CERT Advisory CA-2002-18 OpenSSH Vulnerabilities in Challenge Response

   Original release date: June 26, 2002
   Last revised: --
   Source: CERT/CC

   A complete revision history can be found at the end of this file.

Systems Affected

     * OpenSSH versions 2.3.1p1 through 3.3


   There  are  two  related  vulnerabilities  in  the  challenge response
   handling  code in OpenSSH versions 2.3.1p1 through 3.3. They may allow
   a  remote  intruder to execute arbitrary code as the user running sshd
   (often  root).  The first vulnerability affects OpenSSH versions 2.9.9
   through  3.3  that have the challenge response option enabled and that
   use  SKEY or BSD_AUTH authentication. The second vulnerability affects
   PAM  modules  using  interactive  keyboard  authentication  in OpenSSH
   versions  2.3.1p1  through  3.3,  regardless of the challenge response
   option  setting.  Additionally,  a  number  of other possible security
   problems have been corrected in OpenSSH version 3.4.

I. Description

   Two  related  vulnerabilities  have  been  found  in  the  handling of
   challenge responses in OpenSSH.

   The  first vulnerability is an integer overflow in the handling of the
   number of responses received during challenge response authentication.
   If  the  challenge response configuration option is set to yes and the
   system is using SKEY or BSD_AUTH authentication then a remote intruder
   may  be  able  to exploit the vulnerability to execute arbitrary code.
   This  vulnerability  is  present  in versions of OpenSSH 2.9.9 through
   3.3.  An  exploit  for  this  vulnerability is reported to exist. This
   vulnerability is partially described in a recent ISS security advisory
   available at


   The  second vulnerability is a buffer overflow involving the number of
   responses   received   during   challenge   response   authentication.
   Regardless  of  the  setting  of  the challenge response configuration
   option,  systems  using  PAM  modules  that  use  interactive keyboard
   authentication  (PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt), may be vulnerable to the
   remote  execution  of  code.  At  this  time,  it is not known if this
   vulnerability  is  exploitable.  Both vulnerabilities are corrected by
   the patches in a recent OpenSSH security advisory available from


   Both vulnerabilities exploit features present only in version 2 of the
   SSH protocol.

   Vulnerability Note VU#369347 lists the vendors we contacted about this
   vulnerability. The vulnerability note is available from


II. Impact

   A  remote  attacker  can  execute code with the privileges of the user
   running  the sshd (often root). These vulnerabilities may also be used
   to cause a denial-of-service condition.

III. Solution

Upgrade to OpenSSH version 3.4

   These  vulnerabilities  are eliminated by upgrading to OpenSSH version
   3.4, which is available from the OpenSSH web site at


   OpenSSH  version  3.4 will correct several other software defects with
   potential security implications not described in this advisory.

Apply a patch from your vendor

   A patch for this problem is included in the OpenSSH advisory at


   This  patch  may  be  manually installed with minor changes to correct
   these vulnerabilities in all affected versions of OpenSSH. Please note
   that  applying  the patches described in the OpenSSH advisory does not
   correct   the   other   software   defects   with  potential  security
   implications not described in this advisory.

   If  your vendor has provided a patch to correct these vulnerabilities,
   you  may  want to apply their patch rather than upgrading your version
   of  sshd.  System  administrators  may  want  to confirm whether their
   vendor's  patch  includes the other possible vulnerabilities corrected
   in  OpenSSH 3.4. More information about vendor-specific patches can be
   found  in the vendor section of this document. Because the publication
   of  this advisory was unexpectedly accelerated, statements from all of
   the  affected  vendors were not available at publication time. We will
   update this document as vendors provide additional information.

Disable SSH protocol version 2

   Since  both  vulnerabilities  are  present  only in protocol version 2
   features,  disabling  version  2  of  the  protocol  will prevent both
   vulnerabilities  from being exploited. Typically, this is accomplished
   by adding the following line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

          Protocol 1

   This  option may set to "2,1" by default. System administrators should
   be aware that disabling protocol version 2 may prevent the sshd daemon
   from  accepting connections in certain configurations. Applying one or
   both  of  the  configuration  changes  described  below  may be a less
   disruptive workaround for this problem.

Disable challenge response authentication

   For  OpenSSH  versions  greater  than  2.9,  system administrators can
   disable   the   vulnerable   portion   of  the  code  by  setting  the
   "ChallengeResponseAuthentication"  configuration  option  to  "no"  in
   their  sshd  configuration  file.  Typically,  this is accomplished by
   adding the following line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

          ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

   This  option may be enabled (set to "yes") by default. This workaround
   should prevent the first vulnerability from being exploited if SKEY or
   BSD_AUTH  authentication  is  used.  It  will not prevent the possible
   exploitation   of  the  vulnerability  via  PAM  interactive  keyboard

Disable PAM authentication via interactive keyboard

   For  OpenSSH  versions  greater  than  2.9,  system administrators can
   disable   the  vulnerable  portion  of  the  code  affecting  the  PAM
   authentication   issue  by  setting  the  "PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt"
   configuration  option  to  "no"  in  their  sshd  configuration  file.
   Typically,  this  is  accomplished  by  adding  the  following line to

          PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt no

   This  option may be disabled (set to "no") by default. This workaround
   should  prevent  the  second vulnerability from being exploited if PAM
   interactive  keyboard  authentication is used. It will not prevent the
   possible  exploitation  of  the  vulnerability  via  SKEY  or BSD_AUTH

Disable both options in older versions of OpenSSH

   For  OpenSSH  versions  between  2.3.1p1 and 2.9, system adminstrators
   will   instead  need  to  set  the  following  options  in  their  ssh
   configuration file:

          KbdInteractiveAuthentication no
          ChallengeResponseAuthentication no

   Setting  both of these options is believed to prevent the exploitation
   of  the  vulnerabilities regardless of which authentication mechanisms
   are used.

Use privilege separation to minimize impact

   System  administrators running OpenSSH versions 3.2 or 3.3 may be able
   to   reduce   the   impact  of  this  vulnerability  by  enabling  the
   "UsePrivilegeSeparation"    configuration   option   in   their   sshd
   configuration  file.  Typically,  this  is  accomplished by adding the
   following line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

          UsePrivilegeSeparation yes

   This  workaround  does  not  prevent  these vulnerabilities from being
   exploited,  however  due  to  the  privilege separation mechanism, the
   intruder  may  be  limited  to  a  constrained chroot environment with
   restricted   privileges.   This  workaround  will  not  prevent  these
   vulnerabilities  from  creating a denial-of-service condition. Not all
   operating  system  vendors  have  implemented the privilege separation
   code, and on some operating systems, it may limit the functionality of
   OpenSSH.  System administrators are encouraged to carefully review the
   implications  of  using the workaround in their environment, and use a
   more  comprehensive solution if one is available. The use of privilege
   separation   to   limit   the  impact  of  future  vulnerabilities  is

Appendix A. - Vendor Information

   This  appendix  contains  information  provided  by  vendors  for this
   advisory.  As  vendors  report new information to the CERT/CC, we will
   update this section and note the changes in our revision history. If a
   particular  vendor  is  not  listed  below, we have not received their

 Compaq Computer Corporation

   SOURCE:  Compaq  Computer  Corporation,  a  wholly-owned subsidiary of
   Hewlett-Packard  Company  and  Hewlett-Packard  Company  HP  Services.
   Software Security Response Team


   At   the   time   of   writing  this  document,  Compaq  is  currently
   investigating  the  potential  impact  to  HP  Tru64  UNIX, commercial
   version of SSH for V5.1a.

   As  further  information  becomes available notice will be provided of
   the  completion/availability of any necessary patches through standard
   product and security bulletin announcements and be available from your
   normal HP Services support channel.


   Caldera  OpenLinux OpenSSH has neither the S/KEY nor BSD Auth features
   compiled  in,  so  it  is  not  vulnerable  to  the Challenge/Response
   vulnerability.  We  do have the ChallengeResponseAuthentication option
   on by default, however, so to be safe, we recommend that the option be
   disabled in the sshd_config file.

   In  addition, the sshd_config PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt option is off
   by  default,  so  OpenLinux  is  not  vulnerable  to the other alleged
   vulnerability  in  a  default  configuration, either. However, Caldera
   recommends  that this option be disabled if it has been enabled by the
   system administrator.

 Cray, Inc.

   Cray, Inc. has found the OpenSSH released in Cray Open Software 3.0 to
   be  vulnerable.  Please  see  Field Notice 5105 and spr 722588 for fix


   Debian  2.2  (the  current  stable  release)  is not affected by these
   problems.  The  current  versions  of  our  "testing" distribution, to
   become  Debian 3.0, and our "unstable" distribution, are both affected
   by default.

   We recommend that users be certain that both:

     ChallengeResponseAuthentication no


     PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt no

   are  present  and  uncommented  in  /etc/ssh/sshd_config (and that the
   server is restarted). Also, we recommend the use of version 3.3p1, now
   available from security.debian.org (DSA-134). Stable users do not need
   to  upgrade  and  may  wish  to  wait until the packages have received
   better testing.

   We intend to provide 3.4p1 packages in the near future.


   Guardian  Digital  ships  OpenSSH  in  all  versions of EnGarde Secure
   Linux.  Version  3.3p1  was introduced by ESA-20020625-015 on June 25,
   2002.  This  update  introduces  privilege  separation.  All users are
   strongly urged to upgrade to this version as soon as possible.

   An  upgrade  to  version 3.4p1 (which properly fixes the bugs) will be
   made available sometime in the next few days.

 Hewlett-Packard Company

   Hewlett-Packard   provides  a  version  of  SSH:  HP-UX  Secure  Shell
   (T1471AA)  for  HP-UX  versions 11.00 and 11i. We are investigating to
   determine whether this product is vulnerable.

 IBM Corporation

   IBM's  AIX  operating  system  does  not  ship  with OpenSSH; however,
   OpenSSH  is  available  for installation on AIX via the Linux Affinity
   Toolkit.  The  version  included  on  the CD containing the Toolkit is
   vulnerable to the latest discovered vulnerability discussed here as is
   the  version  of  OpenSSH available for downloading from the IBM Linux
   Affinity website. Anyone running this version is advised to follow the
   recommendations above to limit their vulnerability.

   We  working  with  the  changes  for  version  3.4 and will have a new
   package  availble for download as soon as possible. When available the
   new packages can be downloaded from:


   This    site   contains   Linux   Affinity   applications   containing
   cryptographic  algorithms,  and  new  users  of this site are asked to
   register first.


   Lotus products are not vulnerable to this problem.

 Mandrake Software

   MandrakeSoft  released  OpenSSH  3.3p1  in  updates  Monday  night  to
   mitigate   this  vulnerability.  Updates  to  OpenSSH  3.4p1  will  be
   available for download later this week.

 Microsoft Corporation

   Microsoft  products  are  not  affected by the issues detailed in this

 Network Appliance

   NetApp systems are not vulnerable to this problem.


   See http://www.openbsd.org/errata.html#sshd


   See http://www.openssh.com/txt/preauth.adv

 Process Software

   MultiNet,  TCPware,  and  SSH  for  OpenVMS  are  not  affected by the
   problems outlined in this advisory.

 RedHat Inc.

   Red  Hat  Linux  versions 7, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 as well as Red Hat Linux
   Advanced  Server  version  2.1  ship  with  OpenSSH. The Red Hat Linux
   OpenSSH  packages  were  not  compiled  with  either  BSD_AUTH or SKEY
   enabled,  therefore  in  order  to  be vulnerable to this issue a user
   would    need    to    have    enabled    the   configuration   option
   "PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt"  in  their  sshd  configuration file (the
   default is disabled).

   We  are  continuing to investigate this vulnerability and will release
   updated packages where appropriate.


   At this time, SGI does not ship OpenSSH as a part of IRIX.

   The  OpenSSH  privilege separation code mostly works with IRIX, but it
   uses  a  flag to mmap that isn't in IRIX (MAP_ANON) for compression so
   you can't have both on at the same time. IRIX doesn't ship with PAM so
   a lot of the PAM issues aren't issues for us.

   The  CERT/CC  thanks  Theo  de  Raadt and Markus Friedl of the OpenSSH
   project for their technical assistance in producing this advisory.

   Author: Cory F. Cohen

   This document is available from:

CERT/CC Contact Information

   Email: cert@cert.org
          Phone: +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
          Fax: +1 412-268-6989
          Postal address:
          CERT Coordination Center
          Software Engineering Institute
          Carnegie Mellon University
          Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

   CERT/CC   personnel   answer  the  hotline  08:00-17:00  EST(GMT-5)  /
   EDT(GMT-4)  Monday  through  Friday;  they are on call for emergencies
   during other hours, on U.S. holidays, and on weekends.

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   We  strongly  urge you to encrypt sensitive information sent by email.
   Our public PGP key is available from

   If  you  prefer  to  use  DES,  please  call the CERT hotline for more

Getting security information

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   our web site

   To  subscribe  to  the CERT mailing list for advisories and bulletins,
   send  email  to majordomo@cert.org. Please include in the body of your

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   Copyright 2002 Carnegie Mellon University.

   Revision History
     June 26, 2002: Initial release

Version: PGP 6.5.8
