  Unit:    XStrGrds
  VCL:     TXStrGrid
  Version: 1.2
  Copyright (C) 1996, Immo Wache

I have found some interesting extentions of component TStringGrid in
Internet. Because I needed a combination of these extentions i created
a new one component by using some of the founded sources.

The new component TXStrGrid has following extentions:
- global alignment of text for all cells,
- individual alignment for each text-cell by using a eventcall,
- individual attributes of the Brush and Font for each cell by using a
- possibility to display each cell with a 3D cells look (as the title
  fixed cells),
- vertical center of all text-cells
- editable raw and column-header at design time.

  Version 1.0
     Jan 24, 1996  First release,
  Version 1.1
     Jan 30, 1996  Error in ressource-File USTRGRID.DCR fixed
  Version 1.2
     Feb 16, 1996  - property Cells changed:
                     SetCells compares old and new value, no redraw if
                     values are equal
                   - new methode
                     procedure Deselect;
                     hides selected area
                   - unit renamed from UStrGrid to XStrGrds
