LMD-Tools Standard/Professional
© 1997, 98 by LMD Innovative, http://www.lmd.de
LMD Tools 3, is a collection of 110+ native Delphi components
that can be compiled into your application royalty free, and
without the need of additional files for distribution. Buttons,
Dialogs, Multimedia, System, Data-aware, Container, Standard,
Label, and Extended controls will allow the developer to produce
professional applications, quicker and easier than ever before.
If you are looking for enhanced functionality of existing
components in the VCL, or just want to add that personal touch to
your application, LMD Tools 3 has a solution to fit you. And it
ships with a vast array of sample projects and demos for all of
the components found in the package. As very special bonus each
version is bundled with WPTools Light (LMD-Edition, easy to use
RTF-editor and -label).
In addition to the following features found in both versions
of LMD-Tools, Professional version also includes:
- BC++ compatible object files
- full source of all components/routines/component- and
- Additional bonus apps like a DFM-extractor
Components in Standard and
Professional Versions:
LMDBtn Tab
- TLMDSpeedButton - Extended replacement for
TSpeedButton, adds additional texteffects (3D, rotation,
free positionining, multiline text) and display of
popup-menus. Can be linked to Image- and BitmapList
components as well.
- TLMDDockSpeedButton - Speed Button that can be
"docked" to another component ( (e.g. TEdit -
movement and sizes changes affect both controls then).
- TLMDButton - Extended replacement for TButton,
adds additional texteffects (3D, rotation, free
positionining, multiline text) and display of
popup-menus. Can be linked to Image- and BitmapList
components as well.
- TLMDDockButton - Button that can be
"docked" to another component ( (e.g. TEdit -
movement and sizes changes affect both controls then).
- TLMDOfficeButton - Button that supports the flat
Office 97 Look.
- TLMDDockOfficeButton - Office button that can be
"docked" to another component ( (e.g. TEdit -
movement and sizes changes affect both controls then).
- TLMDExplorerButton - Button that supports Office
97 look, with more extended modes or transparent display.
- TLMDShapeButton - A button which offers all
display possibilities of a TLMDShapeControl component and
functionality of a Speedbutton.
- TLMDShapeLabelButton - A button which offers all
display possibilities of a TLMDShapeLabel component and
functionality of a Speedbutton.
- TLMD3DShapeButton - Extends TLMDShapeButton
component with automatic 3D-effects.
- TLMD3DShapeLabelButton - Extends TLMDShapeLabel
component with automatic 3D-effects.
- TLMD3DEffectButton - Effect button which provides
any bitmap with amazing 3D-effects
- TLMD3DCaptionButton - Effect button which provides
any text display with amazing 3D-effects
- TLMDMMButton - Any bitmap can be a
button! Supports imagelists and transparent areas for
really stunning effects.
- TLMDDBFilter - Component that adds a Filter-event
to a DataSet within Delphi 1. This feature is included in
Delphi 2, therefore the component routes in Delphi 2 all
funtionality to the corresponding Dataset. Use this
control if you want to write same code for 16- and 32-bit
- TLMDDBLabel - Like TLMDLabel, can be connected to
a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBLabelFill - Like TLMDLabelFill, can be
connected to a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBLEDLabel - Like TLMDLEDLabel, can be
connected to a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBLight - Like TLMDLight, can be connected to
a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBNImage - Like TLMDNImage, can be connected
to a TDataSource. It uses fewer resources than a TDBImage
- TLMDDBProgress - Like TLMDProgress, can be
connected to a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBProgressFill - Like TLMDProgressFill, can be
connected to a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBRestoreGrid - Within a TDBGrid component an
enduser is usually able to resize and move columns within
a datagrid .If you want to provide saving and restoring
of these settings you should use this component (without
writing any code).
- TLMDDBShapeControl - Like TLMDShapeControl, can be
connected to a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBShapeLabel - Like TLMDShapeLabel, can be
connected to a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBSimpleLabel - Like TLMDSimpleLabel, can be
connected to a TDataSource.
- TLMDDBSwitch - Like TLMDSwitch, can be connected
to a TDataSource.
LMD Ext Tab
- TLMD2PaneSplitCtrl - This splitter component
allows easy access to all properties of single panes
(e.g. Color and Autoscroll-feature) or the splitterbar
(e.g. color, width etc.). Unlike other available splitter
components this one support panes and splitter-bars in
one component (up to 4 different panes and up to 3
movable bars).
- TLMD3PaneSplitCtrl - 3 panes and two movable
splitter bars supported.
- TLMD4PaneSplitCtrl - 4 panes and two movable
splitter bars supported.
- TLMD4Pane3SplitCtrl - 3 movable splitter bars
divide up 4 panes (thus every pane can have any size).
- TLMDTrackBar - Extended slider control with
userdefinable display and slider (can be linked to an
Image- or BitmapList).
- TLMDAssist - This panel like control allows fast
creation of Windows 95 like "assistants" or
- TLMDLabelFill - Extended label control, allowing
you to paint any bitmap-texture or a gradient on the
letters of a text. As a descendant of TLMDLabel, it is of
course also featured with 3D-effects and rotating text.
- TLMDPanelFill - Like TLMDFill, but also usable as
container. Properties of labels with the LMD-Tools like
3D- and rotation-effects are included.
- TLMDFill - A component for filling an area and
surrounding it with a bevel. You can choose a gradient,
any bitmap with attributes like tile, stretch and center
or naturally any brush style.
- TLMDProgressFill - Like TLMDMeter and
TLMDProgress. Adds additional Fillobject for progress
bars painted with textures/gradient fills/brushes.
- TLMDShadowFill - Fill areas with a shadow- or
semitransparent effect.
- TLMDLabelFill - Extended label control, allowing
you to paint any bitmap-texture or a gradient on the
letters of a text. As a descendant of TLMDLabel, it is of
course also featured with 3D-effects and rotating text.
- TLMDFormDisplay - This small but very useful
component is able to display a form like a panel within
the component. This is not only useful for faster loading
of forms but also much more resource friendly than using
a TNotebook. Besides forms are much easier reusable in
other projects than pages of a TNoteBook or similar
- TLMDBackPanel - Descendant of TLMDSimplePanel
which is specialized on fast display of background images
and support of semitransparent LMD controls (e.g.
TLMDAniCtrl or TLMDScrollText). Must be linked to an
Image- or BitmapList.
- TLMDNImage - Extended Image component. Distinctly
improved speed (on drawing transparent) and providing new
display modes (e. g. stretching or compressing retaining
the original ratio).
- TLMDLImage - Like before, but display of images is
controlled by linked Image- or BitmapList (for easy
sharing of images among several controls).
- TLMDAniCtrl - Improved animation component.
Display of images is controlled by linked ImageList. Many
new modes including fast and flickerfree transparent
display of animationsi.
- TLMDScrollText - Allows display of scrolling text
(horizontal or vertical). Supports transparent display as
- TLMDClock - Easily incorporate an analog or
digital clock into your application. The clock is similar
to the Window's CLOCK.EXE but more powerful. Supports
time measurement, countdown or alarm functions.
- TLMDRuler - Display of horizontal or vertical
rulers. Measuring between two points is supported.
- TLMDLight - Displays boolean-states easy but very
- TLMDSwitch - A switch for defining boolean-states.
Many properties for changing display modes (color,
caption, 3D-effects and more). - This small but very
useful component is able to display a form like a panel
within the component. This is not only useful for faster
loading of forms but also much more resource friendly
than using a TNotebook. Besides forms are much easier
reusable in other projects than pages of a TNoteBook or
similar component.
LMD Std Tab
- TLMDSimpleLabel - Fast label-component using
3D-effects. Compared to TLMDLabel it is faster but
doesn't contain the Bevel- or rotating-text-properties.
- TLMDLabel - Extended label-control allowing free
rotation, 3D-effects, bevel and extended alignment
compared to the standard-label.
- TLMDDockLabel - Descendant of TLMDSimpleLabel
which is dockable to any TWinControl-component (e.g.
TEdit - movement and sizes changes affect both controls).
- TLMDLEDLabel - Represents text like an
- TLMDDrawEdge - Draw 3D- lines, boxes and diagonals
using the fast Win32-API-function DrawEdge. Also
available for 16bit-platforms!
- TLMDSimplePanel - Fast panel without caption with
special support for LMD button classes.
- TLMDColorComboBox - Special combobox for choosing
colors. Supports standard-, system- and user-defined
colors + an extended colordialog.
- TLMDFontComboBox - Like TLMDColorComboBox. Use it
for fast selection of fonts at runtime.
- TLMDFontSizeComboBox - Linked to a
TLMDFontComboBox component possible font sizes for the
current selected font are returned.
- TLMDListBox - Extended listbox with new bevel-,
header- and multiline-properties.
- TLMDProgress - Replaces TLMDMeter, adds 3D-effects
and extended properties.
- TLMDSpinEdit - Improved replacement for TSpinEdit
LMD V1 Tab
The following components are included only for compatibility
to version 1 of LMD-Tools. Don't use these components in any new
- TLMDPicClip - Encapsulates images in your .EXE as
form data and thus makes working with images much more
- TLMDAniPicClip - Encapsulates animation in your
.EXE as form data. Serves as container for TLMDAniImage.
- TLMDAniImage - Displaying of animations consisting
of bitmaps. Many different settings like transparent
display are possible
- TLMDImage - Extended TImage-component, e. g. with
several transparent display-modes.
- TLMDTile - This component is derived from
TGraphicControl and serves to fill the background quickly
with given textures / patterns (consisting of bitmaps) or
gradient fills.
- TLMDMeter - Appealing process-display that
supports five modes, e. g. gradients or bitmaps.
- TLMDPanel - Extended panel which supports free
text-rotation, 3D-Effects, bevel, extended alignment and
filling the background like TLMDTile.
LMD Cont Tab
- TLMDContainerCtrl - LMD-Tools 3 supports a global
container class (LMDContainer) which is accessible from
any place at runtime. This component specifies data
values for the supported container classes at designtime.
This component was mainly designed for 16bit platforms
where no TDataModule-forms are available (which support
sharing of components among other forms).
- TLMDBitmapList - Container component for saving
bitmaps (storing palette information).
- TLMDImageList - Container component for saving
imagelists (bitmaps of same size without special palette
information). Mainly used for animation and button (->
Glyph) controls.
- TLMDStringList - Container component for
- TLMDWaveList - Container component for waves.
LMD Dlg Tab
- TLMDAboutDlg - Easily incorporate an "about
box" into your application.
- TLMDDirDlg - Using this non-visual component the
user is given the opportunity to change a path name
- TLMDTipDlg - Use the familiar TipDialog you see in
many applications to guide the user through your
- TLMDWindowListDlg - Allows selection of windows or
forms within your application (e.g. for displaying or
hiding them).
- TLMDHiTimer - The component represents an
alternative to the Delphi-Timer. As it is interrupt
controlled high-resolution intervals of one millisecond
are possible (contrary to the TTimer).
- TLMDJoystick - Allows simple access to connected
joystick(s). Includes function for calibration.
- TLMDScreenSaver - Place the component on a form -
and the 'Blank-Screen'-screensaver is ready for your
further modifications.
- TLMDWaveComp - Easily encapsulates .WAV files in
your program and your finished .EXE by saving sound files
as form data.
- TLMDRepeatedShape - Displays geometrical shapes
repeating themselves. Uses textures, gradients or brushes
and shadow-effects. Suitable as background for graphical
- TLMDShapeControl - Extends Delphi's standard
shapecontrol adding various shapes (e. g. Star, Comb,
Octagon, direction indicator) as well as special color-,
bevel- and shadow-effects. Beyond that it contains almost
all properties of the LMDLabel (3D-effects, rotating,
- TLMDShapeLabel - Extension of the TLMDShapeControl
using any fill-options like textures, gradients and
brushes. Text can be clipped into the shape.
- TLMDTeethShape - offers frame effects at the edge
of q document/form as seen in multimedia-applications or
internet pages.
- TLMDTeethShapeLabel - Like TLMDTeethShape, but
providing fill-options like texture (with bitmaps),
gradient, brushes.
- TLMDApp - Sets properties of an application at
design time instead of runtime, allowing you to attach
event-handlers as well.
- TLMDApplicationCtrl - This component is derived
from TLMDApp and adds properties and events from the
global LMDApplication object. This object adds new
methods for controlling logfiles, global exception
habdling, time measurement or a global
TLMDIniCtrl-object, which can be accessed from your
application at any place.
- TLMDTimerPool - Use just one timer for various
time-depending-purposes. Processing is controlled either
by using a central event-routine or calling a
user-defined method. This component helps you saving
resources on Windows 3.X.
- TLMDIniCtrl - The TLMDIniCtrl component is an easy
to use but very powerful tool to control inifiles or
registry settings in one single component. All methods
are used in the same way on Inifiles or Registry-Path
depending on the setting of one property. Besides many
new LMD-Tools components can be linked to a TLMDIniCtrl
to save their configuration values without writing any
- TLMDBack - Like TLMDFormFill but specialized on
fast display of background images and support of
semitransparent LMD controls (e.g. TLMDAniCtrl or
TLMDScrollText). Must be linked to an Image- or
- TLMDForm - Extremely versatile tool which adds
following functionality to any of your forms that do the
following: receiving system-events (e.g. powermanagement
messages, graphic-resolution or /system-time changes,
etc.), controlling of window's position, max./min. height
and width, saving or restoring size and position values
(can be linked to TLMDIniCtrl), adding graphical effects
(e.g. exploding effects while showing a form)
- TLMDFormFill
- Fills your form (also MDI) very fast with a background.
You can choose a gradient, any bitmap with attributes
like tile, stretch and center or naturally any brush
- TLMDFormShadow
- This small component adds a shadow effect to any form.
Simply drop the component on the form and set the Shadow
property - That's all!
- TLMDFormStyler
- Amazingly change the look of your window's title bar.
Use the gradient you know from the office-programs or use
the 3D-fonts provided. You can even paint the title bar
- TLMDSysMenu -
Allows manipulation of the system menu (Add an ordinary
TPopMenu to the system menu!).
- The TLMDMRUList component offers an easy to use tool to
add a MRU(Most recently used)-Filelist to the files menu
of your application. This component does almost all work
for you and can be used even in MDI applications.
- TLMDOneInstance
- Safeguards that only one instance of your application
can be started.
- TLMDTrayIcon
(32bit only) - Allows easy creation of applications for
the traybar within Windows 95/Windows NT 4.
- TLMDGlobalHotkey
(32bit only) - Allows defining of a systemwide global
-This small but useful component allows you to hide non
visual components on your form. E.g. especially useful if
you use dozens of TDataSources or TTables on one form.
Nevertheless the component offers you full access to all
properties and editors of the hidden components.
- TLMDSysInfo
- Provides system information like resources, environment
variables, registrated user- and company-names.
- TLMDStrList
- Useful and small component to save strings as form-data
at designtime.
- TLMDShapeHint
- TLMDShapeHint is no descendant of the standard-hint
like TLMDHint. It provides extended abilities like
special shapes (e. g. bubble), shadow and free
- TLMDMessageHint
- Like before, but appearence of hint windows can be
controlled programmatically.
- TLMDHint
- Extension of the standard hint. Use multiline hints at
designtime, any font, various 3D- and bevel-effects are
- TLMDMouseFencer
- "Fences" the mousecursor in a control, a form
or any given rectangle.
- TLMDMousePositioner
- Positions the mousecursor relating to any control, a
form or the defaultbutton.
- Let your form/any TWinControl receive files easily per
Drag&Drop from the filemanager.
- TLMDFile
- A handy control that offers properties to allow
manipulating a single file easily (e.g. copy, move,
create, retrieve attributes, etc.).
- TLMDScreenCanvas
- Allows painting on desktop. With its help you can also
build a copy of the screen before painting on it.
© 1997, 98 by LMD Innovative
For comments send email to [email protected]
Visit our web site http://www.lmd.de
for latest info and trialversions.