9.999.999 bytes freeware with source  
version:  2.0.1
last update:  16/06/2000
on DSP from:  16/06/2000
last week:  999
last update:  9.999
total:  9.999
Geoffrey Michaels ( Geoffrey Michaels | Ultratech Creations )
Add plugins capability to an app, convert existing DLLs to plugins, or use as a backend for scripted applications. WildfireZ plugins are hot-swappable at runtime, and support advanced functionality which bypasses many of the limitations of standard DLLs. Plugins can export properties, methods, events (!), objects, object properties, and object methods. Also supports runtime function overloading, and an unlimited number of params can be passed / returned to a plugin function. Existing DLLs can be easily converted to plugins by addition of wrapper functions to their interface. Full sources, docs, plugins kernel, and example plugin included. The plugins kernel is freeware and released as open source under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
detailed file description 

Author info

Author/Company       Geoffrey Michaels | Ultratech Creations
Contact       Geoffrey Michaels
E-mail       [email protected]
Home Site/Page
Site Category       Other: Interesting Sites
Applications coded in Delphi, and developer software.