Byline: Moonstruck and Misshapen

Buford Youthward
[email protected]

The only value in life comes from creating something.

Inspiration's fire burns to touch but means little if there's nothing to feel. Listening for meaning instead of looking for it is sometimes a wise path.

Experiencing the dark night of loss or sunny morning of fulfillment, the human need for drama is painfully sensitive. The demands of fate often conflict with our emotions. Desire everything if your heart has to but expect nothing.

Balancing a glass of wine and a head full of ideas, the young wonder what is the price for trying to make your dreams a reality, to sound and appear as if they really happened?

Without fear or favor only the wicked refuse to live spatially or emotionally. They can organize the detonation but don't have the guts to pull the trigger. The righteous accept loss forever and know form follows feeling. They seek redemption and remorse in a melancholy dance asking forgiveness for distractions and dissatisfactions.

The tiger of experience slaughters the lamb of innocence while the graffiti writer, attracted like a moth to a flame, a terrorist to a plane, scratches truth on artificial surfaces. Any attempt to live up to your name is a stab at honesty and acceptance. Integrity, authenticity and genuineness never go out of style.

Misshapen, moonstruck and damned, cool kids looking for clues realize that being, having and appearing are sequential loops of persuasive information.

Recovering ambition takes its time, so do your best to serve yours before serving yourself as an example. Underneath is always the sad feeling and thought of knowing the people that hold our life together may someday be gone.

Cherish the treasures before the nihilism sets in. Own your experiences and your escapes. Don't wait for deception to overcome conception.

Grab your logic like steel. Shake the weakness out before you emote. Keep busy with your legend to avoid dying of boredom.

The poles of feeling are monolithic. Remember in a bat of an eye the capricious easily declare the only value in life comes from destroying something.

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