Byline: Social Seizure

Buford Youthward
[email protected]

Find the things you wish to serve or find peace with whatever thing you fall into serving.

I can't come up with a better coping mechanism that's as copasetic.

Money covers a lot of sin and it always will. Parameters of cynics and capitalists revolve around this concept. Get used to it.

If you need to be told to follow through on the things you are passionate about, you need to redefine passion.

I've no doubt tomorrow's kids will figure out a way to turn spam into art, technology into poetry and chemistry into songs.

Sitting on the edge of my seat, wearing my heart on my guitar, I slice some ambition up with an accent on the second and fourth beats.

We madmen, victimless in staying and getting up, stepping out, trying to kiss the parts we love and handcuff the other stuff, do what we can to ensure the nightmares, versions of paradise we hold, dare not become impositions.

We rock out like some jing ping band banging out a Dominican rhythm, pursuing moleskin promises and accordion dreams.

Intent on focus and identification, fertilization, incubation, saturation, meditation, sedation then getting awakened, we accept, deny, comply, get by, find silly games for conforming with time.

No different than any other character driven creature, I slave the network and try to shave every other day. Getting caught creating comfort and convenience, I comport accordingly.

A seizure a day keeps the Caesar away, still try and find a way to take the time to get your song on, your lyric lit, so your subconscious bubbles and reflects reality.

There is good and bad in everyone including ourselves and all of our relationships. Choose judiciously which side you wish to dwell upon.

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