Byline: Constitution of Conflict

Buford Youthward
[email protected]

We the people, in order to form a more perfect order, establish the commodification of justice, insure domestic tranquility by using our common defense as a terrorist distraction, promote the general welfare state, and secure the blessings of conformity to ourselves and our poverty, do ordain and establish this Constitution for a united state of grievance.

A wordy, perhaps awkward preamble but strong on commitment. Our order, our republic, stands up for all things that keep the constituency down. Republic parties preach for small government yet whet their beds with bureaucracy. Democrat hipsters hold court counting on cool-headed socialites and liberal agendas that offer no liberation.

Our war plan involves the department of defense suiting up kids in pickle outfits and placing them in the target of terror so that we can be domestically tranquil. This hot potato strategy is pretty solid so long as you're not the one staring down the wrong end of deployment orders.

People are so conflicted they can't make the right decisions. I immigrate to the television set, buzzed out on narcotic indifference, lampooning the lampoons, schmoozing for intellectual and emotional acceptance, trying to employ humanity as if they are human when they are nothing more than streams of information running across the coaxial.

Liberation of spray paint is authentic drizzle. Streams of consciousness set loose by fretful fingers make for great reality let alone crimes of art. Let's legislate for more genuine distress and anxiety and depress better caps for cooler information flow.

Executive, judicial and legislative branches are rotting off the trees. Organic healing is in order. Presidents that make love have more morality than presidents that make war. Not that I'm not for more war but it can't costume itself as the righteous fight. Becoming our enemies makes them victorious.

America, don't fear a future with chemically enhanced baseball players. It's the graffiti writers you have to worry about.

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