
This component was written with Delphi 3.0 standard edition and
is a descendant of Borland's StringGrid component. These are
the most significant features added:

a) You may save strings to a text file on the disk, and load
strings from this text file into the grid. b) You may encrypt
the strings when they are written to disk. c) You can sort 
the rows of the grid by specified column. d) A new event
makes it convenient to validate user input.

Help files and source is included. The component is distributed
in a Delphi package collection (dpc-file). To install under 
Delphi 3 use menu Component/Install package, choose add, 
set file type to .dpc and open the file BKStringGrid.dpc.
Follow the instructions. If you use Windows NT you will have
to redefine the package collection's definition of SYSTEM
folder. Unfortunately the help files are not automatically
installed into the Delphi help system.

BKStringGrid uses an encryption/decryption component written
by Tom Lee. This component will also be installed in your palette.

Bjørn Kvisli, January 1998
kvisli@gol.com, Tokyo, Japan