TCheckBoxList - A listbox that shows a TCheckBox to the Right of the entries

A listbow like in ICQ (when you send a message to more than one contact).

Properties :
Checked [Index : Longint] : Access to the Checked property of the CheckBox's.
                            Index identifies the checkbox in the component.

Active [Index : Longint]  : When an entry is Active, its CheckBox is shown.

Data [Index : Longint]    : The component provides a Longint for each entry

Events :
OnCheck [Index : Longint],
OnUnCheck [Index : Longint] : Triggered when an entry is Checked or UnChecked. 
                              Index is the entry that was checked/unchecked.  

Methods :
CheckAll (AChecked : boolean) : Checks or UnChecks (determined by AChecked) all
                                the entries in the component.

Installation :
1> Copy cblist.dcu and cblist.dcr to the same directory
2> Run Delphi
3> Click on Component|Install|Add|Browse
4> Browse to the directory
5> Choose cblist.dcu

Bugs :
Please report to