Art Crimes: Canada 11

All artwork on this page is © copyright 2005 the artists. Please send caption corrections to [email protected] and mention Canada 11.

From Lust in Winnipeg:
lust_mech1_orange_wall_05x.jpg Lust lust_zer_solid_wall_2_05x.jpg Lust, Zer, Solid

solid_lust_03x.jpg Solid, Lust solid_lust_black_wall_05x.jpg Solid, Lust

solid_lust_zer_wall_05x.jpg Solid, Lust, Zer zer_lust_solid_wall_05x.jpg Zer, Lust, Solid

From Ekos in Halifax:
ekos_halifax2005x.jpg Ekos ekos_tobin2005bunnyof#2871F.jpg Ekos, Tobin ekos_waer_tobinx.jpg Ekos, Waer, Tobin ekose2005bluesx.jpg Ekos waer_ekos2005bx.jpg Waer, Ekos


City Walls

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