... _ _ _ _ ... :::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// :::: :::_ .___. \ / _::: :://-- | |-----\ 24/7 Static Cable - Daydream/*nix /--------// :: |. .___. _:____ _ ___ _: _ _| |_ \_ // // /____ __ _ cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFFiti \: \\\_ _/__/ /___ _ /__||/// =C64/mACINTOSH/gAMES/aPPS____ | |_ \_\ \ /____/ _ _____ _ _____ ./ _/ . . /_ \________\________\\ ._) _ \\______\__ \____| \_ _ _: _ : \______\\t^/lp! ____ | _/ / / \ _| _////__\\ / /___ \ \ __ \\ _/__\| \ :/ > t H E y A R D BBS! < _ / / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \ \ : : _ //_____\\: \ /___| \_________\ _. -.----\\-----------------------| |----- .-----------||-------- ----/: | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615 |_ -@----------------------------._____.---------------------------------@ _________ ¦_) (_¦ ______ _ ___ _________ ____ | | ___\ ___|//_______\ / / \ |____________ a4ooo/o6o/5omhz! |_______ | __/ __/¯¯ | | cdrom,scsi·fastline! | | | \ \ | | 4gb hd!,dat! |___ | |______\ \____ ! ________! |_ _| )___________! \_________/ )________ _ ¦ )_______( ¦ ____ ____________ ___ _________ ______ _ _____________ ___\ |_ ___\ ___ |__\ | | |__\ ___/// ___\ _ / | ___|------| | | |_| | ____/--------| / / |_ | | | st! | | | | | | _ (_¦ |)___ ! |___ ! |_____ ! ____!___ ! |____| | ! )__________! )___________! )_________ _ )___________! !_________| · [enzo!] · [mandrake/hf] · [camilla/psx·nation!] · · [colonel/qtx] · [-tcb!-/qtx] · [fury/psg] · [ hellf¡re ehq! · crux ehq! · corrupt ehq! · bad karma ehq · ¡nsane schq! ] [amiga!] [pc!] [console!] .----- -[·4! asskicking nodes are just waiting for you abusement!! ]- -----. | | `--- -syspw!: yes- -------- -nup!: ask!- ---- -+45-738-¡SDN (2N ISDN)- ----' ____ ________{____} _ _________ .______ _\____ \ |_______ .____/__ _| / _ __ ____ ____ ._____ / \_ | __/__ | / | _/_ _____ /__{____}____ | / ___________/__|__ /_______/ | / __/__ ___/__ | \| _/_ _ __ __________/ _ __ _________/__ / \ / | \ \ / -M- _ __ ___________/______/____|___\_____/ - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - [ · aMiGA wARES · C64 · cD cORNER · AMi /X TøøLS · H^P^A^V · ] - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - tHE sTAFF: WRAiTH · lANCE · zANOk^mTH^cBS^rYL · daZZLER · ACTiVATE - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - nODE 1: +46-ASKAROUND nODE 3: #TELNET!! nODE 2: +46-ASKAROUND nODE 4: #TELNET!! - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - x×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×x×X×X ____. ____. .___. __) ¬l_ .\_ ¬L__ ______ · ______ ____/\ ___| ¬| ______ ____/\ \_ __/_ | __ ¬\ / __ ¬\. :/ __ ¬\ / __ \ / __ |/ __ ¬\ / __ \_ |. l ¬\|. | Y. ____| ¦. l Y. |___Y. | |. ____Y. |___/ |:. |:. | |:. ` ¬|t0!|:. |:. | |:. |:. ` ¬|:. |Ed `--------^----l___|--------' `--------^----' `--------^--------^----' rUNN¡NG mOO-kAW eXPRESS V1.1 bASED oN aN AM¡GA /o³o/5o/¹o/¡NF¡N¡TY ÷[*]÷ ¡NTELLECT WORLD HEADQUARTER ÷[*]÷ d¡CTATOR ÷ MATHEWS/¡NTELLECT sLAVES ÷ CHARL¡E/¡NTELLECT·WRA¡TH/LSD·ETR¡GAN/¡NTELLECT·V¡NYL/¡NTELLECT node 0 - +46-26-272-656 node 3 - TELNET 193.45.137.DYN node 1 - +46-26-272-656 node 4 - TELNET 193.45.137.DYN node 2 - TELNET 193.45.137.DYN node 5 - SOON! This file was uploaded on 14-May-96 at 23:36:56 !! x×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×xx×X×x×X×X ____ ____ ______/\ )\ ) _____ ._______. \____ ¯////¯////________ _____\___ \ _______ | ¬|________ - --/¯ ¯¯¯ ¯\¯¯ \ _______/ \ ___/___| ___ /- ---------. / .: \ /_______\(_/¯ .: \_________:\ |/ / | /____________\ .\ _____________\ ¬\_):.\ ____/ .: / tF!/aZk! ¦ / / /______________\ /________________\ /_____/ ____:__ / / / _______/ / / / _/__ ___ ___\ / ·: / / / / \ \ RunNinG oN A12oo^ø3ø°5o Mhz^&&2°5o \ \________ / \/ / øØø øØø Mhz^14mß^1.3Gig hD^qUåd®Ø-ÇÐ-®øm! \ ¬\_) /: \ \ ¬ØØ ¬ØØ\ _\ / ¦ / \____/___/ \ ÷ [mYStiC PlHQ] ÷ [rEKTUm pLHQ] ÷ ____\_\________/ ¦ \ _______ / ÷ [· SCUM dist site ·] ÷ / _______/ \ ¦ \ \ /| | | |\ / ÷ [ß» aZkinesS PlHQ «ß] ÷ / (_/¯ .: \_____: \ //¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯\\ /_______________\ ¬\ /\ \\_ _ _ _ _// ÷ SysOp: Trash Head^MST^RKM! ÷ / /_________\ / \\T_T_T_T// ² Staff: Wanted ! ² / .\ \_______/ /_______________\ / [33.6] Xo. +48 × 22 × 755 83 94 .oX [33.6] _____|____\ : ·/ TELNET Xo. .oX TELNET / _______/ \ ¦ // / (_/¯ \ : // - - ------- - - ---[ tRASh yARd ]--- - - --/ .: \-' / /_________________\ [ WiLD aDD v0.4 ] -> -> -> [ WiLD THiNG^cORRUPt ] ______________________________________________________ _ / ___________ \/ .psh ___/\ ______./\ ____ ./\ ______./\ ____ . ______ /\ ..... ./\ _____ \ \ | \___/_ | \ | \___/_ |__\____¬\_ \ :::: | \____/___ \_. \ | ____/_| _ | ____/_| _______/ :::: |_______ _/ __! \ | \/ | / | \/ | \/ | :::: | \/ !__ __:. \ |:. |:. \ / |:. |:. |:. .:::: |:. __ `----\----¦---------¦----\/---¦---------¦---------¦---------¦---------'BBS _______________________________________________________________________ ) - ! PRIVA|E SYS|EM ! - 2.2 G|gZ hDs - OpEn NoNs70p - ( ( - node0 : data only - CDROM online - node1: voice only :) ) SysOp : FenIx ROYAL PHQ CoSysOps: PiTEr ZiuTek FreeCallER DAMAGE PHQ MePHi, ArtH, Kostek, JaCobs-400 NMZ! WHQ ViolaTor (antyVirus) GEL DESIGN WHQ KanGaRoo (MaciNtosH) __ uPLOADED BY ][ ZiuTek . .oo. , (*) R O Y A L (*) . m`'m ON 05-12-1996, 18:34:44 . _______________________________________________________ _ / ___________ \/ ____ _________ __________________ ________________________/ \_ - - --/ _ /-/ __________ _ \/ ______ __ \ _ _ /_ _ - - --/ |___/-/ __/_/_ \/ \ __/_/_ | \/ \___//// - --/ | \ | \ || \ | \ | \ \ - --_/ | \_ | \_ || \_| \_ | \_ \_ - --\ | / | ___/_||_ /| / | / /_ __ - --\_______ /_______/ \_ |___ /__ /__| /______//// - - --/ _|_____/__) _ / | \/ |_____/ |_____/ - --/ |___/_ \ \___/ | \ _ __ _ - --/ | \ \ \\______ \\\\ --- RING DOWN! --- --_/ | \_ \_ \_ | \_ +44-(0)NO LAMERS --\ | / / / | /_ __ _ --- RING DOWN! --- - --\_______ /____/_____/______ //// - - - --|_____/ [CRb]_____/ Amiga Console & PC a4000/040/25 20mEG rAM 2.1gIG oNLINE 2.0gIG dAT bACKUP 2xuSR33.6 rINGdOWN! 2 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS 3 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP pROBABLY tHE uKS bIGGEST /X S!X cONFERENCE 2200+ oNLINE! fORGET tHE pAST jOIN tHE fUTURE cEMENT cITY sIMPLY tHE bEST! @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZBRITISH TELECOMS BUST POLICY FULL DETAILS READ AND LEARN DUDES OR GET BUSTED... @END_FILE_ID.DIZ THE FACTS ABOUT BRITISH TELECOMS BUST POLICY. READ AND LEARN DUDES ================================================================== 1: BT dont give a fuck about boxing. There will be no more busts in direct relation to boxing, they are aware of several people who are heavily boxing. There has been adequate publicity of the need to change the switchs to C7, the countries which are still boxable have made the decision for whatever reason not to upgrade from C5. BT are losing no money on the access number and it is the countries problem about the loss of money. In fact BT are gaining money from people boxing. Just box and your 99% safe. 2: BT will pass on infomation about 0500 abuse to Mercury Security, but again it is not BTs problem. They will however be interested if the fraud on the outdial is occuring on a BT line. Abuse to standard lines, for example 0171s is not considered as much of a problem than the 0800s are, so therefore are MUCH safer. 3: BT are interested especially with the people who are scanning 0800 ranges, they can take out people who abuse the numbers but at the end of the day its only one less, whereas by taking out a scanner they can avoid people getting the numbers in the first place, or at least as many of them. Believe me dudes this is a major factor when choosing who to bust. It costs BT money if a company decides to change to Mercury or Cable service providers, so again they are VERY pissed when people abuse 0800 PBXs. 4: Although there is no such thing as a `HIT LIST', they will identify handles with telephone numbers, and take out the active dudes who are causing them hassle. Believe it or not, most people who are busted will give infomation to BT. BT are also taking the decision to take more people to court, previously dudes only got Community Service, but now a more hardline approach is being taken. If they dont know your handle it is VERY unlikely they will bust ya. 5: In 1995 in total 27 people were busted. Various numbers are identified as high fraud numbers, for example Defcon, and last year especially Akira. 6: Defcon is NOT setup by the feds. However it IS monitored by the feds, and they pass infomation regarding who is active on the bridge to BT Security. 7: The Northern Ireland Electricity meridian abuse was not noticied by the company, they payed the bill as normal and didnt realise any fraud was occuring, they did not look at their logging data. It eventually was killed when BT was detecting a large amount of calls to the number. Part of this was due to the fact that it was a huge corporation, and it was inland only. The 203 MCI operator also died when BT contacted the company after detecting a large amount of calls to that number. Dont forget that most companies have call logging, and if they look at this data (its available on most systems), and see many 09num# dialouts, and calls lasting eight hours lets just say they realise whats happening. 8: BT have problems persuading the local police to spare men for a short while to bust dudes, if they bust too much the police will eventually get pissed and refuse to co-operate, they have been refused in the past. 9: When BT log your calls, they will NOT listien into your calls, or interpret the data calls onto a screen. It is possible for them to do this, but they just havent got the time to. The exception to this is if the SS is invloved. OK DUDES THESE ARE THE FACTS READ AND BELIEVE, IF YA DONT THEN ITS YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE, CHANGE YA WAYS OR GET BUSTED. SCAN AND USE PBXS THEN YOU WILL GET BUSTED 80% CHANCE, THEY INVESTIGATE ALL NUMBERS DETECTED EVEN IF THEY ONLY GET YOU ONCE, ONE LOOK AT YOUR CALLS TO 0800S AND YOUR GONE. ____ _________ __________________ ________________________/ \_ - - --/ _ /-/ __________ _ \/ ______ __ \ _ _ /_ _ - - --/ |___/-/ __/_/_ \/ \ __/_/_ | \/ \___//// - --/ | \ | \ || \ | \ | \ \ - --_/ | \_ | \_ || \_| \_ | \_ \_ - --\ | / | ___/_||_ /| / | / /_ __ - --\_______ /_______/ \_ |___ /__ /__| /______//// - - --/ _|_____/__) _ / | \/ |_____/ |_____/ - --/ |___/_ \ \___/ | \ _ __ _ - --/ | \ \ \\______ \\\\ --- RING DOWN! --- --_/ | \_ \_ \_ | \_ +44-(0)NO LAMERS --\ | / / / | /_ __ _ --- RING DOWN! --- - --\_______ /____/_____/______ //// - - - --|_____/ [CRb]_____/ Amiga Console & PC a4000/040/25 20mEG rAM 2.1gIG oNLINE 2.0gIG dAT bACKUP 2xuSR33.6 rINGdOWN! lOCKED aT 115200 fASTlANE Z3 SCSI-2 2 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS 3 * cREDiTS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP pROBABLY tHE uKS bIGGEST /X S!X cONFERENCE 2200+ oNLINE! fORGET tHE pAST jOIN tHE fUTURE cEMENT cITY sIMPLY tHE bEST! fiLE uPlOAdEd oN 11-May-96 at 12:57:11 __/\_ _/\ ____ _/\ ___ _/\ .___ _/\ ____ _/\ ____ \ ) _/\ ____ \__\_ ¬~\ \__\___/_ \__\| ¬~\ \__\___/_ \__\___¬\_(_ _\ \__\___/_ .' / \_ _____/__ ! \_ _____/__ ______/_ \/ _________ ¬\_ . / ./ \/~ ./ \ ./ \/~ ./ \/~ ./ | ¬\/ ./ .__/ ·/________·/___\/___·/________·/________·/| |________.·/ /______/ ¯~~~~~\/ ¯~~~~~\/ ¯~~~~~\/ ¯~~~~~\/ ¦ : ¯~~~~~~\/ : | ' : uPLOaDER : ZiuTek lOCATiON (*) R O Y A L (*) DaTe 05-12-1996 TiME 18:34:44 : `----------------------------------------------------------' ____ ____ ______/\ )\ ) _____ ._______. \____ ¯////¯////________ _____\___ \ _______ | ¬|________ - --/¯ ¯¯¯ ¯\¯¯ \ _______/ \ ___/___| ___ /- ---------. / .: \ /_______\(_/¯ .: \_________:\ |/ / | /____________\ .\ _____________\ ¬\_):.\ ____/ .: / tF!/aZk! ¦ / / /______________\ /________________\ /_____/ ____:__ / / / _______/ / / / _/__ ___ ___\ / ·: / / / / \ \ RunNinG oN A12oo^ø3ø°5o Mhz^&&2°5o \ \________ / \/ / øØø øØø Mhz^14mß^1.3Gig hD^qUåd®Ø-ÇÐ-®øm! \ ¬\_) /: \ \ ¬ØØ ¬ØØ\ _\ / ¦ / \____/___/ \ ÷ [mYStiC PlHQ] ÷ [rEKTUm pLHQ] ÷ ____\_\________/ ¦ \ _______ / ÷ [· SCUM dist site ·] ÷ / _______/ \ ¦ \ \ /| | | |\ / ÷ [ß» aZkinesS PlHQ «ß] ÷ / (_/¯ .: \_____: \ //¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯\\ /_______________\ ¬\ /\ \\_ _ _ _ _// ÷ SysOp: Trash Head^MST^RKM! ÷ / /_________\ / \\T_T_T_T// ² Staff: Wanted ! ² / .\ \_______/ /_______________\ / [33.6] Xo. +48 × 22 × 755 83 94 .oX [33.6] _____|____\ : ·/ TELNET Xo. .oX TELNET / _______/ \ ¦ // / (_/¯ \ : // - - ------- - - ---[ tRASh yARd ]--- - - --/ .: \-' / /_________________\ [ WiLD aDD v0.4 ] -> -> -> [ WiLD THiNG^cORRUPt ] ------------------------------------------------ -- -- --- -- -- -- - - - -- @¼¼@@%¼@%¼%:%::%:::%:.·:.:.· ·.:.:·.:%:::%::%:%¼%@¼%@@¼¼@ @@¼@¼@¼%¼¼¼%:%%::%:::·:. ·. +46 26 272656 .· .:·:::%::%%:%¼¼¼%¼@¼@¼@@ @@@¼@¼@¼%¼%¼%%::%::%:·. .· · . ·. .·:%::%::%%¼%¼%¼@¼@¼@@@ @@¼@¼@%%¼%¼%::%::%%:::.·..· THE ORDER ·..·.:::%%::%::%¼%¼%%@¼@¼@@ @¼¼@@%¼@%¼%:¼%:%:%::%·.:·:·. .·:·:.·%::%:%:%¼:%¼%@¼%@@¼¼@ ------------------------------------------------ -- -- --- -- -- -- - - - -- This file was uploaded on 14-May-96 at 23:36:56 !! ------------------------------------------------ -- -- --- -- -- -- - - - -- [-AquaAdder v1.0-] ____ ________{____} _ _________ .______ _\____ \ |_______ .____/__ _| / _ __ ____ ____ ._____ / \_ | __/__ | / | _/_ _____ /__{____}____ | / ___________/__|__ /_______/ | / __/__ ___/__ | \| _/_ _ __ __________/ _ __ _________/__ / \ / | \ \ / -M- _ __ ___________/______/____|___\_____/ - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - [ · aMiGA wARES · C64 · cD cORNER · AMi /X TøøLS · H^P^A^V · ] - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - tHE sTAFF: WRAiTH · lANCE · zANOk^mTH^cBS^rYL · daZZLER · ACTiVATE - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - nODE 1: +46-ASKAROUND nODE 3: #TELNET!! nODE 2: +46-ASKAROUND nODE 4: #TELNET!! - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------- --- -- - [-AquaAdder v1.0-] .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---. ===WEEKDAY===, DD-MM-YY, HH:MM this textfile passed Sky Tower #7 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -· . _ _ . . ( Y ) Without a guy called something like WRAiTH . : \|/ this file would never have made it and you wouldn't : | (º) be watching it right now.... | | ¯ | `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--' _________________________________________ · ( / t H E y A R D : ::| .the yard proudly serving the elite. /// / /\_______________________|_ | /____ / | __|__/\____ / // · 1 9 9 6 - 2 0 1 5 · | \\_|_ __/_. __/\____ _____·__ // ____ _______ |\___ |/ \ |____(_ ____/____ \ /__/_____\_ \__\_ / ________| / / / | _/ _) )____\ / ( _ / _ _/_( _ / / _/ _ \ | ( \_ _| | / | \ | // (_____\_____| \___ | __\_______.__\___| /_________\ [==|=========|______\=\_______|_________/_/================|________\dVN==|===] | / | | aMIGA/aSCII/cLASSIC aMIGA gAMES // nINTENDO64/gAMEcUBE/wII cONSOLES | | sONY pLAYsTATION cONSOLES ·// sEGA dREAMcAST & sATURN cONSOLES | | gAMEbOY/sGB/gAMEgEAR/wONDERsWAN / nEOgEOpOCKET/gBC/gBA/nINTENDO DS | | nINTENDO nES & sNES cONSOLES /. =c64/cPC/aTARI/sPECCY 8bIT | | aPPLE mACINTOSH - tYPO/fONTS // 0dAY gRAPHICS/aUDIO aPPS & gAMES | | gRAFFITI/dESIGN eBOOK/xVID / cLASSIC pC gAMES - gSM/pDA/pHONE | | aUDIO pRODUCTIONS sAMPLES / dAYdREAm/lINUX dEVELOPMENT/dOORS | | . | '-«< tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEY 2 aLL fORMS oF rOCKiNG - TY 9615+ >»-' -> Another Quality Release uploaded at TY <-