TDBReferencedCombo 1.00			July 1998

TDBReferencedCombo is a VCL component for Delphi. It is a very simple 
data aware  component, that looks like a "SQL driven DBLookupCombo"...

REFCOMBO.PAS will install the TDBReferencedCombo component in your 'Examples' page.

TDBReferencedCombo will save you the need of a specific datasource and table to fill
its rows. To do this, it manages an internal query (called "referenced query").

It's key properties are :
  * DataSource	    connection to the "main" table
  * DataField	    datafield in the main table
  * RefDatabase     referenced query database
  * RefSQL	    referenced query SQL order
  * RefKeyField	    referenced query key field
  * RefViewField    referenced query view field

For example : in a form with a datasource (dsCustomer) and a table (tbCustomer), the
TDBReferencedCombo properties may be
  * DataSource	   dsCustomer
  * DataField      CountryRef
  * RefDatabase    a DatabaseName
  * RefSQL	   SELECT * FROM Country ORDER BY OrderNum
  * RefKeyField	   Ref
  * RefViewField   Name
..assumed that you work on the tables Customer = (Ref, Name, ..., CountryRef,...)
and Country = (Ref, Name, OrderNum...).

Limited warranty
TDBReferencedCombo is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.

It has been developed and fully tested with Paradox tables on Delphi 1.
Yes, Delphi 1 in 1998 ! I know that the component may be useless
in versions 2, 3 or 4. But it useful for ME !

Freeware and Registration
TDBReferencedCombo is freeware.
You are licensed to evaluate the software for 30 years.
You are encourage to redistribute this package.

Any feed-back will be greatly appreciated.

Now, if you REALLY like TDBReferencedCombo, please send a me packet of cigarettes
(welcome to indians beedees, cloved tobaccos and all others specialities...).

Robert SAMPY
14bis, rue Juillet
75020 PARIS