed the text of a draft document for IP over Circuit ISDN. No final consensus was reached but work will continue on this topic. A draft document was presented on Frame Relay Parameter Negotiation. There was agreement to make this similar to the PPP parameter negotiation. Work on this will continue. A proposal for Shortcut Routing was made by Paul Tsuchiya. Several issues were uncovered and Paul agreed to revise his proposal for the next meeting. IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts BOF (MOBLHOST) The Group met and reviewed the proposed charter. A permanent Working Group will be formed. Presentations were made by John Ioannidis on the Columbia University Mobile Host Protocol and by Karl Auerbach on his thoughts on alternative approaches. Additions to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to support mobile hosts was also discussed. A detailed review of the Columbia Specification was completed. This is intended to be published as an Internet Draft. 1 Multicast Extensions to OSPF Working Group (MOSPF) The Group discussed several suggestions for simplifications of the protocol based on the Proteon implementation experience. Several clarifications were made to the multicast specification including implementations suggestions and examples. The Working Group plans to submit MOSPF for Proposed Standard. Open Shortest Path First IGP Working Group (OSPF) The Working Group discussed changes to the OSPF V2 documents to handle specific virtual link configuration problems and MIB variable changes. They are close to completing an OSPF Trap MIB and a description of the Not So Stubby Area (NSSA) option. Also discussed were approaches to carry BGP attributes and how to run OSPF over Frame Relay. RIP Version II Working Group (RIPV2) The newly formed RIP Working Group finalized new field formats for RIP V2 using the MBZ fields in the RIP header. This version of the protocol will include extendible authentication support. RIP V2 should be backward compatible with RIP V1. The Working Group plans to publish an Internet Draft of the RIP V2 specification in the near future. A first draft of a RIP V2 MIB was distributed. 2