Calendaring and Scheduling Simplification BOF (calsify)

Thursday, March 10 at 1300-1500

CHAIRS: Cyrus Daboo <>
        RL 'Bob' Morgan <>


Calendaring and Scheduling is currently defined in RFCs 2445, 2446 and
2447. These documents have been available for several years now, and a
number of implementations exist. However, a number of interoperability
problems exist between these implementations, some due to bugs in the
specifications, some due to lack of clarity in the specifications and 
some due to under specification of key behaviors. As a result, 
interoperable calendaring and scheduling has not been truly achieved.

The purpose of this BOF is to discuss revising RFCs 2445, 2446 and 2447
with the primary goal of achieving interoperability over the range of 
calendaring and scheduling tasks needed in real world situations. The 
goal of the BOF is to come up with a clear direction on how those 
revisions should be done, including the scope of changes. The desired 
outcome is a set of major charter points and milestones for a proposed 
IETF calsify working group.

Input to this BOF will be a problem statement internet-draft
draft-daboo-calsify-issues-00.txt that pulls together existing document
errata, known problems with the specs and results from interoperability
tests. In addition, draft-royer-ical-basic-01.txt provides one possible
direction for revisions.


- Introduction (blue sheets, scribe etc) (1 min)
- Agenda Bashing (3 mins)
- Introduction (6 mins)
- Problem statement document (60 mins)
- Possible Solutions (40 mins)
- Next Steps/WG CHarter (10 mins)

Total 120 mins

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