Print Preview Component
                   v1.05     October 24, 1995
 Adds *easy* Print Preview capability to any Delphi Application

Print Preview supports:
       -  Zoom from 10% to 5000%
       -  Zoom tool allows zoom in/out on a specific location
       -  Hand tool allows easy panning across the page
       -  One Page or Two Page displays
       -  Portrait or Landscape page orientation
       -   Printing  Status display with CANCEL  and  cooperative
       -  Tool Tips & Hints for iconic buttons
       -  Status bar displays page, zoom level, and hints
       -  Customizable Grid verifies margins & layout
       -   Page  Navigation buttons go to first, previous,  next,
       last page, or by number.

Programmer Benefits:
       -  One set of routines for Printing & Previewing
       -   Supports all TCanvas routines (except for PenPos & Pix
       -    Built-in  routines  eliminate  round-off  errors  for
       -  Automatically clips non printable area on Preview
       -    Returns  the  true  physical  page  size  (not   just
       printable area)
       -   Returns  all printer info (page size, printable  area,
       pixels/inch, etc)
       -  Conversion routines for inches to printer units
       -  All Preview Screen scaling performed automatically
       -   Programmer can implement Exception Handling  to  catch
       Print Preview Errors
       -  Simple & Advanced print pagination is supported
       -  Customizable Preview Form
          -Show/hide buttons
          -Change the title
          -Select min, max, and step for Zooming
          -Set initial settings

Fully functional - not crippled in any way

The unregistered version of this component has an "About" box  on
the  Preview screen that indicates the component has not been reg

Pricing and Ordering Information

Registering  Print Preview is U.S. $20.  This provides  you  with
the source code to Print Preview, and technical support for using
Print Preview.  Note that support is only provided for unmodified
version  of the source code.  If you have email I can just  email
you the registered component (and source code).

Send a check or money order to:
     Print Preview Component Software
     Care of:  Ben Ziegler
     210 E. Fairfax St #624
     Falls Church, VA  22046

Revision History

Version 1.05
   Released October 24, 1995
   Bug  fix:  Added Printer.EndDoc after Printer.Abort.  Now  you
   can cancel a print job and still print again.
   MAJOR  BUG FIX:  I now treat the Printer object as VOLATILE  -
   as  it should be since it is global and I have no control over
   it.   Before  all print routines, the required  printer  param
   ters  are  set to the correct values.  This fixed problems  of
   the fonts not being what they should be, etc.
   Text  for  the printer is now set to transparent  by  default.
   This  is a better option since the programmer can always do  a
   Rectangle with the desired background before doing a TextOut.
   Bug  fix:  The user can now use Printer Setup from within  the
   Print  Dialog  box.  I accomplished this by closing  down  the
   Print  Preview screen before going to the Print  Dialog  (this
   is a feature, not a bug!) so that it now works.