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     .      /\ ______\  /\ _\/__ .::  :::________ /\     _____ /\    \  .
 ___  ___/\/  \_  __"/\/  \__ .:::'   `::\_______/_ \/\_/_   "/  \/\___  ___
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T    `:/     /\____/      / ::::::      .::\       \    \___   _     \:'    T
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|   /     / /    \____________\/            \/____________/_____/\      \   |
|  /_____/ /                                                    \ \______\  |
|_ \_____\/          THE SKY TOWER BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM         \/______/ _|
:                -- ------------------------------------- --                :
.              AMiGA + pC + NiNTENDo 64 - mAC - mP3 SUPPoRTED!              .
.                                                                           .
|                                                                           |
|  4NDZ (RiNGDoWN) - 2NDZ (RiNGDoWN) iSDN - 6NDZ TELNET 128K iP: BEG-4-iT!  |
|             AMiGA4ooo . CYBERSToRM o6o\5oMhZ . 16GiGZ HdSPACE             |
|                    -- ----------------------------- --                    |
|                           (17:18:23 - o6/o5/98)                           |
+---------------- -  -- ----------------------------- --  - ----------------+

                                                      [ Slt!TextAdd v1.1 ]

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                                                     ::: :  ::
                          fILE pASSED tHE L.E.BBS    ::: :  ::
                                                     ::: :  ::

SiMPLY FaSTeR................

                      SeCTioN eiGHT & HoTLiNe WHQ!
                             uToPia iP HQ

                                  __      ___
       __________________________/  \    |   |  ________    __
       \    _     _______    \___    \   |   | |    _   \  /  \
        \__/ |   |  ___  \___/_  \___/   |   | |   | \   \/    \
             |   | |   |__ |   |    ___  |   | |   |  \  /      \
             |   | |    _/ |   |   |   |_|   | |   |   \/   /\   \
             |   | |   |  _|_  |  _|_        | |   |   /   /\/   /
           __|   |_|   |_/   \ |_/   \  _    | |   |  /   /     /
           \_|   |_|   |_____/___    / | |___| |___| /   /\____/
             |   | |   |[SP]___  \__/  |       _____/   /_______
             |   | |   |  _/   \   |   |      /   _    / \__    \
             |   | |   | |/     \  |   |  ___/   / \__/___  \___/
           __|   |_|   | / SYSoP \ |   | |   \   \___ |   |__
           \_|   |_    |/ WiZLeR! \|   | |   |\___   \|    _/
             |   | |   / _   _   _ \   | |   |__  \   \   |  ___
             |   | |   \[_] |.| [_]/   |_|   |  \_/   /   |_/   \
             |___| |___|\___|_|___/|_________|_______/|_________/

                     RuNNiNG oN aN aMiGa 4000T/060/64MB/9.5GB
                CYBeRSToRM MK2 + CYBeRSCSi/CYBeRViSion + CYBeRGFX
                             BBS SoFT : TeMPeST V3.70

                          4 NoDeS euRo iSDN 64.0K PoWeR
                          2 NoDeS aNaL 33.6K PoWeR
                          4 NoDeS TeLNeT 19.2K PoWeR

So CaLL WHeRe THe WaReZ CoMe FRoM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        !                                                        !
        Ą                  xŨX NøRTHeRN LiGHTS XŨx               Ą
    _______               ________                               !    _______
 ___|_   _/ ______________\_   __/_  _________  __________________ ___|_   _/
 \_   \  Ž\_ __  Ž\_____  \_    __/__\_     _/__\_  ______/_____  \__   \  Ž\_
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\_____|  \_________/__/    \_   \_____/_____|____/_________/__/    \____|
<---------------------\_____/- ----------------------yW!/hL---\_____/-------->
        |                                   ________             .
       _______  ____________________________\_   __/_    ________!
       \_    /__________/_   ______/_     _/_|    __/__ /   ____/_
       /    /    /      \_   \___ Ž\_         \____    \\_____    \_
      /_____    /|_______/__________/_____|____/  \_____/__________/
    <------\___/- -- ------------------------------------------------->>
        Ą                              /                         Ą
        !                             /                          !
        Ą                   r E S I S/T A N C E                  Ą
        !    s C A N D I N A V I A N/ h E A D Q U A R T E R S    !
        Ą                          /                             !
        !                         /                              !
        Ą                                                        Ą
        !       cREW:RaSTa, GLT, gROwL,                          |
        |            fEARfLiGHt, WiZLER      24h tELNET          !
        Ą                                                        Ą
        !                10 nODES, 10Mbit eTHERNET               !
        Ą                                                        Ą
        !                      iP: gO.fIND.iT                    !
                   uPPED aT: 11:07:37 on 04-May-98
       Amiga Utility Release Charts
    Issue #2, April 1998 (01-30 April)

Oh what a month. Alot of heavy titles where released and not only from the usual
groups. I did not include the ptl&m! fixes of elastic dreams, if you think this
is wrong then mail me.
Are you all happy with this chart? or should i stop doing it,continue doing it,
change anything,etc ? i would like to know so mail your thoughts today!

After the rumors that DC (Digital Corruption) was dead they stoke back with some
nice titles, nice going guys.

Not much seem to be happening in the amiga elite scene. Alot of commercial titles
are still not released by any group or indi person. and alot of shareware never
gets cracked. are the groups to tired or simply to lame to do the job anymore?
Seems only the future can tell.

I decided to remove all indipendant releases from the chart, as they usually are
only ripped cracks, or key generated with old keymaker. ofcourse major releases
gets shown but not counted in chart.

One thing groups could do is to mail me with a notification whenever you release
something. just in case something slips by me :)

                          - -

                           Issue #2, April 1998

                             THE RATING SYSTEM
         |Cracked/Registered Shareware/Keymaker........|  2 Points |
         |Cracked/Registered Shareware but not 100%....|  1 Points |
         |Fixed Crack Or fixed in other way............|  1 Points |
         |Major util released first but fucked up......|  5 Points |
         |Major Crack Fix (for commercial util)........|  5 Points |
         |Major Update (update is on aminet)...........|  2 Points |
         |Major Update (update is not on aminet).......|  6 Points |
         |Major Beta/Major add-on......................|  8 Points |
         |Major Commercial tool........................| 10 Points |

                     ____Ķ____  (   _____/__  - -------------
                   _/     ___/ _/\_  T     Ž\_ ·  diGiTAL   ·
                 .-\     Ķ/    7--7  l       / · cORRUPTiON ·
                 |  \____.-----Ķ  Ķ----.____/------- -  -   -
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    STFax Pro 3.2                Active Technologies                 2
    STFax Pro 3.2b               Active Technologies                 2
    Fusion    3.1                MicroCodeSolutions                 10
   |                        Total Points: [14]                        |
   Fusion was a pretty cool release. So 10 points for it. Rumor has it
   DC was dead but i guess the releases talk for themselves :)

                   ____     _____      ______      ___  ____
                 ./   /____/   _/_____/     /____./  _\/   /.
                 |_       /.   \     /.    /|    |   \   _  |
                 :/________|___/______|__________|____\  /__|
                 !   _____    ________  _____     ____ \/   :
                 : ._\_  /___/   _   /./   _/____/   /____t^:
                 | |  /     /.   /    |    \_   /._      /. .
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Alphabase    2.0f            Maik Schmidt                        2
    PCD Manager  4.05            Brice allenbrand                    2
    Alphabase    2.0g            Maik Schmidt                        2
    AlphaBase    2.1pre          Maik Schmidt                        2
    Homebank     1.1             Maxime Doyen                        2
    Homebank     1.11            Maxime Doyen                        2
    Phonewizard  1.3             Matthias Bock                       2
    Formation    1.3b            Tim Cribbin                         2
    Monsoon      0.90d           Gary Colville                       2
    BattleDuel   1.7.85          Jochen Terstiege,Michael David..    2
   |                        Total Points: [20]                        |
   This is the most active group today. But 10 releases in one month is
   not much :( but we're happy for any contribution to the amiga scene
   and without SCB it would be real dead on the boards. Maybe some
   commercial suppliers would make this group rock.

                  \_\    /_ _________
                  / /   /  \\    ___/
                 / /  __   /    __/  hELLFIRE tOOL dIVISION
                 \/___/   /     /      - rELEASED tODAY -
                 .-/ /    \ ____\sOs------------------------.
                 | \/______\                                !
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    WebFX 2.0                    Fabio Rotondo                       2
   |                        Total Points: [02]                        |
   Seems HF is atleast trying to make a diffrence still. But i guess the
   summer weather is taking its share out of the computer time :)
   But a release amount like last year would be great! keep it up adv!

                 :    ____       _._     ____   ___________
                 .___/  _/___ __/ | \___(_ _/_._\         /_.
                 |   \____   \    |    \      |  ..s.u.t..  |
                 |_______/____\.__.____|\_____|____________ |
                 |                                        /_|
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Studioprint 2.16b            Wolf Faust                          2
    WebFTP      1.300            Zap Systems                         2
    Eagleplayer 2.01b            Defect Software Productions         2
    Miami       3.0b             Nordic Global Inc.                  2
   |                        Total Points: [08]                        |
   As usual some nice releases from SUT. Miami was great since SH!
   fucked up totaly.

                 žžžž        X-tREK iN 1998 pRESENTS -------.
                 žžžž žžžžž   ____     ____   ____   __ ___
                 ·xžž žžžžž  _)  /-.___|  /-._) _/-._) _) /-.
                 žžžžžžžžx·        |   |_   | ___/ |   \    |
                 žžžžžžžžžžx.      |   _/   | \|   |    \_  |
                 žžžž žžžžžžž___   |___\    |____  |_____/  |
                 žžžž žžžžžžž /____: /______:  /___: /______:
                 .--- žžžžžžž ------------------------------.
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Iris  1.3                    Jilles Tjoelker                     2
    MathX 1.21b                  Kai Nickel                          2
    RipIt 1.51                   RaTZo/cB4                           2
    Eagleplayer 2.01b     *DUPE* Defect Software Productions         0
   |                        Total Points: [06]                        |
    Eagleplayer was a dupe but apart from that nice going but more
    activity would be great :) iris was released using the keymaker
    but atleast they made that one themselves so 2 points anyway :)

                 |     :_____ _____ ___________ ____________/
                 |-----|   _ Y  |  Y     | _   Y  _____     /
                 |  - _|_  / |  '. |  -  | \   | `-- |  -__/_
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Fusion 3.0                   MicroCodeSolutions                 10
   |                        Total Points: [10]                        |
    This one was quite a supprise as not many real releases has come
    from this group. Pretty cool anyway.

                    _________________  /\  _______________
                   /    ____   __    \/  \/      __  \    \
                  //    ___/        //    \\     \        \\
                 \_____\/ \____\____\______/_pet!_/____/____/
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Elastic Dreams       *FINAL* Motion Studios                     10
    Art-Studio Pro 3.005         Motion Studios                     10
   |                        Total Points: [20]                        |
    Elastic was wanted by alot of people. Nice to see faith deliver it.
    But it wasnt so nice when it didnt work ..
    I gave 10 points for both versions since one of them works.
    Keep going strong guys!

                 ..:.....:.    :...:. . :__________________.
                  :'..... :::.:'    ::::: ....-....        |
                 :: ::::::  `  :::::_ `  ::::: :::::       |
                 :. ::::: .::::|:::: ::::.|::: :::::       |
                 :: ::::: :::::|:::: :::::|::::            |
                  : `::::_:cP!:|:::: :::::|:::-[tbF]-[nf0]-|
                 .::.           ::::_::::'                 |
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    SuperViewNG 7.65             Andreas Ralph Kleinert              2
    Png-Box     2.50             Andreas Ralph Kleinert              2
   |                        Total Points: [04]                        |
   Kinda dead group too, but atleast 2 releases is more then nothing :)

                 |     ____\__   __/  \  ____P R E S E N T S.
                 |       __/ /   \    /__\ /                |
                 |_______\  /_____\_______/                 |
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Asim CDFS v3.9a              Asimware Innovations Inc.          10
   |                        Total Points: [10]                        |
   I assume this is a real commercial program so 10 points it is.

                 _____ __ _________ ______________________
                 \_ _/_____/ ___/_/__  /____/ ___/ _/__ _/_
                  |     \_ \_\_Ž\_   \_   / \_\_Ž\_    \__/_
                  |__|___/__/____/_|__/__/___/____/__|__/   \
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Digi-Booster  2.18           Tomasz Piasta/Waldemar Piasta       2
   |                        Total Points: [02]                        |
    I gave this one full 2 points eventho it uses the old code text.

                   ___.___ _________ _____     _____   ...
                  /  _|   \\__  ___/_\   /__&_/ ___/_ :: ::
                 /   \_    \/ \/  \/    /  /_\____   \.:::.
                 \____|    /_______\____  / \   /    /:: ::
                    NL|______\ cracked \_/   \______/  ···
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Miami 3.0b                   Nordic Global Inc.                  0
   |                        Total Points: [00]                        |
   The keyfiles supplied with this release is old and dont work. From
   rumors i heard lameness like this is what made LSD stop releasing
   fresh keyfiles whenever a new miami was released. This is to bad
   since now we have to wait a long time before we can use newest reged
   miami safe.

                   ________ ______.___\    |_ ____ ____.
                 .( ___   /(  ___ |   |\_ _|\\\__ )\_  | shp!
                 |   |/  /|_. | / |______ |  ___   |   | ___
                 |_  |\     | |/   | | U  |   |/   |_  |/   |
                  `:-' \____|-.____| `----'---/____|`--/____|
                 .----------[ p/r/e/s/e/n/t/s ]-------------.
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    W.F.M.H.Locale 3.0           W.F.M.H                             2
   |                        Total Points: [02]                        |
    Im not sure if this is a 10 point release or a 2 point release.
    So mail me with the correct data and ill adjust the points in the
    next issue.

                 :: _     _     _    _ /  / _     _
                 :: \_  \_\_  \_\_  \_   /  \_ _  \_   \
                 ::/  /_ / _  _/  /  / _  _/  _/_/  /  /.
                 _/  / _/  / _/  / _/  / _/  / _/  /  / .
                 \_    \_ /_ \_    \_ /_ \_    \_ /_ /  |
                 ::------/_ /--------/_ /-----tRm/_ /---|
   |           Title            |       Author/Company       | Points |
    Png-Box     2.51             Andreas Ralph Kleinert              2
   |                        Total Points: [02]                        |
   Not much to say, this group seems dead like all the others.

                          THE APRIL RELEASE CHART

   01. FAITH................................... 02 Release(s) 20 Points
   01. SCUMBAGS................................ 10 Release(s) 20 Points
   02. DIGITAL CORRUPTION...................... 03 Release(s) 14 Points
   03. RAMPAGE................................. 01 Release(s) 10 Points
   03. PURPLE TURTLE........................... 01 Release(s) 10 Points
   04. STRICTLY ULTIMATE....................... 04 Release(s) 08 Points
   05. X-TREK.................................. 04 Release(s) 06 Points
   06. BINARY FOUNDATION....................... 02 Release(s) 04 Points
   07. HELLFIRE................................ 01 Release(s) 02 Points
   07. BROKEN.................................. 01 Release(s) 02 Points
   07. HIGHLIGHT............................... 01 Release(s) 02 Points
   08. SECTION EIGHT & HOTLINE................. 01 Release(s) 00 Points

                        THE RELEASE CHART FOR 1998

   01. SCUMBAGS................................ 19 Release(s) 37 Points
   02. HELLFIRE................................ 06 Release(s) 34 Points
   03. DIGITAL CORRUPTION...................... 06 Release(s) 24 Points
   04. FAITH................................... 02 Release(s) 20 Points
   05. STRICTLY ULTIMATE....................... 08 Release(s) 16 Points
   06. LSD..................................... 01 Release(s) 10 Points
   06. RAMPAGE................................. 01 Release(s) 10 Points
   06. PURPLE TURTLE........................... 01 Release(s) 10 Points
   07. X-TREK.................................. 05 Release(s) 08 Points
   08. BINARY FOUNDATION....................... 02 Release(s) 04 Points
   09. HIGHLIGHT............................... 01 Release(s) 02 Points
   09. BROKEN.................................. 01 Release(s) 02 Points
   10. CANNABIS................................ 01 Release(s) 00 Points
   10. SECTION EIGHT & HOTLINE................. 01 Release(s) 00 Points


        !                                                        !
        Ą                  xŨX NøRTHeRN LiGHTS XŨx               Ą
    _______               ________                               !    _______
 ___|_   _/ ______________\_   __/_  _________  __________________ ___|_   _/
 \_   \  Ž\_ __  Ž\_____  \_    __/__\_     _/__\_  ______/_____  \__   \  Ž\_
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\_____|  \_________/__/    \_   \_____/_____|____/_________/__/    \____|
<---------------------\_____/- ----------------------yW!/hL---\_____/-------->
        |                                   ________             .
       _______  ____________________________\_   __/_    ________!
       \_    /__________/_   ______/_     _/_|    __/__ /   ____/_
       /    /    /      \_   \___ Ž\_         \____    \\_____    \_
      /_____    /|_______/__________/_____|____/  \_____/__________/
    <------\___/- -- ------------------------------------------------->>
        Ą                              /                         Ą
        !                             /                          !
        Ą                   r E S I S/T A N C E                  Ą
        !    s C A N D I N A V I A N/ h E A D Q U A R T E R S    !
        Ą                          /                             !
        !                         /                              !
        Ą                                                        Ą
        !       cREW:RaSTa, GLT, gROwL,                          |
        |            fEARfLiGHt, WiZLER      24h tELNET          !
        Ą                                                        Ą
        !                10 nODES, 10Mbit eTHERNET               !
        Ą                                                        Ą
        !                      iP: gO.fIND.iT                    !
                   uPPED aT: 11:07:37 on 04-May-98
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]

SiMPLY FaSTeR................

                      SeCTioN eiGHT & HoTLiNe WHQ!
                             uToPia iP HQ

                                  __      ___
       __________________________/  \    |   |  ________    __
       \    _     _______    \___    \   |   | |    _   \  /  \
        \__/ |   |  ___  \___/_  \___/   |   | |   | \   \/    \
             |   | |   |__ |   |    ___  |   | |   |  \  /      \
             |   | |    _/ |   |   |   |_|   | |   |   \/   /\   \
             |   | |   |  _|_  |  _|_        | |   |   /   /\/   /
           __|   |_|   |_/   \ |_/   \  _    | |   |  /   /     /
           \_|   |_|   |_____/___    / | |___| |___| /   /\____/
             |   | |   |[SP]___  \__/  |       _____/   /_______
             |   | |   |  _/   \   |   |      /   _    / \__    \
             |   | |   | |/     \  |   |  ___/   / \__/___  \___/
           __|   |_|   | / SYSoP \ |   | |   \   \___ |   |__
           \_|   |_    |/ WiZLeR! \|   | |   |\___   \|    _/
             |   | |   / _   _   _ \   | |   |__  \   \   |  ___
             |   | |   \[_] |.| [_]/   |_|   |  \_/   /   |_/   \
             |___| |___|\___|_|___/|_________|_______/|_________/

                     RuNNiNG oN aN aMiGa 4000T/060/64MB/9.5GB
                CYBeRSToRM MK2 + CYBeRSCSi/CYBeRViSion + CYBeRGFX
                             BBS SoFT : TeMPeST V3.70

                          4 NoDeS euRo iSDN 64.0K PoWeR
                          2 NoDeS aNaL 33.6K PoWeR
                          4 NoDeS TeLNeT 19.2K PoWeR

So CaLL WHeRe THe WaReZ CoMe FRoM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     .----------------------!SPEED  OPTIMIZED!---.
     | .---.
     `-----'           -> f R Ķ E N D S  O N L Y <-
                          fILE pASSED tHE L.E.BBS              .-----.
                                                               `---' |
                        `---!SPEED  OPTIMIZED!-----------------------'

  __________________________ _   _           _   _ ________________________
._\                                /\ _ _ /\                              /_.
|                                 Y "\ V /" Y                               |
|                            .::: |  _\ /_  | :::.                          |
|                       .- .:::' _| (^)V(^) |_ `:::. -.                     |
|                      /  .:::' ( "\___A___/" ) `:::.  \                    |
|     - --------------x . :::' - \__       __/ - `::: . x------------ -     |
|                     ,:' :::. /-  | T : T |  -\ .::: `:.                   |
!                  / .::  `:::.    | | | | |    .:::'  `::. \               !
:                 /  ::'   ____ /  | | | | :  \ ____    `::  \              :
.                   .::   /   "/   ! ! | : .   \   "\    ::.  \             .
                   .---- /         : : |             \ ----.
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|_ \_____\/          THE SKY TOWER BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM         \/______/ _|
:                -- ------------------------------------- --                :
.              AMiGA + pC + NiNTENDo 64 - mAC - mP3 SUPPoRTED!              .
.                                                                           .
|                                                                           |
|  4NDZ (RiNGDoWN) - 2NDZ (RiNGDoWN) iSDN - 6NDZ TELNET 128K iP: BEG-4-iT!  |
|             AMiGA4ooo . CYBERSToRM o6o\5oMhZ . 16GiGZ HdSPACE             |
|                    -- ----------------------------- --                    |
|                           (17:18:23 - o6/o5/98)                           |
+---------------- -  -- ----------------------------- --  - ----------------+

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