"SLC6X: cern/utilities: hepix

hepix - HEPiX login scripts

License: GPL
Vendor: CERN
The HEPiX login scripts customize your shell environment
to provide a unique feeling across HEP sites.


hepix-4.10.1-0.slc6.noarch [43 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2020-11-04):
- remove references to AFS /afs/cern.ch/group and related 'fall-through' options
- avoid warning for non-existing /afs/cern.ch/aleph for ALEPH/xu
hepix-4.9.10-0.slc6.noarch [43 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2019-12-16):
- update FRONTIER_SERVER variable for ATLAS/zp
hepix-4.9.9-0.slc6.noarch [43 KiB] Changelog by Ben Morrice (2019-12-06):
- add simple fix for egrep on el8
hepix-4.9.8-0.slc6.noarch [43 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2019-09-10):
- ALICE/z2 non-interactive 'csh' fix from S.Traylen
hepix-4.9.7-0.slc6.noarch [43 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2019-05-29):
- ATLAS/zp changes for in-container filesystem access
hepix-4.9.6-0.slc6.noarch [42 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2019-04-25):
- DELPHI/xx now uses only CVMFS
hepix-4.9.5-3.slc6.noarch [42 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2019-04-03):
- add group scripts for 'z5'
hepix-4.9.4-0.slc6.noarch [42 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2018-10-02):
- fix HPX_WANTS_AFS for tcsh; remove periodic AFS token checks; interactive shells no longer source AFS unless specified
hepix-4.9.3-0.slc6.noarch [42 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2018-06-14):
- fix CVMFS location for 'wj'
hepix-4.9.2-0.slc6.noarch [42 KiB] Changelog by Jan Iven (2018-06-14):
- fix CVMFS location for 'wj'
hepix-4.0.14-1.slc6.noarch [28 KiB] Changelog by Cristian Contescu (2017-11-27):
- Add hook to allow sourcing of computing group scripts from /etc/hepix/{c,}sh/GROUP
hepix-4.0.13-1.slc6.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Thomas Oulevey (2012-07-27):
- Change low sapce message warning 

- Tue Mar 27 2012  Jan van Eldik <[email protected]> - 4.0.13-0.slc6
- eliminate internal variable $HPX_SYSTEM_HOME
- empty file /etc/hepix/motd
hepix-4.0.13-0.slc6.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2012-03-27):
- eliminate internal variable $HPX_SYSTEM_HOME
- empty file /etc/hepix/motd
hepix-4.0.12-0.slc6.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2012-01-16):
* bug fix: typo in /etc/hepix/csh/HEP/csh.cshrc
hepix-4.0.11-0.slc6.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2012-01-09):
* re-introduce EDITOR variable (Trac #34)
hepix-4.0.10-0.slc6.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2011-12-02):
* bug fix: typo in /etc/hepix/csh/HEP/csh.cshrc
hepix-4.0.8-0.slc6.noarch [28 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2011-11-04):
- Fourth round of cleanups
hepix-4.0.6-0.slc6.noarch [28 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2011-11-01):
- Second round of cleanups
  - remove /etc/hepix/{,c}sh/SITE directories
hepix-4.0.4-0.slc6.noarch [36 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2011-10-26):
- No longer massage MANPATH
- Fix broken GROUPPATH
hepix-4.0.3-0.slc6.noarch [36 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2011-10-25):
- Major cleanup: remove all non-CERN-specific bits, only retain:
  - sourcing of group environments under /afs/cern.ch/group/XX
  - some CERN-specific environment variables
hepix-3.10.1-1.slc6.noarch [35 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2011-08-30):
- fix for (rare...) case where `fs lq ~` output is not properly handled. See INC039175
- More cleanups
hepix-3.10.0-1.slc6.noarch [35 KiB] Changelog by Jan van Eldik (2011-06-06):
- Remove obsolete environment variables:
  - XFILESEARCHPATH (points to non-existent directories on SLC6)
- Redefine EDITOR="nano -w" (was: "pico -w")
- Drop documentation under /usr/share/doc/hepix-3.10.0/old/
- Integrate into LinuxSupport Trac

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