Art Crimes: Kansas 2

These images are © copyright 2004 the artists. Please send correct captions to [email protected] and mention Kansas 2.

ks2003new_nativex.jpg Left, in Wichita

In Lawrence:
anger_by_deafx.jpg Deaf dab_confusionx.jpg Dab dab_freestatex.jpg Dab 2003dabx.jpg Dab deaf_arrowsol_aestheticsx.jpg Deaf deaf_mental_blockagex.jpg Deaf deaf_rely_fullx.jpg Deaf deaf_silence_prevailsx.jpg Deaf deaf_visual_voicex.jpg Deaf deaf_whitegreenx.jpg Deaf disabled_employmentx.jpg Deaf? eaonex.jpg Eaone rap_by_eaonex.jpg Eaone


City Walls

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