Thank you for trying the TSLGgraph graphing
component demo for Borland Delphi. This component
is geared toward producing scientific/engineering
graphs, and can easily be configured to make
linear-linear, log-linear, linear-log, or
log-log graphs. A built-in autoscaler will
automatically choose readable scales, and
printing is easily performed.

Install.wri contains specific instructions
for integrating the component and component help,
into the Delphi IDE. Please note that this demo
component is no way crippled, but will only function 
while the Delphi IDE is active.

We at SLG Data Systems and Analysis hope you
find this component useful and easy to 
implement. Ordering Information is included
in the product demo.

Specific Questions or comments may be 
directed to:

SLG Data Systems and Analysis
31950 Pembroke Court
Delmar MD 21875
