Byline: Throwing Bricks

Buford Youthward
[email protected]

For many the pursuit of happiness requires the risk of life and liberty.

They would rather be ashes than dust thinking the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.

But clarity is its own reward. Especially during heightened moments when lighting, positioning and attitude leaves us vulnerable.

Hiding in the wilds of language, watching redundant word choices roll off the edge of uncertainty and darkness, this portrait of the artist as a young outcast is too kind for its realities.

Rejecting the game, embracing the puzzle for the sake of forsaken answers, the moral befuddlement and persistence of cultural patterns keeps the wheel spinning.

The innovator meets up with the individualist and breaks bread. The musician playing all night for the hope of that one inspired sequence of notes takes note and allows the carrot to become the stick.

A clown in the rain spies spiders in the stars and pleads, "Stay as you are, stay as you are."

This earth holds no forgiveness and doesn't care for anyone's back-story. It moves forward beyond ancient grievances and icebergs in clouds.

A healthy disinterest in surfaces dares to disturb the universe as the vandal adopts a shoe polish aesthetic, facing the battle while throwing bricks and blowing kisses.

Being great and authentic in a world of wolves and liars engenders a thousand misunderstandings just as it should.

Deciding on waiting for a career or a calling, I try and tell stories that resonate with others. Mismanaging misinformation, disgust and frustration I search for peace of mind hoping to promote productivity.

Authority is honey in the land of money. Steadying the shaky ladder I climb on knowing happiness is never as close as the next rung.

Thinning gin with a crooked grin, I raise a toast to the night sky and eloquently moan. May we soar like birds until we drop like stones.

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