A text based tool for creating and manipulating GIF images
Provides shell level access to the
gd 1.1.1
graphics library
reads text files and writes GIF files.
It was born out of my desire to learn the
gd 1.1.1
graphics library and
I hope that it will allow me to make new tools available
on the World-Wide Web to help molecular biologists cope
with ever increasing quantities of data.
The latest version of the documentation should be available at
Credits & Rights
This program would not exist if Doug Bigwood
had not shown
Thomas Boutell's
gd 1.1.1
graphics library
to me.
To appreciate
you must read Boutell's documentation.
You can find the Credits and License terms of
the gd 1.1.1 library at
or in the
Thanks to Sam Cartinhour for additional fonts.
We place no further restrictions on distribution of the source
code other than those attached to the software from which
it is derived except to request that novel software derived from
include credit to the
Dendrome project
, Institute of Forest
Genetics, USDA Forest Service.
The Dendrome project is funded by the
USDA ARS Plant Genome Research Program
and by the
USDA Forest Service
tgd was written by
Bradley K. Sherman
Please drop me a line to let me know you're using it,
and send bug reports and comments to
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Where do I get tgd
Anonymous ftp to
as tar'ed compress'ed file
or tar'ed gzip'ed
How do I build tgd?
tgd is written in the same crufty C as
gd1.1.1. It should be possible under *ix to:
% uncompress tgd0.tar.Z
% tar xvf tgd0.tar
% cd tgd0
% make
But this is tested only on a Sun. You may need to
fiddle with the Makefiles either in tgd0, or in
tgd basics
The general idea is that
consumes files consisting of lines.
Each non-blank non-comment line
begins with a
can be invoked with a list of files as argumemts
% tgd file_a file_b file_c ...
or it can be used as the tail end of a pipe
% perl -e myPerlscript | tgd
Limits on the
input file
- Characters are ASCII.
- Blanklines are ignored.
- Lines beginning with '#' are ignored.
- Input lines may be no more than 5000 characters.
- no more than 64 simultaneous images
- image handles no more 100 characters
- colornames no more than 100 characters
When an image file is read from disk colornames are
assigned to each color in the file. The names are
are made from a template "#XXXXXX", so tgd
assigns #000000 to a color with r,g,b values 0,0,0
and #FF00FF to a color with r,g,b values 255,0,255.
tgd Commands
Commands are case-insensitive.
With the exceptions of:
- checksyntax,
- debug,
- stringcenter,
- stockimage,
gd 1.1.1 function
is named
Thus the documentation for
gd 1.1.1 function
applies to
- arc -- arc handle x y width height start_degree end_degree color
stockimage im 2
arc im 17 12 20 20 0 270 red
gif im im.gif
- blue -- blue handle color
Prints blue value of color
- boundssafe -- boundssafe handle x y
Print "1" if x,y is within the image, "0" otherwise.
or 0
- char -- char handle font x y character color
stockimage im 2
char im gdFontLarge 5 10 E red
charup im gdFont7x13bold 10 5 E blue
gif im char.gif
- charup -- char handle font x y character color
- checksyntax -- checksyntax
checksyntax stops command processing but
continues checking the syntax of the lines in
the rest of the file.
- colorallocate -- colorallocate handle color red_val green_val blue_val
n.b. the first color allocated is the background color
- colorclosest -- colorclosest handle red_val green_val blue_val (ouputs color)
- colordeallocate -- colordeallocate handle color
- colorexact -- colorexact handle red_val green_val blue_val (ouputs color or string "-1" )
- colorstotal -- colorstotal handle
- colortransparent -- colortransparent color
- copy -- copy handle_to handle_from x_to y_to x_from y_from width height
- copyresized -- copyresized handle_to handle_from x_to y_to x_from y_from width_to height_to width_from height_from
- create -- create handle width height
- createfromgd -- createfromgd handle filename
- createfromgif -- createfromgif handle filename
- createfromxbm -- createfromxbm handle filename
- dashedline -- dashedline handle x1 y1 x2 y2
- debug -- debug debug_level
For debugging output try debug 2001.
- destroy -- destroy handle
- fill -- fill handle x y color
getpixel -- getpixel handle x y
prints color of pixel x,y.
- gettransparent -- gettransparent handle
Prints name of transparent color for this image, "-1" if none.
- gif -- gif handle filename
- green -- green handle color
Prints green value for color.
- interlace -- interlace handle N
if N = 1, interlace the image, if N = 0, do not.
- line -- line x1 y1 x2 y2 color
- polygon -- polygon x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xN yN N color
- rectangle -- rectangle x1 y1 x2 y2 color
- red -- red handle color
Prints red value for color.
- setbrush -- setbrush handle brush
- setpixel -- setpixel handle x y color
- setstyle -- setstyle handle XXX
- settile -- settile handle tile
- stockimage -- stockimage handle N
Available stockimages:
- stockimage im 0 is equivalent to:
- create im 350 250
- colorallocate im grey 192 192 192
- colorallocate im white 255 255 255
- colorallocate im black 0 0 0
- colortransparent im grey
- interlace im 1
- stockimage im 1 is equivalent to:
- create im 350 250
- colorallocate im grey 192 192 192
- colorallocate im white 255 255 255
- colorallocate im black 0 0 0
- colorallocate im red 255 0 0
- colorallocate im orange 255 127 0
- colorallocate im yellow 255 255 0
- colorallocate im green 0 255 0
- colorallocate im blue 0 0 255
- colorallocate im indigo 127 0 255
- colorallocate im violet 255 0 255
- colortransparent im grey
- interlace im 1
- stockimage im 2 is equivalent to:
- create im 35 25
- colorallocate im grey 192 192 192
- colorallocate im white 255 255 255
- colorallocate im black 0 0 0
- colorallocate im red 255 0 0
- colorallocate im orange 255 127 0
- colorallocate im yellow 255 255 0
- colorallocate im green 0 255 0
- colorallocate im blue 0 0 255
- colorallocate im indigo 127 0 255
- colorallocate im violet 255 0 255
- colortransparent bar grey
- interlace bar 1
- string -- string handle font x y s color
- stringup -- stringup handle font x y s color
- stringcenter -- stringcenter handle f x y s c
Write string s using font f in color c centered
at the pixel x,y.
- sx -- sx handle
Prints width of image in pixels.
- sy -- sy handle
Prints height of image in pixels.
Font names are case-sensitive.
- gdFont5x8
- gdFont6x10
- gdFont6x12
- gdFont6x13
- gdFont6x13bold
- gdFont6x9
- gdFont7x13
- gdFont7x13bold
- gdFont7x14
- gdFont8x13
- gdFont8x13bold
- gdFont8x16
- gdFont9x15
- gdFont9x15bold
- gdFont10x20
- gdFont12x24
- gdFontLarge
- gdFontSmall
Here's a simple text file called helloworld.txt:
create myimage 200 100
colorallocate myimage white 255 255 255
colorallocate myimage black 0 0 0
string myimage gdFontLarge 40 40 "hello, world!" black
gif myimage helloworld.gif
can be used to turn this into a gif. E.g. using a Unix shell:
% tgd helloworld.txt
creates this image:
Here's the output of a short Perl script called
which when invoked like this | tgd
Here's a
Perl script called
And we can add a caption to rainbow.gif using the script
in this manner: rainbow.gif cap.gif 14 "Rainbow Gif by bks" 255:0:0 0:0:255
which produces:
Here's a simple
demonstration script
which reads a set of
12 labels and corresponding
from an
input file
and creates:
- A GIF filethat resembles a key pad
- A configuration filethat can be
used by imagemap to invoke the URL's when a user clicks on a keypad button.
- An html file that includes the
gif and the path to the configuration file.