
Gtk+ Layout Engine
What is GLE?
GLE is meant to be a generic Layout Engine for
GLE is licensed under the
What is the current state?
GLE so far implements an object argument editor, as well as
a tree-view widget for the display of widget hirarchies.
Reordering of existing widgets as well as new widget creation is
also supported. Widget heirarchy templates can be saved and loaded
from a text file (with scheme-like syntax) and be used to create new
dialogs. GLE also features grasping of widget heirarchies from windows
of other Gtk+ (GNOME) programs. This is possible because GLE is
implemented as a shared library, that can either be linked
against a Gtk+ program (and then requires an extra initialization
call), or be loaded additionally from a running Gtk+ program as
a Gtk+ module. The README in the distribution and GLE's help screen
give further details.
Work is currently in progress to enhance GLE's library interface,
which can be used by Gtk+ programs to create their dialogs from
a text file.
See also GLE's
Where can I get GLE?
The GLE source code tree is hosted by the
GNOME project's
CVS server.
If you are interested, feel free to take a look at the sources
of GLE's current state at:
Public consumable releases can be found at:
Related links
The Gtk+ Toolkit
An abandoned approach at a Gtk+ User Interface Builder
GNU Emulator of a Virtual Terminal
A Gtk+ User Interface Builder by Damon Chaplin
Gtk+ Tutorial
Gtk+ FAQ
Gtk+ Mailing list archive
gtk-list Mailing List Archives from [email protected]
Gtk+ Mailing list archive
GLE and this page are written and maintained by
Tim Janik